Chapter 2459: Dad, you’re so nice [come to start to subscribe]

"And if you want to cultivate to the Galaxy level, I am afraid that with his current cultivation method, if he does not go out to see the outside world, I am afraid that it will be impossible in his life, let alone the intermediate Galaxy, or even the domain master. These levels are almost equal to Luck, talent and strength can only be done. Even if I do it again, I can’t say that I can do it.

Jia Yan is sighing, the fate of the child may be restrained by him and it becomes difficult to advance.
But when I think about it, they didn’t say that they must take the path of being strong. At least the recent Jia Rong seems to be on the path of governance. Maybe his long-cherished wish is to become a great governance person?
That's okay, at least the pressure won't be great, and the wife Satsuma doesn't have to worry about whether her son died in which star field.
It is enough to have a man like himself in the family who always runs out. Isn't it a mess for the whole family?
Of course, thinking about so many and missing things has nothing to do with the current situation. The current situation is that his son has won. Although it is only an insignificant enemy, it is also a small victory that deserves praise.
Since it's a compliment, how can you not be there in person?
"I went to the battlefield for a while, are you going?"
Jia Yan smiled and said to Satsuma Niche.
Satsuma was startled, then nodded, but always felt that something was wrong.
"Qiaoqiao must go too! Qiaoqiao must go too!"
Jia Moqiao didn't know what the two adults were talking about, but mom and dad were going, how could she not go.
"Well, Qiao'er, pay attention. Dad may be fast."
Jia Yan chuckled, picked up her daughter, and then reached out to let the Satsuma niche embrace her arm, and the family of three instantly turned into the secondary space.
For the earth's 12,78 kilometers in diameter, it is of course very difficult for ordinary people to leap, but for the current Jia Yan, it is like no distance at all.
He just used his own subspace power, taking advantage of the moment when his daughter was about to breathe out, he came to the subspace area where Jia Rong was located, and then took his wife and daughter to jump out one step at a time!
"Huh? Who?!"
Jia Rong on this side, with the momentum of just overwhelmingly defeated an extremely strong semi-constant star powerhouse, his whole feeling has changed.
And instantly he sensed that there was a earth-shattering existence in the sub-space approaching at high speed, and he almost couldn't react to it, so his heart jumped and quickly pointed his sword at the gap in the sub-space.
"It's us."
Two fingers lightly clamped the pierced sword tip, and the subconscious attack of the dignified and semi-constant star powerhouse turned out to be impossible to threaten this person at all.
"Uh..." Jia Rong was originally shocked. How strong is this visitor to hold his sword with two fingers, but after seeing the visitor's three faces, there is nothing to be surprised anymore. .
Because the person who came is the entire earth, or, I should say, the most terrifying and unfathomable existence in the entire Orion's arms-Jia Yan!
As a complete understanding of the relationship between Jia Yan and the giant mosquito, Jia Rong, who has personally traveled to the genius battlefield, absolutely understands that his own "daddy" is too strong to describe in words.
"Hey, then...who is that? Is there a new enemy here? No, the general's weapon was blocked by the opponent, my God, how strong is the coming, even the general is easily restrained, Over, over..."
A young observer was watching the battle scenes in the observatory. At this moment, he saw a man and a woman in the battlefield who were inexplicably leaping over to hold their children. He was shocked instantly, and his expression was shocked with despair. Emotions.
You know, their generals have been recognized as one of the strongest people on the entire planet, because in the early years of the surrounding star field siege, they led his subordinates to kill several permanent stars. He is also regarded as one of the strongest in Orion Arm!
But even if such a strongest person is caught in the hands of the person who just came, even the sword is clamped, how strong is this guest!
Just as the young observer was about to say something frustrating, he felt his head was knocked, and he immediately looked at the officer beside him in aggrieved surprise.
"Don’t talk nonsense, this is our earth, no, Lord Jia Yan, the protector of our Orion arm! General Jia Rong is his biological son, and you know, although Lord Jia Rong is strong, he can be Compared with Master Jia Yan, it is definitely not as good, so I am not surprised."
"W...what? This, this is Master Jia Yan? My God..."
Hearing the officer next to him uttered the visitor's message, the young soldier suddenly started to breathe.
You know, children of their age definitely grew up listening to the story of Giant Mosquito and Jia Yan, and under the guidance of public opinion, no one is not a loyal fan of Master Jia Yan.
It is a pity that the Jia family seldom show up in the eyes of the public. This Master Jia Yan is even more extinct. Only in the event of a major war will he show up in front of others.
A few days ago, it seems that most people on the entire planet were invited to sit in the palace of the giant mosquito supreme, and witnessed Master Jia Yan’s
. Although it does not seem to be newly married, the people who went there are still The magic and generosity of the giant mosquito supreme and the master Jia Yan are widely spread on the Internet.
Unfortunately, for reasons of respect, no one shot the Giant Mosquito Supreme and Master Jia Yan at that time. This was spontaneous by everyone.
In other words, for the first time in his life, this young man has really seen Jia Yan himself.
As for the woman next to Master Jia Yan, and the four or five-year-old girl who seems innocent in his arms, is his family?
No, Master Jia Rong is the same. It is said that Master Jia Yan's family consists of these four people. I didn't expect that this soldier today was fortunate enough to witness Master Jia Yan's family together, so happy!
The soldiers in the observatory just represented the thoughts of all those who saw this scene at the moment. No one had thought about such a small battle. It is said that Master Jia Yan, who was on vacation, was actually willing to come in person.
I'm afraid Master Jia Rong's blessing, otherwise, Master Jia Yan probably didn't take care of himself because of an enemy with a half-constant star.
"Dad...Mom..." Jia Rong's expression was not very good, he put away his sword sadly.
Although there is still some discomfort with Jia Yan, it is his father after all, and the holidays between them have been clarified and resolved long ago, so there is no reason to confront each other.
"Good boy, this sword just now felt good even when I saw it."
Jia Yan came forward and patted Jia Rong on the shoulder.
Jia Rong was stiff.
I have been a general for a long time, who dares to pat him on the shoulder like this? In other words, even before he became a general, a few masters who taught him would dare, but no one would dare.
"Hehe, brother did a good job."
The little girl who was held in Jia Yan's arms also stretched out her little hand, taking advantage of Jia Yan to pat Jia Rong, she also fell to Jia Rong and learned to pat Jia Rong on the shoulder.
Although the little girl has been with her mother on the side of the gray and yellow star for many years, Jia Rong ran over to see when she knew that her mother was about to give birth to a child who was truly combined with her father, and took some time to take a look every year. So that this little bit is quite familiar with his brother.
Jia Rong's face turned blue.
As a general, he is admired and loved by thousands of people, and he has given birth to an 18 or 9-year-old child, and he has to be slapped on the shoulder by a four or five-year-old girl.
This is not the most absolute.
The most amazing thing is the mother who never reads people's faces.
The Samosan flew up to Jia Rong, without feeling any embarrassment under the observation of many people, so he hugged his son.
"Xiao Rong is really good. He will share the work for Dad. Otherwise, he will give up his holiday with us and take care of this bad guy himself. He is really good and did a good job."
After speaking, he touched Jia Rong's head.
When he let go, Jia Rong's entire face was already flushed, making him uncomfortable.
What the hell, what work do I share? A semi-constant star, if he really wants to solve it, he will be dead if he has a brain wave power over, where it takes so much time.
In addition, it has been decades for touching my head. It's been like this after decades. I can't bear it!
Before waiting for his son to get angry, Jia Yan said quickly: "Okay, finally we are together as a family. Let’s go to the island where we stayed and have a rest and chat. You are all back today. No time? No matter how busy you are, you have to make time for me."
Jia Yan couldn't help but said, pressing his son's shoulders and taking a family of four into the secondary space. For a moment, everyone was gone.
"Uh... all gone? What a chic family."
"No, the level of the Jia family is different from ours. It's just a semi-constant star. They probably don't care."
"Hey, this family is really to a level that no one can match."
All the soldiers observing this scene, as well as various data companies, etc., sighed.
But today is worth the fare, not only saw the data of the two and a half star battles, but also saw the absolute patron saint of the entire Orion arm in the rumors-Master Jia Yan.
If there is anything disappointing about this, that person would be a bit too whimsical.
Back at the RV, Jia Yan stepped out of the secondary space.
"I won't go, Dad, I still have a job..."
Jia Rong didn't finish a sentence. Looking at the picture before him, it looked like lightning. When he arrived on the RV, his brain wave power was unfolded. It was directly seven or eight thousand kilometers away from the place where they were in the battle. …
At this moment, he was silent, no FA Ke said.
"Let’s go, I was going to go fishing just now. The fish over there is good. I used to have two drinks with me. If you have never had a drink with your father when you are an adult, Dad is very disappointed.
Jia Yan smiled and hugged his son, and walked to the fishing spot on the side. By the way, the freezer in the RV opened by itself, and a few bottles of good wine flew out, as well as a lot of wine glasses and food.
Under Jia Yan's power, it was impossible for Jia Rong to resist, but he gave a wry smile and accepted the holiday with his parents.
He found that Jia Yan asked himself to come back to solve the problem, probably because he was trying to trick him to come back and join the family.
Men, a lot of time, just a drink, a few awesome creatures that can solve all problems.
Just like the father and son, they were embarrassed at first, but Jia Yan deliberately let go of his character, bold and shameless, especially when talking about the alien experience, and his moves, times The good wine he had brought back from the central star field of the galaxy flew out of the space to drink, and after a cup...
The whole atmosphere is heated up!
"Dad! I'm really suffering!"
"Yes, yes, I know you are suffering. You are tired. Being my son is not so easy."
"You know, oooooo, it's really bitter, everyone is looking at me, I can't do well, some people say, I am so stressed, oooooo...what kind of wine is this? Even if I drink it?"
"Hahaha, this is good wine, do you know that our galaxy has a central star field? What? I don't know, no one nearby said? Well, let me tell you, this galaxy, the most powerful The place is right in the center of the Milky Way, called the Central Star Field of the Milky Way, where the strong are like clouds, and the good things are even more of a cow. For example, if you drink this wine, let alone you, if you drink more, the constant stars will be drunk. Back then, I robbed... a deal from a power, and it’s not a big deal. I still have a galaxy class, and even the domain master class has to be drunk, but you can’t drink it, wait until you become stronger. Dad will give you a full drink!"
"It turns out, is there such a strong place in our galaxy? I... I really want to see it, this wine is so good, Dad, actually I want to make peace with your old man, but I don’t know how to use it. What excuses, you are too strong, and you don’t go home all the time. Maybe you haven’t even seen my daughter-in-law, let alone my child. Oh, by the way, you met Xiao Xi once and gave him an amulet. , Why I forgot after a few sips of wine... Dad, come back for more, I also want you to teach me the Tao of Yin and Yang."
"Ok, Dad will go home more in the future."
"Dad, you are so kind, oooooo..."
The Satsuma niche was holding his daughter, standing beside the RV with a smile, watching the distant seashore, the two father and son drank alcohol, his son laughed and cried, and his heart was sweet.
Once upon a time, she also imagined that her family would have such a life, but unfortunately, it was not bad that the father and the son became enemies.
But I didn’t expect that, as a father, Jia Yan not only came back and had the biggest wedding with him this time, even the earth and the entire Orion’s arm had never seen a wedding before, and he took the initiative to find an opportunity to get closer to his son. , Today's picture makes her feel that her home is really perfect.
It's a pity that I just came a little bit late, just come early...
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