Chapter 57: [To lose? 】

[The second is more! Ask for a ticket! 】
The next day.
Yuetan Stadium.
The atmosphere is filled with a tense atmosphere, as if the storm is going to the silence. Xu Yan, deputy director led the members of the West City team to step into the stadium from the side of the door, looking at the Chengdong team wearing a red jersey that had been warming up on the lawn in the distance. Xu Yan’s face was cleared and he turned back in the face of a dozen players. I swept over and over, "I will say the last time! Our goal is only victory! Let's bring up the spirit! Don't lose face to the West Branch!"
Today's game is very crucial. Many people in the branch have been called to come on, and Tan Limei, Chang Juan and even Lao Yan have come. Guo Panwei, the pile is still the main starting, Xu is Xiaogao and another official team was injured yesterday, Guo Shunjie also got the qualification of the main force, everyone took off the jacket and entered the venue to start warming up. Dong Xuebin and the other two substitutes stood behind Xu Yan and Li Qing, looking at the stadium under the awning.
On the other hand, the position of Xu Yan’s deputy political commissar is not far from Dong Xuebin, only a few meters apart.
Xu Yan took a bag and looked at her sideways, her eyes a little cold.
Xu Yan also turned her head and squeezed a smile at Xu Yan. "...Would you like to lose a few balls?"
Xu Yan’s eyebrows are a group.
This is exactly what I want to ask you.

"Oh, don't know where you are coming from, then let's go."
Xu Yan is also estimated to give the team a task that must be won. Before the war, the team and their respective leaders have faintly smelled a gunpowder smell, very strong. The referee was the one who was in the mailing room of the city bureau yesterday. When the two parties were ready, they blew a whistle.
The Chengdong team kicked the ball and the two feet quickly passed, which broke the midfield line.
Xu Yan’s gesture of making a loudspeaker by hand: "Attack! Press!"
The people of the Chengdong team seem to have played a stimulant. One is more powerful than the other, and no matter what the backcourt defends, it is overwhelming. Touch, a pass error ball was broken by the small team of the Western Commissioner of the City West, but before the counterattack of Dong Xuebin's teammates, a sneaker with a shoe spike was killed from the side. The disciplinary committee’s buddies were shocked and hurry to hide. As a result, the ball was shoveled and returned to the foot of the Chengdong team.
The scene is a bit intense and somewhat urgent.
Dong Xuebin secretly clenched his fist, fouled, penalty kick, foul, penalty kick. Hey, he suddenly felt that he was too bad. His teammates and leaders were extremely eager to win, but they were praying that everyone would fall into a backward stalemate, and let people know what they were expecting, and they had to be killed by their teammates.
Dudu! The whistle rang!
Dong Xuebin looked up and saw the pile lying on the ground with his feet screaming. The other player next to a red hurd vest spread his hands innocently and kept talking to the referee. The referee looked down at the pile and hesitated and slammed the yellow card to warn the other player.
Xu Yan didn't do it. "Let's lift the legs too high!" How is it just a yellow card!?"
Dong Xuebin’s heart stunned and saw that the pile was still falling. He pulled a substitute player and immediately rushed over to spray the therapeutic agent on his foot.
Pillars! How? Not so bad?
Dong Xuebin Knowing the character of the pile, he is not the kind of person who will hold garlic. Since the expression is so painful, it is definitely not installed.
The pile biting sweat and shook his head slightly. "Oh... I can't kick...".
"Nothing, I will help you down." Dong Xuebin helped him to go outside the court, and the substitute gestured to Xu Yan.
Xu Yan’s face sank and stared at the referee’s eyes.
The people of the West Bank did not accept the referee. "He didn't shovel the ball! It's obviously going to the people!"
"Red card! Give red card!"
Xu Yan is facing Xu Yandao: "I think it is the fake fall of your team? Is it shovel?"
You just fell off! Dong Xuebin was angry, and the fire gradually came up. The game began to appear four times in five minutes. The dangerous shovel action appeared four times. If it wasn’t for Xu Yan’s layout, would the city’s team dare to play like this? Don't say this is a friendly match, even if the World Cup finals can't be played so! This is definitely for the West Branch and Xu Yan!
Tan Limei ran over and grabbed the spray from Dong Xuebin's hand to spray the pill, and her eyes were red.
Dong Xuebin was not a taste. Xu Yan, who had bitten his cheeks and looked at his eyes, wrote down the account.
In the end, there was no way to replace the pile with the substitute of Dong Xuebin. After this, the anger of the members of the West Coast team was hooked up, and the lower foot was also a little more than before. When the ball was attacked, it was swearing in the mouth, regardless of whether the leader was not watching.
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
The Chengdong team is still shoveling people, regardless of whether they will eat cards.
Just at the end of the first half of the game, a scream rang!
The other party secretly made an action on the 13th in the head of the ball, and used his elbows in the air to lie on the back of a member of the political department of the city. The man flew out obliquely, his arm on the ground, and fell on the lawn without any no more!
The referee's angle did not see the action, and the beep whistled, but did not give the yellow card.
Dong Xuebin and many people have made it clear that his face is white and he shouted: "The red card is enough!"
The members of the City West team were angry and surrounded the referee. "There is action on his arm!"
"Your nephew? Can't you see this?"
As a result, the referee not only did not change his judgment, but instead waved his hand at the scorpion and showed his yellow card!
Xu Yan’s expression is ugly. I can think of the leadership on the phone yesterday who reprimanded himself to take the overall situation as a priority. Xu Yan is inhaling.
... Don’t say it! Continue the game!

The first half ended very quickly, the city team ate a yellow card, the city team was four, the score is still zero to zero.
At the time of the break, a teammate from six said: "Leader, this group of people played too dirty, is this still called football?"
Another person complained: "The referee is also facing their team! Can't play!"
Xu Yan’s face was screaming, apparently also angered by their rogue play. She even suspected that Xu Yan’s purpose was probably not to win the game, but to drag the score into a draw and let the West Coast team bear eight games. Shame, or want to make the backup team on their own side clean, so that no one can change the city west team, so there are few people on the field!
Due to the injury, today the City West team only came to the three substitutes, and there is Dong Xuebin, the goalkeeper, the player who was injured before the end of the midfield must be replaced, the city team in the afternoon has no one to change, If someone is injured again, can't you let Xiao Dong, the goalkeeper, play the center guard or striker?
I have to lose! ?
[The second is more! Ask for a ticket! 】

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