Chapter 983: [Black smoke and suffocating! 】

In the morning, the sun went up.
After taking a bed together, Dong Xuebin, who had brushed his teeth, went to the hotel lobby and called all the members of the inspection team to have breakfast. Then Dong Xuebin led the team to inspect, but today they did not set off on their own. After hitting a bit, I couldn’t always beat it. So, under the direction of Dong Xuebin, I called the local county party committee. The party secretary Sun Yitao immediately took the person and revealed a deputy magistrate and several county committees. The cadres of the county government accompanied the whole process.
County Commission for Discipline Inspection...
County Construction Bureau...
County Organization Department...
In the morning, Dong Xuebin’s inspection team was inspected by many former local departments, investigated the situation of anti-corruption and honesty, and found some problems, but it was not big. Dong Xuebin immediately pointed it out. Several cadres of the department attached great importance to it and immediately said that they would rectify and correct. The Construction Bureau even opened the meeting when Dong Xuebin had not left, and promptly explained the problems raised by the inspection team. Dong Xuebin nodded slightly and didn't mean to be more serious with them. As long as it was not a serious problem, although this inspection was a problem, it was not their fundamental purpose. The city set up a patrol team to conduct local inspections. Mainly to check for missing traps and give the local a warning, let them get nervous and give them some appropriate pressure. This point, before Dong Xuebin came to Zeng, the deputy secretary specifically explained him, so this measure Dong Xuebin can still be good.
But of course, if there is no typical question. This is not the case. If you patrol a large circle, if you don’t pick out anything, it will obviously make the city leaders feel that his Dong Xuebin’s work attitude and work ability are problematic. Therefore, Dong Xuebin should check it.
After dinner.
Luo Haiting asked: "Director, which unit do we go to in the afternoon?"
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment.
Tourism Bureau. In recent years, the tourism industry in Mayang County has been carried out well. The mountains and rivers are full of resources, and the hats of poor counties can be removed thanks to the tourism industry.
However, Dong Xuebin’s consciousness is here. When he arrived, he was a cadre of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Hello, everyone, I can't do it. Then the voice will change: "But the faster the development, the more problems will follow, so let's take a look."
Luo Haiting nodded. "Good. Then I will inform a few county cadres."
Dong Xuebin waved his hand: "Oh, let's not tell them, let them stay with you."
Next to Liao Huaxiong said: "Yes. Otherwise, they call a phone call, and we can't see any problems. What is the significance of this inspection?"
Luo Haiting said: "I understand."
Dong Xuebin said: "We passed by yesterday, the driver Xiao Wang knows where to go. Let him lead the way."
After coming out of the hotel, the group went west. Several county cadres did not know where they were going. They asked a person who saw the inspection team and did not say much. They did not ask much.
One p.m.
County Tourism Bureau.
Until the car entered the compound, several people accompanying the county knew that the inspection team was going to visit the tourism bureau. One of them would sneak a phone call when they got off the bus.
Dong Xuebin gave him a faint look.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes don’t have any power, and there’s nothing cold and ice that makes people look trembling. It’s a very common look. At the place, everyone knows who Dong Xuebin is, knowing that Dong Xuebin has done it. How many times of earth-shattering events, so he was seen, the cadre was slightly stunned, a little embarrassed, and quickly took back the phone.
The other cadres of several counties also understood the meaning of the inspection team and did not dare to inform.
There are no people in the courtyard of the Tourism Bureau. After the car came in, the security guard just looked at it and ignored it. He didn’t know who the gang was.
Dong Xuebin did not speak. He walked first in the front and took the person into the office building.
In the corridor, Dong Xuebin and Liao Huaxiong Luo Haiting, who entered, frowned, because there was a big smell of smoke.
Liao Huaxiong asked: "Is the smoke smell not small?"
Dong Xuebin looked forward. "Is there still someone smoking in the corridor?"
The county magistrate immediately explained: "It may be the customer and the company who came to do business. You also know that the local working environment of the Tourism Bureau is to deal with these people. Sometimes people come, the investment is almost finalized, and people must If you smoke, we can't stop it."
Dong Xuebin said: "The words are like this, but the smell of this smoke is too big. What is the smell of a unit made like this?"
The deputy magistrate immediately said: "I will find the leaders for a while, and I must rectify!"
"Go, go upstairs and have a look." Dong Xuebin went up the stairs to the second floor.
However, the situation of the second floor made Dong Xuebin look frowning, and his heart was full of dissatisfaction. In the two opposite office areas, some of the staff of the Tourism Bureau actually talked and laughed, and most of the people’s computers were opened. The game, the landlord, the board game, and even the online games, and then look at another office, a few men and women are talking about the seeds with a melon, the voice is very big, like home. Dong Xuebin looked left and right, but no one was working hard, all of them felt like a mixed life.
It is said that this matter is very common in the organs. It is not unusual. Dong Xuebin, who is used to it, is not worthy of anger. But it is in normal times. Now they are inspecting the group and inspecting Mayang County. The county also got the day before yesterday. The news, prepared for the moment, and gave notice to various departments to prevent them from inspecting the group for surprise inspections. Is this the case for the Tourism Bureau? This is a bit of a disregard for their disciplinary inspection team. You are not willing to do it even if you are doing it. This is not just a problem at work, but a question of attitude!
Several county cadres have some points, "Director Dong..."
Dong Xuebin shook his hand and interrupted their words. The so-called Shangliang is not right. The people underneath are not required to ask these questions. It is definitely the responsibility of the unit leader. "How many floors does the bureau lead?"
"This, it should be three layers."
"Okay, go up!"
The deputy magistrate is also somewhat angry. The Tourism Bureau has of course notified them here. Although they don’t know where the inspection team will look, the tasks given by the county party committee and the county government are all waiting in the queue. Who wants the tourism bureau to be nothing? Child, what about how?
At this time, a staff member of the Tourism Bureau came down from the upstairs and saw that Dong Xuebin had so many people who could not help but say: "Which of you? Who are you looking for?"
Dong Xuebin ignored him and went straight up.
"What are you doing? Free people upstairs are free!" The man blocked.
The county magistrate yelled at him and gave him a look.
When the person saw it, he felt that he was familiar with it. He recognized it in the next moment. "Zhang County magistrate?" He is also smart and flustered: "Zhang County magistrate! Are you looking for our director? I will give you a briefing?" It is said to the upstairs, is to remind people above.
Luo Haiting yelled at him. "Are you very big?"
The man snorted and quickly followed.
On the third floor, Dong Xuebin looked at a few offices next to him, facing Zhu Zhu and Fei Fandao at the back: "Knock on the door, knock me one by one!"
Zhu Zhu stepped forward and knocked on the door of the director's office. Fei Fan went to the office of the deputy director.
Zhang deputy magistrate looked at Dong Xuebin: "The Secretary of the Old Week is not very good recently. He may take time off to go to the hospital." Then he looked at the office of the deputy director. "The deputy director Liu is there... Is there something going out?" Nobody? Or else let's go on? I called them back?"
Fei Fan asked: "Director, it seems that no one."
Dong Xuebin didn't believe no one, otherwise the staff member wouldn't call it that way, saying: "Go next!"
"Oh." Fei Fan responded and continued to knock on the door of the deputy director.
Finally, there was some movement in the door. After waiting for more than a minute, the office door was slightly opened. But Li’s deputy magistrate changed his face. It actually came out with a young woman of about 30 years old. The young woman’s bangs are a little messy, and the trouser legs and high heels are not finished. They are squatting, giving the impression that they just rushed out when they put on their trousers.
When the young woman looked at so many people outside, her face was red, and she said: "I was reporting to Liu Director just now. I didn't hear the knock on the door. Then, I, I will go first." Turning around, he walked away quickly. When I went down the stairs, I looked at the staff who had just shouted.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes narrowed.
Luo Haiting is also a black face without saying a word.
Finally, deputy director Liu Haibin came out from But unlike the young woman, there was no embarrassment on his face, and he smiled at a few people. "Zhang County, how is there? I am here, I am sitting here? Welcome, so many people? Please come in.
Liu Haibin is very young and looks like he is twenty-three or four years old. He has some arrogance and no cadres.
Zhang deputy head of the county quickly said: "Secretary Liu, how did you open the door for half a day? This is the leadership of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the director of the three groups of directors, Director Dong, Director Liao, Director Luo."
Liu Haibin stunned and shook hands with them. "Welcome the leaders of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to come and inspect. Hello, how are you."
Dong Xuebin didn't shake hands with him. Luo Haiting saw the hand he had stretched over, and even subconsciously twisted his brow and hated it.
Dong Xuebin yelled at him, "Deputy Director Liu is very busy, are we bothered?"
Liu Haibin took a handful of hands in the air and laughed and said: "Do not disturb."
"When I visited the Tourism Bureau today, it made us an eye-opener." Dong Xuebin said faintly: "If you have something, please do your best, don't delay your time, let us take a look." In this sentence, Dong Xuebin walked away with a sneak peek.
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