Chapter 1241: Arranged before the war! [Seeking genuine subscription]

"Oh? Is there no shipyard, if I find out! Are you ... willing to die?"
Jia Yan would not believe that there would not be any shipyard on this planet, otherwise such a huge planet, if any tourist boat has a problem, could it be dragged to another planet for repair?
"This ... don't you, lord, yes, there is a repair shop, but the scale is not large. If you can't satisfy the adult, please don't go to your heart."
At that time, the level creature was trying to push Jia Yan, which seemed to be a very troublesome task.
After all, it seems that Edissa knew the damage caused by the attack, and the direction of the stellar star is the stellar field. If his damage has nothing to do with the stellar field, why not do it in the stellar field. repair?
He was afraid of getting in trouble, and the planet did not have a strong repair shop.
However, Jia Yan already said that he had to help.
Ten minutes later, Jia Yan obtained several copies of the repair shop's information.
"Just this one."
I randomly ordered a nearest repair shop, and then Jia Yan used brainwave power to pull him into the Edish at a speed that the level-level merchants could not react at that time.
"Sir, I have already said, I still have something ... 唔唔 ......"
The sub-level businessman almost cried.
However, Jia Yan did not abuse him too much. After all, in addition to the repair shop, there are other things that need such a biological help.
And not long after Jia Yan arrived on this planet, the whole planet suddenly heard such a news!
"A stellar star comes to our planet. It seems that the name of this star, even adults, has heard about it. Before, no stellar star was willing to fall on our planet. It ’s actually the first time a star has come here and settled, great! "
For this kind of tourist star, a stellar star can settle down, it is almost what they dream of.
Because of such things, such an ordinary planet can suddenly become famous!
There is a lot of stellar stars, don't look at the stellar academic field, but in fact they rarely come near the star field, and they ca n’t stay even if they pass by. It's an honor to be a native creature.
Of course, if these creatures knew that Jia Yan was a terrifying strongman almost equivalent to the enemy of the stellar domain, it would not be so happy!
"Here, this senior, you can't repair this aircraft!"
Just when the entire planet began to spread wildly when a star-studded strong man settled down, Jia Yan, the client, had brought the sub-class businessman to the repair shop.
But when the group of workers saw Jia Yan and the damaged Edissa, their expressions changed greatly.
Their repair shop was also able to accommodate the entry of Edissa, and some other tourist spacecraft quickly evacuated or almost crowded the dock.
In this case, everyone can see that they have no ability to repair the Edissa at all.
"Whoever told you to fix it, I'll do it myself! Give me the tools and leave."
Jia Yan knew that the situation was urgent, and he couldn't care about the reason. The star powerhouse originally had such strength and power in the starry sky. Who would dare to say something even if it was treated unfairly by the star powerhouse?
You must know that a star has the ability to kill all living things on a life star.
"Yes, we leave!"
A group of repair shop creatures ran away in a frightening self-shipyard and went crazy, even ignoring their own business!
Who dares to care? You need to know that flying creature, but a star powerhouse! Arguing with them, do not kill people.
The sub-level businessman also wanted to walk, but he just took a few steps and felt that his whole body was tight and he couldn't move anymore!
"You forgot to help me find the materials. Don't leave now!"
Jia Yan stared at him, saying with a smile.
"Okay, sir, I'll do it!"
That level creature was almost crying.
I had known that this would happen. He saw the Edissa today, so don't come to the service, he blame himself for being cheap!
Jia Yan didn't care about the idea of ​​this sub-level creature, he was just observing the damage of Edissa.
"Master, I will use the miniature robot in the Edissa during the repair process, but this process cannot be disturbed. Now that you have caused such a big movement on this planet, the people in the stellar field also know that you are here Now, according to my calculations, after a maximum of forty hours, we will be attacked. You need to persist for ten hours. I wonder if it will be reluctant? "
Edissa came to Jia Yan and expressed her judgment.
She is an intelligent brain, and she has a very accurate judgment on the Edissa. In addition, she also saw the strong men in the stellar field before. At this time, the calculated arrival time of the opponent is basically in line with Jia Yan's estimated time.
"Are you ten hours behind? I need to block each other within ten hours and prevent them from attacking Edissa?"
When Jia Yan heard this, he immediately felt that the first two were big. To know him, it was extremely difficult to deal with a star bandit. Now I do n’t know if he will be stronger than the bandit. Stars. If you encounter it, self-protection is good. Where can I take care of the Edissa?
"No, in this case ..."
Jing Yan flashed in Jia Yanfu's eyes, and then seemed to make a decision!
"I, take the initiative! At least in the sky, there will be much more room to turn around!"
Jia Yan made a decision, then looked at the Edissa, and then made some arrangements, and even made a rush to the west.
Then he flew towards the sky somewhere like lightning!
Edissa is his guarantee of fast mobility in the universe. Without her, he would not be able to achieve the purpose of true cosmic migration. Therefore, it is necessary for Jia Yan to complete the repair of Edissa!
Over the interstellar space, Jia Yan came here.
The unnamed travel star at the rear has become a small point at this time, and the travel star at this time seems to have gotten some news. There are some signs of confusion on the entire planet.
But Jia Yan doesn't care so much.
"I just made some arrangements and let the merchants at that level make the necessary purchases for repairs, and now there is not much time left for me."
After calculating the time, more than twenty hours have passed, and Jia Yan has not had much time to arrange.
However, this does not mean that Jia Yan has given up the layout!
"The battle between star powerhouses is entirely based on the realm, and although I have already taken shape in the realm, it is unrealistic to want a complete realm to appear immediately."
"But I have another way!"
He thought lightly of his advantages.
After being promoted to star, Jia Yan has the same huge advantages, such as physical fitness and anti-matter explosion ability.
In addition to the black hole, in addition, he has not yet fully matured the combat system. At this time, he is only performing less prominently, but in fact he definitely has many advantages in this regard!
"But even if there are many advantages, I don't know how many stars will be faced next, so I need to have a 120,000-point spirit. I can arrange it now, so arrange it ..."
After thinking about it, I started my tactical layout!
"First of all, some energy materials found in the planet just now, although they can't help me much, can be calculated a little, as long as it can help me recover, maybe it can play a decisive role in the battle. "
"Then, the surrounding subspace!"
Jia Yan also has a very significant advantage, that is, it seems that the subspace talent that does not seem to play a big role now.
Although it was broken several times by other star powerhouses, in fact, this is just that Jia Yan's current strength is not enough to compare with ordinary star power. If he also reaches the level of ordinary star power, this time Space missions can definitely play a big role.
"They are used to disrupt my subspace movement. There are two ways. The first is the interference of brain wave power. The second is the penetration of the field. These two methods are also very simple to crack ... ... "
Jing Yan flashed in Jia Yanmu's head, and then entered the subspace.
Make some arrangements!
So, it was almost twenty hours.
"Well, although these arrangements cannot be said to be perfect, they are all I can do now."
When Jia Yan finally stopped, his eyes seemed to be condensed!
Because Jia Yan saw it, in a very distant place from where he was located, a few seemingly small shadows, like a few urging Guanghua, moved quickly towards the direction of Jia Yan!
"Are you here? Then, let's do our best to know our destiny!"
Jia Yan's mind was slightly condensed.
In fact, Jia Yan understands that the other party must also know that he is relying on the Edisha. Without this fast flying method, even if Jia Yan can fight again, he must be in the stellar sphere of influence. There is no escape at all.
After all, he is only able to cause damage to the first-level star stars, no one would think that Jia Yan can even hurt the middle-level star stars.
Not to mention, the mysterious powerhouse that will be wounded by the Edissa in the subspace!
So he wanted to protect Edish.
"I hope that this time the other party will not send a stellar middle-ranked strongman, otherwise, I will really be out of luck."
Jia Yan looked at the slowly approaching, driven by the distorted curvature engine, like lightning. Almost after seeing each other not long, they came to several giant battleships in front of them.
"Jia Yan! You disregard the friendly battle principle and kill my two stellar star powerhouses for no reason. It is a crime to die. Now, do you surrender yourself and be restrained, or do you want us to take you back to the stellar science field !? "
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