Chapter 3016: Method [Come to the starting point to subscribe]

Chapter 2976: Pick! 【Come to the starting point to subscribe】
Their team couldn't hold on at first.
"Wait a minute."
Without waiting for Laita's performance, I saw the electric light flint behind him, a figure like a flying star, and the electric light flint suddenly appeared.
Jia Yan was already moved, and lightly stopped Laita's shot.
He became intrigued.
It turned out that the figure was actually one of his own disciples.
Blue brackets.
This disciple was one of his favorites back then.
Even in the semi-star level strength, he has already defeated the star level.
However, at this time, he was promoted to the first-level star.
Although it is impossible to compare with the disciples Jia Yan accepted after, but after transferring to Yin-Yang Dao, it is not too slow to be able to practice at such a speed.
There may be a chance of Wangwangyu's main-level strength in his lifetime.
"Have you finally come to a significant Yin-Yang Sect?"
The two stars existed in the middle order and snorted coldly.
They didn't really stop, but suddenly doubled their attack power.
He was about to kill a Yin-Yang Sect Venerable on the spot.
I saw a strange brilliance flashing in the blue eyes.
The whole person turned into an afterimage, tore apart the secondary space, and slammed into it.
The next moment, he came to the middle-level powerhouse of the star who was doing it, and resisted his attack on the Venerable Yin-Yang Sect.
There is no bells and whistles in the movements, and there is no sense of fireworks.
However, in his offensive, there is an air of positive and negative yin and yang.
Rita's eyes were bright.
When it comes to strength, he is naturally more tyrannical than any other existence in the Yin-Yang Sect except Jia Yan.
However, the Yin-Yang Dao, which is immersed in the bone marrow of the Yin-Yang Sect, has been developed by thousands of Yin-Yang Sect disciples for decades. In some detailed aspects, he is not the only one who has explored it alone, and has not received the strong force of Jia Yan's formal inheritance. are comparable.
The more the merrier.
Even the 'yin and yang' who stepped on Laita's body also nodded slightly.
I saw Lan Kuo flickering, resisting the attack of the stellar middle-level powerhouse, his body reversed like electricity, and with a puff, his claws turned into sharp blades, piercing the inside of the opponent's body.
"now you."
Lan Kuo looked at the other middle-level star lightly.
The middle-level star was stunned.
He also said that the mission this time was just a simple test of the foundation and reaction of Yin-Yang Dao.
Who would have thought that it happened to fall into the hands of a formal disciple of Yin-Yang Sect.
The outside world has long known.
There are several types of Yin Yang disciples.
Among them, the one with the most complete talent and talent and the most complete line of Yin-Yang sect is the disciple of Yin-Yang.
It is for the 'true disciple'.
And at this moment, the one who is fighting against him is a true disciple of Yin and Yang.
Unprecedented strength.
"Although you and I are both star-level, and you are stronger than me, now I will give you three chances to attack me. If you can't defeat me with three attacks, then I will take your life, don't blame me for bullying the big. ."
Lan Kuo calmly looked at the stellar middle-level powerhouse.
It was just that his eyes opened and closed, but he calmly looked into the depths of a certain starry sky.
"This kid is quite witty."
Laita was on one side, and Lao Huai smiled with great consolation, as if he had already identified Lan Kuo as a junior.
He is of course an elder.
Although in front of Jia Yan, Laita's mid-level stellar strength is not very good.
But in front of the Yin-Yang Sect, he can be described as an unmatched behemoth.
Looking at any of Jia Yan's disciples belongs to the elders looking at the younger generation.
The yin and yang that Jia Yan transformed, also looked at the starry sky in the distance.
A stellar first-level powerhouse just hangs in the depths of the distant starry sky, silently observing the movement here.
But even if Lan Kuo made his move, there was no sign of the other party showing up.
Since the other party didn't do anything, Jia Yan and the others would not be able to bully the small.
Puff puff.
While thinking about it, the three moves of the stellar middle-level powerhouse have passed.
Regrettably, the miracle that the strong man expected did not happen.
Lan Kuo calmly responded to the opponent's three-stroke attack.
Not even the slightest danger.
"You... you shouldn't exist in our star field. With such combat power, why don't you go out and explore!?"
The middle-level star powerhouse was in a state of turmoil, hurriedly restrained the offensive, and stepped back toward the rear.
Lan Kuo shook his head calmly.
"Your Excellency is joking. I was born here, grew up here, and never even walked out of this starry sky in my life. Where do you want me to go out?"
While speaking, he approached the other party in a leisurely stroll, and the figure came behind him like a rocket jet device was installed.
He used his own claws to pierce the opponent's chest and crush his heart.
The whole process was not sloppy, and even a little blood was not splashed on him.
After doing this, the primary aura of the distant star was obviously unstable, and it seemed to be about to move.
However, after arguing for a while, the breath withdrew and quickly dissipated.
It's not that he sensed the breath of Jia Yan and the two of them.
It's just that the other party is also a little cowardly to the name of Yin Yang Sect.
Said to be decades.
But the 'Yin-Yang Sect's Great Expansion Incident' that caused panic at the beginning is still firmly imprinted in the hearts of these strong men.
The existence of the first order of several stars died.
There are also foreign high-level powerhouses who came here to be killed.
You know, the powerhouses behind in the starry sky are a few chips weaker than the outside world.
Unless you have been to the outside world for adventure.
And he is only the first-level star of the local star, or the first-level powerhouse who has successfully cultivated in the past few decades.
He fears.
Fear of repeating the same mistakes.
The so-called 'yin and yang' last time was also held back for a long time, and then at an important juncture, and with a certain 'friend', they beat the local powerhouses in disgrace, and everyone was in danger.
"No hurry, according to reliable information, a domain master-level existence invited by that force is about to come here..."
He just observes.
Check out the show.
Even the two middle-level stars were not invited by him, but he pointed the direction, so that the two middle-level stars came here to deal with the border of Yin-Yang Sect.
Other than that, it has nothing to do with him.
"Rita, you go."
"Yes, my lord."
this head.
Jia Yan watched the other party retreat quickly, and did not give much orders, Laita directly agreed and left.
He was left alone, waiting silently at the border and hanging around.

Lan Kuo over there, after killing the two middle-level stars, the momentum all over his body quickly disappeared.
Jia Yan had felt earlier that although his disciple was also talented in sub-space, his temperament was very different from his, and he was very low-key.
It cannot be said that it is not good, and even from a certain perspective, the potential and benefits of this kind of 'Gou Xiu' are much stronger than the existence of a barbarian.
"Are you guys all right?"
"It's okay, thank you Brother Lan Kuo for your rescue."
"It's okay, you guys go back and continue to guard, I'll investigate around here."
Lan Kuo nodded and let the disciples who were being hunted down, as well as several senior border officials who supported him, leave.
He single-handedly flew across the border.
The border area that Lan Kuo is in charge of is neither long nor short.
In fact, it is mainly a supply line.
It is impossible for him to patrol the entire starry sky, even Jia Yan's real body is difficult to do.
When the enemy attacks, it is impossible to take any lonely road. They will only take this place where there is a market, all because of the relationship of the universe's "waterway".
So the area he patrols is not large.
Just as Lan Kuo was patrolling, his color changed slightly.
In the crowd in the distance, he vaguely saw a familiar figure.
But after holding his breath and looking at it, he didn't see the person he thought.
"I think I was thinking too much, which led to hallucinations..."
He sneered at himself.
Continue to patrol.
"This disciple is quite good, low-key enough and extremely vigilant."
Jia Yanfang was the one who deliberately showed his face for a moment.
And Lan Lankuo was able to grasp the face of that moment and see that something was wrong with him, which was quite remarkable.
"My lord, that guy has been killed by me silently, and I asked for some information."
It didn't take long for this to go, and a huge body without friends slid from the starry sky.
Laita didn't let anyone pay attention, and flew to Jia Yan's side in such a big way.
Some cosmic creatures were forcibly pushed aside, but they just looked at the huge creatures around them strangely, and in their expressions Caritas saw something, but ignored the past as if they had seen nothing.
This is the horror of the powerhouse's brainwave power reaching the middle-level of the galaxy.
He wants you to see it, so you can see it.
"Oh? Did you get any information?"
"Recently, the matter of the Yin-Yang Sect has attracted a lot of attention, and even the powerhouses in the extraterrestrial area have noticed this place. The first-level powerhouse of the Galaxy just learned that a certain foreign domain master seems to have taken a fancy to the Yin-Yang Sect. It is unique, and wants to come to take the Yin-Yang Sect into the bag and study the Yin-Yang Dao you left behind, so he came to look at the roots of the Yin-Yang Sect, so that he can use it to please the domain master-level powerhouse in a few days. "
When it comes to the domain master level, Laita's expression is not so relaxed.
Even if he has studied Yin-Yang Dao, even if he is also a middle-level Galaxy, theoretically, the distance from the main level of the domain is only a small level.
However, the more he gets to this level of strength, the more he has a deeper understanding of the terror that exists at the domain master level.
He was just entering the Galaxy Intermediate Stage for the first time.
The gap with the domain master level is not an exaggeration to say the difference between cloud and mud.
Even if he used the so-called Yin-Yang Taoist magic weapon given by Jia Yan, he still thought he could not defeat even the weakest domain master.
That is the gap in the life level, and it is impossible to beat it.
"There is actually a domain master level, and you want to enter the backward starry sky?"
Jia Yan was slightly surprised.
The original backward star field, not to mention the field master level, a middle-level powerhouse in the galaxy can cause the entire starry sky to shake.
Now that the domain master level has come, it is really God who blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.
Of course, under the premise that he, Jia Yan, the 'Lord of the Domain', does not come.
"Oh, it's interesting. Let him come."
Jia Yan smiled.
Laita listened to his smile and smiled softly.
Both the avatar and the real body of the adult are here, are you still afraid of the primary level of the district master?
Not to mention the primary domain master.
Even if there is a senior domain master who is capable of suppressing the Eight Desolations in the central star domain of the Milky Way, he has to kneel!
Even if a domain master like the Big Dipper of Mount Tai is facing off against Lord Jia Yan, there is a 80 to 90% chance of retreating.
It's not that adults are strong enough to crush the same level.
But the talent of adults is the space talent. In normal space, the special nature of this talent is more useful and advantageous than in superstars.
And according to the bragging story of Edissa and Xiaoyuer, he knew that they had encountered the so-called 'really powerful', that is, the domain master, more than once in the Southern Superstar. There are post-order existences, and there are even super masters who are stronger than ordinary domain master post-order existences.
Isn't it the same as being driven away by adults one by one, and even sheltering two little girls who are not very strong, and walked out of the superstar safely?
After a moment of turbulent mood, Laita calmed down again.
Except for Lord Jia Yan.
He has never seen a domain master of the same level as an adult.
There really is a domain master coming out from the back, but he wants to see the wheel.
Of course, the better thing is to see how shocking the world is with the means of the adults, that is even better.
When Laita was distracted, he only heard voices coming from his ears.
"Ah, I'm sorry, my lord, I lost my mind."
Jia Yan looked at the subordinate expressionlessly.
Did I choose the wrong person to be my subordinate...
However, Laita's work is relatively reassuring. At this time, he should be thinking about something.
Do not pursue.
"The method of Array Dao cultivation can actually be tested now. You and I will first observe the performance of some disciples in this border area, and choose the ones that are enough to carry the strength of Array Dao."
Said to choose disciples.
In fact, Jia Yan is not deliberately looking for trouble.
But really have to go through such a process.
And the choice of the person with the power of the formation has nothing to do with talent.
Rather, it has something to do with the choice of the Yin-Yang Dao cultivation direction of some disciples.
After all, when Jia Yan first transformed into Yin Yang and came to this backward area, his strength was only at the stellar junior and intermediate levels.
And he was injured, and he was taught in the form of an incarnation.
Therefore, limited by the vision at the time, his own strength, and various considerations, etc., the Taoism that Jia Yan left here is said to be the Yin-Yang Sect, but it is far less powerful than the Yin-Yang Tao that he now masters.
Ugly words.
There were even a few cultivation techniques and plans that he thought were good at the beginning, but looking back now, they have gone the wrong way.
Those cultivation techniques must be cut off.
And for disciples who have cultivated, it may take a while before they can master the correct yin and yang way again.
The same is true for the choice of the inheritor of the power of the formation.
and more demanding.
For example, disciples who need to cultivate the correct path also need a little spiritual talent.
Well, maybe more than just 'a little'.
The talent requirement of the power of the formation is that the spiritual power is supernormal...
Therefore, Jia Yan and Laita's first step to this point was to secretly select those disciples with strong spiritual power and the correct Yin-Yang path of cultivation.
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