Chapter 427: Space battleship! [For subscription]

(The name of this chapter should be-)
(Chapter 48 Space Battleship !!!)
The number of sheriff's coalitions can be said to be far more than the number of Earth City powerhouses and the number of Earth City defenses that can fight.
Seeing their sky-flying appearance, Dai Funi couldn't help wondering whether all the sheriff's aircrafts of the entire gray and yellow star were concentrated in Jinmo and Earth City!
Not too far away, though!
One of the seemingly inconspicuous aircraft of the sheriff's aircraft at this moment was seated by a supreme commander from the fifth city. At this moment, the chief officer was embarrassed. To know that this move was a proposal made by him, and after being agreed by most of the senior officials in the fifth city, he has now become the chief of the sheriff's aircraft of more than 400 gray and yellow stars Command and control identity.
If this battle is also lost, then everything he has done in the gray star, so many years of hard work, and even his life may be defeated here. As a hard struggle for many years, he finally climbed to a high place, how can he allow this? Happened? !!
So he wants to fight, and he must win!
"Give me the attack! Here are some bandits who use low-grade weapons. The fighting power is even better than that of many indigenous planets. Give me a blow up here!" The commander issued fierce instructions.
The aircraft that reached more than 460 ships encountered the loss of more than ten ships in the first contact with the Earth City strongman, and Jia Yan ’s huge body also killed more than ten ships in one breath. The first wave of more than 400 aircraft was also the most destructive attack!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !!
The gravel on the ground splashed, the rubble sprayed everywhere, and waves of red lasers drowned the entire Earth City!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the time since the sheriff ’s army is coming, the earth city is over, run away!
A famous earth city person may be so screaming, but most of them are not so sincere to the earth city The living body screamed loudly at this moment.
A famous living body is extremely frightened. The kind of cohesiveness of the Earth City is fully manifested at this time. Even the so-called intelligent life with the rights of the Earth City residents has no resistance to the outside world. Run away!
Earth City barely had a part of the garrison. After the strong had fought against the sky, they returned to a part of the chariot and launched a counterattack of light towards the sky-flighting vehicle!
There are more than 20 meters of combat aircraft in the sky, and more than 400 vessels are more advanced combat weapons than the aircraft that Daphne used to drive, even today's Jia Rock, also feels tricky, is not something that can be eliminated in a short time!
Huh! !! !!
A sharp forefoot, a stab, stabs a sheriff's aircraft at the tip of his forefoot! I saw a violent light burst in front of my eyes, the aircraft burst, and disintegrated and fell!
"The fifteenth ship is here, but they still haven't retreated!" Jia Yan's eyes had a different color.
The army of sheriff's aircraft was completely without threat to him. Red rays of light hit his body, but the faint blue of the surface of his body appeared, and there was no threat of those attacks!
These were once extremely scary objects for Jia Yan. In his opinion, they are not much different from toys.
However, the number of opponents is too large, and their speed is not slow. Jia Yan found the army of the aircraft in front of him. After finding his bravery, he distanced him from him. Even if he chased, the other party fled. , Avoid, often have to chase for a long time before they can destroy a ship!
This is too inefficient!
But he couldn't find a way for the time being, Jia Yan was worried too much!
He is not showing his full power now, because next he is not sure what it will be, what it will be! After all, there are too many things that can threaten him on this planet, so at this moment he can't directly cultivate his strong power, wasted at this moment!
So at this moment Jia Yan can only use about half of his full strength, and needs to maintain great physical strength and state to deal with what may happen suddenly.
Boom boom! !! !!
The big mosquito turned around, and in the air, Miao Man assaulted an aircraft appearing on his right, stabbed it fiercely in his forefoot, lost his power, and then flung it, causing him to fall to the ground.
After that, at this time, the aircraft that attacked the ships was just a view of the ground, and he saw it bit by bit, every damaged view, and the residents of the Earth City who fell on the ground. , Are reflected in the eyes of big mosquitoes.
In the eyes of Jia Yanfu, there is a different color. Although he has said that he is only an indifferent attitude to the power of Earth City, but if the time here is converted to Earth time, it may be so long after he was reborn. For the first time in a town for such a long time, even though he was reborn as a cold-blooded animal, how could he really not be moved at all as a mosquito with a human soul? !!
The big mosquito at this moment is to remember those ruined and ruined scenes in his mind, little by little, maybe these little things, in his mind, will become a little bit of anger.
Although there is no anger at this moment, it is like a volcano. There will be a day of eruption, and the more depressed it is, the more terrible it will be!
"Uncle Luca! I'm afraid!"
Lulu held a slender tentacle, hugged it tightly, and refused to relax at all.
The little rabbit-eared girl was terrified. Before that, it was still a very warm bar, and it instantly became a run-down building. The sea of ​​fire was full of sight. If it wasn't for the octopus monster Luka who held Lulu and Kaga with his body before the explosion, they might be buried in the sea of ​​fire!
Frightened tears rolled out of Lulu's big eyes, making her pupils look redder.
Kaga beside him did not know whether he was injured in the shock wave, his eyes closed tightly, and he was already in a coma.
As for the other children, Luca was too late to rescue, Lulu looked at the outside, the sea of ​​fire was a little smaller, but it was so swollen, where can I see a living person? !!
"Uncle Luca ?!" When Lulu saw the flames were small, Lulu shook and killed the octopus monster of the landlord. Soft slip down ...
The tentacles fell to the ground, then the huge body surrounding Lulu and Kaga collapsed completely.
Lulu was stunned, and she wouldn't understand where this octopus monster, Uncle Luka, actually used her entire life to save her and Kaga.
"Uncle Luca. You wake up." Lulu's face was full of coke marks, and there was a large piece of burnt on her arm, but she ignored the pain and helped the big octopus monster that fell to the ground.
But the next moment, Lulu seemed to see something terrible, and withdrawn in fright. It turned out that Uncle Luka's side was turned away from them, and half of his body had already been destroyed, leaving only some of his body organs, slowly flowing down. The transparent blood peculiar to the octopus monster flows all over the place.
Maybe it is this monster with certain strength that can resist some of the light power and protect Lulu and Kaga.
"Ding Ding, Jia Jia, Kanmen. Where are you!" Lulu looked at the indestructible cleaning robots over there, shouting the names of the friends who were still around, but there was no response.
Lulu saw the corpses of several guests, who had previously made jokes about them, but now they have become unspeakable corpses.
"Oooooooooooooooooh ... everyone wakes up, Lulu is scared!"
Lulu looked at him for a long while, standing in a run-down bar, crying.
This little rabbit-eared girl couldn't bear such pain at all. Maybe this little girl didn't understand how she had a hard time, but her appearance has always been a cute and optimistic image with a smile on her face, because she also Understood, if not strong, she would not be able to survive without an orphan like her.
But now, the little rabbit-eared girl has completely collapsed.
The other little hand held her tightly.
Lulu turned back in surprise, only to see Kaga, who was covered with blood on her forehead, staggered to his feet.
"Let's go, find a safe place, and hide." Kaga moved step by step, pulling Lulu forward.
"Kaga ..." Lulu wiped her tears as she followed the teenager.
The two children were constantly climbing in the ruins, and there were still countless red rays shooting down from the sky, as if the tragic monster that was pouring down, one by one, the life of Earth City was destroyed, and the acquaintances of two children fell on Into the earth.
Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
Dai Fu Ni held two short rifles in her hand, these are two weapons from the Ruan Empire, because Ruan Empire has been hostile to the Otto Empire, so their weapons have always been highly targeted, so Dai Fu Ni's latest short gun has a combat bonus to these aircraft.
It should have been a short gun that could not break through the powerful defense of the aircraft. It actually fired a powerful electromagnetic bullet. This bullet fired on the sheriff's aircraft from the Otto Empire. It could use a unique magnetic vibration effect. Anti-gravity flight system that destroys the aircraft.
So the aircraft that was shot by Dai Fu Ni, as if suddenly lost power, and fell down!
However, after wearing the equipment, Dai Fu Ni's strength is strong, but after all, this is not her real combat power. Therefore, at the moment, she can play a small number of single-person combat capabilities.
Even if you have weapons that can restrain the aircraft, but because of insufficient dynamic vision, you can't keep up with the sheriff's aircraft that often reaches speeds of five or even six times the speed of the earth's sound.
"08, 27, 89 reorganized into a team, 02, 47, 38 rebels, I announced that anyone who sees them can be killed in situ, and their property belongs to the killer." Da Fu Ni bit her teeth, at this moment Yingzi In the cool, bring a touch of decisiveness.
Up to now, seven or eight strong men in the Earth City have died, but five of them have actually escaped. This is even worse for the Earth City where there are not many strong people.
Dai Fu Ni looked at the enemy who was constantly chasing the enemy, flying at a speed of more than fifteen times the speed of sound. The invincible large mosquitoes across the battlefield, her biting lips, were slightly loosened.
She even found out that the large mosquitoes there had been faintly surrounding her, because the desire to return to the earth after the large mosquitoes was on her, so even if the entire City of Earth dies at this moment, it is impossible to make Daifu Ni died!
In this way, Dai Fu Ni's possibility of survival is still great. After all, as a person who knows the existence of big mosquitoes, she still knows its true combat effectiveness.
But she is unwilling!
Looking at the ground below her, the vast majority of the place, the earth city engulfed in the flames of war, she had anger in her eyes. In contrast to the big mosquito, as a person who developed the city in one effort, she spent so much effort to build a city that it was not easy to build. It turned out to be a sea of ​​fire. More importantly, her several buildings storing supplies were also immersed at the moment. How could this not make her angry in the flames!
"06, 18, 19, rally towards the middle. Cooperate with the Assassin to launch a counterattack!" She continued to bite her lips and issue an order.
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!
The flames of war continue.
"Sir, sir! Our losses have reached seventy-five. The enemy flying monster suspected of 'Master Assassin' is really too strong. Most of the aircraft we lost were caused by him, from other cities. The team requested to evacuate, and then fight again. "
In the commander's aircraft, which was located in the center of more than 400 aircraft, the correspondent passed a message of battle damage and requests from other aircraft.
"No! We can't retreat, we still have a backhand. The so-called Assassin Master, there is nothing to be afraid of!" But the commander was already in the middle of it, with a touch of madness.
As a No. 5 city commander, how could he let such a good situation be lost at the moment. The Earth City below he saw it was a bunch of black people. Although there are many people with strength, it may really be the history of their city. To the most powerful opponent, but this opponent does not have half of the cohesion, as long as you insist on it, the entire city defense system must collapse!
At that time, the mighty flying monster can hardly sing alone, coupled with the power of the "back hand", won't it be a matter of taking him down!
He absolutely believes in the strength of the backhand. If that existence can't take down the flying strongman, then they will have suffered huge losses since then.
Huh! !! !! !! !!
The sharp wings wiped an aircraft, and the other side was cut into two beautifully. Large mosquitoes fly by.
"Huh?! ... Is there something wrong?"
Although Jia Yan was constantly strangling his opponents during the battle, he believed that as long as he kept killing the enemy efficiently, even with his current strength, he could drive all the enemy aircraft out.
But after killing the aircraft, he suddenly found something wrong!
"There is nothing wrong with the sheriff ’s aircraft. The weapons that they can basically use have been fully used. Even before, because of my sense of crisis, I flew something that might resemble the Earth's" missile "in the air. It exploded beyond ten kilometers. Apart from this weapon, they should have no other hands! "
Jia Yan is analyzing. As one who understands the existence of the planet, he already knows that the sheriffs facing them cannot have really powerful weapons, even if the aircraft they have is not too weak. However, there are no other weapons of mass destruction other than the powerful missiles before, because that is a violation of several belligerent laws.
As for the previous powerful weapon, although Jia Yan fanned it and exploded ten kilometers away, it looked like a 'cloud explosion bomb' on the earth. A small sun formed in the night sky within the calculation time, but the strength of the The deterrent effect of Jia Yan is not so great.
Therefore, Jia Yan felt that something was wrong and it was impossible to come to these autonomous vehicles of the autonomous security officer! Because even if they really have powerful weapons, they dare not use them in such a war.
Not from the sheriffs ...
Then is the belligerent country!
Jia Yan suddenly responded. On this planet, those who can bring out more powerful weapons than the belligerent nations are only possible with a great belligerent empire!
At the same time, Jia Yan's head was lifted up in the air, and his eyes stared brightly into the night sky!
The dark night sky is still as usual, with small twinkling stars, constantly flashing, like the blinking eyesight. Very dazzling.
However, Jia Yan didn't have the idea of ​​enjoying the scenery halfway, but just enlarged his bad feeling that had always existed, and finally enlarged it to the maximum at this moment!
He finally found out!
In the extremely high night sky, a huge metal flying object that seemed to come from the sky, slowly across an endless distance, and came towards this vast desert area, pressing hard!
That's a battleship!
A battleship from the Otto Empire!
It is also the greatest confidence of the sheriff's commander of the large aircraft!
Real battleship!
"Haha! The battleship Osto is here! With its existence, Earth City, what other Assassins, can you resist?" The commander in the protection of the sheriff's aircraft finally issued Prideful laughter.
The metal monster flying down the sky reached a length of more than two hundred meters before and after. The beautiful shell is full of blood and fire, apparently this is not a battleship without combat experience, and may even be an experienced combatant. The presence!
He just soared down from the universe. In the true alien civilization, the strongest weapon of war!
Space battleship!
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