Chapter 649: . Qingyan Enchanted 18

She smiled and said:
"I don't think you should be like this. Sometimes the more you say no, the more the other person will resist. If I were you, I wouldn't say no. I would let them get along well. What does one look like? You can’t hide it, after a long time... the other party will notice it too. No matter what kind of person it is or what it is like, you still have to let Da Nan experience it by yourself. What do you think?"
Zhang Zhongchen smiled and kept playing with coins in her hand. Xi Nuan glanced at the coin. In her impression, Zhang Zhongchen seemed to always hold such a coin, fiddling with it like hyperactivity.
Zhang Zhongchen stopped watching Xi Nuan staring at his coin and smiled:
"I also know, but I still feel sorry to see my brother being deceived. If he is deceived casually in the peace era, I won't care. Normally, a boy of this age should also eat. The suffering of love, otherwise you will definitely be deceived in the future. But you may know what the situation is now. What if Da Nan died in the end because of this woman? I know that it is his life, everyone has everyone In fact, I can’t interfere.

"But if I don't interfere, and he died because of this, what should I do? I won't feel at ease in my life. I know you may think that I am not so willing to be nosy. Tell the truth. I really don’t want to take care of it, but there’s nothing I can do if you don’t take care of it... You treat him as a younger brother, and I also treat him as a younger brother. Who can watch his brother follow such a suspicious woman?
"I have no evidence at hand now, but whenever I can get evidence, I will immediately arrest this woman. We also have our own system. If we break the law here, we will be arrested, but I don’t have evidence now. It worries me the most."
Seeing Zhang Zhongchen say this, Xi Nuan had nothing to say.
Zhang Zhongchen naturally has his reason to say this. How can I say it is correct.
If it is really because of this matter that caused the death of Da Nan, then the regret will be over.
A woman, no, it's a bit wrong to say that, it should be said that it is just a lover.
Compared to life, sometimes love is more important, and sometimes life is more important.
In her eyes, Dan’s love is not very important, but Dan’s life is more important.
Thinking about it conversely, she still takes love seriously. If she is asked to give up her love to save her life, she is unwilling.
In her cognition, some things are more important than life.
Don't be afraid of anything else, even if I'm afraid, Da Nan thinks the same way.
If you think so, then no matter what it is, it will be difficult.
Contradictions between relatives and friends are probably coming. What do you think you do for them, but in the end it is not what people want.
Xi Nuan sighed looking at Zhang Zhongchen's inevitable appearance.
Probably at night, Xi Nuan knew that she would go back one more day.
There was nothing to do. Xi Nuan killed zombies outside the city. She still liked to do this job.
Ordinary zombies have no attack power, and on the whole it is a bit disgusting, and she is also handy in killing.
Yu Qiyue was sitting there watching Xi Nuan killing zombies. I have to say that he still doesn't like killing zombies. He really likes blood, but the blood of this zombie really makes him feel sick.
However, seeing Xi Nuan killing zombies like this, he could barely watch.
Xi Nuan killed the zombies for two or three hours. When she sweated slightly on her body, she reached out and touched her forehead. Some glanced at Yu Qiyue, who was sitting on the side, and smiled:
"It’s been a long time since I sweated like this. It’s really comfortable. Would you like to do some exercise? I think you can move your muscles and bones, otherwise, how can you keep your muscles. If you don’t move, your muscles will change. It's a masquerade. Although I think masquerades are actually quite cute."
After Xi Nuan finished speaking, she fantasized about eating Yu Qiyue and turning into a meaty man. The chubby one should also be very cute.
Watching Xi Nuan smiling there, Yu Qiyue smiled a little bit dozingly, her own woman is really cute, even thinking about it makes people feel cute, stretched out her left hand, and snapped her fingers.
Xi Nuan pursed her lips, good fellow, this man is okay, so lazy...
"Is it a bit too lazy? Move it, July."
Yu Qiyue smiled and shook her head and said:
"If you ask me to accompany you wherever you go, I can do everything. I can go up to the knife and go down to the pan, but now these zombies look a little too disgusting. I don't want to touch them. Blood is blood that cannot be eaten. To me, they are like trash cans. It is the limit for me to see my women hitting the trash cans here. So in a sense, I don’t think they are Creatures, they can be regarded as objects at best."
Are they not creatures? Is it a thing at most?
What does it mean?
Xi Nuan pursed her mouth, a little confused about Yu Qiyue's words, now to her, zombies should also be considered creatures, right?
Thinking about this, Xi Nuan asked:
"So what do you think they are? Machines? Or... Or something? What are they called, at most a thing?"
Yu Qiyue looked at the zombies in front of him, sighed and said:
"It should be a virus. In my opinion, it is a virus that eliminates humans. Each space has its own rules. Obviously your space has opened a self-defense mode, turning part of human beings into zombies. In this way, the number of humans will decrease. You see, these zombies are skinny and skinny. They will not become more robust after eating people, and they will still die in the end."
"Birds should be able to reproduce. No matter how they reproduce, they must be able to reproduce, rather than biting humans to reproduce. Now a big problem is that these guys can’t reproduce, and those who can’t reproduce are not living things. Isn't this a problem? And if you look at their bodies, they don't have any metabolism at all. What kind of creatures are they?"
"At that time there will be no humans, and the zombies will gradually decrease over time. After thousands of years, only insects and mutant beasts will remain, and there may be a very small number of humans. Insects will not do anything to people. If there is something harmful, it can nourish the soil after death, so nature is reducing humans now. Using its own methods to reduce humans, mutant beasts and zerg will not pose any threat to nature, so wait thousands of years. …When the new civilization begins, this is another story. Can you understand..."
Xi Nuan pursed her mouth. At that time, she thought about a question, that is, are all the myths of human beings false before, nor are they.
Maybe it’s a civilization thousands of years ago...
For example, a child born now has never seen an airplane. There is no airplane in the last days. At most, there is a little airplane wreckage.
Then how do you talk to your kids about airplanes?
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