Chapter 450: Take another shot from the main gun! [For subscription]

"Well !!!"
The coercion to his mother, the death of his mother, is undoubted. At this time, the earth army only knew that it might be that they had lived a lifetime, the first time they raised their eyebrows and exhaled!
An earth soldier, like the strong ones, is totally crazy!
Attack again!
The soldiers of the Earth Army have different races and different fighting strengths, but at this moment they seem to have become a real army. In the roar of the chariot, a soldier of the Earth Army probes out his weapon and walks towards the periphery of the vehicle body. Cosmic Harbor soldiers, launched their own electromagnetic gun energy rays!
The more than 10,000 Earth City soldiers swarming into the cosmic harbor seem to overwhelm the camel's last straw. The strong are killed by large mosquitoes and other heavenly peaks, and the defenders of ordinary fighting strength are these ordinary chariots. Fight against individual soldiers!
"Please also send troops quickly! Our garrison in Spaceport No. 5 has an amazing reduction in staffing! The Earth City Army has rushed in!"
"Warships? Uh ... The Earth Army has used some conspiracies we haven't prepared for, so most of the warships have been destroyed, but some other underground ones must be able to lift off successfully, and we will be able to suppress them by then!"
After a few words from a communications officer and the big person opposite to the communicator, he put down his communicator with great embarrassment.
He knew that he was a bit arrogant, and the Earth Army suppressed it. He couldn't think of any counter-attack right now. The mistake was that at this time, the universe port had no defense before the war, and there was no security clause for the enemy. Faithful implementation, so that dozens of strong men in the Earth Army were caught off guard by surprise.
"But the signal has already been sent out. It is impossible for several major civilizations to sit idly by and ignore it!" The communications officer looked at the situation on the holographic screen with a little peace of mind.
What the communications officer did not know was that his communication with the Otto Empire military department actually spoke to him, and he was really a great person far beyond his imagination.
In the distant cosmic sky, a man who surveyed from the ground and returned to the universe, under a force, shattered the communicator in his hand!
One of the five strongest members of the Ostow Empire, ‘Gun God Odowo’, his face was gloomy. A violent atmosphere gradually diffused around his body. Even the staff officer who had just handed him the communicator around him became pale under the influence of this powerful momentum and had to step back.
"Earth City ... Master Assassin ?!" Otudo looked at the huge gray and yellow star below, and seemed to be able to see the fierce battle in the cosmic harbor of City No. 5 through the endless distance.
"You are good! A small force, dare to do such a thing! Especially that assassin ... did not comply with the agreement with me, shot it in person ?!"
"Oh, yes, yes. The courage is really big. It seems to let you know how terrible it is for a top five of the Ostto Empire to go against it ..."
It can be seen that this tall Ostto strongman finally had a slight anger at this time. Although as a strong man, he experienced ups and downs, but a strong man was teased by the small forces of a small planet. This kind of thing can not be swallowed on any strong person, not to mention he is still one of the five strongest of the Otto Empire!
sulfuric acid!
A metal sound sounded, and Odow gently lifted his spear weapon.
"Sir! We can't move lightly yet, diplomatic issues have not yet ..."
Seeing his appearance, the staffer's face was even paler, and he hurriedly made a speech to stop Odobu's urge.
"I know, isn't the diplomatic issue?" After all, Odobu is a weapon equivalent to a restricted class. I don't know how many times I have encountered similar situations before. So at this moment he said a little ...
"You used to mediate diplomatic issues. The warship will start again when the time comes, and I will go down first. If I am alone, I will not attack without diplomatic approval. I just wait in the past. Is this okay?"
"Here, this is no problem, but sir, please don't make too much noise, after all, the gray star is a sensitive planet, here ..."
The staff member was puzzled, and said his own analysis voice.
"Okay, I understand everything you said. Now you can figure out how to quickly resolve diplomatic issues, I'm gone!"
Ottobu didn't give the other party any time to speak. When he got up, a gate appeared over the warship's head. He passed through several layers of isolation doors and immediately left again!
Looking into a ray of light, once again towards the deceased officer in the gray star, the anxious staffer had no choice but to sigh. But soon, he was in a good mood, ready to start planning a quick diplomatic strategy!
It ’s not just this powerful Ostto strongman who is furious about Earth City ’s follow-up. Even the biochemical empire Ullah, at this moment, listens to the players sent by the promotion of the universe port can communicate, huge head It is also full of anger!
"The kid, thinking that his strength can stir up the wind and rain? It seems that it will be necessary to give him a little bit of trouble in the past, just to catch him to our biochemical empire, and it will not work if he does not want to become an empire!"
The horned horns stepped on their feet. Compared to Ottowu in the Otto Empire, Ulla was far from flying enough. At this moment, he just flew out of the No. 5 city and was more than two thousand kilometers away. Then, I went back to the fifth city.
The moth monster flashed a gleam of light in his compound eyes, followed the horned monster, and headed for the fifth city.
As for the white living body, no one knew her at this time, maybe it was near the fifth city, or it was far away, who knows.
Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
After the arrival of the army in the Earth City, the cosmic harbor of City No. 5 has completely turned into a battlefield where the fire spread, and the people fled and cried loudly.
The sound of gunfire, explosions, and electromagnetic light that may appear everywhere turned this originally prosperous place into a place of death. No one knows how many life bodies have died in this combat force, and no one knows In total, all the equipment of the Earth City may not be as powerful as a week's battleship, and how much money has been lost.
I just know that in every TV media, it was said that it was a force of loose sand. At this moment, the stronger and stronger, the more cooperative ability is available. This ability is extremely rare in space wars. After all, the members of the Earth City forces are composed It is really mottled, every intelligent life of civilization has it, and there are some test organisms that even some other planets don't have.
At this moment, after experiencing battles, these creatures gradually adapted to the battle scenes with many comrades in arms, one by one, exerting their abilities to a very high degree.
"Lego! Did you see the enemy over there? If you can see it, please show me where you are!" An Earth Army sniper hung on the chariot and aimed at the distant enemy.
The enemy over there was three kilometers away, but the sniper could only attack enemies about one kilometer away. At this time, he was not half relaxed and was just waiting for the help of the assistants around him.
The monster around him may have the strength of a normal earth person, but the dark eyes of this monster have extremely powerful eyesight. What is more frightening is that he has a strange brainwave power. Power surged, and he raised his claws and drew a red heart-shaped figure in front of the sniper rifle lens.
With the appearance of this graphic, the sniper pulled the trigger.
The distant enemy was also a sniper, but he could not kill an enemy three kilometers away. At this moment, he was directly headshot under the blow of the sniper in the Earth City!
"Good job, my talent is not shaking hands, and you have superb vision and brainwave characterization. It seems that we are natural sniper partners!" The sniper raised his arms excitedly, and the assistant Clap each other in congratulations.
Such a scene can be seen everywhere in the entire Earth Army. A member of the Earth Army discovered the benefits of his comrades or partners, and even some of his abilities originally existed. At this time, he can play his role. Obviously this is because The large population of the Earth Army allows them to always find something suitable for them.
When people ’s hearts became a little more aligned, the Earth Army began to burst out of its combat power!
"Our army has invaded for more than three minutes. If there is nothing wrong, the universe port has notified several major civilizations, and their reinforcements may come soon!"
Jia Yan looked at the battle in the ground. This small piece was regarded as a desert in the universe port. Every place seemed to be full of war groups. Some of the cosmic harbor garrisons that formed the system and began to rebel were hard to find. Army, crazy devour!
"There are ten warships in the ground. I have killed one of them, and the remaining are about nine!" Jia Yan looked at the scenery in the entire small desert. He looked extremely alert, knowing that as long as there was any one The launch of a battleship has a great impact on the battle. All he has to do is to attack in any open space underneath!
"Huh ?! Five kilometers away ?!"
Suddenly, Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened, and he found a 200-meter-class battleship on the edge of a small desert five kilometers away. At this moment, it quietly emerges, and the next moment may be successfully launched!
Jia Yan's body moved, and the speed erupted more than 50 times the speed of the earth's sound!
The earth shook, Jia Yan was bathed in the flames caused by the explosion, and the floating warship found his trace as soon as possible.
Its gun barrel was facing Jia Yan, and the main gun attack was launched at the first time!
Huh! !! !! !! !!
The bright light makes heaven and earth seem to have lost their color.
Jia Yan was trying to dodge, but he keenly found that there was another 200-meter class warship in another place not far away, and it was also going up. If he couldn't solve the current one soon, then A ship that takes off and uses its powerful engine that is fully open will have a speed advantage. By then, the Earth Army will definitely end in heavy casualties!
Jia Yan's wings flew fiercely, and at the same time his brain wave power also spread!
An azure blue color started to be called by Jia Yan actively. This azure surging madness immediately covered the whole body.
And the fire of the main gun was directly covered with Jia Yan's body at this time.
"Azure blue defense! Hold me up!" Jia Yan felt his body shaking, a raging flame, and occupied the entire sight of him at the first moment when the main gun light attacked his body.
A firework that surpassed the sunlight of the gray and yellow stars appeared in the heavens and the earth, and the earthquake shook. The air also instantly increased the temperature by more than ten degrees. This group of flames that should have appeared in the space battle appeared at the moment of the gray and yellow stars. In China, it suddenly caused a huge impact that should not appear on the planet.
A wave of scorched material appeared in the ground, and the flames not only swallowed up the large mosquitoes in the sky, but also swept the entire area of ​​the ground!
Fortunately, Jia Yan flew at a height of about 1,000 kilometers. After a small desert swept through a fierce flame, there was a scene of large yellow sand turning into crystals on the ground, and part of the building also appeared yellowish.
Fortunately, most of the Earth City tanks have basic explosion-proof capabilities, and the flames cannot cause them much damage. Besides, the main gun explosion is still a little away from them, so most of them are still intact. After all, even if they are broken, they are the crystallization of the combat wisdom of alien technology.
When the 200-meter-class battleship that flew up thought that he had issued a main gun attack, even if he could not kill that powerful star-level monster, it would definitely cause him serious injuries!
A sharp forefoot, with a bright azure color, was poured into the energy film opened by the battleship!
Jia Yan faintly heard a panic scream from the battleship, but at this time he did not have time to listen to these things seriously. He just radiated himself with a blue light all over his body, and exerted his strength to the limit!
Flutter! !!
A stab on the forefoot, the film light only resisted for a moment, and then made an overwhelming crackling sound!
Jia Yan's forefoot finally pierced into the battleship.
Flutter flutter flutter flutter! !! !!
With so many ways to fight warships, he already knew very well how to attack is the most efficient, so a pair of long legs waved wildly and stabbed again and again in the body of the warship!
In just over a dozen stabbings, the major battleships in front of it were several key points, such as the main power system and the key parts of the backup power system. It simply couldn't work.
Without time to delay, Jia Yan pulled out his forefoot. After kicking, he blasted out at his highest speed in a direction towards the rear and rushed away.
And the 200-meter-class battleship that lost its kinetic energy at this time finally seemed to be a huge fly that had lost its ability to fly.
When it rang out, the big mosquito that had already turned into a blue color had already rushed into the face of the next flying warship again!
The giant mosquito in the sky once again showed the blue body!
This is his most powerful moment!
It is not just as simple as being able to withstand the battleship main gun. At this time, even his attack became extremely sharp. After all, the blue defense brought a whole body of attack organs, which was a great hard and sharp enhancement!
"Defini, go ahead and let the army stop chasing the enemy within two minutes. Let them evacuate to the two large transport ships that are protected."
Jia Yan stabbed, and once again penetrated the ship to defend it, he sent his own brainwave power transmission.
As he said it all, the 200-meter-class battleship in front of him had shaken his 200-meter-level body in less than a second, with dozens of pierced holes in his body, and one head carrying To the ground.
Shooting down a battleship again, Jia Yan has no sign of moving, but there are already one Earth Army soldier who has witnessed this "miracle" below, and is crazy!
"Long live assassin!"
"It turns out that this is the real strength of the Assassin Master, who can easily deal with 200-meter-class battleships! Who analyzed that the Assassin Master is only at the bottom of the starry sky, and the Lord is mighty!"
"Long live adults!"
More than 100,000 surviving Earth Army soldiers, as well as those who are old, weak, and sick, are screaming Jia Yan's name! That is, at this time, we can show who the real Optimus Prime is in this army!
It's not Dai Fu Ni, nor those other strong men, nor will it be the earliest patriarch of Orlux.
It is their real leader-the big mosquito Jia Yan!
His strength didn't explode before. It is absolutely shocking at this moment. In fact, he has many other advantages that have not been realized. Even as an evolutionary beast, his potential is endless. At this time, these members roared one by one, maybe it was a little too early!
"Observe, within two minutes, I will order it."
Jia Yan's small communicator hidden in a safe place of tentacles ears, came from Dai Fu Ni also with a touch of awe, has always been Dai Fu Ni's emergence, but at a critical moment, she can still know What can really be relied upon is the combat effectiveness of large mosquitoes.
Each message started to be delivered quickly within tens of seconds.
At this time, those named Earth City members, some of them turning slowly, can only be regarded as coming over!
"It turned out that the two adults attacked Cosmic Harbor for this!"
"Your kid just thought about it? We thought about it when the adults ordered the attack on the cosmic harbor. Since this gray and yellow star, our earth army can no longer stay. ! "
"Well !!!"
The coercion to his mother, the death of his mother, is undoubted. At this time, the earth army only knew that it might be that they had lived a lifetime, the first time they raised their eyebrows and exhaled!
An earth soldier, like the strong ones, is totally crazy!
Attack again!
The soldiers of the Earth Army have different races and different fighting strengths, but at this moment they seem to have become a real army. In the roar of the chariot, a soldier of the Earth Army probes out his weapon and walks towards the periphery of the vehicle body. Cosmic Harbor soldiers, launched their own electromagnetic gun energy rays!
The more than 10,000 Earth City soldiers swarming into the cosmic harbor seem to overwhelm the camel's last straw. The strong are killed by large mosquitoes and other heavenly peaks, and the defenders of ordinary fighting strength are these ordinary chariots. Fight against individual soldiers!
"Please also send troops quickly! Our garrison in Spaceport No. 5 has an amazing reduction in staffing! The Earth City Army has rushed in!"
"Warships? Uh ... The Earth Army has used some conspiracies we haven't prepared for, so most of the warships have been destroyed, but some other underground ones must be able to lift off successfully, and we will be able to suppress them by then!"
After a few words from a communications officer and the big person opposite to the communicator, he put down his communicator with great embarrassment.
He knew that he was a bit arrogant, and the Earth Army suppressed it. He couldn't think of any counter-attack right now. The mistake was that at this time, the universe port had no defense before the war, and there was no security clause for the enemy. Faithful implementation, so that dozens of strong men in the Earth Army were caught off guard by surprise.
"But the signal has already been sent out. It is impossible for several major civilizations to sit idly by and ignore it!" The communications officer looked at the situation on the holographic screen with a little peace of mind.
What the communications officer did not know was that his communication with the Otto Empire military department actually spoke to him, and he was really a great person far beyond his imagination.
In the distant cosmic sky, a man who surveyed from the ground and returned to the universe, under a force, shattered the communicator in his hand!
One of the five strongest members of the Ostow Empire, ‘Gun God Odowo’, his face was gloomy. A violent atmosphere gradually diffused around his body. Even the staff officer who had just handed him the communicator around him became pale under the influence of this powerful momentum and had to step back.
"Earth City ... Master Assassin ?!" Otudo looked at the huge gray and yellow star below, and seemed to be able to see the fierce battle in the cosmic harbor of City No. 5 through the endless distance.
"You are good! A small force, dare to do such a thing! Especially that assassin ... did not comply with the agreement with me, shot it in person ?!"
"Oh, yes, yes. The courage is really big. It seems to let you know how terrible it is for a top five of the Ostto Empire to go against it ..."
It can be seen that this tall Ostto strongman finally had a slight anger at this time. Although as a strong man, he experienced ups and downs, but a strong man was teased by the small forces of a small planet. This kind of thing can not be swallowed on any strong person, not to mention he is still one of the five strongest of the Otto Empire!
sulfuric acid!
A metal sound sounded, and Odow gently lifted his spear weapon.
"Sir! We can't move lightly yet, diplomatic issues have not yet ..."
Seeing his appearance, the staffer's face was even paler, and he hurriedly made a speech to stop Odobu's urge.
"I know, isn't the diplomatic issue?" After all, Odobu is a weapon equivalent to a restricted class. I don't know how many times I have encountered similar situations before. So at this moment he said a little ...
"You used to mediate diplomatic issues. The warship will start again when the time comes, and I will go down first. If I am alone, I will not attack without diplomatic approval. I just wait in the past. Is this okay?"
"Here, this is no problem, but sir, please don't make too much noise, after all, the gray star is a sensitive planet, here ..."
The staff member was puzzled, and said his own analysis voice.
"Okay, I understand everything you said. Now you can figure out how to quickly resolve diplomatic issues, I'm gone!"
Ottobu didn't give the other party any time to speak. When he got up, a gate appeared over the warship's head. He passed through several layers of isolation doors and immediately left again!
Looking into a ray of light, once again towards the deceased officer in the gray star, the anxious staffer had no choice but to sigh. But soon, he was in a good mood, ready to start planning a quick diplomatic strategy!
It ’s not just this powerful Ostto strongman who is furious about Earth City ’s follow-up. Even the biochemical empire Ullah, at this moment, listens to the players sent by the promotion of the universe port can communicate, huge head It is also full of anger!
"The kid, thinking that his strength can stir up the wind and rain? It seems that it will be necessary to give him a little bit of trouble in the past, just to catch him to our biochemical empire, and it will not work if he does not want to become an empire!"
The horned horns stepped on their feet. Compared to Ottowu in the Otto Empire, Ulla was far from flying enough. At this moment, he just flew out of the No. 5 city and was more than two thousand kilometers away. Then, I went back to the fifth city.
The moth monster flashed a gleam of light in his compound eyes, followed the horned monster, and headed for the fifth city.
As for the white living body, no one knew her at this time, maybe it was near the fifth city, or it was far away, who knows.
Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
After the arrival of the army in the Earth City, the cosmic harbor of City No. 5 has completely turned into a battlefield where the fire spread, and the people fled and cried loudly.
The sound of gunfire, explosions, and electromagnetic light that may appear everywhere turned this originally prosperous place into a place of death. No one knows how many life bodies have died in this combat force, and no one knows In total, all the equipment of the Earth City may not be as powerful as a week's battleship, and how much money has been lost.
I just know that in every TV media, it was said that it was a force of loose sand. At this moment, the stronger and stronger, the more cooperative ability is available. This ability is extremely rare in space wars. After all, the members of the Earth City forces are composed It is really mottled, every intelligent life of civilization has it, and there are some test organisms that even some other planets don't have.
At this moment, after experiencing battles, these creatures gradually adapted to the battle scenes with many comrades in arms, one by one, exerting their abilities to a very high degree.
"Lego! Did you see the enemy over there? If you can see it, please show me where you are!" An Earth Army sniper hung on the chariot and aimed at the distant enemy.
The enemy over there was three kilometers away, but the sniper could only attack enemies about one kilometer away. At this time, he was not half relaxed and was just waiting for the help of the assistants around him.
The monster around him may have the strength of a normal earth person, but the dark eyes of this monster have extremely powerful eyesight. What is more frightening is that he has a strange brainwave power. Power surged, and he raised his claws and drew a red heart-shaped figure in front of the sniper rifle lens.
With the appearance of this graphic, the sniper pulled the trigger.
The distant enemy was also a sniper, but he could not kill an enemy three kilometers away. At this moment, he was directly headshot under the blow of the sniper in the Earth City!
"Good job, my talent is not shaking hands, and you have superb vision and brainwave characterization. It seems that we are natural sniper partners!" The sniper raised his arms excitedly, and the assistant Clap each other in congratulations.
Such a scene can be seen everywhere in the entire Earth Army. A member of the Earth Army discovered the benefits of his comrades or partners, and even some of his abilities originally existed. At this time, he can play his role. Obviously this is because The large population of the Earth Army allows them to always find something suitable for them.
When people ’s hearts became a little more aligned, the Earth Army began to burst out of its combat power!
"Our army has invaded for more than three minutes. If there is nothing wrong, the universe port has notified several major civilizations, and their reinforcements may come soon!"
Jia Yan looked at the battle in the ground. This small piece was regarded as a desert in the universe port. Every place seemed to be full of war groups. Some of the cosmic harbor garrisons that formed the system and began to rebel were hard to find. Army, crazy devour!
"There are ten warships in the ground. I have killed one of them, and the remaining are about nine!" Jia Yan looked at the scenery in the entire small desert. He looked extremely alert, knowing that as long as there was any one The launch of a battleship has a great impact on the battle. All he has to do is to attack in any open space underneath!
"Huh ?! Five kilometers away ?!"
Suddenly, Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened, and he found a 200-meter-class battleship on the edge of a small desert five kilometers away. At this moment, it quietly emerges, and the next moment may be successfully launched!
Jia Yan's body moved, and the speed erupted more than 50 times the speed of the earth's sound!
The earth shook, Jia Yan was bathed in the flames caused by the explosion, and the floating warship found his trace as soon as possible.
Its gun barrel was facing Jia Yan, and the main gun attack was launched at the first time!
Huh! !! !! !! !!
The bright light makes heaven and earth seem to have lost their color.
Jia Yan was trying to dodge, but he keenly found that there was another 200-meter class warship in another place not far away, and it was also going up. If he couldn't solve the current one soon, then A ship that takes off and uses its powerful engine that is fully open will have a speed advantage. By then, the Earth Army will definitely end in heavy casualties!
Jia Yan's wings flew fiercely, and at the same time his brain wave power also spread!
An azure blue color started to be called by Jia Yan actively. This azure surging madness immediately covered the whole body.
And the fire of the main gun was directly covered with Jia Yan's body at this time.
"Azure blue defense! Hold me up!" Jia Yan felt his body shaking, a raging flame, and occupied the entire sight of him at the first moment when the main gun light attacked his body.
A firework that surpassed the sunlight of the gray and yellow stars appeared in the heavens and the earth, and the earthquake shook. The air also instantly increased the temperature by more than ten degrees. This group of flames that should have appeared in the space battle appeared at the moment of the gray and yellow stars. In China, it suddenly caused a huge impact that should not appear on the planet.
A wave of scorched material appeared in the ground, and the flames not only swallowed up the large mosquitoes in the sky, but also swept the entire area of ​​the ground!
Fortunately, Jia Yan flew at a height of about 1,000 kilometers. After a small desert swept through a fierce flame, there was a scene of large yellow sand turning into crystals on the ground, and part of the building also appeared yellowish.
Fortunately, most of the Earth City tanks have basic explosion-proof capabilities, and the flames cannot cause them much damage. Besides, the main gun explosion is still a little away from them, so most of them are still intact. After all, even if they are broken, they are the crystallization of the combat wisdom of alien technology.
When the 200-meter-class battleship that flew up thought that he had issued a main gun attack, even if he could not kill that powerful star-level monster, it would definitely cause him serious injuries!
A sharp forefoot, with a bright azure color, was poured into the energy film opened by the battleship!
Jia Yan faintly heard a panic scream from the battleship, but at this time he did not have time to listen to these things seriously. He just radiated himself with a blue light all over his body, and exerted his strength to the limit!
Flutter! !!
A stab on the forefoot, the film light only resisted for a moment, and then made an overwhelming crackling sound!
Jia Yan's forefoot finally pierced into the battleship.
Flutter flutter flutter flutter! !! !!
With so many ways to fight warships, he already knew very well how to attack is the most efficient, so a pair of long legs waved wildly and stabbed again and again in the body of the warship!
In just over a dozen stabbings, the major battleships in front of it were several key points, such as the main power system and the key parts of the backup power system. It simply couldn't work.
Without time to delay, Jia Yan pulled out his forefoot. After kicking, he blasted out at his highest speed in a direction towards the rear and rushed away.
And the 200-meter-class battleship that lost its kinetic energy at this time finally seemed to be a huge fly that had lost its ability to fly.
When it rang out, the big mosquito that had already turned into a blue color had already rushed into the face of the next flying warship again!
The giant mosquito in the sky once again showed the blue body!
This is his most powerful moment!
It is not just as simple as being able to withstand the battleship main gun. At this time, even his attack became extremely sharp. After all, the blue defense brought a whole body of attack organs, which was a great hard and sharp enhancement!
"Defini, go ahead and let the army stop chasing the enemy within two minutes. Let them evacuate to the two large transport ships that are protected."
Jia Yan stabbed, and once again penetrated the ship to defend it, he sent his own brainwave power transmission.
As he said it all, the 200-meter-class battleship in front of him had shaken his 200-meter-level body in less than a second, with dozens of pierced holes in his body, and one head carrying To the ground.
Shooting down a battleship again, Jia Yan has no sign of moving, but there are already one Earth Army soldier who has witnessed this "miracle" below, and is crazy!
"Long live assassin!"
"It turns out that this is the real strength of the Assassin Master, who can easily deal with 200-meter-class battleships! Who analyzed that the Assassin Master is only at the bottom of the starry sky, and the Lord is mighty!"
"Long live adults!"
More than 100,000 surviving Earth Army soldiers, as well as those who are old, weak, and sick, are screaming Jia Yan's name! That is, at this time, we can show who the real Optimus Prime is in this army!
It's not Dai Fu Ni, nor those other strong men, nor will it be the earliest patriarch of Orlux.
It is their real leader-the big mosquito Jia Yan!
His strength didn't explode before. It is absolutely shocking at this moment. In fact, he has many other advantages that have not been realized. Even as an evolutionary beast, his potential is endless. At this time, these members roared one by one, maybe it was a little too early!
"Observe, within two minutes, I will order it."
Jia Yan's small communicator hidden in a safe place of tentacles ears, came from Dai Fu Ni also with a touch of awe, has always been Dai Fu Ni's emergence, but at a critical moment, she can still know What can really be relied upon is the combat effectiveness of large mosquitoes.
Each message started to be delivered quickly within tens of seconds.
At this time, those named Earth City members, some of them turning slowly, can only be regarded as coming over!
"It turned out that the two adults attacked Cosmic Harbor for this!"
"Your kid just thought about it? We thought about it when the adults ordered the attack on the cosmic harbor. Since this gray and yellow star, our earth army can no longer stay. ! "
(It broke out for two days. Today, my head is a bit unable to turn around, but I see that the medal of "habitual outbreak" is added to the book, and I am happy. This is a book that has accumulated ten outbreaks of ten thousand words. Received the medal! I admire myself, fart suit fart suit!)
If you like the rebirth star mosquito, please collect it: ( The rebirth star mosquito is the fastest in the literature.
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