Chapter 756: [瘟神 is back! 】

at night.
Bright Park.
After Dong Xuebin greeted everyone, he said to the big sister who was saved by himself: "Big sister, don't thank me, I should do it. Go back to rest."
Ms. Liu did not understand the situation and looked at the strange atmosphere around her. "They are..............."
Dong Xuebin smiled. "They may have been too happy to meet me. Maybe they are scared."
Sister Liu still didn't figure it out and walked into the crowd step by step.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
If the scene is chilling, no one can say anything!
Finally, several ordinary people pointed to Dong Xuebin insanely, and cried.
"It is Director Dong!"
"I am going! Really Director Dong!"
"Director Dong is back! Director Dong is back!"
Residents who have not dealt with Dong Xuebin, including a few big sisters, have reacted, and they have been in the same place, Director Dong? This is the director of the Martyrs Dong? Your uncle -
of! Director Dong is not crushed to death by the ruins, can't he die again? Not a martyr? ?
Yan Xinke and Zhou Yanru were a little unbelievable, and they looked at him with their eyes open.
Wang Yuling is brave and daring: "You, who are you? Director Dong’s brother?"
Dong Xuebin looked at them with a grin. "I really want to have a brother, but my mother gave birth to me, the only child, who do you say I am?"
Peng Gang is shocked as a god!"
Qu Yiqiang also surprised: "I am Director Dong!"
But most people still think it's incredible, they didn't talk... They looked at Dong Xuebin tightly and seemed to want to see something!
Dong Xuebin waved impatiently. "Don't say this first! Sister Zhou! Give me the phone!"
Zhou Yanru subconsciously took out the mobile phone and handed it over... still did not return to God.
Dong Xuebin m took the phone and quickly dialed the phone of his mother, Xiaoping Xiaoping.
At that end, Xiao Xiaoping’s hoarse and tired voice sounded
Hey, who?

Dong Xuebin listened to this voice... My heart was mixed with feelings, my eyes were moist and some of my mouth was full of smiles. "Guess who I am?"
Xiao Xiaoping suddenly heard "You...this voice.................."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Well, you can hear it? Oh, I am coming back!"
"You are Xiaobin! It is my son!" Yan Xiaoping ran out with tears in his eyes... "God! It is my son! It is my son!"
The phone also sounded Yang Zhaode's voice "Xiao Ping, don't say stupid things, Xiaobin has gone, I know that your heart is not good, I..."
Xiaoping Xiaoping cried: "I am my son! I will not be wrong! It is my son!"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Mom, it is me, you didn't get it wrong... don't cry, don't cry."
"You almost scared the mother to death! Mom thought you... thought you..............." Xiaoping Xiaoping couldn't help but burst into tears. "Hey! My son is not dead! Not dead!"
"Telephone me!" Yang Zhaode answered "Hey? Who are you?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Yang me."
"...who are you?" Yang Zhaode was also embarrassed.
"Who do you say who I am?" Dong Xuebin said: "I am sorry to be late, mainly buried. I haven’t come out with it for a long time... until the rescue team removed most of the ruins, I just got it out. This is more than ten days... I can suffocate my buddy. Hey, I will talk to you later. I want to tell you and my mom, and relax my heart. I am fine."
"It's really Xiaobin!" Yang Zhaode lost his voice: "It's him!"
"Give me a call!" Yan Xiaoping robbed him "son! Son! Where are you now?"
Dong Xuebin took a long walk with the phone and said: "Let's do it with our street. You can rest assured. I have already told you that the crash will not kill me. How can a small earthquake give me? It’s not a joke. I’m very good now. I have nothing to do. You can’t hear my voice. If you do, you cry, what are you crying, you don’t know your son too much, this little thing can’t kill me. Ok, I won't talk to you first. There are still a lot of calls to be made. You also tell the family and tell them that I am alive, don't worry."
"Okay, good!" Yan Xiaoping said as he cried.
"That's it, I will contact you later."
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin looked at the people in the street not far from the eye, and smiled a bit, turned around and took a few steps to avoid them, and then dialed Xie Huilan's mobile phone number.
Dudu, toot, half a day.
"Hey?" is the voice of Xie Huilan with magnetic xìng.
Dong Xuebin's breathing is gradually rushing, and his mood is somewhat uncontrollable. He opened his mouth and said nothing.
"Well?" On the other end of the phone, Xie Huilan inhales: "............... Xiaobin?"
Dong Xuebin said, "I can't hear you if I didn't speak. You are too god, are you?" Dong Xuebin felt that he had seen the ghost, and he was scared. As it is, the world's most understanding of him is not only the mother. Only Xie Huilan and Yu, and they can be recognized as soon as they gasp!
"Xie sister? Speak?"
"...I know that your kid is not so easy to die!"
"Oh, you are yelling at me."
"Bunny scorpion! You are trying to scare you, thank you, Xie, is it?"
"Don't be awkward? I dare to scare your old man! This time it's really tǐng mysterious, almost a little, almost out of it."
"Where are you? I am going to pass!"
"Don't, let me go with the street, don't come."
"I don't worry about seeing you with your own eyes! Just like this! I am coming soon!"
Dong Xuebin still wants to say something, the phone has been broken, and I feel the slightly trembling tone of Xie Jie. Dong Xuebin’s heart is very warm, and he has given the line.
The phone is on, it seems to be the "feed?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Mom, I am Xiao Dong."
My aunt scared a big jump... "Who are you? Which Xiao Dong?"
"I Dong Xuebin, ah, I." Dong Xuebin said: "How is your body? Children? Are you not here?" I asked several questions in a row.
There was no sound on the other end of the phone.
Suddenly, my aunt shouted: "Hey! Your man's phone!"
Then there was the noise of "Mom... you are not kidding."
"I said really! It was Xiaobin!" The mother said: "Dead child! You can answer the phone! Do not believe you listen!"
Two seconds later, the warmth of the cold air screamed at the end... "Xiao Bin?"
Dong Xuebin said softly: "I am, are you and your child okay? Sorry, come back late."
The sigh of the phone burst into tears and cried with a sigh of relief... "It's you!? What the are you doing! Not saying you..."
"It’s a long story."
"I will be scared to death sooner or later! You will be scared to death sooner or later!"
"sorry Sorry."
"You are hurt and not hurt? How is it now?"
"I'm fine, all good, what about you and your children?"
"We are all right, just scared to death by you."
I said a few more words, my aunt rushed to grab the phone. "Xiao Bin, I know that you are fine. You can do it well. When you come to Beijing, I will pack you up. I will not say it first. I didn’t know how to close my eyes. I was thinking about you all the time in a groggy way. Let her have a good night's sleep. When you have finished this time, you will go back to Beijing and know if you don't know?"
Dong Xuebin is also worried: "Mom... I know, then you should let your sleep, let her rest."
"Oh... no, she is already asleep." The mother said: "These days can be awkward, so that's it... I gave ‘she took the quilt and covered it.

"Well, Mom, goodbye... I will bring it to my dad."
Immediately afterwards, Dong Xuebin slammed the moon into the past.
At this time, many cadres and ordinary people behind the street were rushing around. Dong Xuebin saw it and paid a lot of attention.
"Hey, I am going to Yuehua."
"Yuehua District Governor, I am Xiao Dong."
Hao Yuehua’s voice is stagnation
Who are you talking about?

Dong Xuebin smiled. "I Dong Xuebin, it’s okay, just got out of the ruins. These days let you remember, I am sorry."
"You are really Dong Xuebin!?"
"Oh, it’s me."
"Is the hospital not collapsed?"
"Well, I didn't see me, just in a gap."
"Is there oxygen underneath?"
"Cough, there is a gap, there is an oxygen tank next to it."
"...What is your injury?"
"All right, hey, there are anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze underneath."
"...what food?"
"Then, there is just food and water, and there is something like glucose."
Dong Xuebin’s words have been heard by the people behind. Just there is water to eat oxygen and healing drugs? I rely on! How good luck is you! ?
Until this moment, everyone really believed... Dong Xuebin is back! !
For a time, Yan Xinke and Qu Yiqiang hurriedly called to report the situation with the district and the city. Zhou Yanru and Wang Yuling rushed up. Wang Yuling also dropped a few tears and asked Dong Xuebin’s situation. Just fry the pot.
"Director Dong is alive!"
"Not dead! Really not dead!"
Cheers and screams come and go!
In the same frying pan, the whole city of the whole district Dong Xuebin's news came back all over the place. Everyone who heard this situation could not believe it, and they were stunned!
Ten days!
I have buried it for ten days without eating, drinking, no oxygen, actually living?
And not only did it hurt a little, but the director of the living dragon, who came out of the ruins, saved the road and saved a person?
Many people listened to their eyes and they were black. They didn’t know what to say without words!
This can't die? Is this nothing? Can this be alive?
I am a grandfather! That is more than ten days! It’s three or four hundred hours! Change another person to die a hundred or two times! Can you do this all right?
What vitality are you, you! ? ! .
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