Chapter 1224: Stellar domain [for genuine subscription]

Jia Yan did not even think that the civilization data that Edissa gave to that Linggua civilization actually contained some explanations about the Orion arm, and even did not expect that the Emperor of the Guar civilization would make a decision to go to the Orion arm.
He was only slightly excited after making the artificial black hole.
"With this artificial black hole, my strength will be greatly improved. Even in general, in a star-studded battle, it is impossible to have a situation where the death was limited by a black hole as before, but even if it can play a role It's definitely worth the effort. "
Jia Yan felt very satisfied with this trip to Linggua civilization.
The only dissatisfaction is that he has spent too much time this time. After all, he is acting as the mentor and guard of the genius battlefield genius, and has not appeared for too long, it will definitely cause the genius battlefield official to be unhappy.
So he made Edissa speed up the pursuit.
In the universe, there is a giant battleship moving fast.
The size of this battleship is extremely rare.
With a length of forty kilometers, he looks like a planet, and the space inside is so incredible.
In this giant battleship, two relatively large creatures live here.
The huge battleship was a bit small for them. The body of a few kilometers can hardly go anywhere in this battleship.
"Jia Yan is really slow. Doesn't he know that our genius battlefield hasn't fully reassured him? After he left the ship for so long, he turned back to the top of the battlefield, and those high-level beasts who had bad senses to the evolutionary beast We must say something again. "
Long Tower smiled bitterly. Originally, he thought that Jia Yan was only returning to his own aircraft. However, he did not expect that they had waited for two months. They were about to reach the stellar field, and Jia Yan had not even arrived.
"Forget it, he must be too confident in his aircraft and found that he couldn't catch up with us."
Longta explained to Jia Yan.
Of course he didn't know that his guess was completely correct.
Jia Yan was more than a week late, but originally thought that with the speed of the Adisha ejection, he would definitely be able to barely catch up with this genius battlefield giant ship, but he did not expect to catch up completely, so he was anxious at this time.
"Master Lanta, the Stellar Academy is coming, don't you know we are going to jump out of normal space?"
A staff member from a giant ship came to Lanta and asked him respectfully.
"Are you there? Well, forget it, we won't wait for Jia Yan, let's go into the stellar field first." Longta looked at Luo Bei on one side and nodded.
In terms of the genius battlefield, this time they were originally sent by the two of them to send geniuses, but after discovering Jia Yan before, in the idea of ​​exploring Jia Yan, he also let Jia Yan come to this stellar academic field to communicate.
Of course, they have another meaning, that is, to show the stellar academic domain that has not dealt with the genius battlefield, the genius battlefield looks like a peerless monster.
As long as you see Jia Yan, no matter who loses or wins this time between genius exchanges, it is all a genius battlefield win. After all, what genius can be considered a genius in the face of peerless evil? Get out of here!
But since Jia Yan hasn't kept up, there's no way. You can't stop and wait when you are close to the stellar field. Maybe that's more than the time agreed by both parties.
The huge and unmatched genius battlefield battleship slowly emerged from the super-curvature engine, and then sprayed flames towards an extremely weird starfield.
The West Bandit is very excited these days.
He heard the news, saying that he had not been able to deal with the genius battlefield of Stellar Star, and sent a very large team of geniuses to come and exchange ideas.
"The leader this time is actually Lonta. Hehe, it has been more than ten years since the last departure. Although some people from the genius battlefield also came to communicate with our Stellar Academy, they were not Lonta. Once he came, I, the host, must let him see what is unique in my stellar field ... "
The West Bandit was a genius in the genius battlefield. It is well known in the stellar field, and the stellar field has made him an excellent weapon against the genius field.
The talents that your genius battlefield can't cultivate, our Stellar Academy can train him into a stellar star!
And the West bandit's strength is not weak at all. In his own heart, even compared to Long Tower, this super genius he had to look up to, he is not weak at all.
Therefore, the West Bandit was extremely excited to hear that Longta came. The events of that year have become the eternal haze of his heart. The more he can return the humiliation he received from Longta, the more likely he will break through, so he Expect the tower to come to his place quickly before he can operate.
"Even if there is a 'communication' with him, I don't mind. Anyway, this kind of thing is not without precedent ..."
The field of stellar science is an extremely large star field. Compared with the genius battle field where the genius battle field is located, it is not only small, but even a bit larger.
And the forces behind this stellar science domain are similar to the genius battlefield, they are extremely huge, and they all have faint stars.
Two similar institutions are separated by 20,000 light-years. Although they are very far apart, they can actually be two institutions with similar functions. In addition, the time of creation is almost the same. The two sides said that you copied me or I copied you. They have been fighting for 200,000 years, even because the strengths of both sides are similar, so even now, this quarrel is still going on.
"Here, Genius Battlefield is using this type of spaceship again and again, for many years, even the appearance of the spaceship has not changed. It seems that the innovation ability of the star area over them is completely impossible."
"Haha, of course, what kind of backward star field can it be compared with our stellar field? It is simply ridiculous. If we had not separated by 20,000 light years, and the income areas of the two sides were different, they would have been early. It was swallowed up by our stellar field. "
A genius in the stellar field is just outside the 'gate' of the stellar field, waiting for a group of geniuses from the genius battlefield.
The stellar field is different from the genius battlefield. It does not have the natural boundary of the fluctuations caused by the battle of several powerful strongmen. However, they have a similar way of closing. In the land of the year, they are all 'horror machines'.
Although this machine does not have a defensive role, it can have an early warning effect. Regardless of the powerful force, if you dare to sneak into the stellar domain, you will definitely be found and then killed.
At least the average strong person would not dare to enter the stellar academic field at will. Even the stellar powerful person who invades the stellar academic field without a valid reason may be in crisis.
After all, just like the genius battlefield, the Stellar Academy is a powerful force with at least one or two hundred stars.
The stellar science gate is like a real gate, but the gate is actually too large and has a height of 2,000 kilometers and a width of 10,000 kilometers, which can almost accommodate an entire earth.
Even with such a huge gate, there are still endless streams, because unlike the genius battlefield, there are four passages through which the Stellar Academy can pass, so the traffic flow is extremely huge.
But today, in order to welcome visitors from 20,000 light-years away, Stellar Academy closed the gate passage completely on this day.
The genius battlefield battleship, although it has a length of forty kilometers, can fly into this huge and extremely gate-like building. It is exactly like a small ant, which looks ridiculous.
"Hehe, welcome, friends from the genius battlefield."
Just as the genius battlefield battleship entered the stellar academy, a large group of people were waiting in this gate.
One of them was ten kilometres in size and looked like a star-studded star, but faintly stronger than Lung Ta and other beings, greeted with a smile.
Longta and Luobei flew out of the battleship. Rao is that they have been mentally prepared, but they have also been shocked by the size of the team in front of them.
It turned out that the strongest person who met the team was actually a star-level mid-level existence.
It must be known that in the star level, there is a grade difference, and to a certain extent, it is much worse, and there is almost no possibility of fighting over the ranks.
"It turned out to be the seniors in the middle of the middle school. The seniors were bothered to greet them in person, and the younger ones were really sincere." Longta felt scalp tingling.
You should know that in the two major star domains, the genius was the most. This giant called a hundred monsters, his strength was extremely powerful in the past. Now in the middle of the constant interest level, the strength is far more than the same Tier, even in the genius battlefield, and the stellar mid-tier strong, it is very difficult to find one that can match him.
So when Lanta confronted him, he had no trace of pride as a star powerhouse.
Because compared to the star of the top genius who was promoted at that time, the living canals that Longta had fought before were already weak. Maybe they can kill him in one stroke.
So how dare you disrespect Longta.
"Oh, don't be so polite. You are far away. Come here. Let's introduce the geniuses of the two sides, then visit and rest for two days, and then communicate."
Fortunately, there did not seem to be too many people oppressing Longta and others with the strength of the strong. After laughing, they left the place.
He is a top player in the field of stellar science. Of course, he will not participate in such a small exchange game too much, which is a loss of face.
"Xi bandit, I haven't seen you in a long time." And shortly after he left, Long Ta saw the strong man who really received himself and others.
"Longta, I haven't said much. I hope your geniuses in this battlefield will be able to take action."
It turned out that the one who received Longta and his party this time was actually West bandits.
The two sides introduced the geniuses on both sides, and then on the West Band, there was a top genius who had reached the semi-star status, and when they talked, they dared to speak out!
"Your genius battlefield Na Jia, why didn't you come this time !?"
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