Chapter 577: [Working with beautiful women]

in the afternoon.
The sun is like a fire, shining.
The inspection team left, the work of respecting the old model has come to an end, and there is nothing Dong Xuebin can be busy. The task of the arrangement has been arranged. The rest is waiting for the quota to pass, so I added two days of classes on Saturday and Sunday. Dong Xuebin was a little tired and had a meal. He took a vacation directly to himself during the lunch break. He drove slowly out of the unit and prepared to take a bath to take a bath. The day was too hot.
He was not very familiar with Nanshan District. He drove down the road and searched for the bath. He then called the cell phone in the sub-seat.
Dong Xuebin did not look at the number and reached out. "Hello, who?"
"How? Delete the number of your old leader? Hehe." It is a female voice.
"Hey, it’s Xu Sister, hey, I dare to delete your number, I’m driving, I don’t care.

Xu Yan smiled and said: "Your boy, I have been in the city for more than a week, I don't know if you want to have a meal with Xu Dajie, forget your older sister?"
Dong Xuebin said: "I don't know, you don't know. I have worked overtime on both weekends. I am so busy."
"Don't be too hard, you should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, um, is there any space today?"
"You are all talking, you have time to have time." Dong Xuebin slowed down the speed and smiled: "Now, I will ask you to eat at night?"
"I also added a day shift, and I have a rest today. Well, you have nothing else, come over and look for me now?"
"Well, is that going to your family's home or about a place?"
"Come to the home of the country, and also in your Nanshan District, I will give you an address." Xu Yan asked: "What car are you driving?"
"... Cayenne."
"What about Mercedes? Is it a change?"
"Oh, change it early."
"Okay, you don't have to worry about driving slowly."
Put down the phone, Dong Xuebin is also tǐng want Xu Yan to look at the address just recorded, a dozen of the steering wheel lost a head, all the way to open.
After half an hour.
Behind the alley behind the street, a very inconspicuous neighborhood entered the sight of Dong Xuebin. There seems to be only one building in the small area of ​​the community. The age is not very new. It is not far from the modern commercial district and high-rise buildings. The residential community has formed a stark contrast. Those who don’t know it are definitely not clear that this is the address of the family building of the State Council of the Luzhou City, and the municipal departments and government units and the municipal party committee are generally in Xiping District. There are some units in the city and family, but not much.
As soon as the car approached, the guard saw the Cayenne and opened the railing for a while.
Dong Xuebin understood that Xu Yan had called the guard room. Otherwise, the family members of this sensitive department could not enter the name of the director of the street office.
One unit, six floors.
Hey, hey, Dong Xuebin pressed the doorbell.
Oops, the door opened, a middle-aged beauty, with a smile, opened the door without hesitation. "Come?" Sideways let him enter the house and close the door.
"Sister Xu, I bought something on the road, and it’s late late."
"You net this half, your big sister's house is nothing, what do you buy?"
"I haven't seen you for a long time. I can't come empty. I'm going to have a meal with your family at night. I don't take anything, I am so embarrassed."
"Oh, not that much attention, well, just sit down."
I don't know why, Xu Yan wears a tight-fitting body that is very 〗 〖Yu, and the tight-fitting black sè is wrapped in two pieces of meat, and the upper body is a long-sleeved shirt with high hair. High plate, not stepping on the slippers at the foot, but a pair of〗 〖Sports shoes, seeing Dong Xuebin a burst of hot eyes, sneak a sneak peek at her plump figure, Xu Yan this year's people, with a beautiful description perhaps Still almost, but a charm still can still afford, Dong Xuebin can not help but have some thoughts on her, but when she thinks that Xu Dajie is more than forty, Dong Xuebin hastened to suppress this. Thought, coughing. Xu Yan is a person he respects very much. He can go so smoothly in the system. It is absolutely inseparable from Xu Yan’s support in the West National Security Branch of the Capital City. Therefore, Dong Xuebin feels that she has some thoughts about her. Oh, it’s too stressless.
After a while, two cups of herbal tea were put on the coffee table.
Dong Xuebin took a sip and slammed his body down for a while. "Xu Sister, are you looking for me?"
Xu Yan smiled. "What? If you can't find your kid with nothing?"
"Oh, it doesn't mean that." Dong Xuebin laughed.
Sitting next to Xu Yan smiled and patted the back of his hand. "There is something, but it is not too big. It is mainly that your older sister is alone with the family and is okay. I want to talk to someone."
Dong Xuebin said: "Then you can find the right person, talk to me, what do you talk about?"
Xu Yan Yi Qiao Erlang tuǐ, that rich and big tuǐ is closer to Dong Xuebin.
Do you do things first, talk while you are talking?

Do you work? This made Dong Xuebin slightly blush, always felt a bit ambiguous, so embarrassing, you?

"When I was with Dafeng County last time, didn't you let me teach me how to practice my hand? Come, look at the two girls, and give me some advice." Xu Yan took his shoulder, first Standing up, "the clothes are also changed, the room is also picked up, do you need to change it?" That time, with Dongfeng Bin of Dafeng County singled out the master of the Korean track-changing in the swimming pool, Director Xu did tell him. Once, but there was no time at the time. I didn’t expect Xu Bureau to talk about it casually. Eighty percent is what kind of assessment is in Guoan.
Dong Xuebin said: "I don't change, but you can get your hands on it."
Xu Yan pointed to him. "I don't know your combat power. This should be what I told you. What are you still modest with me? Go, this house."
This room is not chuáng, the floor is wooden floor, it is very clean and very spacious.
As soon as I came in, I saw Xu Yan tightening his clothes. "The shooting method is no problem. I have practiced it before and I have never lost it. However, I have been in the civil service in the past few years, but I have fallen a lot in my hand. Come and accompany. Your older sister, I am looking for a feeling, otherwise there will be any sudden tasks in the future, and my old body can not be eaten."
Dong Xuebin flattered: "What are you, you are the right year."
"The man is forty years, and the woman forty is the bean curd."
"Nothing!" Dong Xuebin, he wondered if he was told by Xu Yan about the ordering of the wedding banquet. He quickly opened the topic: "What does that accompany you?"
"Just make an enemy."
"it is good."
"Be careful, can your older sister not keep it?"
"come on."
The voice just fell, this is a calm and quiet Xu Yan eyeballs stunned, and took a step forward, and grabbed Dong Xuebin's arm. Dong Xuebin actually didn't take it seriously. Director Xu is his old leader. He has never seen the struggle of Xu Bureau, and he didn't think about it. After all, he is a forty-something, or a woman. Dong Xuebin? A young and old man, can't you still get her? Therefore, Dong Xuebin is not prepared to use k and p to cheat, and his actual combat ability is also very good.
The next time Dong Xuebin regrets it!
This 丫 丫 硬 和 和 和 和 和 和 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐 徐Light, somehow, the body suddenly floated up, the brain was dizzy, and the back of the touch came with a painful touch. The blink of an eye was actually turned over by Xu Yan!
I rely on!
No! ?
Xu Yanzhen’s momentum was slightly received, and he smiled:
Don’t play with me seriously?

Dong Xuebin got up from the floor and said halo: "You still have a big drop in your hand? Have you practiced Sanda before?"
"Oh, those who have just entered the national security have had training in this area, not Sanda. Basically, they are specializing in a system of enemies. They have practiced some."
Dong Xuebin finally put away the heart of Xiao Yan, thinking about whether she can let her stumble, and shame.
"Come on?"
"it is good."
Xu Yan’s eyes have changed back. It’s hard to imagine that a woman who has been in the office for more than a decade will have such a murderous look, and the two will once again be together!
Dong Xuebin screamed, but it was a blink of an eye and Xu Yan gave a shoulder drop!
Really walked over the shoulder! Dong Xuebin did not even resist it! After blinking, I was still lying on the ground, and my body was hurting.
Xu Yan shook his head and said: "You kid can't do anything seriously? Deliberately let me?"
I am going! The buddies have done their best! What fighting power do you have! I still use this to teach me? You are kidding!
Dong Xuebin has always been modest, but he never imagined that modest is actually Xu Yan!
This skill is still not called?
Let it go! Three or five great men are estimated to be close to your body!
However, Dong Xuebin is also very sparring spirit stood up with a smile and continued to work with Xu Yan. In fact, Dong Xuebin wants to let down Xu Yan. Even if she is so powerful, she is obviously not the opponent of Dong Xuebin, but it does not make sense. Xu Dajie wants to resume recovery and find someone to try, so Dong Xuebin Just stay with him, and he didn't have the courage to put down Xu Dajie.
three times……
Five times...
ten times……
Dong Xuebin was fell on the wooden floor again and again.
Xu Yan's strength is not too big, it should be a lot worse than Dong Xuebin, but this skill makes it too in place. If Dong Xuebin does not rely on k or the like, he can really take Xu Yan by his own strength. There is no way, and one can't hold on to it. This kind of combat power is rarely seen by Dong Xuebin. In particular, he also appeared in a middle-aged beauty, so that Dong Xuebin's impression of Xu Yan suddenly changed. .
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