Chapter 693: [FORWARD's research! 】

the next morning.
The summer sun climbed very early, and I couldn’t wait to jump out of the sun at six o’clock.
In a two-bedroom room on the top floor of the dormitory, Dong Xuebin woke up, and the eyes that were sore by the sun were sore, and there was nothing sleepy. Stepping on the slippers and getting out of bed, stretched out a lazy lazy waist, Dong Xuebin yawned into the bathroom and began to brush his teeth. Yan Meixia and Yan lived in Qianlihua's house yesterday. It is estimated that they will live for a long time. Dong Xuebin is not prepared to disturb their family reunion. He did not call in the past. After simply getting some breakfast and filling up his stomach, Dong Xue Bin looked at the time and was still early from work, so he went to the living room window sill.
But he didn't fight, but Yan Meixia's phone was hit.
Dong Xuebin picked up the mobile phone, and only listened to the big sister who seemed to be deliberately suppressing the voice, secretly said: "Xiao Bin, it is me, have you got up?"
"Where are you, where are you?"
"In my mother's house."
"where are they?"
"They didn't wake up, it seems to be still asleep."
Dong Xuebin couldn't help but smile. Liu Chenglong and Qian Lihua had been divorced for many years. After that, they didn't have a family. After sleeping in a house yesterday, they slept in a bed. Who knows if they are wolves and meet the tiger and leopard? At that time, Dong Xuebin wanted to ask the big sister that she didn’t hear the restlessness last night. But when she thought that it was a parent, Dong Xuebin’s words were not very interesting.
"How are you?" Dong Xuebin asked.
"Well, it's good." Yan Meixia's voice is very warm. "My mother said that I will live with her in the future. I want to ask you..."
Dong Xuebin said: "What are you asking me? You are the owner."
"I see you like her awkwardly, then I will stay?"
"Oh, I like her, you don't like it?"
After talking for a while, Yan Meixia suddenly said: "Xiao Bin, that, I want to borrow a little money from you. I will return it to you after I have finished working. If you look at the party, then? Ah. If you don’t, then you will No, I am when you didn't say it."
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes. "What happened? Where do I need money?"
"Yes... I want to buy something for me, my mother, and my mother. I haven’t been filial and have been with them for so many years. I don’t want to spend their money."
Dong Xuebin said: "Oh, are you still the card number? When the bank opens, I will send you back, 200,000?"
Yan Meixia was shocked. "You don't have to use too much, five thousand will do."
"The 50,000, you keep it, you can't spend it, you can't talk to me enough." For the request of the big sister, Dong Xuebin will not refuse. "... um, thank you."
"Old wife, old wife, do you still use this?"
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin is very pleased, Yan Meixia would rather use her own money than to spend her parents, indicating that her sister is more than her parents, even if the blood is thicker than water, but after all, it is not recognized. How long does it take for a day, so it takes a while for all parties to work together. A family, a warm family, is step by step.
At six o'clock.
Dong Xuebin looked at the time and suddenly moved the active arm, opened the window and took a breath of fresh air in the morning, then squinted at the distant scenery.
Too many things happened yesterday, and Dong Xuebin needs to digest it slowly.
For example, the big sister’s mother and daughter’s recognition...
Such as the discovery of RWARD...
For example, the rescue of Qian Lihua...
Dong Xuebin went through the matter carefully and carefully in one mind and one thing. Finally, the attention was mainly placed on ORWARD, and several conclusions were drawn.
F09WARD will advance the time of the box and get the next day's newspaper. The truth is no longer doubtful. It can be seen from the things that happened to Qian Lihua. The time, place, and passage are exactly the same as those described in the newspaper. Therefore, the effect of ORWARD is real and feasible, which eliminates many doubts of Dong Xuebin. Another conclusion is that the future can be changed. The next day's newspaper appeared in the news report that Qian Lihua was killed in a car accident, but Dong Xuebin changed it and did not let the news happen. This also makes Dong Xuebin F09WARD is full of confidence in the future. You can see the future, you can change it, no one can do it, except him.
Suddenly, there was some movement in the outside corridor.
It seems to be footsteps, and there are some rustling papers.
Dong Xuebin looked at the door and slammed back to the door. He walked up and squatted on the door mirror. He was a man in overalls and sent a newspaper. When Dong Xuebin looked at it, that The man has turned and walked downstairs.
The newspaper is coming.
It was the one I got out with ORWARD yesterday.
Dong Xuebin jumped in his heart and immediately opened the door and went out to see the plastic newspaper box. Dong Xuebin reached out and touched the box key and slowly opened it.
There was a newspaper lying inside.
Dong Xuebin took it out and saw that the date is today.
Going back to the house and closing the door, Dong Xuebin sat down on the sofa, and then spread the South Morning Post and directly glanced at the front page.
The top political news has not changed, it is the title, or the content.
However, the following report of a car accident was replaced by a greening work meeting in Nanshan District. Later, it turned over and the news of the drunk driving into the coffee has been placed in the third edition. On the other hand, there is no mention of Qian Lihua’s name. In contrast, other news and advertisements are exactly the same, and the future newspapers have indeed been changed.
But then, a new problem is coming again.
F09WARD took the time of the entire newspaper box and turned it into the "second day" newspaper box. Then why did it receive the newspaper "Don't Next Day"?
In the end, Dong Xuebin also wants to understand some. The energy of ORWARD only works at the moment. He went forward to the time of the newspaper box. There was a second-day newspaper in the newspaper box at that moment. This is the result of the energy of F09WARD, but It doesn't last. It means that after F09WARD's advancement of the newspaper box, the space in the newspaper box did not continue to be in contact with the next day. Only the newspaper reporter of the day inserted the newspaper of the day, so the newspaper box was It became the newspaper box of the day.
After thinking about this, Dong Xuebin took the side and picked up the future newspaper that appeared in the death of Qian Lihua. The lighter burned it directly.
This instruction can be used in the future!
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