Chapter 2855: border! [Subscribe from the starting point]

"Lost... why did you lose..."
"The battle was defeated like a mountain. Now that the Bai family is weak, I have to think about retreat as soon as possible."
"Hmph, as I said, just as I merged into the Bai family, leave the Bai family to count the ball."
In a place shrouded in a large area of ​​black mist, many powerful people are discussing.
If the strong men of Orion's arm can see their figure, they should understand that they are the strong men above the Galaxy level who fought fiercely with Orion in the past.
Even though the young master of the Bai family had been defeated and suffered a catastrophic death, the overall strength of the Bai family had not been significantly affected.
The Bai family is too big.
There are more than ten domain masters under the seat, and there are many hermit powerhouses in the ruled star domain. Finally, I am afraid that the twenty domain masters may not be able to fight.
Otherwise, the dignified senior domain master will lead these star complexes, and they will still be restrained?
The Galaxy level below is even more easily hundreds of people, and there are a huge number of unknown people.
Only some people willing to follow the call of the Bai family came in this battle, but there were also five at the domain master level. Except for the middle-aged man who was killed at the end of the creation of the world, two of the other four were old men who were sent out earlier. In the first generation, there are still two people who have not entered the world of creation, and have not even appeared in the previous battle of the siege of Orion's arm.
In fact, this group of people seemed to be filled with righteous indignation, but their expressions were not as frightened and irritable as they thought.
The young master has no children.
There are probably foreign relatives in the Bai family, but whether to find a foreign relative to inherit the Bai family's mantle, this group of people has a lot of small things in their hearts.
As for the Orion arm?
Little things.
Don't say whether the Bai Family really did their best, only to say that there are still five domain master-level powerhouses on the scene. There are many Galaxy-level people, plus ordinary troops and the means to deal with the powerhouse, they have no reason to be afraid of so many.
The battle of life and death is really going to be true. Even if Jia Yan has a senior domain master, but the Bai family has tried their best, it still cannot be blocked by Orion's arm.
At least in their eyes now.
"Then Jia Yan will grow up with the blessing of the young master's power, wait, analyze and listen."
Suddenly an old senior domain master asked calmly.
This sentence interrupted everyone's topic.
The matter of Jia Yan is like solving the young master’s name. Everyone present has not mentioned it much. Even if the army is still being chased by the edge of Orion’s arm, they themselves have already withdrawn to the rear and have retreated. Zhixin, Jia Yan's matter is like a distant name, it doesn't matter.
"Then Jia's hard to say, this person's strength is indeed the strongest person I have ever seen, and it must be no worse than the lesser master..."
There was an old man who looked like a tortoise, his eyes thoughtfully and said.
This tortoise monster was the master-level master who was designed and killed by Jia Yan and others in the battle of the small world that created the world.
"No, in my opinion, Jia Yan should have the ability to surpass the young master before the war. Of course, at best, it seems like the young master, so he will follow the young master's plan and enter the creation world to win."
Another person held the opposite opinion.
The calm one who spoke, shook his head after hesitating for a moment: "You said, he has gained the spiritual power of the young master, whether he will gain a lot of strength, if he reaches the deeper level of the senior domain master, I am afraid that he will really become my Bai family. Taboo."
"How is it possible that the improvement of the strength of the strong is not that simple." The old tortoise smiled suddenly: "As the domain owner, you and I are not too far away from the senior domain. In your opinion, Is there a kind of person who can surpass the same level by leaps and bounds only by devouring other people? Even if the young master made this strategy, he was ambitious, but in my opinion, it is still like a child's play. It's all in vain."
The rest of the people are seconding.
This meeting was attended only by the strong. In fact, almost all the participants in the meeting were the elders in the Bai family alliance. There was no respect for the white dolphins, and no one would agree with the previous theory of the white dolphins.
Therefore, they are still not optimistic about whether Jia Yan can be promoted from the white dolphin body.
"Predecessors, you must never despise that Jia Yan. The seniors have not seen the final battle of the young master, but I have seen it. The young master can say that he has played the strongest posture. However, under Jia Yan's various calculations and abilities, Still undoubtedly killed by him, if you regard him as the same existence as the young master, you will suffer a big loss in the future!"
Suddenly, an uncomfortable voice sounded.
The one who was speaking was a domain master-level powerhouse who was like a birdman.
This master-class powerhouse of the birdman domain is a middle-aged man who accompanies the white dolphins to the final stage in the creation of the world. His real body is the birdman clan.
"Hehe, who am I? It turned out to be the Border Bird King, why? Are you afraid of being beaten by Jia Yan?"
There was a little ridicule on the faces of the older generation.
This bird-man powerhouse was an invitation to the white dolphins when they passed the border of the Bai family. I didn’t expect that he would be willing to drip into this muddy water, but he did not expect that he would agree and fight with the white dolphins. To the last moment.
This group of strong elders had a little opinion about this young domain master who was not very prominent at this time.
The strong frontier would not be in the center of the Bai family's power, but this bird king personally fought the young master to the last moment. If he operates with the intention, in the future, when the Bai family’s interests are divided, he may become the old domain master present. Of roadblocks.
"Sorry, I haven't played against Na Jia Yan personally. It can't be said of being afraid or not."
The bird-like powerhouse looked gloomy: "But I know that this person has great horror and the name of the evolved beast. There is also a verbal record in my bird-man family. This race has the highest swallowing ability in the world. If this person can take another senior The domain master devours and digests, not to mention all, only to use the upper half of the energy, will also push his strength to a certain unimaginable level! If you seniors despise him again, one day you will encounter Jia Yan and be brutally killed, don’t Blame me for not reminding!"
"Haha..." There was another predecessor-level domain master who chuckled: "Swallowing and evolution are not so simple, even if he can swallow all the energy of the young master? It's just energy, not something that can advance the power of the body. As a strong person, you need to take reality into consideration when you look at things, not just think about it, and don't just worry about it casually. If you don't have such a temperament, how can you be a big clan and be hidden in the frontier... It's really boring. "
The Bird King wanted to speak but stopped, only to feel despised.
Suddenly, his eyes turned and he stopped talking.
Let me talk about it again, I am afraid that it will be squeezed out by the mainstream powerhouses of the Bai family, and the bird race, which is not so smooth, may fall into a more miserable abyss from then on.
Suddenly someone spoke in the dark.
The powerhouses are looking for reputation one by one.
I don't know when, inside this shady place, there is an extra large figure that is as majestic as them.
This figure said lightly: "The things that Brother Bird King worries about are not unreasonable, but I have already done what he thinks. If you can forgive me for the things I have done, I am There is a strategy that is destined to make Na Jia Yan jump into a thunder, which will take several years without gaining much."
"Huh? It's you?!"
"What's your strategy? Let's talk about it and see..."

The conversation hidden in the distant place of Orion's arm is temporarily inaudible to Jia Yan.
He was just leaving the Orion Arm border quickly.
Escape the white dolphin's body being taken away by people.
The huge and majestic palace moves inside the subspace like walking on the ground, which makes Jia Yan continue to feel the energy.
"Master, that period of power ends here, and it is difficult for Wisdom to figure it out."
"I see. Go straight to the area where the Bai family is located. In fact, since tracking down, it should be roughly known that the person who stole my harvest came from the Bai family..."
On this day, Jia Yan was awakened by Zhi Nao from his practice.
After he nodded, he told Zhi Nao to rush towards the area where the Bai family was located according to the original plan.
This was the intention, but traces of the white dolphin's carcass could be found along the way, so he asked the palace to continue pursuing and analyzing, and if there were other discoveries, he could make changes to the route in time.
But according to today's situation, the trip to the Bai family must be carried out.
Moreover, the Orion arm was beaten by the opponent in the way it is now, which hurts the people and money. If you don't avenge your revenge, Jia Yan will not be called Jia Yan.
It is best to get it right once and for all, and remove the hidden dangers of the Bai family permanently.
However, Nuo Da's star field is not solved by him alone. Even if he can reach the top of the senior domain master, he will never reach the level of easily slaughtering a large starry sky, because even if he can do it cruelly, the speed is absolutely very high. Slow, and when things come out, other powerhouses shouldn't sit back and watch, just like Jia Yan is now sitting in Orion's arm. If the surrounding star field is slaughtered by people, he shouldn't just sit back and ignore a truth.
The land of the White House.
The nearest place is also thousands of light-years away from the Orion Arm.
There are two major star powers in the middle.
These two powers, one of them intersected with the Orion Arms, and also participated in the siege of the Orion Arms. Jia Yan Haosheng learned a lesson. This time, he recognized the reality and was not forced to join the other side by the Bai family's forces.
Another big force, Jia Yan was a little surprised in a certain area when he flew past the palace, because he felt a strong breath.
This is the breath of the domain master.
"It's not to be underestimated. There are probably two domain masters in this power. It's no wonder that they can maintain their relative autonomy while bordering on the Bai family."
After Jia Yan feels it, he doesn’t care anymore. After all, no matter how strong the domain master level is, it is no more than an ordinary domain master level. He is a senior domain master. Extinct.
In fact, Jia Yan has roughly analyzed the situation of the forces around Orion's arm, and he still sighs a lot.
After the energy of Orion Arm was banned, it also affected the surrounding star field. For hundreds of thousands of years, its strength was largely affected, and it continued to the area of ​​the Bai family before it was considered prosperous again.
The stellar domain farther away, to put it bluntly, has an intricate relationship with the Bai family, and a sum of money is provided by the Bai family and many other surrounding star field forces.
Jia Yan secretly smiled bitterly after seeing too much.
Not only the Bai family, but the relationship between these star domains is like a spider web. I only say that the stellar academic domain he visited earlier is not only funded by the Bai family, but also powerful people such as the Zerg queen also injected capital. Involving it down, which of the surrounding forces has nothing to do with it.
As far as his Orion arm is concerned, he is a fledgling, lonely family, besieged and slandered by others, thinking about it, in fact, it is not against them, but against an unfamiliar power. These star powers will definitely have an exclusive psychology.
Like the current Orion Arm, if a star field that has been banned for many years emerges around him, will Jia Yan feel worried and want to keep his distance from him? Even remove this hidden danger?
"The two domain masters probably felt my palace. They are almost reaching the Baijia realm. I hope they can report the news faster than I can reach them."
After Jia Yan felt the aura of the two domain master-level powerhouses, he didn't have any hidden thoughts about the information that he was flying to the Bai family grandiosely.
The palace is so big, if he was flying in the ten-degree sub-space alone, he might be able to conceal a domain master-level powerhouse, but the palace...
The 10,000-kilometer-level guys caused the ripples in the subspace, and perhaps the stronger mid-level Galaxy could feel it, not to mention the domain master level.
Therefore, he only hopes that the two domain masters can slow down the transmission of information on him rushing to the Bai family.
In other words, it is also bordering the Bai family, not the Orion arm. It is common sense to pass on sudden information to neighbors.
It's just that Jia Yan is also clear, expecting the two domain masters not to report his situation, and he thinks too much.
When his huge palace flew to the border of the Bai family, when a group called the ‘Bird Clan’s forces’, several teams of strong men waited for his arrival at the border.
"Oh? Is there a gathering of strong forces ahead? It seems to be welcoming me."
Jia Yan learned from Zhi's mind that there were troops waiting to greet him, and suddenly understood that the opponent was coming for him.
He doesn't care.
If the Bai family's forces were monolithic, the Orion's arm might have been destroyed long ago, and their performance could not be so unbearable when they created the world.
Therefore, he entered the edge of the Bai family power of the alliance nature, and did not worry about encountering a siege at all.
The fact is also true. When he saw the so-called ‘greeting the team’, he had already smiled slightly.
As expected.
The team that greets oneself is a group of large or small bird creatures.
This group of bird creatures, the strong are the middle-level galaxy, and the weak, even the venerable. They fly through the sky and stand proudly on the border of the power, with their eyes solemnly feeling the interior of the subspace.
Therefore, he entered the edge of the Bai family power of the alliance nature, and did not worry about encountering a siege at all.
The fact is also true. When he saw the so-called ‘greeting the team’, he had already smiled slightly.
As expected.
The team that greets oneself is a group of large or small bird creatures.
This group of bird creatures, the strong ones are mid-galactic, and the weak ones are very weak.
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