Chapter 401: Only war! [For subscription]

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Detection of brain wave power, feedback of the tough muscles of the opponent's body, and the strong brain wave power of resistance, all show that this monster with a hard shell on its back has unrivalled strength!
However, while Jia Yan was exploring each other, the tortoise-like living body had a gloomy feeling!
"Dear sir, don't you think it's very unfriendly to use a brainwave power to look at such a strange existence?"
Can he detect my brainwave power spying?
Jia Yan was a little surprised, and suddenly knew that this monster might be of a different type from those monsters he had encountered before.
Of course, maybe he is not necessarily stronger than that white life body, but compared to that white life body, it seems that he has a slightly different feeling on the brain wave power, as if this monster is the main brain wave power. Therefore, the power of brain waves is stronger than that of the white life!
Jia Yan, who has completely recovered his energy, although he is not afraid, has regained the power of brain waves lightly!
Not humble or humble, but it seems polite to take back the power.
"This is my mistake, please forgive me, but you are uninvited. As the leader of this team, I will naturally take precautions. I wonder if you are? ..." Jia Yan thought for a while and continued to use himself The voice of inferiority and indignation raised doubts.
After all, at this time, he hadn't heard of the existence of this strong man. Naturally, he hadn't provoke any Jin Mo strong either. The other party suddenly appeared, and he couldn't think of any reason.
It didn't take long for Jia Yan's crazy running mind to immediately think of an existence, that is, the fifth strongest ‘Longwu’ defeated by himself. This guy seems to be able to provoke himself to other strong!
"Oh, Your Excellency said that I was not invited. In fact, I should return this sentence directly to you. As a strong man in the golden desert, we do not seem to invite you to come. Why are you not invited? ? "
The tortoise-like living body stood on the ground. He used powerful brainwave power to directly transmit sound to Jia Yan's tentacles. This shows his powerful brainwave power and also shows that compared to Jia Yan's superficial electroencephalogram power control method is definitely more powerful!
"I'm not invited?"
Jia Yan froze, and immediately understood the intention of the other party!
Obviously, in this golden desert, there are also ruling forces, or an alliance-like existence, and the monster in front of it is obviously one of them!
And he, a life form of the earth who does not understand any rules, broke into their territory rashly, and launched so many battles, which naturally caused the other party's dissatisfaction!
Thinking of this, Jia Yan also sneered.
He doesn't know the real purpose of the other party here, but if he wants to drive him out or kill him, he can't wait for insult ...
Only war!
Thinking of this, the faint killing intention in Jia Yan's heart emerged!
On this planet, Jia Yan has discovered that, compared to the earth, the stronger is supreme. After all, as a lawless warring planet, even if it is the official government, it is a nameless rogue and other forces. And characters, where could there be any ethical thoughts? !!
The strongest comes first, this is the rule of the planet!
This monster is strong, but Jia Yan has absolute confidence in his strength!
"Oh ... sir, you don't know the rules of our place yet, are you a strong man who has just arrived on this planet? We are really honored to have such a strong presence as you!"
That monster with a turtle shell, talking about it, seemed to be half recommended to Jia Yan, but half warned.
"But you have such a strong presence. When you come to a place like ours, you still need to say hello. After all, every place has its own rules and every place you want to invade other forces. Such things, we are Have the right to manage. "
The tortoise shell life body, standing on the ground, said Jia Yan faintly.
"Then you guys talk about it, what should I do?" Jia Yan snorted at the bottom of his heart, and then asked with a cold voice, without a trace of retreat.
"What to do?" The turtle monster looked down at his palms, holding a pair of weapons similar to big hammers. Jia Yan thought that the threat of those weapons was still great. The monster looked at this time. Weapons obviously have a hands-on idea.
But for a moment, the monster shook his head.
"I can feel that your strength is very powerful. If you use force now, you should not be able to submit to it, but you have to believe that I am not the strongest being in our organization, and you cannot be with us as a whole. Organize confrontation, so if you really have a sincere apology, please withdraw from our Jinmo, after all, your presence has seriously affected our Jinmo's balance of power! "
Hearing the other side directly asserted that he was very powerful, Jia Yan was a little surprised, this monster obviously also judged his strength through the brainwave power, but I do n’t know, the other side is really his own strength Shocked, is it just a dodge?
However, I want to quit Jin Mo myself. This matter, even if Jia Yan is extremely afraid of their strength, it is impossible to give up easily! After all, this is a backhand that he has controlled for a short time. He also wants to get some resources as soon as possible and further mutate!
Even by mastering a larger territory and squeezing some forces from the golden desert, you can buy an aircraft that can truly sail in space!
How could it be given up!
"Well! It is impossible for me to quit Jin Mo. Why do I show my sincerity? I just want to quit? If I said, you also have to show your sincerity and give me half of Jin Mo's land, you can't agree !?
Jia Yanfu had a faint light in his eyes, and said coldly in the air.
A cold night, when a cold wind blows. The distant Earth convoy seems to have a louder bonfire sound, but in this place, the kind of chill that has filled the heart has suddenly increased!
Fighting seems to be on the horizon.
However, in the face of Jia Yan's pressure, the tortoise shell-like living body was sneered with a slight movement.
He didn't do anything surprisingly afterwards.
"I am here today as a messenger to meet you. Since you are not willing to accept our kindness, then I will see you next time ..."
In other words, the monster floated lightly, and then looked at Jia Yan with his Tongling-like eyes lightly.
The eyes have changed from the previous brown to a red blood color!
Jia Yan didn't have any emotion, but at this time, he directly looked at each other. It didn't contain any repressive killing intentions, and it was extremely cold looking at each other.
The monster carrying the tortoise shell turned into a black lightning at this time, and the electric rays radiated into the distance!
Even if it is not a flying monster, the speed at this time is actually more than seven or eight times the speed of the earth's sound, which is terrifying!
"Let's go like this? But this Jin Mo, actually has a large power to control it faintly, from now on ..."
Jia Yan looked at the other person ’s leaving posture and saw the speed of the other person. Rao was the one who often reached a dozen times the speed of flight, and his compound eyes narrowed slightly. We need to know that the other person is not a flying monster and relies on brain wave power alone. Reaching such a speed is simply incredible.
Of course, it is even more annoying to Jia Yan that this living body has a warning for himself. This Jinmo actually has a powerful super power. This is not shown in the information that Jia Yan learned before. from. Directly, he got caught off guard by Jia Yan.
However, it is normal to think about it. After all, this Jin Mo has so many forces. Today, they can maintain such a peaceful state. In fact, it is also a very abnormal thing. If there is no super huge force behind it, I want to come. It is impossible to keep a place like Jinmo in the way it is now.
"So what should I do?"
The tortoise shell monster, in the blink of an eye, reached the distant sky, Jia Yan watched the other party's departure, and then thought with some headaches in his heart.
After a moment, his compound eyes had a weird luster. Seems to be determined!
A mysterious, giant beast that moves fast in the sky!
It didn't take long for this monster to gradually reduce its speed. After that, he had a very dreadful look in his look, and glanced backwards.
Didn't see anything coming after him, and then he had a long and comfortable expression.
He continued to fly forward for a moment!
After tens of kilometers, a basin of sand dunes was reached.
"Longwu! What information did you give?"
When the tortoise shell arrived here, it used its own brainwave power to stir up the yellow sand, so that the dunes below fell almost instantly, forming a huge sandstorm!
"What happened!"
In the sand dunes, a shadow of a behemoth appeared, as if awakened, looking drowsy.
This is an indescribably huge giant. This giant has two pairs of eyes before and after it. In addition, it is magnified with an Osto and has a humane appearance.
He is unparalleled, and he has a metal weapon that looks very humble but actually has very high-tech elements. It looks just like a boomerang on the earth. Of course, the size of the boomerang is definitely smaller than From the boomerang on earth, I don't know how many times!
Obviously, the monster giant had been sleeping under a few dunes before, and was instantly awakened at this moment, naturally terribly frightened, but it was furious!
But when he saw the turtle shell monster in front of him, the expression on his face immediately changed!
It's as if the mouse saw the cat.
"It turned out to be Khaki, do you know what's going to happen to him when I return? I can tell you all about the monster," he said suddenly.
The giant who was still angry just now became soft and his natural anger disappeared.
"What information do you have? Saying that you can fight him indifferently, even if you are desperate, can make him a little hurt, but I just passed by, where is that monster like you said? You talked about it , Can you really fight him with a tie, just a little bit down? "
The tortoise shell monster holds the sledgehammer in his hand, as if as long as this giant giant had a word that deceived him, he would go down and kill him directly!
The giant was stunned, and then it was amazing. "That's right, his strength a few days ago is not much different from me. If I really fight, I don't really know who wins or loses. Otherwise, I won't be able to escape, right? Adults think he is very strong? "
"Useless waste! It seems that the guy concealed his strength when he fought against you, and now I am not sure that I can handle him!"
The tortoise shell monster looked at the giant giant instead of a fake expression, and suddenly waved his hands in depression, once again a radio shot, left the desert area.
"No, I think that guy wasn't the one who concealed his strength a few days ago ..." The giant giant kept mumbling to himself in the deserted night scene of the desert.
"Regardless of him, I lost anyway, whether he is strong or not, see you later, how far you can run, how far will he go to kill it? Sleep and sleep!" Thinking of this, this big giant is one Lie on my side, fell to the desert again, and constantly dig the sand around you with both hands, covering my body.
It didn't take long for a few lonely dunes to appear in this place, and the giant seemed to disappear.
Jia Yan returned to Huangzhou alone. Some people also saw him during this period, but no one would ask him where he went. It seems that everyone in this place under his control is isolated. The members of these teams are gathered in one In some places, some small gangs that formed the original members of Orlux, and some small gangs mainly composed of members of the Lokraft team, but the original Sorin team, which had no organizational mentality, was scattered and became The forces of the strong.
After all, it is a large organization with tens of thousands of people. At this time, each of them has his own team and division.
Jia Yan couldn't stop, and didn't want to stop such things from happening. Anything here and there, he watched with cold eyes.
He returned to the top of his tall canopy. At this time, the large mosquitoes had erected the absolute supremacy of the team. Although he has countless hills in the team, there is no life body, and he dares to take his own black hand Reached under Jia Yan, the Supreme Strong.
Jia Yan looked at the huge fleet of lights in the middle of the night, and some construction bodies have abandoned their attack mode. The panel of the body was unfolded, and they were already huge vehicles. Soon It has expanded several times. After standing upside down, it has become a house that is dozens of meters high!
These houses make the camp of this convoy like a city, but in just a few days, the roads between those houses have been squeezed out by the busy departments with the feet of life and wheels. With the smooth roads and streets, it seems to have taken shape!
These car bodies belong to the team or several people. After Jia Yan controlled these living bodies one by one, he did not change this forcefully. So at this time, those members of the individual convoys are either going to dwelling houses and looking for dwelling rooms with cheap rent.
There are also some people who participated in the tasks arranged by Jia Yan at this time, and their return was naturally a part of the money and items seized by Jia Yan.
The other existence is to take out your own supplies and set up a small stall near the chariot of your own to sell it. Even some chariots have turned into stores and started to sell.
Isn't this a town?
Jia Yan looked down, and there were all kinds of life forms. Although there were only 20,000, but 20,000 people, Jia Yan felt the living life of aliens.
If combating those powerful beings, these life forms may also cause death and injury.
In Jia Yan's mind, the little girl Lulu resounded, with a pitiful smile on her face, to help herself wipe the body.
"Well, if there is a real battle, then I will take care of them, and try not to bring them too many deaths and injuries because of the spread of the fighting."
Jia Yan rolled over, slowly lying there, looking at a neon city below, the scene gradually appearing ...
At this moment, he felt lonely again.
Da Fu Ni's delicate face has grievances and frowns!
She is angry, she regrets!
This is already this red-haired woman. In the so-called 'empire contact point', it has been several days, but there is still no response from the upper level of the empire. Every time I urge, I can only exchange one sentence. Saying the results!
You know, a few days on this planet will be more than a month on Earth!
How can this not make Differi angry? !!
That's a 'evolutionary beast' with the potential to evolve into a 'starry beast', and a 'gravitational wave' theory that can transform the empire into another world!
For such a big thing, the empire didn't respond at all? !! Da Fu Ni only felt that her patience was slowly being consumed while waiting, and then all that remained was anger!
"Dear Miss Duffy, don't ... or should I say, grandma? Hehe, we have reported your case, but it didn't respond, it wasn't our fault either. Don't worry, we will respond soon of."
An 'Imperial Man' male who looked very similar to the Earth people, and looked at De Fu Ni who came again, could not help but yawned and said loosely.
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