Chapter 2075: Can it only be a trick? [Come to subscribe]

"Come here! A lot!"
"Is Jia Yan ... pickled up? Where can I find so many junk meteorite!"
The three strong middle-ranking powerhouses in the galaxy just started to shock Jia Yan's play, but found that this guy had already hidden such a huge amount of meteorites in the subspace.
Previously these meteorites did not move, and also made some hidden means in the subspace, they could not find it.
Now when Jia Yan is motivated, their faces are a lot ugly.
If each meteorite is of the same level as before, it won't hurt them much, but don't forget how the strong arm of Xinghe in the middle of the previous stage was injured.
Jia Yan took advantage of the meteorite to attract the attention of this powerful man, so he had a chance to succeed in attacking from the side.
In other words, these thousands of meteorites are bursting out anytime and anywhere, and each piece may give them the possibility of misunderstanding Jia Yan, so how can they fight?
A meteorite shot and the strong man with the strong arm in the normal universe looked ugly for a while.
"Are you looking for me again? I won't let you succeed this time."
Although he was injured, the punctured injury was not serious. Just now Jia Yan didn't have time to surge the brain wave power to his wound, so that his injury became a kind of external force. Unable to repair, so he still moved freely, and even the wound began to heal.
But Jia Yan seemed to have identified him as a breakthrough, and once again a meteorite surged out of the subspace on his side, making his face ugly.
This strong creature suddenly waved his fist behind him, and slammed his fist on the stone that came next.
At the same time, he prepared another fist and turned it into a counterattack force. As long as Jia Yan dared to attack again, he dared to counterattack and beat the opponent's foot or other attack parts.
Unfortunately, his preparation did not work.
Jia Yan's attack disappeared directly.
"What? He didn't attack ... it! Meteorites are here too!"
The strong outsiders can only vaguely see the scenery inside the subspace, and even those meteorites are vague, like myopia eyes without glasses. Although they can be seen clearly, they are not very clear.
Therefore, only when those surviving meteorites are moving at a high speed, can they feel whether there are objects close to themselves in the subspace, so this gives Jia Yan too much room to play.
One of the two chief commanders of the enemy also had good physical conditions. The whole body was like a monster with a strip of fish. At this moment, he looked ugly. He felt a meteorite attack on his side.
With a fish-like body, a sudden bounce popped up a very coordinated radian, and then the meteorite that just flew out of the subspace, turned into fragments directly.
They are not afraid of such meteorites. In fact, such ordinary stones are just letting them hit themselves at a super fast speed, and they will not cause much damage, but they have to guard against Jia Yan on these stones. Hands up and down.
But after this series of attacks and counterattacks, they almost understood that Jia Yan did not tamper with such stones.
After all, if there are so many stones, if you try to do it, you will definitely waste a lot of energy and time, and you may even burn a lot of resources. Otherwise, how can you threaten the top peak of Xinghe?
Puff puff!
After the commander-in-chief defeated a piece of gravel, the meteorites in the subspace shot up and flew out continuously towards the outside world.
"Dash! Jia Yan, can you only do this kind of stone throwing trick?"
The presence of several high-level peaks in Xinghe's face turned ugly.
Each of them has not experienced a similar battle. Which strong person will always use foreign objects? Didn't even the strong inside the Zerg Queen's power do this? Jia Yan is the only one.
"Oh, several people, I like to do this. This is also my way of fighting. If you don't like it, you can surrender directly."
In the subspace, Jia Yan has been faintly observing the strong men at the top of the three stars in the middle of the river, and at the same time, he also controls his real killer, that is, a few meteorites that have the power of positive and negative explosions.
For Jia Yan, their jokes and satires don't care at all.
It's just that he has something to care about, and there are many.
He knew that the three strongest men in the middle of the Xinghe peak, even if they were talking badly, did not want to fight him, but in fact, each of them had the ability to turn over in an instant. The kind of killer that will defeat Jia Yan has always been attracted.
Don't look at what they say well, it seems like they can't take Jia Yan, but their brainwave power has been exploring inside the space. As long as Jia Yan's true body is found, he will launch a fierce attack.
This is the insistence of the top peak players in Xinghe. For the battle, they will not give up the slightest. Even in this mode of warfare, they will not give up.
In fact, in the process of talking with Jia Yan, these three are also leading Jia Yan to talk or let him take the initiative to expose his body. Unfortunately, even if Jia Yan responded to them, he did not use his true brain waves. The shock of power made the other party aware of where they were in the subspace.
Listening to the inside of the subspace, Jia Yan's voice seemed to tremble from all aspects of the first-level space. The three Xinghe mid-level peak strong men could not help but secretly took a sip in their hearts, calling this Jia Yan a ghostly head.
He had been hiding inside the subspace, and he was so careful, he refused to reveal any trace of real brainwave power.
In addition, there are so many meteorites, each one looks like a small black spot, and the big ones make others think that it is Jia Yan, but they are often mistaken.
Puff puff.
These little black dots rushed from the inside of the subspace to the outside world, bombarding the three powerful men outside.
"I remember, this Jia Yan seems to have some unique fighting skills. What is it? I saw it clearly last time."
An Xinghe mid-level enemy commander is also the one who has not been taken care of by Jia Yan. He looks like a maggot, and he looks a little sick all over, so he does n’t look at it. How to attack him.
But he is still destroying Jia Yan's attack meteorite. When the brain wave power is spilled out, there are a lot of meteorites in the subspace close to his side, which defeats the brain wave power. This guy is probably a strong force. Brainwave power is there.
"Jia Yan's unique attack mode? I remember I had read this report before, mainly because he had too few battles and no information."
Another commander-in-chief of Xinghe, with a fish-like look, was thinking about some memories.
But it was like they were reluctant to let them think more about this information. The meteorites that appeared in the subspace attack became more instantaneous.
The other strong Xinghe mid-level peak strong man, at this moment, was slumped into memory.
Not long after, he was ready to hit open at will and was very similar to the previous one, but when ordinary meteorites attacked, he turned his head and drank with the two commanders.
"I remember, the intelligence said that this Jia Yan has the ability to transform ordinary stones into explosives ... be careful, these meteorites may ..."
When this guy reminded himself, but didn't notice the meteorites that came behind and radiated the light, the meteorite suddenly exploded as he wished.
The other two saw that this subordinate with similar strength was actually a meteorite similar to other meteorites and was blown into the fire group by a single blow. They were instantly smashed. They did not have any comrades in arms. Feelings, just think that this moment was a little shocking to their hearts.
Just now this explosion, in fact, they almost thought of such a thing, but it really came, but made them feel that it was too incredible.
The point is that the exploding meteorite is very similar to ordinary meteorites. Generally speaking, no matter if it is a technical meteorite explosive or any other explosive, there will be a bit of abnormality, even if it is not as normal as the ordinary Things are easy to perceive as strong people like them who have the sixth sense in the world.
But this meteorite explosive, even they have concealed it.
In the explosion flame, the meteorite exploded to the powerful devoured, and suddenly used the power of brain waves to dissipate the flames around the body and the energy of the explosion.
After all, he is a strong man in the middle of the galaxy. It is impossible to hang up in such a simple way.
But his appearance can be described as miserable.
The strong muscles of the arms were burned to the ground, and the face and body were all injured and scorched by the explosion.
It can be said that he was injured several times in this battle, and even if he can win in a while, this is a relatively unsuccessful performance for him.
"Huh, Jia Yan, can you only play such a trick? I'm not out yet!"
The strong man's face was extremely ugly, and the whole man looked outraged and looked towards the subspace.
Inside the subspace, Jia Yan was also a bit surprised.
He succeeded in a single blow, but was a little happy.
If you replaced the ordinary Xinghe mid-level powerhouse, just now, the undead is also seriously injured. Originally, according to his opinion, the powerhouse with that strong arm, presumably not seriously injured, is destined to retire.
This is just a battle between the peaks of the middle stage of the galaxy. They are unlikely to die. To a certain extent, if they do not retreat, they will be criticized by their own domain masters.
What surprised Jia Yan was that although this guy was really blown up by himself and was injured, but this injury really didn't make him retire.
"It's awesome. It seems that I also underestimated the existence of the top peak in Xinghe. It might be very hard to hit the strongest in the two peaks in Xinghe. It is definitely more careful to hit three now."
Jia Yan sighed, and condensed his elation with the use of so many meteorite tactics.
You know, if he is found by three strong men in the middle of the Xinghe, it is estimated that the three of them will strike together, and he will have to kneel, because Jia Yanzhen is swaying on the first floor of the subspace, and the outside of the middle of the Xinghe is strong. They just can't see the scene here. To their attacking power, such a thin layer of obstacles is like a layer of paper, which does not affect their attacking power at all.
Jia Yan would be unlucky if he had an idea.
"This is one of Jia Yan's attacks, and it is his killer! I remember!"
"Yes, I have read this report from him before. It seemed to have used this fighting method last time to win the Xinghe Intermediate Existence of our town."
At this moment, the two chief commanders of Xinghe Mid-level Peak also suddenly came to their senses.
It didn't matter that they saw the comrade-in-arms, and they were exhaled from the bottom of their hearts, because Jia Yan couldn't defeat one of them in one shot, indicating that they would not be easily defeated by Jia Yan. The safety factor will be much larger.
"Damn Jia Yan!"
The strong arm of Xinghe's mid-level peak had already become a bit anxious. The brainwave power, regardless of whether there would be any loss, surged directly into the subspace.
As long as someone is willing to use the power of brainwaves to oscillate in the sub-space, the small sub-spaces nearby may be swept away by the strong, even those meteorites are constantly being swept by him. Destruction, when he saw a meteorite, he used the power of brainwaves to blow it out.
"Oh, this guy is already furious, but it's better to let him waste brainwave power. The energy of the Star Peak Powerhouse in our galaxy is very precious."
"Be careful that he is angry and still angry with us."
The chief commander of the two Xinghe mid-level peaks was delighted to have this annoyed, with his brainwave power disregarding wasteful use, these two feelings can soon find Jia Yan.
"This guy is so disregarded for energy!"
Inside the subspace, Jia Yan saw a meteorite that he had painstakingly arranged to sweep and explode outside the subspace, and he was frustrated a little.
However, one can consume one's brainwave power, which is also a gain for Jia Yan.
Among the strong ranks above Xinghe, there is a saying that their energy is too difficult to cultivate and difficult to repair, and it can only be cultivated slowly. Therefore, there are many strong who are encountering battles. At that time, if they were allowed to choose non-lethal injuries or waste half of their own power, they would choose to suffer some non-lethal injuries, because energy is the most important thing for a strong man.
Unexpectedly, the existence that was annoyed by Jia Yan actually ignored the energy directly, and it was inexplicable to waste his strength in such unnecessary places.
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