Chapter 1366: Agreement [seeking genuine subscription]

Judging by the gradual slowdown of the streamer, it will take at least seven or eight days for them to reach the giant planet one or two light years away.
However, the time required for Jia Yan's practice was five days, so time theory is sufficient.
But for two or three days in the middle of the gap, those powerful gods can't support it? After all, even if Jia Yan penetrates into it, he will be instantly bombarded and killed. If he is held down for two or three days, Jia Yan can see that the creatures in the stellar domain come again, and he can only escape.
Both sides are faintly competing for time and speed.
The gods are the most aggressive group of creatures this time.
"They didn't attack, they surrounded us."
"But this is a good thing. They estimated what they were planning, but did not expect that we were also dragging our time. I even notified the nearby Pagoda King ’s power on that day, saying that there was a person who betrayed the Word of God, the God. The king is extremely hostile to the betrayers. His elders may come over. Wait. The longer the time, the better it is for us. "
"What? The power of the King of the Tower, the famous King of Kings? According to some people, he is a true king of the title, the title is the tower, even if such a great comes, we will be saved."
A group of gods was a little less confident about the predecessor of the so-called "Stellar Field". After all, even if people came to catch Jia Yan, but if the strength is really strong, they will solve it with them, and they have nothing to resist. Of course, so many gods estimate that the average middle-level strong can't solve it. .
And now, they heard that a strong ‘God King’ might be coming, and that ’s what made them even more excited.
Compared with the possible help of the star powerhouse, they are more willing to believe in a powerhouse of the gods, even if the king's rumor is also an indifferent existence.
"Well, as long as the King of the Tower is coming, no matter what Jia Yan, or the star power of the stellar field, who are we afraid of? And we have not deceived the seniors of the Tower, and indeed there are several betrayers here, I even heard the rumor, what is called Luolongsi, I do n’t know why, it has already blended the breath of many stars, even if I do n’t know why she changed so fast, but I can also confirm that she is a Betrayer. "
"Yes, as long as the Lord God is coming, it will definitely be furious. At that time, we may even be able to capture the dominance of the entire planet, even if the future depends on His Majesty the Lord. "
One bit of deity, the news of the of the tower is more valued.
Moreover, they also believed that the orthodox strongs, who found one to kill the one against the betrayer, would definitely deal with Jia Yan's team, and that was when they would gain. Even if they have to attach to Lord God, they are not unhappy, even if they are happy.
Time passed quickly. For more than four days, it was almost quicksand. At the time when the two sides of the war were extremely ambitious and distressing, there were actually five days. There was no trace of war on the entire planet. People feel relaxed, but more like the peace before the war, so that countless ordinary soldier creatures and territories living around them feel the pressure of suffocation.
Of course, everyone knows that it will be a shocking divine war, which will be launched, and even this divine war will not be able to explain the shocking, because everyone has seen it, it has been shown before Divine warfare, but the next divine warfare is definitely beyond that level.
Far from the immortal city that already belongs to the rear of the war, these days, Xiaomei went to see Jia Yan but did not pass once.
The guard at the door stopped her, and even insisted. This was never a thing for Mei Ping.
"Master, I want to play with you, oh oh, why don't you play with me? Is it because you don't like me because you are not good?"
Mei Ping was crying at the door. She had been waiting for several days, but she had never seen Jia Yan again.
But on this day, she suddenly heard Jia Yan's voice.
"Come in, Mei Ping."
The sound was a bit tired, but more of an excitement.
Because just now, he wholeheartedly realized the last idea in his field, that is to say, his strongest strength at this stage is finally completely completed ...
However, the pressure on my heart is also increasing. To the point where he feels, he has already felt some insight into the power of the universe. More importantly, as an evolutionary beast, he can feel the distant starry sky. There was a power that surprised him, coming fast.
There are even more than two shares.
So he knew that the final war was coming. Maybe this war was over and he was about to leave, so returning to this avatar, and separate from the United States and the United States, the avatar will return to the Edissa.
This planet has nothing to do with him, so it is impossible for him to waste a precious clone sitting here.
"Master, what's the matter with you these days, Meiping is in a hurry."
Mei Pingpa ran into the hall where Jia Yan was sitting barefoot, and was not surprised to see Jia Yan's body or anything, she had long been used to Jia Yan's posture when she was retreating.
"Oh, these days are retreating. Come to Meiping, you can run the exercises I teach you to see."
Jia Yan smiled, and then let Meiping run the exercises he taught.
This method is a method that he has changed according to the physiques practiced by the people on the earth. There is something in common with the people on this planet. Jia Yan modified it and taught it to Mei Ping.
Mei sits down with a pan and runs a practice taught by Jia Yan.
"Well, very good, your strength has reached the advanced level, a little higher than your father's strength, it seems that you have not been lazy during this time. I am satisfied." Jia Yan nodded.
"Ha ha, lord, of course I worked hard, practice every day, I was not lazy." Mei Ping ha ha, happily running around Jia Yan.
"Well, I have the remaining cultivation methods here. If you have the strength in the future, you will hone your cultivation. I should go."
Listening to Jia Yan's words, Xiaomei ran a meal in the footsteps of running.
"You're leaving? Would you like to go outside Xianxiancheng? I'll go too, okay." Mei Ping's eyes widened, and her smile was very unnatural.
Obviously, this little guy also knows that there will be such a day.
Sure enough, Jia Yan shook his head: "No, the place I'm going to is far, far away, far more than you think. After walking, there should be no chance to meet again ..."
"I don't want it!" Mei said with that expression that she would change, and after yelling, she rushed forward and hugged Jia Yan's thigh, tears rolling down, and tears flowing across her nose.
She had known this for a long time, and even her father had said faintly to her several times, because everyone could see that this master Jia Yan must not be a normal existence, even the people in Xianxiancheng were in a certain place. I saw once that a great horror who had reached the level of "spirit" nodded respectfully to the main city of Xianxiancheng while flying over it.
They don't think that they, who are in the city's capital, have the opportunity to be nodded by the mighty gods. The only explanation is that the great and mysterious ‘Master Jia Yan’ has far more identities and strength than they even imagined, and even the creatures will pay tribute to him.
Mei Ping heard her father say a few times, and she became angry a few times. In her opinion, her future must be with adults and live like this forever, but I did not expect that this beautiful life will be so soon. ended.
"Meiping, beloved, this is what I said last. If you don't listen, I will just leave. After listening to me, maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future."
Jia Yan helplessly touched the little girl's head to help the little guy feel as if he had a daughter, which made him feel good, but now they are about to be separated, but for Jia Yan, it is also a bit sad .
"Master, do we still have a chance to see you again? You said." Mei Ping obeyed.
"Well, I'm actually from more than 10,000. No, maybe there is a place called Orion Arm 20,000 light years away. You work hard to cultivate my exercises. If the strength reaches the star level, you can try to go outside the universe. , You definitely do n’t understand what is being said now. Anyway, when you reach that strength, you will find the truth by yourself. It all depends on the speed of your cultivation. Twenty years later, you have not reached the starry sky level. Because that proves that you are not talented enough to die on the road ... "
"I won't die old, I will be star level in ten years, big man, will I say I'm looking for you when I reach Orion Arm?"
Even after listening to a lot of incomprehensible things, Meiping still listened attentively.
"Well, just mention my name there. Someone should know me. Forget it, I'll give you a little bit more fortune, or to protect yourself."
Jia Yan thought about it, but eventually he couldn't bear it, he patted it with a slap.
puff! !!
In an instant, Mei felt the palms on her forehead flooded with endless power, and to her, she was even as huge as the horrifying Xinghe.
"Well, I have injected a little energy for you. This is already equivalent to the power of three star strikes. One part is to help your cultivation, and the other is to protect you. When you are injured, it will automatically protect your body. This greatly guarantees your safety. Well, are we doing this or are there another chance to meet in the future, everything depends on you ... "
At the end of the speech, Jia Yan's avatar in front of Meiping turned into air.
Mei Ping, who only felt that she was holding him, turned into air so suddenly, she almost cried again.
However, Jia Yan left a paragraph at the end: "Mei Ping, if you have the ability to find the Orion arm within thirty years, then I will wait for you there and accept you as a disciple, because I can do this , Has proven your perseverance ... "
After speaking, Jia Yan completely disappeared.
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