Chapter 2522: Edissa is cute and not cute now [Subscribe from the starting point]

As Edissa walked in the car, she pointed out everything she saw.
? !
The secretary was accompanied by her, listening to her insights and knowledge in a daze.
You know, if this is replaced by an older soldier or an old technician, there is absolutely no problem, but when this statement is said to a five or six-year-old child, it is absolutely unbelievable Up.
"This kid is really talking nonsense, even other professionals haven't said it, you keep talking."
Father Edissa, who was accompanying him on the tour, quickly said a few words about Edissa after the chief engineer on the car looked hard to look at.
"No, this gentleman, what the precious daughter said is not bad, and there are many aspects that we did not even think of. I hope that we can continue to receive her guidance in the future. For us, her guidance will definitely reduce a lot of work. the amount."
The chief engineer didn't follow the promise, but directly responded with a sigh.
Edissa’s knowledge and insights all come from extraterrestrials, and the amount of knowledge in extraterrestrials is much stronger and more reasonable than the knowledge in this area, so at first glance, as long as it is a professional They all know that they are better than themselves.
"Hmph, Edissa said it is of course the best, I will point you to it in the future."
Edissa held out her chest proudly and looked extremely proud.
Father Edissa's face turned red when he was left behind. He didn't understand if Edissa was right, but now everyone around was looking at him with a smile, making him want to find a hole to get in.
"Master Edissa, next we will lead the two to today's resting place. The noble lady and the son are waiting there. As long as we are ready, we can set off to find Marshal Jia Yan tomorrow."
"Okay, go back quickly, I don't want to look at these boring things anymore, I'm going to Master Jia Yan."
Edissa's eyes lit up after hearing the words of Jia Yan.
After driving away with Jia Yan for so many days, she missed it very much, and she also thought that Jia Yan would definitely have a more fun expression when seeing her present appearance.
Following the secretary’s guidance and leadership, the two returned to the hotel where they stayed temporarily today. Then they did not mention how Edisa played with her younger brother, nor did she mention that Edissa’s parents had nothing to eat and drink in the guest room. You can get to know a big person like Jia Yan at the age of two years, just saying that the four of them are all ready, oh no, the little baby is unprepared. In short, he is also used to traveling and has learned a lot from his parents. , So I don’t cry or make trouble during this process, it’s quite quiet.
In a blink of an eye, on the next day, a speeding car with adequate security measures parked on the top floor of the hotel where Edissa and the others were staying. It was very eye-catching early in the morning.
"Get in the car, it's a small car, but is it fast?"
"Yes, Lord Edissa, Marshal Jia Yan is very happy to know that you are here. Originally, this cutting-edge magic flying car was in Marshal's own car and he sent it out to welcome you."
The secretary was by Edissa's side, and her expression was a bit respectful.
As a secretary who has followed Marshal Jia Yan for some time, she knows that Jia Yan loves this flying car. Although she doesn't say anything, she doesn't let anyone sit on anything and only allows him to sit by himself. , It was obvious how much he cared for the car.
But this time after I heard of the arrival of the Edissa family, he sent this flying car to greet him. He even abandoned the idea of ​​not borrowing from him. It can be seen that he treats Edissa the five-year-old The gifted little girl, how much to see.
Could it be that Marshal Jia Yan had known this little genius long ago?
The secretary’s attitude towards Edissa changed, naturally because Edissa received Jia Yan's attention, and from observations this day, she also discovered that Edissa, a young genius, is not only magical at this age What's even more exaggerated is that her knowledge is all-encompassing, she knows everything, and she is quite senior.
This made her vaguely understand why her own Marshal Iwa valued the five-year-old girl so much.
"That's right, Marshal Jia Yan doesn't know my physical signs and personal information, right?"
After getting in the car, Edissa sat in a chair and suddenly turned to ask.
"Uh, yes, I don't know why, Marshal Jia Yan didn't even ask this, as if he only needs you to go there."
"Hehehe, that's not the case, Marshal Jia Yan wants me to go there, he doesn't care about other things, but...hee hee."
Edissa clutched her small mouth and laughed.
She wanted to know, Master Jia Yan would be shocked when she saw her cute appearance, and would she praise her cuteness?
Thinking about it, Edissa hummed a mess of songs on her seat.
As a living body, it is indeed much more interesting than the previous intellectual brain. Feelings and various emotions will make her have colorful thoughts. This is the same as when she becomes a intellectual brain, although there will be various neurons The information is being transmitted, but it is all logical, and it is completely systematized.
Now it’s much more interesting. No wonder it was difficult for me to simulate the feelings of life before. It turns out that things like feelings are like this.
Edissa hummed a song, watched the speeding car take off like lightning, and then swiftly headed towards the capital of Sinhei.
They got on the magic speed car specially dispatched by Jia Yan. The speed in the past was much faster, at least about 80% of the distance was shortened. In other words, the destination that would have been reached in two or three days will arrive in the evening. .
And within the capital of Sinhei.
Jia Yan was actually busy with a lot of things, and he was absolutely flawless to care about whether Edissa came.
Although this little intellectual is here, it will definitely help him a little bit in the war he launched, but for Jia Yan now, the difference between whether or not Edissa is in this kind of war is actually not too big. Can destroy this planet.
He had some expectations himself, what exactly did Edissa regenerate into, if it were a human life, it must be a character it wanted to be.
"Marshal Jia Yan, the initial countermeasures and strategic tactics for dealing with these major countries have been written out, please have your look and advice."
Just thinking about Edissa, she was interrupted by the people around her.
What he is busy now is dealing with the next few major countries to fight.
He has set a goal for the country to be extinct in the next step, but this process is definitely not much easier than the destruction of the twelve great countries, although for Jia Yan, after grasping all aspects of the power of the black country, this matter should be easier. Many are right, but he was not as relaxed as he thought. After all, from the bright side, the enemies that the Believing Hei Country will face are getting stronger and stronger step by step.
So he should at least behave. He came to the staff room and followed a large group of staff to carry out the work of summarizing the next war.
Said it was a summary, but it was actually what he said. He pointed out some mistakes in the strategy in one breath, and then introduced some new plans by himself. In the end, the big guys discussed for a long time. Looking back, these special plans are all Marshal Iwa proposed it alone.
When I came, I had very strong confidence and a vague idea of ​​Marshal Iwa who wanted to behave in front of him, but turned back and closed the door of the staff room. The staff who went out, one or two of them were totally discouraged. Yes, because they realized that this meeting was probably just a waste of time for Marshal Iwa, and he was enough to finalize everything here.
Fortunately, what they learned from Jia Yan was enough for them to be happy for a long time.
"It's boring, I won't come to the next meeting like this."
"Marshal Iwa is right. Your time is precious. You are a waste of time for our meetings."
At Jia Yan's side, the Chief of Staff said in a low voice and respectfully.
It’s a man or a ghost. It’s enough to look at their true skills. At least Jia Yan far surpasses them in the ability to plan wars. It’s nothing to say, every strategy is accurate to the decimal point, so that he is present. Every staff member of the People's Republic of China was deeply hit, and felt that life was in vain before.
Jia Yan followed a few brawny guards with big waists and walked out of the staff headquarters, and then he received a call.
"Oh? Is Edissa here already? Very well, I'll go pick her up."
Jia Yan paused, listening to the news coming on the other end of the phone, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
Then he got in the car and asked the guards to drive the car directly to the Capital Airport.
The guards almost thought they were wrong.
You know, during the rise of Marshal Iwa, he has never been so friendly to anyone. Even if the Marshal personally visited the area where Marshal Iwa was located several times, Marshal Iwa never personally greeted him, let alone several other big figures in China. Those people didn't use their status to make Marshal Deyan greet them earlier, and when they reacted, Marshal Yan's status had risen to the point of being the country's first person.
But today, this Marshal Iwa, who never greets anyone, actually has the idea of ​​welcoming others?
Who is this person?
Is it some incredible big shot?
The guards did not dare to ask, they could only suppress the doubts in their hearts and obey Jia Yan's orders.
And they would definitely be able to see the people Jia Yan was going to meet, and then they would know whether they were big people with three heads and six arms.
We can't guarantee that big people are not big people.
But this is definitely not an adult who is coming.
She is a little kid.
"Wow, Master Jia Yan...sir, I finally see you, Edissa misses you so much!"
When Jia Yan's car arrived at the airport, all the passengers around and a large number of unrelated persons had been cleared out, leaving only the empty apron with a flying car that had just landed.
And a little bit of trouble quickly sprang up in the speeding car.
Xiao Budian rushed towards Jia Yan and hugged his thighs.
Jia Yan was startled: "Aidisha?"
The cute little girl raised her head, nodded hard, and grinned with an innocent look: "Yes, Edissa, Master, Edissa is cute and not cute now, it turned out to be a human being. Yeah, it's fun."
A pair of big hands rubbed the little girl's head, dotingly rubbed her messy hair into a ball.
"You little guy, I should have thought of you becoming a little girl, your character is like a little girl, haha."
"Wow, Master, you are so amazing, you can think of what Edissa thinks." Edissa was shocked.
Knowing that she used to be an intellectual brain, and her computing power reached the sky every second, this great master could actually think of what she thought, indicating that the master was too smart.
"Character... Understand, you don't understand Edissa, in short, people have personality, and even your intellectual brains have some personality shadows. Well, you are reborn like this, I have nothing to dissatisfy. Come with me now...huh? Are your current relatives in the car?"
Jia Yan had nothing to do with this little guy, but just let go of his hands and let him go with him to the marshal's mansion.
However, he found that in the car, there were other eager and nervous figures looking at himself.
Edissa casually glanced at the family who followed her across the distance, and then nodded nonchalantly: "Well, yes, these are all Edissa’s current family members, but the master is here, so Edissa doesn’t want them. Yes, let's go back."
With a bang, Jia Yan flicked the forehead of this little intellectual brain, and the flicked Edissa's forehead quickly turned red, with tears in her eyes.
"What are you talking about, whether you are born again into this world or not, since they are your family members now, you have to treat them well, okay, arrange these family members, and then go to my side and it’s okay, right? , In your there seems to be a physical illness?"
Jia Yan's eyes were very venomous, and at a glance, he found that Edissa's mother had a physical problem.
Edissa sobbed. She felt very afraid of the pain. She rubbed her bounced forehead and sobbed for a long time, then sucked her nose, nodded and said, "Yes...Yes, this mother Edissa... body Not good, Edissa, take her to the doctor."
"Hey, you still understand this. It seems that you are indeed a bit like a serious human, don't need to go to the doctor, let the master help you."
Jia Yan shook his head and pointed at the car body here, a force similar to a cultivator was launched and poured into the body of Edissa's mother.
Edissa's mother felt she was shocked, and her face suddenly became flushed.
"Okay, I'll go back first. You arrange your family, and then I will give you a letter of appointment. Come to the Marshal's Mansion to work. Remember, since you are a family member, you must treat it well, unless you give up this life."
Jia Yan waved his hand and got on the car and left the apron.
"Master don't love Dissa anymore, woo."
Edissa wanted to cry again.
She walked to the speeding car a little lonely on her own, when the old man in the car was already very nervous looking at her mother who was behaving abnormally.
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