Chapter 428: Star, sky, level! !! !! [For subscription]

Space battleship!
Really the strongest weapon in the interstellar civilization!
In front of it, what aircraft, what metal monsters, what metal monster buildings are all standing by the side, only this kind of thing is the real manifestation of the of the war and strength of alien civilization!
They are really powerful things. Countless wars and countless baptisms of blood and fire prove their power.
Even if it is a few kilometers away, the huge body and the strong breath that has undergone the baptism of blood and fire have already passed the distant distance to make the living creatures below look shocked.
That is a sword that sits on the heads of all extraterrestrial intelligent beings. It seems that the powerful guillotine, countless forces, really dare not confront the big civilization directly, because of this kind of thing!
Perhaps the existence of the battleship, in the past three hundred years, because of the rise of the biochemical empire, the empire that worshiped personal strength brought the concept of the strong to this star field, but at least until now, the biochemical empire has not proved that it is completely personal Power can surpass battleships. Even the biochemical empire itself needs the help of battleships from time to time, and even if they worship individual strength, they also have a huge team of battleships. The existence of battleships shows that for all interstellar civilizations, What an important thing!
At this moment, the strong men of Earth City exist, and all the space warships that have seen falling from the sky all have a deadly expression.
They may be strong, but they have not reached the star level of life. In the face of a real star battleship, there is not much difference from ordinary life forms, and even because of their huge size, they are a better target!
So these Earth City strongmen who were still fighting hard before seeing this space battleship immediately understood that it was the help of a certain star force invited by the sheriffs. If this battleship attacked them ...
Thinking of this, the life force who did not have much sense of belonging to the Earth City, one by one at last, have a frightened idea of ​​the death battle.
"Retire without fighting, kill!"
After taking a glimpse of the huge battleship pressed down above her head, De Fu Ni looked cold, used communication equipment, and sang loudly in the ears of all the men.
The existence of the Earth City was shocked one by one.
Maybe at the next moment, they will still flee and easily abandon the Earth City. But now that they have fought to this point, even if they flee now, they will definitely be hunted by the sheriff, and even with the intervention of interstellar civilization, their future is bleak. .
"You do n’t need to worry, Lord Assassin has a way to deal with the enemy. We just need to block those flying vehicles!" Dai Fu Ni's words once again made those who are strong in life look shocked again!
Lord Daphne actually said, Lord Assassin has a solution? !!
The single powerful life that can fight the space battleship is the starry sky class!
All of them looked at the big mosquito that was still fighting the sheriff's aircraft. The big mosquito at the moment was tepid. Although the killing efficiency was very high, the displayed strength was not the level of the starry strong.
Star-level life forms have always existed on this planet, so the powerful life forms of Earth City know how powerful the real star-level life is.
Although Master Assassin's strength is absolutely strong now, there is definitely a huge gap between the command of the Biochemical Empire, 'Master Wula', and that of the Osto Gun God, 'Odovu'.
However, Miss Dai Funi will never say something out of tune, so at this moment, the living creatures in the Earth City are Jia Yan staring at the sky constantly!
"It turns out that this is the backhand of the sheriffs ... is an Otto Star Warship ?!"
Jia Yan noticed the coming two hundred meters battleship in the sky much earlier than the others. He had no sorrow for this existence in the bottom of his heart. After all, he had made the worst plan long ago, so At this moment, even if the strongest of the real belligerents came, he would not have any horror.
At this point, only a 200-meter class battleship was approaching. Jia Yan believes that it doesn't take much surprise.
After all, he had already tried a 500-meter-class battleship gunfire before. The taste, although it was extremely "acid." But it also made him understand that his defense against star-level battleships is also extremely powerful.
The 500-meter class warships were able to fight last time, so this time it came, it was only the 200-meter class. Is there any reason you can't fight? ?
"But letting him down like this will not work if Earth City continues to cause damage. That being the case ..."
Jia Yanfu's eyes, at this moment, suddenly bloomed to an unprecedented level!
At this moment, his momentum became extremely powerful. It seems that the power that has been hidden has finally exploded!
"Since those powerful starry stars haven't come one by one, obviously they still don't put me in their eyes. Then I don't have to worry about the power coming out, they will come and attack, so at this moment, I can explode my percentage Hundred strength! "
Buzz buzz buzz ...
A powerful momentum that exploded in the battlefield. This momentum is not unscientific, but Jia Yan suddenly improved the strength of all levels of his body, brain wave power, muscle power, defense Power, and those forces at a more subtle level. After these powers erupted, it caused the air and the environment around him to explode in a general sense of momentum.
At this moment, the big mosquito is finally using his true strength completely!
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
An invisible shock wave spread along Jia Yan's body toward the surroundings. After waiting for so many days in conditioning, the power that finally erupted, and I wanted to suppress the volcanic eruption for a long time.
Because after the mutation, he has never used full strength, even if it is Jia Yan himself, he does not know how powerful he is.
He was unwilling to explode before, because he also understood that the adjective of blasting is also very applicable to the battle of the strong, especially his powerful existence that has just reached this level. Use it at extremely important moments, then it is like punching on cotton, which is not a good thing for future development, so before, he did not show his full strength to those weak opponents!
And now facing a 200-meter-class super battleship, he thinks it's time!
After all, it was a space battleship!
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !! !!
The powerful shock wave spread, and the incredible power pushed the two sheriff's aircraft that Ben wanted to attack near Jia Yan directly, and they seemed to hit an invisible wall and hit in the air. After a few spins, it was extremely embarrassing to stand still.
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !! !!
"This this this this !!!"
The strong men in the earth city below all showed an astonishment. They are already extremely powerful as Skyrim Strong, but at this moment I saw the "Assassin Lord" who was not considered to be a starry sky. Now they are like a torrential storm, which has raised their momentum madly, even a few aircraft. Attacking and hitting on his body seemed to be tickling without any effect, and finally all showed an incredible expression!
crazy! !!
This world is crazy! !!
Their Lord Assassin actually raised their momentum to ...
Star, sky, level! !! !!
That's starry!
Each lame can make a whole starry sky, trembling existence!
Each one can fight against the existence of space battleships!
The weakest starry sky level, they are all big brothers, all through the countless battles of life and death, famous the entire starry sky, in order to reach the starry sky is extremely difficult!
Even if the talent is even stronger, even if it is as powerful as a biochemical empire Satsuma diplomat, it is impossible to be promoted to the starry level casually without experiencing fierce battles and experiences!
A starry sky, the weakest can fight a large number of the strongest Skyrim strong, that is a kind of quality gap, at least Skyrim can not fight!
But all of these are not big problems. The biggest problem is ...
They didn't know at all, how could this Assassin Lord be a starry sky!
No one living body knows his origins, and no one living body knows what kind of battle this guy has experienced. It is well known that star level can not be achieved by chance and creation. Only blood and fire fight. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance of achievement, but this assassin, whose reputation is not obvious before, how could he reach the star level!
How, why, can, can be starry!
Observed Earth City strongmen one by one do not understand, do not understand, can't believe it, and even forget the battle.
But compared to them, the sheriffs in the sheriff's aircraft are even more shocked!
"Star level! How is that possible! This is impossible!"
When they saw the huge flying monsters under their siege, and then saw the aided Otto battleship, the powerful power broke out directly. Finally, the momentum burst out and broke through the peak that ordinary strong can reach, which is to break through the sky Later, they directly reached the 'Starry Level'. In a sheriff's aircraft, those sheriffs were all terrified to say their words!
They can't help but be frightened. You must know that these sheriffs are, in the final analysis, just a small role of temporary maintenance in the fighting planet.
But at this moment, the bandit who knew that he wanted to
encircle and siege
turned himself into a star-level powerhouse that appeared only in the international situation! How can these little characters not be frightened? !!
At this moment, the sheriffs really feel more indifferent than those in the Earth City.
"Don't be stupid there, kill!" Just as the earth city strong men looked at Jia Yan, who almost lifted her momentum to the top, Daifu Ni sang coldly, and the communicator they wore Sounded!
The appearance of this voice made those in the shocking Earth City powerhouses come back one by one!
Whatever they do!
They only need to know that this superpower, which has reached the level of starry sky, is the assassin master on their side, but also the power that will shelter them. The strongest of their power is, of course, the stronger the better!
They no longer care about this Assassin Lord, why is it a starry problem, and at the moment, under the prompt of Da Fu Ni, they launched a more crazy attack on the sheriff's aircraft that is more dumb!
In this attack, they no longer care about it! There is a starry sky as the background, even if the future is still uncertain, but at least it is no longer possible without any rise!
After all, it's a 'starry star' who might control a starry sky situation!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
Suddenly, those stunned sheriff aircrafts suffered a terrible loss under the attack of the Earth City strongmen.
At this moment, the sheriffs finally responded, one after another hurriedly launched resistance and counterattacks, but at this moment their attacks were all at this time, becoming more purposeless, just doing mechanical movement. general.
After all, in the face of a truly powerful starry sky, they can't possibly show any resistance. Star level is powerful, that is not what they can imagine, just looking at the crazy alarm aircraft energy detection system, these sheriffs will know, the other powerful Assassin Lord, the other party is only a matter of time.
But they still have one of the biggest backgrounds and the only back-hands-the upcoming Osto spaceship above their heads!
"Yes! The starry sky class is at best against the space battleship. This assassin master is not a powerful starry sky class. You must know that the starry sky class is also strong and weak. If he is only a weak starry sky class, he may be 200 meters away Maybe killing a class warship! "
"We still have a chance to fight back! Come back!
The chief commander was mad when the sheriff commanded the aircraft. As an Ostto, this commander absolutely believed in the strength of his warship. At this moment, the drowning man found a straw, and he was hurried to use this to appease his subordinates.
Each of the aircrafts is in an emergency alarm. Most of these sheriffs are still some of the technical personnel who operate the above. Each ship has only one or two possible strong ones, and there are even fewer sky-level ones, so at this moment facing the starry sky The blow of super strong brain wave power is almost impossible to resist.
That's right, the power of the brain waves of Jia Yan's body has also reached its peak at this moment. This invisible power, in a general way of shock waves, has sent all the enemies in the aircraft to a violent sweep.
Fortunately, there are defensive shields in today's combat weapons. This kind of defensive shields can not only defend physical attacks, but also the defense against brain wave power. It is only Jia Yan's level of brain wave power. You can only protect those ordinary living bodies from dying. At this moment, all the living bodies are closer to each other, holding their heads, rolling wildly, unbearable!
Fortunately, Jia Yan's main opponent is not them at all, so at this moment, he is only using his outbreak to affect some of these sheriffs. His main energy is still on the powerful battleship over the sky!
At the same time that Jia Yan's power broke out, the space battleship over the sky also fell slowly and steadily like the snow-fought warrior. Even the power of Jia Yan's outbreak was also detected by the other party, but there was still no shake. Just continued to be oppressed!
At the same time, the main muzzle above it also adjusted, gradually aiming at Jia Yan's position!
More small muzzles are also aimed at Jia Yan, a powerful monster.
In the starry sky, only the space battleships dare to attack and target a starry-level strong!
"come on!"
Jia Yan was also full of warfare. When he flapped his wings and shook his wings, he used a careful eye. The sheriff's aircraft around the body of the ship was blown by the fierce wind of his flight. The enhanced brainwave power is oppressed, and several aircrafts that are close to each other suddenly fall like dumplings and fall to the ground, becoming a feast for the earth city warriors!
At the same time, Jia Yan unfolded his body and greeted the seemingly slow, but surprisingly fast, space battleship!
It is obviously not wise for him to take the initiative to meet the enemy and use Earth City as the main battlefield here!
"Strong lifeforms are approaching, predicted to reach star level individuals! Warning, powerful lifeforms are approaching!"
And in the space battleships above, a sound of mechanical and cold alarm sounded continuously.
"Sure enough, it's a starry sky! It's really tricky. I thought it was just going to play and I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful individual. Where to play is simply a huge trouble!"
Among the 200-meter-class battleships, a named Otto regular soldier stands proudly in the battleship position, even if facing a star-level strong, but all the characters, including those ordinary star soldiers, are not shocked. A terrific expression!
They are fighting over each star level!
Even this cosmic battleship had fought head-on against the 'Urad' of the biochemical empire. At the moment, when facing the feedback from an energy detector, it is far from reaching the instance of the Urad's individual. Where will there be any scared expression? !!
"Although this star-level monster is star-level, it is obviously just an individual who has just been promoted. Suffice it to say that we are going to make one today, the biggest battle of the history of the star army in the history of the yellow and yellow army—strangling a star-level powerhouse. It's up! "
A group of space warship commanders riding on the battleship command bridge looked at the large mosquitoes that were constantly hitting in the holographic image, and a commander in the first place issued a voice.
"Kill the star level!"
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