Chapter 595: [You are finished! 】

at night.
Guo Mingfeng's home.
I heard that Guo Mingfeng and his lover were talking about the 〗 〖Books in the district committee. Dong Xuebin knew that the opportunity had come. He treated the enemy. Dong Xuebin has always been polite. He has always been very wicked, recording? This is not the best means, the purpose xìng is too strong, and the current level of technology, recording fraud is not impossible to achieve, and there is a great possibility that the violent out of Dong Xuebin is behind the scenes manipulator, this is not the best way There is no level at all. Dong Xuebin has a more ethical idea waiting for Guo Mingfeng. He wants to let Guo, who is surnamed Guo, never turn over again. People who are arguing with Dong Xuebin often have to pay a painful price!
Guo Mingfeng, Guo Mingfeng!
The buddy looks at you and how to turn over this time!
K forty seconds!
Time suddenly retreated!
Outside, the conversation between Guo Mingfeng and his wife returned to the previous moment!
"Dong Xuebin is all right now, what do you do in the future?" ".................."
"Speak, what should I do?"
"Let's see it, anyway, he can't take me anyway."
"People are the top leaders, can you take it away?"
Dong Xuebin sneered, after using K, quickly checked the remaining time under MENU, barely enough, and continued the P command!
Time is still!
Dong Xuebin walked sideways from the half-opening door of the inner house to the living room. Seeing Guo Mingfeng smoking his cigarette and watching his wife open his mouth, he did not move. He strode up and left to look at the right and did not find what he was looking for. So Dong Xuebin simply bent over and smashed a few pockets of MōGuo Mingfeng with his hand. Still, Dong Xuebin frowned and said where it was. After a while, his eyes fell on the cushion covered by the sofa arm, and his eyes glanced. He reached out and opened the mat. Sure enough, Guo Mingfeng’s cell phone was lying there quietly, probably thrown here by him.
found it!
Dong Xuebin immediately grabbed his mobile phone and put the thin small cushion back in place. Then he stepped back to the back of the wall of the master bedroom and silently lifted P!
Time has returned!
"You don't understand this. If other people are okay, but Dong Xuebin is much worse. Soon after he took office, all aspects of the relationship have not arrived. Second, you also heard about the wedding banquet. Dong Xuebin has offended the princes of Yuehua and Wang Anshi in one breath. Now his relationship with the district is very poor. This is the most important thing for him, and I can still have new subjects on it. Dong Xuebin will not move, and Dong Xuebin will move me. There is no evidence area to agree."
Hearing this again, Dong Xuebin was not angry. He laughed happily and pulled out his mobile phone. On the mobile phone of Guo Mingfeng, a number was dialed by the district committee. Wang Anshi’s mobile phone number is not a secret. Some people with a certain identity can find out, but the numbers are owned, but more are for display. Under normal circumstances, people like Dong Xuebin have Wang Anshi. Sī people mobile phone number can not directly give him a fight to the past Dong Xuebin is not a member of the district committee, and the relationship with the king 〖 book〗 did not go to that step, to find the king 〖 book〗 will definitely go directly to the district office building or play To the public number of the Tibetan secretary, the king's sī person number is estimated to be never possible to fight. However, when Dong Xuebin dialed the first few, he found that Guo Mingfeng had a phone call from Wang Anshi. The phone book automatically displayed the matching number. Obviously, Guo Mingfeng did not know where to find it and saved it.
Looking at the number, Dong Xuebin pressed the dial button!
Toot, toot, toot...
The phone is connected, Dong Xuebin is anxiously waiting for the quick pick, please pick it up, but don't pick it up.
One second...two seconds
..., three seconds...
"At the new section, I am going to move around and estimate that the wind has passed. I am sure I have to go up one level."
"Ah? Can you promote?"
"I helped Xue Qingrong's son so busy and waited for things to go. Xue Qingrong wouldn't look at Dong Xuebin's shoes for me. This is called meritorious deeds. I may be blessed in disguise!"
"That said, you offended Dong Xuebin or a good move?"
The outside outhouse is hot, and the phone is connected!
Wang Anshi’s majestic voice rang at the end.
Hey, which one?
Dong Xuebin’s spirit rose and immediately ordered a P!
Time has solidified again!
Listening to the quiet surroundings, Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and walked to the living room sideways. Guo Mingfeng and his wife on the sofa, smiled, strode forward and carefully turned Guo Mingfeng on the phone. The mobile phone was placed under the cushion of the sofa armrest, stuffed in, the mat was covered, and then Dong Xuebin turned back to the master bedroom, inhaling, and the sound P was lifted!
Time is coming!
District Committee 〖Book〗 Wang Anshi is a little late to work today, at this moment is sitting on the way home Audi, the phone rang, but the number does not know, he picked up and fed.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
No one answered at that end.
Wang Anshi, Emei Road, feed? Hey?

However, he did not have any accidents. Wang Anshi knew that his number was on many cadres' mobile phones. Wang had too many surnames and was easy to mess up. Wang Anshi’s name was not respected directly in the phone book storage, so Wang Anshi knew that many cadres had phone books. The above storage is written with "An Shi 〗 〖Book", An Shi 〗 〖Book, the first letter of An word is, the first number of letters, so as long as there is his number on the phone, the basic Wang Anshi will be shot in the first place, others sometimes forget to lock the keyboard, accidentally touched in the pocket of kù, will also directly hit Wang Anshi mobile phone, this situation Wang Anshi has long experience, almost every other month he will I received one or two calls that I accidentally made a mistake. So there was no sound at the end, and Wang Anshi had no surprises.
Just waiting for Wang Anshi to hang up the phone, his name appeared on the phone.
" it a good move?" is the voice of a f-woman.
"It’s true that Le’s point of view is said that he is offended when he is offended. He is not Wang Anshi.

"Hey, if Wang Jing has been provoked, I see you scared to get up early."
Wang Anshi, who was just about to hang up, had a hand in his arm and frowned in the car, not hanging up.
I continued to listen quietly, but this does not matter, Wang Anshi’s face changed at that time!
That is the voice of a man. "What happened to Wang Anshi? He said that he climbed the high branch and accidentally went up with a relationship in his wife's house. Do you say that he really has the ability? I don't think it will be seen. I have seen him in recent years. The head of the Yuehua District was pressed, and the first and second handles were almost flat."
"You are a bad family."
"What are you doing?"
"嫉妒人家媳fù家世好! The figure is better than me!" "This is not true. One time I went to the district committee last year, I didn't pay attention to it at a corner. I bumped into it with Wang Anshi, and my elbow just topped her. On the room of rǔ, tǐng is soft, but it is obviously padded with ōng pads, or I am a good figure.

"Don't worry about it."
"You man, I even swear by the district committee 〖Book〗, I can't mō you?"
"Go and go, it's time to eat."
"Oh, you are so much better than Wang Anshi."
"Don't be stinky! You have the ability to say in front of Wang Anshi! You can!" Master bedroom.
Hearing this, Dong Xuebin’s brains are hard to listen to.
The laughter in the living room is still going on. Guo Mingfeng analyzed it for a long time. Apparently, he felt that he might be a step forward. He was in a very good mood. He went into the kitchen with his wife and talked about laughing and laughing while cooking the evening meal. Suddenly, the phone on the sofa rang.
Bells, bells, and bells are very urgent.
"Bake the dish B, I pick up the electric nose." Guo Mingfeng went out to a mobile phone, just to pick up,
After seeing the number, he was scared. "Hey!" "What?" asked the wife in the kitchen.
"It was Wang Anshi who came over." "Wang Anshi? District Committee 〖Book〗?" "Hey, don't talk." Guo Mingfeng is not clear, so I really can't think of the King 〗 〖Book how to suddenly call him, so hurried l Take out a respectful expression, 1 carefully pick up "Hey, Wang 〗 〖Book, hello, hello me? Hey, I am Guo Mingfeng of Guangming Street Office, you read, feed? Hello? Wang〗 〖Book? Wang 〖Book〗 Remember you are listening?" The phone was suddenly hung up by that end.
The wife came out with concern: "What happened? What did you say to you?"
Guo Mingfeng suspicion: "Wang 〖Book〗 will ask me who I am, I will hang up after I said it."
"I made a mistake." The wife shook her head.
Guo Mingfeng thought about it too. What is the identity of the district committee 〖Book〗, how could he contact him, it must be the wrong call. "I said it is also ~ This episode, Guo Mingfeng did not take seriously child.
But Dong Xuebin in the house was happy when he heard it. The purpose was already reached. He had no reason to stay here, and ordered a P!
Time stops!
Dong Xuebin stepped out and wanted to open the door and go upstairs, but after thinking about it, he looked back at the direction of the kitchen. He walked up and took a picture of Guo Mingfeng’s shoulder, and there was some sympathy in his expression. It is sympathy, "You can really, even the district committee 〖Book〗 remembers the lover, Mrs. Yan also dare mō? Even the tongue of the district committee 〖Book〗 also dare to chew? Also said that people rely on women's superior? Also said others My wife's ōng脯tǐng is soft? You really have the ability, I admire you too much, if you can't get off the stage this time, then Dong Xuebin will walk backwards in the future!"
Guo Mingfeng and his wife did not move, of course, could not hear this.
After all, Dong Xuebin patted him with emotion and turned to the door and stood in the corridor, closing the security door with his backhand!
P is released!
Turned to the floor, Dong Xuebin’s gaze went to the door of Guo Mingfeng’s house and shook his head and smiled. Grandson, you are finished, you are absolutely finished! .
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