Chapter 627: [I'm not right! 】

Outside the office.
Second floor, corridor.
Huang Shizhong has now been overwhelmed by his daughter’s assault. One of the principals was bombarded by Huang Shizhong, and Qian Dong also with several civilian police officers.
"Yu has already reported the case to the bureau, let's go." Qian Dongdao.
A populist was wary, "Is it still reported? He still wants to bring the Dong."
"Isn't it said that Secretary Dong promised not to pursue Huang Tingting for their withdrawal?"
"Wang Huang does not agree? If you stay in school, although the punishment is relatively heavy, but the student status is not affected, you can cancel it later."
In fact, they are a few miles away, and they are eager to withdraw earlier. They can listen to Huang Shizhong’s attitude. Several people are still awkward.
Qian Dong also couldn't understand. I couldn't help but look at the headmaster of the middle school. In fact, the two of them had long been acquainted with each other. "You said that Secretary Huang really didn't know or didn't know?"
The principal smiled hard. "How do I understand, I really don't know."
Qian Dong has no words yet
Who is Dong Xuebin? There was hardly any cadre in Yantai County. Huang Shizhong first came to see it. At that time, Dong Xuebin was transferred to the urban area. It is normal for Huang Shizhong not to know him. But if Huang Shizhong actually knows who Dong Xuebin is, he understands. It’s inconceivable that there will be some high-level struggles involved. It’s not that Qian Donghe’s principal, they can get in. The headmaster of the school just clicked in the office, but Huang Shizhong did not ask, but It is not ruled out that there are other possibilities. In the event that the Secretary Huang was instigated, who deliberately wanted to take this matter to make a letter to Dong Xuebin? There are quite a few vengeful gods in Yantai County. Therefore, after the middle school principal clicked on it, he did not say more. If the director Huang really wants to be stupid with the mirror, the principal is not offended. people?
But no matter what, Huang Shizhong’s handling of this matter, several people feel that it has passed.
It’s not appropriate for Dong Xuebin to beat people, but at least it’s because of the fact that Huang Tingting’s bullying and bullying are indeed beyond the bottom line. They also put the video online for people to preview, and the nature is too bad. It is absolutely unreasonable to retire, but now Director Dong has stepped back because of the influence of minors, only let them apologize, and pursue a sorrowful punishment, with the energy of Huang Shizhong, later It is also a breeze to revoke this punishment, but it is only a loss on the face, but who can make your daughter murder first? Moreover, a medical fee can be obtained.
As soon as you step back, the problem is solved.
Who wants Huang Shizhong to actually refuse to agree! Also through the public inspection procedures to solve!
Not only did she not let her daughter apologize, but she did not let her daughter dispose of it. She also kept saying that she had beaten someone first, and then had the following video? Still want to let Dong Xuebin die in the aftermath? This is too much, what can your daughter bully be so understated by you? Not to mention that you have not been able to take up the post of Huang Shizhong, even if it is the county party secretary, he thought that he would like to hang on Dong Xuebin, and he would have to ponder over the book. Are you Huang Shizhong still better than the book? Don't you be afraid of things getting into trouble? Don't you know how bad your daughter's behavior is?
When I think about it, Qian Dong thinks that Huang Shizhong may not really know who Dong Xuebin is, or if he is really beaten by his daughter, and think that you are a serious leader who is dealing with a long-dead cadre on his own site. Easy thing?
Maybe it’s like someone else, but is Dong Xuebin an average person?
No matter what Qian Dong is, since Huang Shizhong himself is going to die, he can't stop him.
Shortly after.
A Chinese medical office.
Huang Shizhong’s decisive attitude was passed to Dong Xuebin’s ear. Dong Xuebin’s sigh, and he was so angry that he sneered aloud. You are a Huang Shizhong, and your buddy gave me a face to recite the book. I want to solve it as soon as possible. You still don’t care for me. Woke up? Don't plan to apologize to your daughter? Not planning to give your daughter a penalty? Is it that my family first hit someone? Still clamoring to get us into the detention center?
Let's go!
Give your face a shameless thing! Are you really taking yourself? ?
Dong Xuebin was fired, and he read it out from Huang Shizhong’s nature. This old thing must have been pressured by the people before, so he is arrogant when he is the Secretary of Education. Okay! You can't do it! Do you think that your buddies will not be able to serve as soft persimmons when they are not in Yantai County? Still taking power to pressure me? You are so happy! I am to see who has pressed!
"Uncle, or else, or else forget it." Pouted.
Dong Xuebin touched her hair. "Forget it? It can't be considered!"
After picking up the mobile phone, Dong Xuebin called Duan Zhengan a phone call. "Hey, Duan Shuzheng, I don't want to give you a face. Now Huang is a big official. I let her daughter apologize to my child. He doesn't agree. It is also said that her daughter’s beating is a cause of cause. It is my family who beat them first and buckled the scorpion to us. This is not a nonsense thing! You said, can I bear this?

What happened to the matter, people with clear eyes can see it, Duan Zhengan listened, but also frowned at the moment, what Huang Shizhong did!
"I know." Duan Zhengan did not persuade him.
Hanging the line here, Dong Xuebin immediately called a few more calls.
As a director of the Education Bureau, do you engage in malpractice? Boldly give your daughter green?
Well, then, what about your education bureau, Dong Xuebin will take care of you!
After the phone call was over, Dong Xuebin walked out of the infirmary with a shackle. "Go, it should be eaten."
In the corridor, several police officers from the public security bureau had already had a hard look on the floor, just in time with Dong Xuebin, and the police officers were all in a hurry. They didn't want to come, they really didn't want to come, but now someone has reported the case, and it is reported that it is a badly influential hit, and they don't come.
"Director Dong," said the head of the police: "I have something to investigate with you."
Dong Xuebin did not Holding the hand of Xiao Yan and passing them by, they went down the stairs and did not accept the investigation.
The police officers looked at each other and they were all laughing and laughing.
There are so many people present, but no one dares to force Dong Xuebin to retain.
The name of the addiction is as good as the ear, not to mention this, Dong Xuebin's prestige in the public security system is not the same as the general, let alone Dong Xuebin has another identity, arresting people? Forced interrogation? To be honest, these police officers never thought about it, and they watched Dong Xuebin go far.
This scene happened to be seen by Huang Shizhong, who had just come out of the office. He couldn’t help but scream at the inaction of the police, but suddenly stopped and his heart snorted.
its not right.
Not right!
Until now, Huang Shizhong was aware of the subtlety of his attitude towards Dong Xuebin.
However, it is already late.
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