Chapter 634: . Qingyan Enchanted 3

I don't remember how many years ago it was, when a documentary was shown in the cinema.
She likes to watch documentaries, so she bought a ticket to watch it.
In general, she can't remember exactly what she said, but there is a picture deeply imprinted in her mind. At that time, there was a little tiger in the movie who was dying. Everyone thought that the film crew of this movie would I saved it, but I was surprised to see that little tiger died.
After searching, everyone knew that it was not a show, it was because no one was going to save the little tiger.
She still remembers the movie scene...
It was a snowy day, and the little tiger's body fell lonely in the snow, looking very lonely...
After the movie was shown, everyone was discussing, why not go up and save it? Take it to a rescue station or something.
Why do you watch that little tiger die?
The explanation given later is that if the tiger is saved, the ecological balance will be destroyed.
Human beings are not people in the animal world, so they should not care about the animal world.
If this little tiger is saved, how will the antelopes killed by this little tiger be counted as other animals?
Who will count on it?
If this little tiger is not alive, the other little animals will not die.
For example, now, she is no longer a person in the human world, or she is not a participant in this matter. If she should have killed her finger, but because of her appearance, she saved the finger, then if one day the finger was severed and killed If someone else is killed, isn't this so-called other person who shouldn't have died before?
Whose sin is the time?
If Qing Yan should have killed himself, but she saved Qing Yan, and Qing Yan killed a bunch of people, then whose problem was it?
So, today she can't manage everything.
Before, she still didn't understand the rules of the world. Now she is in the foundation stage, and many things are really much more thorough than before. It is not whether she wants to manage, but whether she can manage...
If there is really no way, it's okay to save people and kill people, but now there is nothing compelling, she doesn't need to change the original direction of the world.
Xi Nuan pursed her lips and said:
"Don't worry. I understand. If he doesn't do anything radical today, I won't help on either side. If he hurts me, I will do it. Likewise, you have to remember this. If he Don't do anything, don't touch him. I am no longer a person in this world, and many things are beyond my control and ability."
When Yu Qiyue heard what Xi Nuan said, knowing that many things seemed to be figured out by Xi Nuan this time, she nodded and said:
"I know. Since you have said so, I will also abide by the rules. I won't mess up the rules here. Let's go."
Looking at Xi Nuan, Yu Qiyue was filled with joy. Even in such a place, such a headache illusion, he could still feel happy.
He didn't know when he fell in love with this woman, maybe it was love at first sight, maybe it was love for a long time.
When I saw her for the first time, I already liked it. This is the shark family’s unique fondness, but he has never seen this kind of fondness and fetters. He has only heard of this kind of situation. That's it, I have never seen it before.
His parents didn't fall in love at first sight, and no one else in the shark family had heard of anyone in this situation.
So when he saw Xi Nuan for the first time, he held a new and curious state to talk to Xi Nuan. He actually didn't know how much love there was.
But looking back now, when I am amnesia, isn't it always like the first time I see it? No matter how many times I amnesia, the heartbeat will not change.
That is the unique of sharks...
Now that he sees Xi Nuan saying this, he still doesn't feel sad. This is what Xi Nuan should say. Anyway, people who have loved each other can turn around and say kill and kill women, which is quite terrible.
And Xi Nuan's indecision proves that Xi Nuan is a person, not a machine.
Xi Nuan and Yu Qiyue walked into the exchange hall. When the service staff in the exchange hall almost knelt on the ground, they almost burst into tears.
She looked at the service staff and sighed helplessly:
"Is he there?"
The service staff wanted to speak, but choked up first. He said with a cry of voice:
"Yes, yes. In the meeting room on the 15th floor, you can go and see. He just got angry ten minutes ago and we were all about to be beaten to death. It's really great that you can come back, I really I hope you can come back...great, great. We are saved...we are saved...oooooo..."
When Xi Nuan saw that the service staff was talking about too good, her eyes glowed green, Yintang also began to turn black, and the whole person's state was obviously in a state of enchantment. She looked at Yu Qiyue, and she happened to be with Yu Qi. Yue's eyes met together.
"It seems that Qingyan's aura has already affected other people, so you should better prepare to eliminate demons. This is not what I want, but I really cannot condone it anymore."
When Xi Nuan heard Yu Qiyue say this, she felt her chest stagnated, and she shook her head. At this time, she had to meet Qingyan's people to determine what was going on, otherwise no matter how many people said or did something. , She must see Qingyan.
Only when she saw Qingyan, could she decide what she would do.
Otherwise, even if thousands of people say that Qingyan is not good, she will not believe it.
The service staff said that their eyes were greener, and the whole person seemed to be devilishly impaired. At first, it seemed that there were some vicious words that seemed to be uttered, and those words were really unheard of.
What killed who, and so what.
Xi Nuan walked to the service staff silently, sighed and knocked the man out with a hand knife.
She looked back at Yu Qiyue and said:
"Is there no way to save it? We...I know all of this may be true, but I don't want to kill him like this..."
Yu Qiyue pondered for a while, then shook his head and said:
"I don't have any other methods at the moment. But you can try playing the piano. Mr. Kyuubi saved you like this before. If you really want to try it, we have only one way for you to try. I didn't expect such a situation to happen."
Xi Nuan nodded as she thought about what happened before. Her piano skills must not be as good as Mr. Kyuubi's, but there is no big problem playing two songs.
They didn't say anything, and the two walked up.
Xi Nuan's expression became worse as she went up, and that strange aura became stronger and stronger. Although this aura had no effect on her at all, she was still a little nervous.
When he came to the conference room on the 15th floor, Xi Nuan opened the door and saw Qing Yan sitting there arguing with Professor Liu, while Professor Liu was holding his head tremblingly and grunting in pain. At this moment, Professor Liu His forehead was bleeding, and Professor Liu was taken aback when he saw Xi Nuan, and then closed his mouth, not letting himself make a sound.
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