Chapter 2479: The quantity is less than expected! [Subscribe from the starting point]

"Master, there is a communication coming. It was sent by Raita. Do you want to receive it now?"
One day, Jia Yan, who was reading about the intelligence of the people on earth in the war, suddenly heard Edissa say such a long-awaited word...
"Pick me up, quickly."
He was happy, and quickly ordered to go down.
He has been looking forward to this wave of communications for a long time. At least for these hours, he has been eager to see through, and is very worried that the enemy in the dark mist will act first. If you know so many domain owners, it doesn’t take too many days for Orion’s arm. Will be defeated in one breath.
Fortunately, the communication came first.
"Raita? Yes, it's me. I have been waiting for a long time. How many people have you found, what are their strengths?"
After connecting to the communication, Jia Yan was originally a little excited, but after listening to the other party's words, she felt a little uncomfortable.
"Two domain masters, seven galaxies? Well, I see, please come here together, thank you very much."
Jia Yan put down the communicator uncomfortably, because the news he heard was something he didn't want to hear. There were only two domain masters who came to help this time. Only seven people.
You know, Raita has been running around during this period of time. It took at least half a month to communicate with various places along the way, using communicators and remote meetings, and personally visited some distant star regions. The Lord, and he was originally a creature from the outside world, knowing a lot of talents, but how can he get so much combat power?
People’s argument is also quite reasonable, that is, they are too far away from the Orion’s arm, and the crisis that seems to be in the Orion’s arm may also be passed on to them, but in fact it is unlikely to happen, and if the enemy is really that strong, They can also be attached at that time, why should they follow Jia Yan and the enemy desperately when they don't understand anything?
These truths are too normal, and a wise creature would think so. Self-preservation is the instinct of every creature, and it is also the Galaxy level and the domain master level.
And those who are willing to come to the Orion Arm to help, in fact, either they knew Jia Yan from the Zerg Queen's power at the beginning, or they missed the powerhouse who acted together with the Zerg Queen. One of the two main domain owners was Laita's friendship. The other one is the one who has heard of the name of the evolution beast and is ready to come over to see the situation, and may not necessarily help fight.
In other words, these few combat powers may have to be discounted.
"Huh... Indeed, I think it's too idealistic. Under normal circumstances, who would really trust others so easily, and even run to sell his life, I would not change it."
After Jia Yan put down the communicator, there was a wry smile.
He thinks too much about the number of helpers he can find, but if you look back carefully, he will understand that he doesn’t have any contacts nearby, and he grows farther away from Orion’s arm for most of his life. Breakthrough, in other words, no matter how strong he is, people don’t know about him. Besides, this kind of thing is not just forcible. People need to know about Jia Yan’s character and the like, strong people with bad character, maybe Is it asking people to come over as cannon fodder?
Those who believe in Jia Yan are actually quite good, at least he has called so many strong people.
"Master, what should we do now, our combat effectiveness is much less than that of the opponent."
Edissa flew around in the palace, seeming a little joke.
It’s not that it doesn’t understand the battle situation, but it’s still not the time to make it and Jia Yan despair, because the two of them had encountered more desperate situations than this before, but there were many more, so the mentality is now Very relaxed, it believed that Jia Yan's mood could not be so bad, otherwise it would not be Jia Yan.
Sure enough, even if Jia Yan is a little dignified, in fact, Gu Jing Bubo is still in his heart.
As a senior domain master, he personally killed many domain masters, and also defeated the existence of several senior domain masters. Jia Yan knew that even if something happened, he could use some of his own assassins to solve the problem. , Even if he encountered a strong mid-to-lower domain master, he felt that he could escape, so there was not much ups and downs in his mood, only worried about the Earth Alliance.
"Don't worry, there are already a lot of back players we can use now. Moreover, our biggest problem at the moment is that we still don’t understand the specific upper limit of the opponent’s combat power. If the opponent really only has one or two senior domain masters, There is a senior domain master with the same subspace talent as me. We are still likely to defeat them, so I don't care about the number of our troops anymore, just intelligence."
Jia Yan told her what she really cared about.
That’s right, it’s intelligence. He has a sense of anxiety because he still doesn’t know the enemy’s specific number of strong, the level of strong, and so on. After all, the most feared thing of all creatures is the unknown. He knew that before. The talented person in the rank space is likely to be similar in strength to his own, and he is already anxious.
And if you don't know where the specific strength of the subspace talent is, this anxiety will not disappear.
He couldn't wait and wanted information.
"Even if the intelligence that comes is from this same senior domain master, and if the subspace ability is similar to me or even stronger than me, I dare to take the initiative to attack, because my hole card is'Yin Yang Dao Explosives'. Several senior domain masters’ explosives were killed in the Northern Superstar this time, but some were still left by their side."
Jia Yan calmly looked at the black matter placed in the corner of the palace, like a pile of dead objects. These are exactly the explosives he made with his body last time. As long as he uses these things that may be his strongest means, even the senior domain masters will fall into his hands. Jia Yan firmly believes in this.
He still doesn't believe it, the strong man encountered in this Orion Arm will be stronger than the strong man of the same rank encountered in the Northern Superstar.
You know, in terms of strength alone, the strong in the superstar is half an order higher than the strong in the outside world, even for the black hole area and the existence in the central star region of the Milky Way.
That's right, even if there was a problem with the plan of expropriating subordinates, the strong man himself who emerged from the northern superstar was the most terrifying combat power. Even in the desperate situation, Jia Yan believed in his ability.
The current situation, compared with so many battles in the northern superstars, how can it be? Jia Yan is ready to enter a certain superstar again after digesting his combat power to continue to improve his strength, by the way, help find a wife The solution to the adult’s lifespan problem, so the current situation for him is just a small episode in the rest period between two fierce adventures.
So nervous? nonexistent.
Probably it was Raita who wanted to continue to work hard, so time was delayed for a while, Jia Yan could not wait for the new batch of supporters and Raita himself.
It’s just a little weird that he doesn’t show up. There are so many powerful enemies in the army, like old gods, slowly observing you and me in the entire battlefield, and no one can’t sit still and treat Orion. Arm's current situation intervenes.
It has to be mentioned that as long as these superpowers who are enough to instantly settle the situation do not intervene, the originally disadvantaged Orion Arm will gradually stabilize the battle situation under the geographical advantage and various wartime upgrades.
After all, the Orion Arm has experience in foreign warfare. From the initial biochemical empire chaos to the later alien invasion, the Orion Arm has withstood a lot of wars, which also made the Orion Arm stronger. Tolerance and rebound ability.
Including this war, from the very beginning, Orion’s arm seemed to be an infant who could not resist. It was rubbed against the ground by the enemy, but in fact, the two sides were hitting each other. When the clones of'Jia Yan' appeared in large numbers, Orion The arm was like blowing the horn of counterattack, and the counterattack suddenly started, and the resistance became decent.
In other words, Jia Yan is like the processor cpU of the Orion Arm. Without him processing central information, the civilization of the Orion Arm is like a piece of scattered sand. It is impossible to have any resistance against the enemy, but as long as he is out of the mountain, Then the entire Orion arm has the strongest commanding brain, all the rules and methods of warfare have become logical, and everything is reasonable and reasonable, so the war has changed, and it is only natural.
This is not only felt by the major civilizations in the arms of Orion, but also felt by the enemy.
But there is no way, it does not mean that they can stop it.
Many invading enemy troops on the entire front have been asking for help from the strong behind them in the black fog who may be the last black hand of the invading Orion’s arm. But under Jia Yan’s surveillance, those strong None of them responded to the request for help.
Even among these powerhouses, Jia Yan also saw a few more impulsive guys, but these guys did not grasp the power of the powerhouses in the black mist. They are probably the domain masters who are talented in the subspace. Blocked.
"Does that guy with subspace talent seem to have a higher status than I thought..."
Jia Yan thought about this silently, and then smiled indifferently. At the same time, his eyes flashed slightly, and then some clone in the distant starry sky had already exploded with a huge force, bringing an enemy The constant star in the army gave a direct blow to kill, welcoming the surrounding friendly forces and cheering at the same time, his clone also sank into the subspace, quickly calming down this battlefield...
Of all the battlefields in Orion’s arm, there are still a few that can be supported by his clone, but these few battlefields are generally more important battlefields, even if they are not important battlefields, the commander of the Earth Alliance will sit in the battlefield. , Conducted the command and operation of the Pingwei tactics on the entire participating troops. Although there were many failures or even annihilation of the entire army, the Pingwei tactics on every battlefield caused huge losses and casualties to the enemy. .
The battle between the two sides turned into an anxious battle, which also helped to increase the anxiety of the enemy. They all knew that there were real great terrorists in the arms of Orion, and it took a long time for this team to be forced to come. Orion's coalition forces are very disadvantageous.
"Adults, if we don’t take action anymore, our army will definitely be killed by the giant mosquito’s real body. Or, without the giant mosquito’s real body, even if his clone reaches our army, we can’t stop it, adults, Please also take action, and kill the clone of the giant mosquito and his real body, so that we can carry out the war strategy with peace of mind, otherwise we are really not in that mood."
Outside the black mist, a star-level powerhouse was full of bitter tears, as if the black mist powerhouse inside did not agree to help their troops, their troops would be wiped out by the whole army tomorrow.
Of course, the actual form is not at that level at all. Although the current Orion arm has improved, it is still a long distance away from annihilating the invading enemy. Or, it should be said that the invading enemy is at all It still has the advantage, the Orion Arm is relying on a single breath, if it can't counterattack, maybe the Orion Arm will lose the ability to fight.
People who just ask for help can't naturally say how good they are.
Under the begging of this powerful, constant star, he only felt his body shook. When he reacted, he found that there was already a nail of the strong in his abdomen, piercing his chest. This is absolutely fatal.
"This...I...I...I mean really...sir..."
This constant star didn't expect that when he came to beg for a reinforcement, he would be killed by our strong. He opened his mouth unconsciously, wanting the strong who shot him in front of him to spare his life. What he didn't expect was that he didn't finish his words. The nails that the strong pierced his body burst out with a burst of brain wave power, exploding the constant star into a piece of space junk.
In the distance, the enemy powerhouses who originally wanted to come to ask for help were silent. At this moment, they couldn't say anything.
Because this constant star is the commander of an expeditionary force, without him, maybe that expeditionary force will be paralyzed. For those strong above, it should be a more effective person. Yes, this is also the reason why this constant star jumps the most. He is confident that the above will not do anything to him.
But these powerhouses still didn't care about their affections and their effects, and killed him directly.
This is called killing chickens and monkeys, everyone knows it, but no one thought that the strong would really kill them. This kind of killing chickens and monkeys really worked.
All the communicators who came to clamor for the constant star level, or weaker than the constant star level, fell silent one by one, and did not dare to say anything to ask for help anymore, and let the galaxy-level powerhouses take action, and went back to themselves sullenly. In the army.
"I said, this is a bit too much, sir, this is the strong man in my army. I have used him for many years and have been diligent."
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