Chapter 897: [Departure! ]

Chapter 897
In the afternoon.
A coastal-city.
Dong Xuebin, who got off the plane, got on a long-distance bus and drove to the coastal port.
On the way, Dong Xuebin opened his mobile phone for the first time after leaving home in the morning. It was dripping, dripping, and many short messages were squeezed in. The numbers were all from his family, and there were embarrassing, Xie Huilan’s. There are Xiao Xiaoping, who are asking where Dong Xuebin is, and let him go home immediately. After Dong Xuebin saw it one by one, he did not reply. He said that if he could not find his daughter, he would have no face to go back in his life. What he has to do now is to bring the safety of Diane back, even if he lost his life. Also do not hesitate!
Then, Dong Xuebin started calling one by one.
"Hey, old money, I am with the city of C, do you know anyone in the port? No? Nothing is ok, that's it."
"Hey, Mu, boss, do you know the captain with the port? Hey, that's fine, just ask."
"Zhou Ge, are you familiar with the port of C City? I want to take a boat. Do you see any way? Hey, it doesn't matter, then I will ask others."
"Hey, Director Liu, my little Dong..."
Seven or eight calls were made, but nothing was gained.
However, a subordinate of Dong Xuebin who was in the Yantai County Public Security Bureau told Dong Xuebin that he would ask Liu Dahai, the director of the Huitian Township Police Station, to say that Lao Liu seems to have relatives there. Liu Dahai Dong Xuebin is familiar. However, Dong Xuebin saved him. The two were also in a relationship of overbearing. So he immediately called him and told him about going out to sea by himself.
Liu Dahai listened and said: "Where are you going?"
"When you go to the boat in the continent, the cargo ship does not matter."
"There is no formal document, you have gone..."
"I just want to take a boat and let go, don't go on land."
"This way, OK, since your director Dong has opened up, I can't help it. I don't ask for extra things. I do have a relative who is the captain of a cargo ship, but he does not run the line of the continent. I will ask you first, let him find someone for you."
"Okay, thank you very much."
"Don't thank you, you wait for me."
Many people have many roads, Dong Xuebin has many enemies, but with so many years in Chenzhou City, Dong Xuebin has many friends, and finally let him contact the road.
Twenty minutes later, the long-distance bus arrived near the port and stopped.
Dong Xuebin strode to the port, but only some security and security personnel were inspected. The inspection of the inbound personnel was very strict. Dong Xuebin saw that all the inbound personnel had to enter and exit the pass, and other outsiders could not get in, one wanted The photo taken in was also blocked. However, it is obviously difficult to stop Dong Xuebin. He looked around and saw no one paying attention to himself. He found a place where the hidden figure was silent.
Time is still!
Dong Xuebin swayed and stepped into the port!
A p release, time is restored again!
At the same time, Dong Xuebin’s cell phone ringing bell rang – it was called by Liu Haihai.
"Director Dong, I have contacted you and gave you a position. You can go there and find a person named Niu Dawei. He is the captain of the cargo ship running the fzhou line. It is just about to set sail. It is very ironic with my relatives. There is no problem, but he said that you have to go through the port security first, otherwise he can't help."
"I am already in the port."
Liu Haihai’s glimpse is also a mystery. If Director Xiao Dong can’t even enter a port, then it’s not called Director Xiao Dong. This kind of thing is definitely a piece of cake for him.
In fact, Dong Xuebin could use p to sneak into a ship and sneak out into the sea. However, he thought about it and decided to do it. When Dong Xuebin did not know when the ship would go to the fzhou, when it started, the second was Dong Xuebin. There is not much time left, just a few minutes. He must save a little. Lastly, even if Dong Xuebin steals the cargo ship, he will be inevitably discovered. He does not want to slap.
According to the position that Liu Dahai gave him, Dong Xuebin found the three districts. In the distance, there was a vast ocean, gray, and the sky and the sea were not very clean. A small cargo ship with a small tonnage was docked on the shore, and the crew members were busy moving things, and it seemed that they were about to leave.
Dong Xuebin turned off his cell phone and went up to look up at the people on board.
"You?" On the boat, a 40-year-old middle-aged man with a beard looked down at him.
Dong Xuebin said: "You are the captain of the cattle? I am Xiao Dong."
Niu Dawei, "The one introduced by Lao Liu?" He said that Liu, 80% is the relative of Liu Dahai, "How do you get into the port?"
"...coming in."
Niu Da is happy, "Go, come up first!"
Dong Xuebin got on the boat, and many crew members next to him squinted at him as an uninvited guest.
Niu Dawei did not speak, took Dong Xuebin into the cabin, and pushed the door into a cabin. "Xiao Dong, I heard that you want to see the world and see the world? Distracted?"
"Yes." Dong Xuebin replied.
Niu Dawei shook his head again and again. "I want to say, you better go back."
Dong Xuebin looked at him and said, "Why?"
Niu Dakai sighed: "Young man, going out to sea is not as simple as you think. If you look at you, there must be no relevant documents. If you go to the sea, this is already called illegal smuggling. I can't get off the boat."
"I don't leave the boat, I will definitely not bother you."
"I am not afraid of trouble. In the past, some people wanted to play in the sea. I also took it out. As long as I stayed in the cabin and went out when I was out of the port, I was basically fine. But now it is different. I believe you have heard it. Are you a frigate in the seas of the continent? We are small cargo ships and can't afford the frigates of the army. Otherwise, even if the cost can't be recovered, we will run away without a frigate. We may be at any time in the sea. The pirate attack, although the chance is not great, but this danger have you thought about it?"
"It's ok."
"Can you think clearly?"
"I want to be clear, I am in trouble with you."
Niu Dawei looked at him and nodded slightly. "Well, I don't have much to say. You can think about it clearly. Don't make a mistake when I don't remind you."
Dong Xuebin is going to the gang of bastards!
Dong Xuebin said that he bears all risks.
Niu Dazheng said, "It will take a few days to get to the continent. You will live here these days."
This cabin is a simple single room with a chuáng and a table. Although it is not comparable to the environmental conditions of other ships, it is a good treatment for a small cargo ship. The reason why he arranged for Dong Xuebin was that Niu Dazhen was giving his old friend a face. The old Liu tried his best to recommend him. He was also not good at the arrangement. The second point was that Niu Dajun saw Dong Xuebin’s small arm and small tu It’s a bit weak, if Dong Xuebin gets to the crew room and squeezes in a room with a few people, Niu Dazhen is afraid that Dong Xuebin can’t stand it.
"Thank you." Dong Xuebin thanked.
Niu Dawei shook his hand and turned to go out of his own.
Dong Xuebin is the identity of the black family at this moment. It is also difficult to go out and walk. He lie down on Chuáng, staring coldly at the top of his head, and his mind is full of his daughter's cute figure.
After half an hour.
There was a lot of noise outside, and the hull swayed and sailed.
Dong Xuebin waited for a while, and walked out of the cabin with irritability. A cold sea breeze suddenly rushed to the surface, stuck to the skin like a needle, surrounded by a vast ocean, the distant land was looming, and the deck was full of crew sailors busy. The figure, there are moving things, there are ropes, and there is chat, Niu Dazhen does not know whether to go to the captain's room or where, did not see him on the deck.
"Oh, I hope this trip will go smoothly."
"When my mother-in-law left, I asked for a peace sign, and I don't know if it works."
"The pirates are getting more and more smashed, and it seems to be dedicated to the ships of our Republic."
"Isn't it, Lao Li, who was robbed by pirates last year, didn't he say it when he came back this time? At that time there were several countries' cargo ships in the sea area. Lao Li had a ship not far from the ship. What happened? After the pirates rushed over, they didn't look at the ship. They passed by and went straight to the boat of ours. It seemed to be the same for us. The people who were facing us started shooting!"
"No? Why are you aiming at us?"
"It is our Republic that will give ransom, and some countries will ignore the ransom."
"Paralysis! These people are still bullying, we are addicted to bullying?"
"Yeah, did the news not say yesterday? Another Republican cargo ship was robbed, and many people died. The pirates are ransom with us!"
"You should not give them!"
"Do not give money, what should the hostage do?"
"In the morning and evening, kill all these pirates!"
"A warship can't turn a pirate's dinghy? But the gang can avenge It's easy to kill them one by one, but in the future? Give them a boat of the Republic, they still don't Open the killing ring? Just like we, there is no money to ask the frigate, what can we do?"
"Did they not kill now? Have six people died this time?"
"Hey, these pirates, really it!"
When the pirates came up, several crew members were somewhat angry.
After listening to it, Dong Xuebin’s eyes were cold and cold. The situation was indeed like everyone said. They were robbed by the pirates again and again, and compromised again and again. Because of the impact and the safety of the hostages, the pirates were ransom, which makes These pirates are becoming more and more unscrupulous, and people are being bullied. They are sure that the Republic does not dare to hurt them, so they are more and more mad. This is why pirates see the Republic’s ships and they don’t care about the ships of other countries. To burn and snatch, the goods robbed, people killed, the boat buckled, and finally the United States waited for the Republic to give them the ransom?
What a face is this... RQ! .
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