Chapter 780: . Night Strike 3

The peacock queen is almost at this ratio, and the small bald can reach 50% flying and 50% sliding. This surprised Elegant, he flew and said in amazement:
"Is this child a peacock? Why can she stay in the air for so long? None of us can fly better than her? This is not normal! Even though you stayed with Xi Nuan for a while, But this flying Xi Nuan probably never taught you!"
After hearing such praise, Xiao Kui smiled and said:
"My mother didn't teach me, but I have practiced myself. I know what my mother looks like when flying, so I want to fly higher. Every time in the afternoon I have a rest after eating and resting for a while, I will go Find an open space to practice. I work hard every day. I think about how high I can’t fly, but at least I can fly a little longer and slowly train at altitude. One day, I too I can be very high in the sky with my mother. I want to be a mother's child seriously."
When Xi Nuan heard her nose sore, her eyes were slightly moist!
She hasn't felt this way for a long time, the feeling of being touched.
Xiao Bald was really touched by being able to say such a thing. But she did not praise Xiao Bald. He just nodded faintly and continued to fly forward.
Sometimes she doesn't need to say something, but the effect will not be so good after saying it. Without telling it, Xiao Bale knew what she thought in his heart.
Xiao Bale couldn't fly after about half the distance.
Xi Nuan didn't want to say anything, Xiao Tu was a child after all, and being able to fly half the distance with her was very satisfied for her. And when she saw Elegant eyes getting more and more shocked and admired, she knew Xiao Bald's performance was good this time.
At this moment, Xiao Tu was already a twelve or three-year-old child, and she could not hold Xiao Tu in her arms as before. I had to take out a thick hemp rope from my backpack and tie it around my waist to form a large arc.
Let Xiao Bald sit on the arc like a swing.
Xiao Tu was unwilling to see Xi Nuan's swing after he had set it up. He didn't want to use his mother as a means of transportation.
But seeing everyone flying away, it can't be because he didn't delay the trip.
Although Xiao Tian was a little embarrassed in the end, he still agreed to sit on this human-shaped swing.
After Xiao Balu sat on the human-shaped swing, their speed was faster than before. Because at the beginning, there was a little bit of waiting for Xiao Bald, and when Xiao Bald sat down, there was no waiting at all. Xi Nuan's speed is extremely fast, at first it was at the same speed as Piao Yi and the others. But when Xi Nuan's speed continued to accelerate, Elegant couldn't keep up.
Xiao Bald sitting on Xi Nuan's swing really felt too exciting, Xi Nuan's speed was extremely fast, and that speed made him feel how happy it is to fly.
This also strengthened his confidence in flying. He also wanted to fly higher and higher, let himself fly better, and then let himself and Xi Nuan get closer and closer.
He now has a golden feather in his wings, which shows that this approach is not impossible.
That golden feather is what makes him most happy recently.
By the time they arrived, it was already more than six o'clock in the evening. The elegance at this moment is too tired. The face of Queen Peacock was also sweaty. But Xi Nuan didn't have much reaction. She had trained with this intensity before.
At that time, as long as she had time, she would fly up the hillside and shuttle among the woods. It was not difficult for her to practice flying at this intensity continuously. It's just that you are not tired at all, nor are you.
She felt that her waist was a little tired, after all, Xiao Bald had always been sitting on the rope like sitting on a swing.
Her waist is a little uncomfortable, but after rubbing it, it feels okay.
Queen Peacock glanced at Xi Nuan, bowed respectfully and said:
"What should we do now? What should I do? How should I cooperate with you? You come up with some plans so I can help you do it."
Xi Nuan nodded and said:
"Actually, it's still very simple. You just need to find Prime Minister Zuo for me. Let's find a closed place, just a few of us, and then you can get me some healthy foods that you said. Talk to your heart and see if you can talk about something. Elegant, take the pill just now and turn it into water. Remember to look for a big water tank. This medicine is very effective and I am afraid that it will have side effects. Then look for it. Two people who are dying of illness give them a drink and see how it works? Then let's think about a solution together."
Elegant nodded, Queen Peacock took out the pill from her waist and handed it to Elegant, holding the pill, she immediately left Xi Nuan's sight, ready to save people.
The peacock queen glanced at Xi Nuan and said:
"Let's go with me that year. We can just talk in the palace. My palace is not open at night. No one will be here. It is enough for interrogation or heart-to-heart talk. I just hope that whatever I do, He saved him a life. He really helped us a lot, so I hope you can save his life."
Xi Nuan nodded, isn't it easy to save a life?
She still has to be a little bit selfish today, but more still has to solve the problem.
Then take Xiao Balu back to live a peaceful life.
Under the leadership of Queen Peacock, the group of them came to Queen Peacock's palace. After entering the palace, Queen Peacock retreated most of her subordinates, and only one of the two palace ladies was allowed to get food. There is another to invite Prime Minister Zuo.
At this moment, a seven or eight year old child ran in and hugged the peacock queen and said:
"Mom, where have you been? I'm afraid of death if you are absent for the past two days. They all said that our country is going to die, is that true? Then how can I eat delicious fruit? If I can't eat it Delicious fruits, I will be hungry."
The child looked two points similar to Xiao Bale, and Xi Nuan recognized who the child was at a glance.
There are two eggs in the Queen Peacock, and one egg is small. One more egg should be this child.
After the child hugged the peacock queen for a while, he saw Xi Nuan and Xiao Bald as soon as he turned his head.
He pointed his finger at Xi Nuan and Xiao Bald, and said arrogantly:
"Who are you? Why don't you bow to me when you see me? I'm the little majesty of this country. You will be punished if you don't bow to me. Don't you know? Don't you kneel down and bow to me? It's really rude Guy."
Xi Nuan looked at this little majesty's arrogant look, and thought of a word...
It is called, people are not big and powerful.
It looks like a little clamoring ball, which looks a bit interesting, but it is also extremely annoying.
Xi Nuan has already looked at the limit that this little majesty can reach.
If Xiao Bald's ability can reach ten meters in height, then this small majesty is at most five meters, and one more meter is impossible.
If the character is not good, everything is empty talk.
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