Chapter 734: 【earthquake! (on)】

The next morning.
A few hours from the earthquake!
Dong Xuebin didn’t sleep at all, and his mental state was already exhausted, but he still insisted.
The leaders of the town and the street office commanded the transfer of the masses.
"Everyone comes with me! Go to the refuge!"
"Don't mess! Don't mess! Don't mess up!"
"Guangming Garden is full! Go to West Street Plaza!"
"Go here! Hey! Help the old man! Xiao Liu! Go back!"
"Don't take heavy things and appliances! Let's move people away!"
"There are still people left in the community? Go check it out! Look at the house and go out! Don't stay

Outside a old neighborhood in the 1970s, Dong Xuebin took more than a dozen streets and community jobs.
The personnel evacuated the people. This community was also seen by Dong Xuebin in the newspaper.
The place that has become ruin, the house of this era obviously cannot withstand the shock of the seven or eight levels, so Dong Xue
Bin certainly won’t leave anyone here, and he will be evacuated early, hundreds of people.
All were placed in the refuge resettlement sites that were set up in the early morning, and the cells were empty in the blink of an eye.
"Director, everyone is gone."
"Nothing missing?"
"No, we have all checked."
"Well, go to the next place! Take time!"
Most of the houses and buildings within the Guangming Street still survived the earthquake.
At least not completely collapsed, similar to a community or building that was seriously affected by the earthquake, and so on.
There are only a dozen places. So what Dong Xuebin has to do now is to remove all these people, so that
Can avoid most of the casualties, if the situation is optimistic, it can even be said that it can avoid all casualties.
for sure.
People in these dozens of places must all go away!
Otherwise, the building collapses, and the people inside must be nine dead!
Dong Xuebin got on the bus and rushed to the next location. He touched the phone and made a call to Zhou Yanru.
Telephone, "Director Zhou, how is the transfer?"
"I am working hard, I am just over here. I am moving to the next community."
"What about other places?"
"Zhu Shuji and Yu Ling also took people away from the commercial shop and the next few shops.
The person in the factory company, we ordered the suspension of classes at the school, and the community hospital was in the director’s office.
Several community medical centers and hospitals are well prepared, and doctors and ambulances are already
As long as an earthquake occurs, the wounded can be sent over and there is the one pointed out in your exercise mission.
The old hospital in the Liuxiang community, which is prone to accidents, also has temporary tents, doctors, nurses and equipment.
I have moved outside.

"Well, what's the movement in the area?"
"This... I am not very clear, I have not received any news."
"What about the city? Is there a place to transfer?"
"Your article has caused many ordinary people to evacuate last night, but the vast majority have not yet
Go, the city did not express any attitude, the director, I just received the news, I heard that the whole of Zhangzhou
In addition to our streets, the city has also begun to transfer people to Yantai County.

Dong Xuebin, "...Yantai County??"
"Yes, except for our district and Yantai County, no other places have made too many earthquakes."

"Who is the evacuation order?"
"It is said that it is a female county magistrate of their county. In the morning, he actually raised it on the Standing Committee.
A plan to evacuate residents. Zhou Yanru said in his tone: "Although the county party secretary seems to be extremely counter-productive."
Yes, but their county magistrate seems to have persuaded most people to even hold back the leader and force them in the Standing Committee.
At the meeting, the evacuation plan was passed, and the responsibility was also borne by her alone.
The county has already begun to evacuate residents.

"……I know."
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin’s heart shook the earthquake, and Wan Wan did not expect Xie Huilan to do the same.
He thought that Xie Jie would not agree. These days, she repeatedly advised her, Xie Huilan had no one.
The exception is to use "I think about it again" to perfuse him, so Dong Xuebin did not give her a fight yesterday.
The phone, I thought it was useless, so I heard this news from Zhou Yanru’s mouth, Dong Xuebin still
A little can't believe it.
The old district in front is here.
Dong Xuebin immediately mobilized the residents to withdraw, and he returned to the car and took out his hand.
The machine dialed a phone call to Xie Huilan.
Dudu, the phone is connected.
"Hui Lan, I." Dong Xuebin said.
"Oh, I just remembered calling you Xie."
"You... I heard that you evacuated the residents?"
Xie Huilan smiled and screamed, the phone was very messy, "just arranged in the morning, is working
Withdrawal, I am commanding mobilization at the scene.

Dong Xuebin hesitated: "Do you believe me?"
"...what are you?"
"That article, earthquake."
Just listening to Xie Huilan smiled: "To tell you the truth, your Xie sister is not your letter, but also
Not trusting the earthquake.

Dong Xuebin glanced, "Why then?"
Xie Huilan said: "The movement you provoked this time is too big. All the spears are pointing to you.
Shang, huh, huh, if you don’t support you at this time, who can support? Don't forget 咱
We are getting married soon, you are me, I am you, can not be separated.

"Hui Lan, you... oh..."
"Oh, the feeling is broken, right?"
"Well, special."
"Now know your sister Xie's good?"
"I know, no, I knew it before."
"After that, I will honor my filial piety. After I get married, I will wash my clothes and clean up the house and tea."
Water is all yours.

Dong Xuebin also listened to it. "Without you, what is it with me? It is mine."
It is.

"What? Your kid is still not happy?"
"Happy, happy? You don't want to think, buddy can let you work, I
I still feel bad about you, OK, after marriage, I honor you like a filial piety, and put you old.
The home is waiting for the good, like waiting for the Empress Dowager, is it not? "Dong Xuebin jokes This is almost the same, huh, huh, this time I am out, and I took a risk with you."
Put, if the last blame, we can only abandon politics and business, this psychology
Are you ready to have it?

Dong Xuebin said: "Do not worry, no."
"...hehe, so sure?"
"When did I do something that I didn't know? Huilan, really, this time you can ask no
I will support me and withdraw the people in Yantai County. I really didn’t expect it. I believe that today
After that, all residents of Yantai County will thank you, I promise!

Xie Huilan’s support made Dong Xuebin’s heart filled with strength immediately.
Can be in love with Xie Jie, Dong Xuebin feels that he is really a blessing for eight generations!
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