Chapter 21: : The way to brush food

It was another morning, and the glass windows were a little dusty.
I didn't send the flowers to the landlord's home today because Su Qiuyu said she was going home at noon today, Bai Song took the flowers to the breakfast shop for 11 yuan and ate breakfast.
"If it wasn't the mother who knocked on the door, you knocked on this glass." Bai Song warned his daughter carefully.
After listening to Duo Duodu, he nodded seriously, then picked up the comic book that Bai Song bought yesterday and looked up. After Bai Song checked the doors and windows again, he landed in the game.
Enter the game, Feng Mengzhen is a noisy scene.
There is a large mountain behind the Fengfengmeng town. This mountain is very high, but it is not the kind of unclimbable, and there is a very steep road. This road is a road that many shippers will choose. Despite its ruggedness, this is the nearest road.
Baisong has no horses, and of course no one else. It is very hard to climb the mountain. There are no strange areas on the mountain. So few people, except the Scenic Party, set foot on mountain climbing.
Looking at his physical strength, Bai Song exhaled his backpack and took out all the balance—1 copper coin.
It's hard to beat a penny. Bai Song looked at the rugged mountain road and couldn't help sighing. He had this physical strength, and when he climbed to the mountainside, his physical strength was almost dead.
Fortunately, the durability of novice equipment is relatively thick, otherwise, Bai Song really has to live a life of this problem. This is also to prevent the embarrassing scene that some female players die too many times and end up dropping too much.
At this time, Bai Song suddenly thought of a place where he could replenish his energy for free.
Tong Baisong walked in Fengmeng Town, stopped at the door of a high house, knocked on the door, the door opened, and the house owner was a well-dressed young man with a cane.
"Adventure, what are you doing?"
Xi Baisong performed a knight etiquette. Although he was a thief, he said politely: "Dear sir, I just saw a lot of refugees outside the town. They are so poor, but I don't have enough ability to help them."
"You are the best-seeing adventurer I have ever seen," said the well-dressed young man. "Benevolent adventurer, please do me a favor. I have a disability because of my legs and feet. You, give me some rice porridge for me. "
After speaking, the abduction youth was on the second floor: "The grain is upstairs, please come with me."
Tong Baisong followed the youth to the second floor. During that period, Bai Song did not speak, but just followed calmly. When the abduction youth gave Baisong a bag of rice, Baisong was suddenly surprised: "Sir, I don't know how to cook and eat."
The young kidnappers patted their heads: "Please come with me," and then took Bai Song into another room, and the bookshelves in the room were full.
Just books, it is already full of bookshelves, bookshelves can't fit, and various boxes are neatly sorted. The kidnapping youth picked up a copy from the eating area and handed it to Bai Song: "Just do what it says above."
When Bai Baisong took it, he received a system prompt.
The system prompts: Do you accept the task "Help refugees"?
System prompt: Do you want to learn the practice of Xiaomi porridge?
提示 Two consecutive prompts, Bai Song did not hesitate to click twice to agree.
"Take these to the refugees, and by the way my Grove greetings." The young kidnapper Grove said kindly to Bai Song.
"Herald Grove, I will convey your will." After speaking, Bai Song left.
I walked to the refugee area. There were ready-made torches and pots in the refugee areas. These were brought by the residents of the town.
Baisong has no pot and firewood, and only available in the refugee area.
Slowly, the scent of food caught the attention of the refugees, and slowly a raging refugee approached carefully and wanted to ask for food.
When the refugee was approaching, suddenly, Bai Song inserted a dagger into the ground, giving the refugee a cold look, and the refugee quickly hurried back.
However, Bai Song, who had suffered from these refugees in the previous life, did not accept the task of millet porridge, but instead paid for the food himself. He wanted to try his luck to hide the task.
As a result, they will only ask you for endlessly. If you give it three times in a row, they will stubbornly follow you. The area where the refugee is located also belongs to the town. If you kill him by force, he will be seen by the guards. The guards will definitely kill you.
But as long as you are tough at the beginning, these refugees dare not commit crimes.
Besides, when you complete this task, you will only get three bowls of millet porridge. At this time, Bai Song's millet porridge is ready.
Thin millet porridge: restore a certain amount of physical health within 30 seconds.
Wu Baisong looked at the millet porridge he made, and there was no expression of disappointment. Without proficiency, half a bag of rice made ten bowls of millet porridge. The hungry refugees finally couldn't help it. Several of them had approached. Bai Song pulled out his dagger, but it only slowed down their approaching speed.
Bai Song left a bowl of millet porridge, packed other millet porridge in his backpack, and left the refugee area while threatening with a dagger ~ ~ After Bai Song left, the refugees snatched a bowl of millet porridge As a group, no one wants to take the lead in chasing Baisong.
When the refugees grabbed the bowl of millet porridge, the task progress changed.
Task: "Help refugees" completion (1/3)
Bai Song didn't even think about it, he just gave up the task.
The system prompts: Do you abandon the mission "Help the refugees"?
He didn't care about tangling here. After giving it three times, he wasted time and only three bowls of millet porridge were completed.
I drank the millet porridge that was as clear as water. The physical problem was solved for a while. At this time, a call came from the communicator. After Bai Song picked it up, it was the ID of the tofu milk.
"Brother Song, I found a place where the best leveling is, the leveling speed is fast, I'm almost level 5." Even at the other end of the communication, I can feel the flamboyant tone of tofu.
"No, I have another leveling place." At the end, Bai Song also learned the tone of tofu, "It's also a thief."
"I can go, no matter how fast I can go, you come quickly, there is a friend of mine here, kill the strange thief." Before the words were over, there was a fight from the tofu milk: "Brother Song, Spoiled, say it later ... "
I hung up the communicator, Bai Song shook his head a bit funny, where is the thief's fast leveling? How fast can there be a place faster than my own rebirth knows?
Leaving Fengmeng Town, the road has always been connected to the road between the mountains. Although the road is a bit rough, it will consume a certain amount of physical strength. Fortunately, Bai Song is now physically indifferent ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, The fastest and hottest serial works are at ~ ~ Please read for mobile users.
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