Chapter 106: Great increase in strength! [Seeking collection]

(New volume, please collect!)
"What about my metal exoskeleton?"
Jia Yan looked at the cave slightly in horror.
This cave has a depth of only five meters and a height and width of no more than one meter five. At a glance, you can see the scenery of the whole cave.
But nowhere was the shadow of the metal exoskeleton seen.
The metal exoskeleton has completely disappeared!
Jia Yan was suspicious of sinuses!
"What happened, it was really painful at the time, my memory was a bit confusing. In the end, did I take it off and throw it off the cliff, or ..."
He tried hard to remember.
At the moment of crisis caused by the mutation, because of the stickiness of the clot, Jia Yan could not take off the metal exoskeleton.
So much so that he couldn't help but swallow the black liquid in the glass bottle again!
His idea is actually very easy to understand. The super mutated response caused by the black liquid may help him who is about to die tragically, and may even burst the entire metal exoskeleton.
And now, he really survived, and his body has grown to a length of one meter, and his wingspan can be a giant of about three meters!
If the metal exoskeleton was still there, he would have been hung to death.
But now he is neither dead nor in the cave!
"It's impossible. It's impossible for a piece of metal like this to disappear for nothing ... then there is only one explanation."
Jia Yan couldn't believe it, looking at his sharp, full metal luster.
"Is the metal exoskeleton absorbed by my body! This ... this!"
Jia Yan could not talk to himself for a long time, his body was standing in a cave, his brain was messy, and he didn't do anything.
In fact, many things can be figured out carefully.
Jia Yan thought that from the first mutation of his body, it was strangely inexplicable, but in physics, if a thing wants to obtain quality, that quality cannot be generated in a vacuum!
Since Jia Yan has surged in size several times, there are definitely other objects that provide him with a source of material.
He thought about it and finally shook his head, thinking of some details.
The first mutation was in the train compartment. He remembered that when the mutation was completed, the train's metal floor seemed to have melted a little, even the trash can was slightly deformed!
At the time, he thought it was what it was.
The second time was in a metal can.
I remember that after the mutation was successful, the entire can was distorted, and even the overall shape was no longer a long tube, but twisted into a twist. Although there were no gaps, there were obvious signs of corrosion ...
As for eating black liquid, it seems that the liquid pool under Jia Yan's body has changed, but at that time, he thought it was caused by a workshop explosion.
Then I drank the mysterious juice a few times, because there are too many stones on the ground, and a part is missing.
But now, his mutation has reached the length of one meter, and the engrossing and corrosive characteristics can be easily seen even if he doesn't pay attention!
And this time it was too thorough, it actually swallowed the entire metal exoskeleton directly!
"I haven't noticed this for so long! Isn't the law of conservation of energy the truth of the universe? I thought that the body with increased variation was born out of nothing, and it was a big mistake!"
Jia Yan felt his metal body and finally realized.
"Since it is the corrosive property that allows me to have a mutant body, the object that causes the corrosive property is the kind of condensate. I used to think that they were just a tissue that formed a clot. I did n’t expect to play a role before the clot was formed. The task of corroding other substances and then pulling into the body becomes a task of mutant materials! "
Jia Yan felt that there was still nowhere.
For example, how can the condensate simply engulf stones, metal, and the like to increase his flesh and blood, and it seems that the added flesh and blood is not composed of stones or metal, there must be more crucial points in the middle.
But Jia Yan doesn't need to understand these things. After all, he is not a scientific researcher. He only needs to know why he mutates and what the principle of mutation is probably. This is enough!
Jia Yan looked at his body again. The dark body surface still had thick clot defenses. These clots were completely black, and he could see a little metal feeling. This should be the effect of the fusion of metal exoskeleton!
"My defense was so much stronger than the creatures of the same type in the past, maybe it was because they swallowed a lot of metal and stones, and this mutation actually directly swallowed a whole set of metal exoskeleton, and that metal was still at all The latest special steel developed by the Stars and Stripes! "
Jia Yanfu's eyes lit up!
"Then how strong is my defense and body strength now ?! It's so exciting!"
With a one-meter body, Jia Yan no longer looks small, although it is slightly shorter than the average human height of more than one and a half meters, but if the feet are included, it is completely longer than humans.
And Jia Yan noticed a few movements of his body. He is now doped with a metal body weight, so he can't reach the level of ordinary human children directly!
Estimated to be 30 to 40 kilograms!
Although this kind of weight will bring some obstacles to flying, Jia Yan feels his own weight after feeling some strength of himself!
As for the actual situation, don't know if you try it!
Pacing to the cave entrance.
At this time, Jia Yan's body is already very large. If you are not careful, this small mountain cave is not good enough to turn around.
He looked at the full moon above his head. Today is a good day. He is a vampire, and he can swim in the sky while night is shining!
Buzz! !!
A pair of wings flapped slowly behind.
Jia Yan found that when he took off, he could not raise the speed for a while without a little effort.
However, he did not directly increase the wing frequency to the limit, but gradually increased a little bit.
Fluttered thirty times per second, showing no signs of movement.
Fluttering his wings seventy times per second showed no sign of movement.
One hundred and fifty times per second, I feel my body floats a bit!
Two hundred times per second ...
The frequency of flapping wings reached 200 times per second, and Jia Yan's six long legs finally left the ground!
He levitates slowly, and the scene below gradually becomes smaller.
Moan moan!
The frequency of flapping wings reaches 300 times per second. Because the wings are enlarged, the edges of the wings directly break through the sound barrier and reach the speed of sound!
"It seems a bit laborious!" Jia Yanfu's eyes were faint.
"My flutter limit is a bit lower than when I was smaller, and it can only reach 500 times per second, but with such a huge wing, the flutter frequency can still be maintained 500 times per second. It's terrible! "
If you get something, you will lose others. Jia Yan understands this!
Since the body is huge, the flexibility of the body is likely to be lost. After all, with such a large body, it is impossible to keep it as flexible as before.
Of course, with a limit wing frequency of 500 times per second, Jia Yan is still able to make beautiful emergency stops and changes of direction, but it is no longer smooth and flexible compared to before.
Jia Yan controlled the twist of the muscles of the wings, and the wings suddenly twisted to a certain angle!
Because the wings are huge, and the muscles that twist the wings have been mutated and strengthened, now Jia Yan glides up, it is simply a pleasure!
call! !!
Suddenly, the noise of high-frequency flutter disappeared, Jia Yan's huge figure gliding fast in the air.
"Well! My gliding speed has been strengthened! And because the body has become heavy and stability has been guaranteed, even under headwind conditions, it still flies so stably!"
Jia Yan once again found a benefit of his mutation.
Gliding is more practical!
The view of the forest below is rapidly moving away.
The tentacles of the hearing organs are all the wind of high-speed flight!
Because of his huge body, his speed is now more terrifying than before.
Because there is no reference, Jia Yan can't figure out how fast he is now!
Anyway, compared with the previous feeling of flying, there is a fundamental difference directly!
This huge and mysterious flying creature is swimming in the air.
What he didn't notice was that in the lower part of the forest, there were three pairs of huge compound eyes shining brightly, staring down at his swift body, blinking slightly.
These are three behemoths with a body height of about two meters even if they crawl on the ground!
They also have six long legs, and these six long legs are sharp and abnormal, and obviously have strong attack power.
These three monsters also stand up to their huge abdomen. The abdomen is round, occupying a large part of the body.
Compared with Jia Yan, their body shape and weight are more terrifying, perhaps hundreds of kilograms or even a meal!
It's no exaggeration to say that they are giants!
The three creatures gathered together and crawled in a team in the forest.
Just as Jia Yan flew overhead, three monsters raised their heads at the same time, one of the eyes flashed luster, and then it was located in the mouth of the mouth. A pair of lips and feet spread out. Big mosquitoes spraying high up!
Woohoo! !!
But at this moment, it was the moment when Jia Yan tried to fly!
For almost a second, his speed suddenly increased by a notch, quickly escaping from the mountain forest where the three monsters were.
The flickering compound eyes of the giant monster ready to attack moved slightly.
Then the red light gradually went out, and the object in the mouth also retracted ...
The three creatures continued to line up, marching forward in an orderly manner.
To be continued.
Today, there is only one change. Let ’s retreat to the old cramped finger tendon for two days, and restore two changes in a few days.
Thanks to 'Mikuˉ 控' Linyuan Xianyumeng 'Quiet 丨' 'Sword Dance 001' '760600.qdcn `` 878kh' 'Zhi Shao 6000 `` Huskey who loves reading `` Frost Love 殇' 'like Xuefei Yan's great reward from several brothers and sisters! !! !! Thank you very much. Although you can only say sorry for the update in these two days, the next chapter is definitely a wonderful story that will satisfy everyone. Thank you! !!
I also want to thank the book friends of "Tencent Literature" for their support. I can see your comments and rewards, thank you! !!
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