Chapter 2137: buy! [Starting subscription]

When Jia Yan reached the sky above the city, a streamer suddenly came in front of him at a speed that exceeded Jia Yan's current speed, sending out electronically synthesized sound effects to Jia Yan.
This is for him to land, even if Jia Yan looks like a galaxy, it is useless.
In the city of Heping III, no one can fly, except for the existence of the domain owner, or creatures holding official documents and some special permits.
"Okay, I'll land right away."
Jia Yan nodded in a hurry.
In this kind of thing, he will not talk to people, and dare not talk, because even if he is a peak of the middle of the galaxy, but in this Heping City 3, it is estimated that he is also a younger brother.
Because here, there must be a domain owner!
Even if you do n’t have a domain owner, Jia Yan has to kneel down to the mid-level peak of a group of Xinghe.
Therefore, it is not necessary to cause trouble for the flying rules and regulations. Jia Yan is not pedantic.
Moreover, look at the sky. The complicated traffic on the city sky, such as a single person or the public flying system, is almost paralyzed. He flew into it alone, and he does not understand the traffic rules on the sky, which is estimated to cause a big problem. So landing is the most correct.
Jia Yan landed on the ground, and there was a road on the ground.
And in the sky, when he saw his obedient obedience landing, the streamlined flying equipment, about ten meters long, was no longer flying to the side. He didn't bother him anymore.
It is estimated that it does not know much about dealing with this kind of thing every day.
"Here ... but into the city, walking on my legs, I have to die."
Jia Yan looked at the road and saw that there were dozens of kilometers away from where the town was. If you walked, you would have to walk a long time.
But there was nothing urgent about it, because Jia Yan soon waited by the side of the road for something like an earth bus.
After getting in the car, I learned that someone else swiped the bus payment system with a bank card, and the car flew up.
"Hey, it's a speeding car, but it's also true. Under this alien technology, it's really luxurious to go to the ground to run. I remember on which planet only nobles can run on the ground because road construction is very expensive. Dear."
Jia Yan looked at the scenery outside the window, because in the flying bus, he could see the Heping No. 3 city underneath.
"I thought that the development of science and technology on the North Giant Star was not so developed. Many powerful people outside the world also said that science and technology here are not working, but now it seems that it is an overstatement. They say that the underdevelopment should be related to aliens. Compared with the true technological civilization, if compared with Orion's arm, it is almost less. "
Of course, the place that Jia Yan sees now is just a Heping III city. The entire Heping III is also in this peaceful area, and the peaceful area is under the power of the master. In addition, the North Giant is still big. It's very good, considering this place as the entire North Star, it must be a blindfold.
Not long after the bus ride, Jia Yan followed the body and flew into the city of dozens of kilometers.
In the city, he did not get out of the car anytime soon, but watched the car all the way, while understanding the city, he also searched the Internet for his destination.
In fact, the so-called development does not make Jia Yan stunned. After all, in the starry sky, I have seen too many scientific and technological civilizations. This peaceful city No. 3 is just a large number of people. It is really necessary to take into account the advanced technology Arise, that is really not comparable to the powerful civilization of the outside world.
After that, Jia Yan finally took the flying bus and reached a place he wanted to go.
"It's cheap, this should be the means of transportation for ordinary creatures."
Jia Yan got out of the car, looked at his bank card, and found that taking a bus, the price was ridiculously low, he couldn't help but sigh, he felt that he hadn't experienced it for a long time.
In the starry sky, he has reached a size of 30 kilometers, while inside the North Giant Star, he is only three meters long and can enjoy the same treatment as ordinary people, which is very good.
Of course, just now Jia Yan didn't let his whole body weight fall on this bus, otherwise the actual weight of a mid-level star peak strongman, even if it is suppressed by the northern star's greatest possibility, will definitely Keep the car from moving.
This kind of thing has already become an instinct when entering major public places, or in other words, in this northern superstar, the vast number of powerful people will naturally be able to do it, otherwise it will be tens of thousands of tons, even on the move The weight of 100 million tons has been pushed up, and even the buildings of the North Star have to collapse a lot.
"This area is a high-tech park in the entire Heping III city, and Intellect is also released here. Let me see, where are there good external businesses ..."
Jia Yan searched the names of the merchants for four weeks, but what made him very depressed was that there were no external merchants, or 'joint ventures', or any shops with external names.
"How is it possible that a single power of master has no reason to develop his own technology, and there will definitely be outside shops, does he really run the world of a North Giant star himself? I don't believe it!"
Jia Yan knows that things like science and technology can only really develop if they are supported by various industrial chains. Otherwise, it is generally difficult to develop into very high-tech. The many scientific and technological items inside Heping III are almost impossible to be just Within the power of the master, it can be created.
"What's more, the power of the masters is not to say, but the peaceful area is more developed. The other places are almost backward, and there are many disputes. How can there be an industrial chain? I don't believe that everything is done by themselves ... Search again. "
Jia Yan carefully searched a lot of news on the Internet, and whether he will be monitored now or not, anyway, after today, he will definitely not use the low-end intellectual brain in his hand.
After a long search, he saw what he wanted to know from a forum-like website in the corner.
"It turns out that this is not because outside science and technology have not entered the Heping III city, but because all these things have been packaged. After all, the power of the master, generally speaking, does not allow such high-tech things to enter its own power. Jurisdiction. And these external high-tech things are added and processed in the name of local science and technology creations, become so-called 'local productions', and then go on sale. Haha, this is not very similar to some times on earth Like? In order to maintain the industrial development of each country, each country needs to apply tariffs, and then a large number of foreign technology or related things are entered in the form of parts, and then assembled in the target country. They become famous in that country. 'Original industry'. "
After Jia Yan understood the key, he started to search further.
He is looking at which brand has the most external power parts, or the possibility of customization is the highest. Even the intellectual brain system wants to find someone to customize it. In this way, it can maximize the possibility and reduce the power of the owner. More possibilities to grasp his personal information.
After searching for a while, Jia Yan found the information.
"It's the brand. It's very customizable. Even the parts can be customized, but it seems a bit expensive, but at this price, I can still afford it."
Jia Yan smiled, and then left for the shop he had set.
For a long time, I have n’t been shopping in the ordinary biological form, even Jia Yan is a bit less accustomed.
Surrounded by bright high-rise buildings, and then come and go, all the creatures are almost the same, even if it is small, there will not be too much sense of nothingness, after all walking on this street, no one knows what the other party has strength Even in the middle of the Xinghe peak like Jia Yan, there will be no slightest passer-by.
Because he wasn't sure, he bumped into a passer-by casually, would the other party be a domain master, or even an ordinary domain master, so he could not escape.
"Hello sir, would you like to buy something?"
Just entered the shop he chose, and the female creature with a sweet voice came forward.
This comparison is completely different from the services of other cities, and is indeed the service of a big city.
"I want to customize a brainstorming brain."
Jia Yan said lightly.
"Uh ... Xinghe class? Please wait, sir."
The sweet creature narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then seemed to understand something. He quickly became more respectful of Jia Yan, walked out of her counter, and hung up a phone.
It didn't take long for another similar creature to come outside the booth of this shop, but compared with the sweet voice standing on the counter, it looked older and definitely not weaker.
"Sir, do you want to customize Xinghe brainpower? Please follow me."
The creature is also a female, and she doesn't say sweet, but she also leads Jia Yan to the elevator on the side.
Following her, Jia Yan reached the second floor of the shop and was led by the other party into a reception room.
"Thank you for using our shop services. I wonder what kind of brains you want to customize?"
The other party did not call others anymore, but took his own brain and a tool cabinet to record what Jia Yan said.
"My request is simple, that is, a brain that is sufficiently private. You also know that in this land, it seems that not many brains are private. For this reason, I am willing to pay a certain price, such as double or even twice as expensive. also."
Jia Yan said lightly.
He is not used to being known about himself, so he would rather pay a little more for his future stability.
The other party was very profound, looked at Jia Yan again, and did n’t look too much after that, and nodded: "Okay, I understand the customer's requirements, we can take out the kind of things you want, It's just that the price will be about twice as expensive as the original price. As for the accessories, we will choose the best at the moment. You see, this is my offer. Do you accept it? "
She pushed the virtual screen of Zhinao in front of Jia Yan and showed him.
"The price is not bad, but I want you to guarantee that your own shops will not engage in small moves, otherwise I will definitely trouble you in the future. In addition, I will also find a professional appraisal after I get the brain, you know what I mean Right? "
"Oh, our store is open for business, and since you found us, you must also know what the real forces behind us are, and we will still talk about this reputation."
The other party heard Jia Yan's words, as if he had heard something strange and shameful, and his expression was not very happy.
Jia Yan didn't want to be stiff anymore, he quickly set his feet up: "Don't be angry, I just speak with the principle of vigilance. If I didn't believe you, how could I come to your door, in fact, I also know if your store has Fewer stars are patronizing similar businesses, and overall, I still trust you. "
What Jia Yan said finally made up for the feelings of the other party, and her expression became better. Besides, she didn't know how much she had experienced, and maybe even the current expression was pretended.
The two sides quickly reached an agreement. After a short time, Jia Yan left the shop.
Not long after walking out of the shop, Jia Yan looked behind him again and felt that no one had been followed.
"Presumably they will not be curious about me because of such a small business, and then come and follow it, it is not a big deal."
Jia Yan knew that he was a little too careful.
But in a strange planet, unfamiliar environment, and a lot of powerful people, he could not be careful.
He took the bus again and walked around a large circle. Jia Yan entered a place far away from the science and technology park and fell off.
"This wise brain said, it takes three days to make it temporarily, and I also need a lot of customization features. Three days is fast, so wait, all these days have been waited for, and the three day."
Jia Yan was not too idle in Heping No. 3 city. During these three days, he took out another high-level energy stone that he succeeded and practiced it well.
As for the use of the "open process" to carry out the behavior of scouring wool, he also wanted to try, but one of them is that in such a large city, it is likely to cause public outrage. The other thing is that he opened the open process. Look, there have been many people who have been public for a long time, and many of them have strong men in the middle of Xinghe.
Even ‘business’ has been robbed. Naturally, he has no great interest to follow in the footsteps, and it is estimated that there will be no gain.
The larger the city, the more useless this open procedure is, because here, there is no shortage of peaks in the middle stage of Xinghe, even if the domain owner exists, everyone is accustomed to it, it will not be because of the presence of an unfamiliar Xinghe middle stage. , And spend money to see each other's specific information.
Because such middle-level creatures of Xinghe, come and go every day in Heping III city, and I have n’t seen anyone who poses a big threat. It ’s too common, and who wants to spend money to watch such creatures. Information and positioning?
[No billing below]
[Somehow, the previous chapters were suddenly blocked a lot today. One chapter or two chapters can be modified step by step, but so many chapters can't be helped. I hope you don't affect everyone to see the later chapters. Presumably the chapters after the starry sky are not good. It's blocked, I hope everyone can continue to support step by step, thank you! 】
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