Chapter 377: escape! !! [For subscription]

After all, there is Jia Yan's slightly more mature brainwave power, which pushes it behind!
Under such an impact, Jia Yan himself has a clear blue defense, but the other party does not have such a powerful defense. Only the brain wave power can be resisted in front of his skull. There is a crack!
Boom boom! !! !!
The posture of the two hit the ground fiercely, smashing a huge 20-meter-high building below into a huge pothole!
The surrounding alien buildings all swayed, as if there was an earthquake.
Fortunately, these buildings use alien construction techniques and materials, so they did not collapse!
Puff puff! !! !!
Under the gazing gazing of countless alien lifeforms, Jia Yan's huge and dark body appeared again from the hollow of the damaged building!
His body is extremely fast, and a blurry afterimage appears in the air!
Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!
With the wings flapping, the trees in the buildings below are all howling winds driven by the wings, blowing down the waist!
And just in the body of the big mosquito, with a few blinks of action, it almost reached a moment at a height of one thousand meters!
啵啵 啵
Three or four arcs, like electromagnetic cannons, slammed into the air, but were completely avoided by the big mosquitoes who were already vigilant ...
Wow la la la ...
Seeing the body of the big mosquito, it was getting farther and farther in the sight, surveying the white life body walking out of the hollow of the building, there was a flash of unwillingness in the big watery pupils!
It didn't take long for the city's armed defense forces to finally come to this place, but what they saw was just a pile of ruins, and a large white body standing in the ruins.
"That's ... Master of Diplomats in the Biochemical Country !?"
A well-known sheriff looked at the white life standing in horror with horror.
As a diplomat, Satsuma wanted to act in a low-key manner, but he did not expect that it caused such a shock. Such a thing cannot be concealed. In desperation, it had to show its shape and face the aftermath.
"What the is this ?!"
The giant white monster has surprises in her eyes. As an existence coming out of that super battlefield and her daughter, she is a perfect life form with both status and strength, but she did not expect that in this peaceful city In the case of Li's own shot, he was really run away by this monster!
"Sir! Are you okay?"
In the distant realm, several living creatures fly like crazy, and even one of these monsters does not have wings at all, but the speed of flight is not under the other monsters at all!
The white life body shook a little white feathers, and with a little shake, the kind of gray fluttering marks caused by the previous war was directly restored. The white and flawless appearance did not seem to be that she was in the war before. It's just out and play!
"I'm fine. Thank you for coming to help." She responded lightly with brainwave power.
The monsters that came, one looking at the white life, were all incredible.
As an elite in that battlefield, this adult has not weak strength, but even when she goes out, she cannot leave that enemy, and the combat effectiveness of the opponent is evident!
Not to mention the few people here, only to say that the large mosquito that fled far away, at this time he was also frightened!
"What kind of existence does that monster have? My strength is enough to show, but the other party seems to have enough skills, and may even hide a part of the strength. If it wasn't for me to escape fast, maybe I was arrested. Maybe! "
Thinking of this, Jia Yan was beating his heart. Such a terrible powerful strength was encountered by him casually. The aliens were really powerful. How could it be possible to encounter such a powerful single life on earth.
"Are these alien lifeforms all so powerful?"
Jia Yan naturally thought of this problem. As a person who did not understand the existence of this planet and alien life, he would think so, it is normal!
But what he doesn't know is that what he thinks is completely unnecessary. If a living body as powerful as him can overwhelm the existence, then the universe is already different. After all, Jia Yan himself has passed countless opportunities and Work hard to reach this step today. It is impossible for other life forms, even those powerful universe life, to reach this step easily!
Most alien life, like those ordinary urban dwellers that Jia Yan has seen these days, is simply some life form that is not as powerful as humans on earth.
"Also, De Funi's guy has actually concealed such a powerful brainwave power. She must know that even if this power erupts, she is far from being my opponent. She has been forbearing until now. She's up! "
After being escaped by Dai Fu Ni, Jia Yan was also slightly depressed, so at this time, he flew in the direction of Dai Fu Ni's escape!
At the foot of the building are advanced alien buildings, Jia Yan's figure is extremely fast, and those living creatures of the aliens are only screaming when they see him!
In this city, there are no war pets who dare to fly. Even if you have a silly head and fly up, it is impossible to have Jia Yan's violent power!
The speed of this monster's flight is so unimaginable!
The sound barrier on this planet cannot be the same as that of the earth, but Jia Yan still broke the speed of sound early. For a planet with air, there must be a limit speed at which sound can propagate. The difference between the earth is not big, but Jia Yan has escaped at a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound. Even many alien life forms can't see his body clearly. Jia Yan is already rushing towards the sky. Over!
"The woman must have turned around and couldn't find it!"
Jia Yan looked at the earth-like figures below. Such a huge city with many Earth-like Ostos, he could not observe the past one by one, at least from a distance, without Dai Fu Ni The presence!
woo woo woo woo! !! !! !! !!
Jia Yan keenly discovered that there were law enforcement aircraft coming from behind him!
"Forget it, think she's lucky, I hope she doesn't be stupid and really expose me! Otherwise, I will really endlessly chat with him in the future!" Jia Yan looked down, his eyes had a faint luster.
However, this matter is just talking about, Jia Yanke did not expect too much De Fu Ni not to expose his thoughts, after all, he had to do it before, to kill others, and to expect others to not expose him, it is just whimsical !!
Under the pressure of the situation, Jia Yan didn't have much time to follow Dai Fu Ni and had to give up.
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !!
The big mosquito's body that broke through the sound barrier turned around and flew towards the periphery of the city!
The city can no longer stay.
He naturally left!
Just behind the body where the big mosquito strayed far away, in a small shop, the woman who seemed to be picking goods, with beautiful red eyes, looked at the behemoth flying upwards, looking pale and smiling slightly.
"It's really goodbye this time, my master ..." The woman didn't wait long, just when the living beings were talking about the big mosquitoes that attracted everyone's attention. Star point of contact 'store, walked over ...
The two mouse-like monsters were not far away, with their noses inciting, but strangely sneezed several times, as if they could no longer track their prey.
The chasing aircraft behind him is no slower than the flying speed of the big mosquito. Jia Yan escapes a bit embarrassed!
"There are five aircraft in the back, and it is impossible to compare them with speed. But I know how exaggerated the true speed of these aircraft can be!"
Jia Yan looked at the pursuit vehicles in the rear. Each one has a unique shape. Maybe they ca n’t fly outside the atmosphere like those real vehicles, but in contrast, the flight speed inside the planet is optimized. Therefore, it is impossible to fly much slower than Jia Yan.
Jia Yan wants to get rid of them at his own speed, unlikely!
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!
This is the first time Jia Yan has pursued the formation of these alien civilizations!
He spread his wings and tried to use his flexibility to shake them away!
Jia Yan does not believe that the flexibility of these aircraft can catch up with themselves.
Sure enough, when Jia Yan came to the outside of the city and approached a giant tree 100 meters high, he turned around the tree flexibly, and the aircrafts behind him were just too late to follow!
Huh! !! !!
Jia Yan plunged into the vast yellow-yellow trees at this moment!
A tall tree became his cover.
The following vehicles also turned around urgently, and they received it without any specific description of the situation, so at this time they thought that the big mosquito was just a fighting life, and they did something not excessive in the city.
You have to know that the existence of such a flying speed naturally cannot weaken the combat effectiveness. Adhering to the idea of ​​not offending people, the sheriffs on these aircraft are afraid to fire one by one!
In this case, Jia Yan was so intrigued that he suddenly flung them away!
"What? This monster is actually a villain who has just fought against the diplomats of the biochemical kingdom!"
When several aircraft received the specific message sent above, Jia Yan was already in their sight, flying farther and farther, and eventually plunged into the vast forest and disappeared in shape ...
"Abominable! I don't want to chase the outside world, causing misunderstandings between the monsters of the biochemical kingdom and the zerg race, but it's a death! Forget it, go back!"
The sheriffs in each of the aircrafts were unwilling to pursue after a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the city.
A city is only allowed to maintain law and order within a hundred kilometers. If it exceeds this range, if it is attacked by the warring parties, it is also to kill yourself!
So they dare not continue to chase that slick flying life.
"No more chase ?!"
Jia Yan flew through countless gray-yellow jungles, and suddenly felt that the aircraft that chased himself behind him, all of them abandoned the pursuit and returned directly to the voyage.
He was finally relieved.
These aircraft did not deploy weapon systems while chasing him. Although Jia Yan didn't know why, he was glad at this time!
After all, if they were all launching fire attacks, although Jia Yan had confidence in his azure defense, he did not dare to guarantee that he would recover to about half of his energy and how long he could persist!
"No, after a battle and escape, it is estimated that only half of my energy is left!" Jia Yan reluctantly felt his body, and couldn't help laughing.
He slowed himself down and kept flying at high speed, which was the most energy consuming.
"I can't stay in that city anymore, but my energy hasn't fully recovered, but it's definitely much better than before I didn't enter that city!"
"In that city, the first point is that the body has recovered about half of its strength. These forces are enough for me to play a combat power of about 70% to 80%, but it is not so durable. As for the second point, I passed the city What I have seen and heard, as well as the commentary of Da Fu Ni, I have mastered a lot of information about this planet and alien civilization, and I can basically speak even the Ostor language. Now if I return to the solar system, I cannot I can control my own aircraft! "
His aircraft stayed outside the earth's atmosphere. Before, he couldn't understand the language of the Ottoman, so he couldn't study anything. It's totally different now!
Thinking of these advantages, Jia Yan finally got a little satisfaction. Although Dai Fu Ni may disclose his information, it is not a big deal for him!
Jia Yan has almost a belief in his positioning!
That is the white monster in the previous city, she may be a unique existence.
After some escape, Jia Yan cleared his mind in his head!
The other party has those rat monsters as their subordinates. Besides, Jia Yan did not see it before. This monster has nothing to do with fighting in pets more than the battlefield of alien life, or even causing death or injury. Worry, that kind of situation can only explain the other party, in fact, the identity is special!
Jia Yan can't beat her, for a reason.
What's more, if he can recover his full strength, whoever wins and who loses is not necessarily!
Then, if this white life body can be regarded as a relatively strong existence in the warring planet, then Jia Yan feels that his combat effectiveness is not low!
Having pinpointed his position, Jia Yan had more confidence in his own chance of survival in the future!
In front of it are endless gray-yellow trees, Jia Yan is flying fast in the trees!
Since Da Fu Ni is not there, he feels that he can do more things. When he says that the woman is beside him, he can't let go of him. He meant to control his actions and was learning Ostow. People's language and other matters were helped to ensure their safety, but now it seems that the cartels are upside down.
"My original intention, but to restore strength, and even get the next mutation, and then return to the earth! Where to stay is not to stay, why stick to the city?"
On the way Jia Yan was flying forward, he had other ideas. He had been on the earth, always in the wild, and other places, to obtain those opportunities for mutation, so at this time he had enough information in that city, completely No need to look for alien cities to enter anymore!
"But I ca n’t go back in the direction I came out before. According to my understanding during this time, that place is the so-called war zone. When I get there, I am asking for trouble, so I should look in other directions at this time. See if you find anything! "
Jia Yan estimated his own energy. If he relied on this energy, he would be able to live without food for a month or two, but the longer the time dragged on, the weaker his body would be. Before proceeding to the next step.
"So this way ... I'll go shopping in most places on this planet in 20 days. If I can find something that suits my energy, or anything else, I won't go to those cities for adventure! But in 20 days, I won't get much. Then, just 20 days later, take a little risk, find another city to enter, and find a way to get some nutrient solution! "
At least on this planet, Jia Yan now knows only the things that can help him. There are only so-called nutritional fluids of these alien lifeforms. There is no other way. Jia Yan can only find another city to enter, according to his recent Observations during this period of time, it seems that the planet is not closely connected with the city before, so it is possible for him to go to another relatively close city and pretend to be some way to get some nutrient solution. !!
Of course, that's just no way. Now let's see if Jia Yan can think of other ways within 20 days!
"I have a huge problem now. This problem has arisen long ago, but I have ignored or perfuncted it in the past. Now, this problem can not be squarely faced!"
The speed of Jia Yan's flight slowed down.
At the same time, the complexion in his eyes slowly turned into a contemplative look!
Surrounded by gray-yellow trees, his body did not appear to be too horrible among the numerous ancient trees as high as one or two hundred meters.
The gray-yellow star hanging overhead slowly descended.
Night is coming!
After flying for more than 1,500 kilometers in one breath, Jia Yan finally stopped under a towering tree standing more than 250 meters high!
If you like the rebirth star mosquito, please collect it: ( The rebirth star mosquito is the fastest in the literature.
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