Chapter 758: [One phone call from the general secretary! 】

one day
Two days
The only remaining community hospital in Guangming Street Office.
Dong Xuebin’s sleep was two days and two nights. When he opened his eyes with a yawn and comfortably, he saw that he was in a temporary ward, standing next to a doctor, who seemed to be giving himself blood pressure.
""you're awake? The doctor looks at him.
Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes. "How long have I slept? How do you feel for a few days? ,
The doctor pointed to the clock of chuáng’s head. "It has been two days and two nights. ,, ""Two days? Dong Xuebin said, "I have slept for so long? So what, someone came to me? The doctor said something to a nurse next to him, and then quickly took a stethoscope and listened to it on Dong Xuebin. While doing a check, he said, "You don’t talk, I will check it for you, your mother. I have been there, a surname, a mother and a daughter, and a lady named Xie has also been there several times. There are still many people left, all of you are colleagues and friends, but you have been asleep, but In deep sleep, your mother and the lady named Xie did not wake you up, I want you to rest and rest, and get back to work as soon as possible. ,, Xie Huilan is coming?
Mom and sister, and so on, are you here?
Dong Xuebin stunned his head and knew that he worried them again. "Doctor, how is my body?" No big deal, right? At this time, the door suddenly opened.
Several street office cadres, such as Yan Xinke and Zhou Yanru, sneaked in, apparently just the nurse informed.
"" Director Dong, are you awake? ,, "Dr. What is the situation? ", "Does our director have anything? As soon as I entered the ward, everyone asked me a word.
After checking it again, the doctor calmly said: "I can rest assured that Director Dong is fine, that is, mentally tired, sleep for two days, now it does not matter. ,
Zhou Yanru can't be channeled: "Is it really okay? ,
""Really. The doctor smiled bitterly. His heart said that it was all right. Now Dong Xuebin’s physical condition is ten times better than him. Where is the escape from the ruins, the doctor is lying on the side of the chuáng. Xue Bin, also shocked by his tenacious vitality, has seen strong resilience, but has never seen such a strong, can be so lively after being buried for ten days? This doctor is not a Guangming Street Community Hospital, but an expert director who has been transferred from a nearby hospital to rescue. He used to work in Nanshan District. He has heard about some of Dong Xuebin’s deeds. This is really a bad idea. I feel that Dong Xuebin is so embarrassed, not only did not die, but also suffered a little injury? Even if there is food, water and oxygen under the rubble, you can't have any problems with your body!
Are you still a person? ?
As soon as the doctor said nothing, everyone was relieved.
Dong Xuebin wants to stand up and sit up. "Thank you for your memory. Since it's okay, let me go, I should be discharged from the hospital. I can't sleep so old." ,
To be on the safe side, the doctor stopped: "That can't be done, we have to observe. , Xin Xinke also said: "Yes, Director Dong, you should take a break, let the disease be thoroughly raised. Wang Yuling looked at him and said: "You don't worry about the rescue work. It's almost done, and now you are ready to start reconstruction after the disaster. ,
"It is taming, Dong Xuebin is busy asking,"...Details tell me.
It took two hours to complete the work of Guangming Street Office and Dong Xuebin.
After listening to it, Dong Xuebin was very pleased. "" Well done, I am not working hard during this time. , Xin Xinke smiled and said: "If you are, definitely better than we deal with. ,, ""耿 耿, you are modest.
Dong Xuebin smiled and patted his arm. "This time, I was talking. Suddenly the ward door opened again. Outside, seven or eight figures appeared at the door. They are basically middle-aged, four of them. Carrying a bag with his head on his back, he is very proud of his style. At first glance, he is not an ordinary cadre. There are two reporters behind him. The left one is also photographed with a video camera. Everyone saw it at the first sight. Dong Xuebin is also. He may not have seen the middle-aged person headed by his own eyes, but with the news in Zhangzhou City, he has seen the appearance of this person more than once. It is actually Wanzhou Lei, the top leader of the city, and the secretary of the municipal party committee!
About fifty years of the year of the Chinese New Year, the mental state is not at all like the 50-year-old. It looks like it is in its early forties, giving a very tough feeling.
""Wan Shuji! ,, ""Secretary! The rest should be the cadres and staff of the municipal party committee. When the door opened, they walked in with Wan Shuji and gently closed the door.
Wan Fang Lei smiled and looked at the disease chuáng, "You are Xiao Dong? ,
""Wan Shuji, it is me. Dong Xuebin hurriedly sat up and was going to chuáng.
However, Wan Fanglei took the first step and slowly supported Dong Xuebin's shoulder and did not let him get up. "I know that you are not feeling well, just lie down. ,
Yan Xinke and Zhou Yanru have let them go and pushed to the corner of the room.
Later, one of the reporters immediately took out the camera and took a few photos. The person holding the camera was also built to find a position.
This time Dong Xuebin also knows that Wan Shuji is deliberately visiting himself.
Just listen to Wan Fanglei: "I heard that you were okay the day before yesterday. I originally wanted to come over the same day, but later I realized that you lived in the hospital. I am afraid that it will be delayed until today. It is so small.
Dong, your performance before and after the earthquake, I have read at least two times for each report. Fortunately, we are a cadre who needs you like this! The reason why the earthquake can reduce the disaster to the lightest, you Xiaodong is a must! it is good! it is good! Dong Xuebin immediately said: "" Secretary Wan, your evaluation is too high, really, I am a Communist, this is what I should do. Wan Fanglei pinched the shoulders of Wei Xuebin and nodded slightly. "How is the body?" Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "The doctor just finished, tǐng is good, nothing, thank you Wan Shuji for your concern. ,
Look at him. "It's best to check it, but it can't be sloppy. Your task now is to take care of your illness and restore your body to its best. After that, some work is waiting for you to carry out!" ,
A burst of enthusiasm, a burst of encouragement.
At the end, Wan Fanglei suddenly said: "You wait a minute, I will call. ,
Say, Wan Fanglei took out his mobile phone and went out. Everyone didn't know who he was going to fight. How do you go out? The whole fox stunned.
By kung fu, the reporter immediately went over. "Director Dong, I am a reporter from the TV station in Chenzhou City. I want to interview you. You have saved the people's deeds after the earthquake and moved millions of ordinary people in Chenzhou. Really, I heard that when you were killed in the Nanshan District First Hospital, all the staff of our TV station lost their tears. What we want to ask now is, what did you think at the time? What made you save one after another regardless of life and death? ,
Dong Xuebin smiled and looked at the camera lens. "Oh, I see you a little familiar? The reporter smiled and said: "That time you were in the wild zoo to save the tiger, I was interviewed by you. Dong Xuebin said faintly: "Then I was still talking to you at that time, everyone is afraid of death, I am also, but I am a party member, a national cadre, the people are in danger, in that case anyone can go ...but I can't leave, anyone can withdraw, but I can't withdraw. I didn't know what I thought at the time, but I knew that if I left the people and ran, the people would not poke their ridges. Tibia? That kind of situation is not what I personally think about, saving people, that is the responsibility of our cadres, but also our obligation! ,
If you change someone, saying this may make you feel that it is a fake, too bureaucratic, but this is said from Dong Xuebin's mouth, but no one doubts. Dong Xuebin has proved with his actual actions that he can really save his life in order to save a few ordinary people.
Suddenly, a staff member of the municipal party committee who came with the secretary of the municipal party committee pushed the door into the house and said quickly: "Everyone should go out first, don't interview. ,...
The two books have gone out of the ward with others.
After a while, Wan Fanglei entered the inside alone. Many people noticed that Wan Shuji is holding a mobile phone with both hands. It seems to be a very important phone call. Otherwise, the secretary of the municipal party committee will not be this expression. He handed the mobile phone to Dong Xuebin. Wanfang Lei said: "It is the phone of the general secretary. ,
Those who rushed to hear this were shocked!
General secretary? The president of the country who has returned to Beijing made a special trip to Director Dong?
Dong Xuebin was also a bit frightened. He blinked his eyes and hurriedly took it. He respectfully said: "General Secretary, hello, I am Xiao Dong. ,
There was a hearty laugh from the phone. "Listen to your voice. It’s not Very good, Xiao Dong, I heard about your business. This is what you need. The cadres took the lead and stood up. You did a good job. They gave our party members and leading cadres a good example. I think everyone should learn from you. ,
Dong Xuebin nervously said: "The general secretary has won the prize, it is all I should. ,
"" Listening to your body's recovery is good, I am relieved. ,
The general secretary did not say much on the phone, but the weight of the phone, Dong Xuebin, was clear, and he did not expect the general secretary to call himself.
After the phone was put down, Wan Shuji and Dong Xuebin sang a few words before they took the person away.
The cadres of the Guangming Street Office saw the director of áng, and many people were envious. Although the meaning of this phone is more important, Director Dong is talking to the general secretary after all, and he also got the top hand in Zhangzhou. I personally visited this opportunity. Not everyone can have this opportunity. Everyone understands that after this incident, Director Dong will definitely not be able to talk to Guangming Street. On the merits and deeds, Dong Xuebin will definitely be better. One floor!
[Seeking a monthly ticket! 】! .
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