Chapter 656: [The official hooligan! 】

Chapter 656 The official rogue! (Seeking a monthly ticket!)
The next day.
early. Street Office.
As soon as the new department entered the street compound, many cadres who came to work enthusiastically greeted him.
"Hey, are you here?"
"Good morning."
Yan Xinke nodded with a smile and was in a good mood. Starting today, Dong Xuebin is going to report to the party school. That is to say, the current comprehensive work of Guangming Street Office is represented by Xinxinke, and it is very likely that it will continue to be
in the future. Shinco was wearing a new suit in the morning, and his hair was very spirited. He walked up the waist and was much straighter than usual.
At this time, the deputy director of the office Yu Rongfeng and the director of the police station Peng Gang also came, Guo Mingfeng stepped down, and the three generals of the Department of the Department also became both of them.
"." Yu Rongfeng's name has changed.
Peng Gang is also a slight smile, "New Branch, so early?"
Yan Xinke smiled. "Is this still early? Then the sun goes to the top of the head."
Peng Gang’s office is obviously at the police station, but today he did not go to the police station and went directly to the street office. Obviously, he was cheering for the new branch, and he was responsible for the comprehensive work of the street. He always had a meeting and they were hardcore. The hustle and bustle of the people, naturally want to charge for a while, in their view, today is the big day for the office to change the dynasty, can not be sloppy, very important.
A few people talked and laughed and went into the office building to discuss the meeting for a while.
But at this moment, a few people suddenly suddenly had some sorrows. When the three newcomers turned back, they saw several members of the court looking at the doorway and stunned.
what happened?
What are you looking at?
Yan Xinke and Peng Gang’s people couldn’t help but turn around and look at the past. Then, like the staff of the office, they squinted their eyes.
A car came in from the doorway!
It is a black Cayenne! It is Dong Xuebin's car!
A lot of staff almost fainted to the ground, I got a ride! Director Dong is not going to the city party school to report in the morning? How come to the street? What is this? Director Dong is crazy? ?
Yan Xinke also felt incredible. After so many days of contact, he also knew that Dong Xuebin’s master was really a thorn, but he couldn’t think of it. Dong Xuebin actually took the thorn to the point, the district committee, When the district head and the organization department met and decided, Dong Xuebin did not take it seriously. The time that should have been reported to the city party school came to the street!
Not complying with organizational decisions?
Is this the name of Dong to rebel? ?
This kind of thing is really the first time everyone sees it, so it’s a little bit stunned!
This is what a country cadre! The orders in the district dare to ignore? ?
Dong Xuebin did not have the rebellious consciousness. He stopped the car slowly in the compound, opened the door and got off the bus. He lowered his cigarette and took a cigarette. He looked around and smiled at everyone and nodded his head. it is good."
"Hey, the director is good."
"Good morning, Director."
Everyone hurriedly said hello, still do not know what the situation.
Dong Xuebin walked idly into the office building and went straight back to his office.
Yan Xinke took a breath and felt that Dong Xuebin could not have such a courage. When he came back, he should hand over the work and immediately drove to the party school to report.
More than twenty minutes have passed.
When I arrived at work, Yan Xinke made a phone call and asked, but found that Dong Xuebin had not gone yet. Even the old had handled the work in the office and the office. Obviously, there was no intention to go to the party school. I went to Xinxin Branch. It is only now clear that the surname Dong is really going to create the opposite of the district! ?
Director Dong did not go to the party school!
This incident suddenly caused an uproar in the office!
"I said, is Director Dong drinking?"
"Not like, look at tǐng sober."
"Wake up, can you do this? I am really convinced!"
"Isn't it, Director Xiao Dong is Director Xiao Dong, and I have completely served it!"
"This is a big deal. Look at it. This time, our bright street office has to show up in the district!"
Zhou Yanru came late today, because Director Dong is not here today, she has no good mood, so she came to work at the time of the work, but as soon as she arrived at the unit, a message was sent to her ear. Zhou Yanru finished listening. When I was shocked, I was so shocked that I slammed my head and almost sweared. I panicked and went upstairs and knocked on the door to Dong Xuebin’s office.
The door opened.
"Director! You are this..."
"Sister Zhou, sit, is there something?" Dong Xuebin is signing documents.
Zhou Yanru didn't know what to say. "You can't do it, the party school...there...this...oh, this can be..."
Seeing that Zhou Dajie’s words are unfavorable, Dong Xuebin is also happy.
Director Zhou, sit down and drink some water.
This time, Dong Xuebin has already sneaked out, and the latter has also been out, so now I am not in a hurry. So, he smiled indifferently: "The work report of the communities I wanted last time has been sorted out. OK, give me a copy for a while, I will look through it."
The sky is falling!
Do you still have a mood to read the work report? ?
The emperor is not in a hurry to eunuch, Zhou Yanru is speechless. It can be seen that Dong Xuebin did not mention the matter. She also did not ask much. Zhou Yanru worked in the system for 20 years. It was the first time that he had seen such an official like Dong Xuebin. People, this is not in the category of wickedness. So, with the district facing it, who else can accommodate you in the entire Nanshan District? This is in the direction of all the district leaders! Expelling public office is light!
Dong Xuebin played big.
Everyone thinks this way.
In the deputy office, Yan Xinke and Yu Rongfeng Peng Gang sat face to face.
Peng Gang’s nephew is very thick.
What does Xin Ke, Dong Xuebin mean?

Yan Xinke shook his head. "I don't know."
"I think he is breaking the cans." Yu Rongfeng said: "The documents that let him go to the party school have already come down. The quotas have also been reported. He is not going to go? Isn’t this to find yourself uncomfortable? Before, maybe Going to the party school may not be able to return completely, but now, hehe."
Peng Gang frowned: "Dong Xuebin is impulsive, but he is not a fool. If he is young, he will be in the position of a junior leader. It is definitely not a matter of luck. He is doing this, maybe..."
Yu Rongfeng laughed and said: "What is wrong?"
Peng Gang shook his head.
"He had a retreat." Yu Rongfeng said: "Now Dong Xuebin has blocked the road by himself, and dared to fight with the district leaders. I have never seen it!"
Yan Xinke laughed. After the initial disbelief, now he has also relaxed. Dong Xuebin’s hand is absolutely beneficial to Yan Xinke. He is not willing to let Dong Xuebin so toss, it is best to take the city leadership. It’s good to be offended, so the position of the director of the street office is 100%. So after Rong Feng and Peng Gang left, Yan Xinke picked up the mobile phone and called the acquaintance of an organization department in the district to order Dong Xuebin's affairs.
The streets of Guangming Street are full of smoke!
The news also quickly spread to the district committee and district government!
The office of the district committee, Wang Anshi just went to the propaganda department to inspect and returned. As soon as he entered the house, the organization minister Xue Qingrong followed.
Xue Qingrong pressed his anger and said: "An Shi, there is something to report to you."
"Oh? What happened?" Wang Anshi looked at his expression strangely and pressed him to sit down.
Xue Qingrong did not sit, inhaled: "Just got a letter from Guangming Street, the director of the office, Dong Xuebin did not go to the party school to report, still working in the street."
Wang Anshi frowned, "Is this something?"
"Yes, I also called Dong Xuebin on this side, but he didn't pick up." Although Xue Qingrong's face is angry, his heart is full of smiles. Heaven has a way, you don't go, has no door, you come in, Dong Xuebin, This is your kid's self-confidence!
After listening to this situation, Wang Anshi also felt incredible, apparently did not expect Dong Xuebin to be so thorny. This order is what he ordered. Dong Xuebin did not care about it. Obviously, he did not take his district committee seriously. Wang Anshi’s face was also very difficult to see. His eyes were cold for a moment, and he still wanted to leave Dong Xuebin. There is room for separation, but now you have given me such a hand? I don't know how! Then don't blame me, Wang Anshi turned his face and didn't recognize people!
at the same time.
District Office.
The bell rings, the bell rings, and the phone rings.
Yan Yuehua, who has stretched a face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, reached out and answered the phone. "Hey, Hao Yuehua!"
"Yuehua District Mayor, it is me. I just heard that Dong Xuebin didn't go to the party school. In the morning, I went to the street office with great fanfare." The voice on the phone was very alarming.
Qiu Yuehua bounced and jumped for three seconds, and then said with no expression: "I know, don't worry about him."
Do not obey the leadership order?
This is not only that simple, Dong Xuebin’s behavior is simply against all leaders!
Destroying the rules of the officialdom, this kind of thing itself has a great impact, so it took only two hours. The bureaus of the bureaus in Nanshan District spread the glorious deeds of Dong Xuebin.
The wind rang The entire Nanshan District heard that the leading cadres of this matter were all fainted by Dong Xuebin’s daring Baotian, paralyzed! What the is this damn! ? After the prostitute of the district committee, the younger brother of the district was drunk into the hospital, learned the leadership of the organization department, grabbed the old-age places in the street, beat the son of the organization minister, and now ignores the decision of the entire Nanshan District Committee. ......
This is simply a rogue mixed in the officialdom!
Only one month before, can you count on your fingers, how many wicked things do you do? ?
Dong Xuebin of Guangming Street Office, now I have no name for this name!
Dong Xuebin is once again famous. Of course, it is not a good name. Now the name is notorious in Nanshan District, just like the stone in the pit!
Now everyone's eyes are concentrated on the district committee and Guangming Street, I want to see how Anshi will deal with Dong Xuebin!
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......! .
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