Chapter 451: Fly to the sky! [For subscription]

"Even before attacking the entire Jin Mo and attacking the No. 5 city, they all planned for this purpose! Remembering that everything they did, it turned out to be this goal, it was terrible. This is the strategy and arrangement of Lord Daphne. Nothing is too small, and it really did, even now it is still incredible. "
"Let's go! Within two minutes, rush to the large transport ship that the adults have long protected!"
"After that, we can escape into the universe! After doing all this, we can still survive, hahaha!"
A famous Earth City soldier burst into a heroic laughter. Compared with their disagreement with the Earth City power before, although there is still a large part of it that is not good for the Earth City, but after all, many have begun to change. .
Earth Army chariots started galloping wildly, no matter which area they fought, but in the small desert area of ​​the universe port, the farthest is only seven or eight kilometers away. If you increase the horsepower, it will take two minutes. It is still possible to return within.
Squeak! !! !! There were whistling sounds of chariots running all over the place. Now that the battle has progressed, there has been no large-scale resistance force over the Cosmic Harbor, so their retreat became smooth.
Jia Yan is suspended in the sky. He knows that there are still a few warships in the cosmic harbor, but ambush below the ground where he can't see the clue.
But there is another possibility, that is, the warships under the ground are only reserve, their offensive is too sudden, although the soldiers of the universe port are on standby, but want to start quickly, but it is not that simple. It appeared before With several warships under the ground, it has been possible for the opponent to operate extremely quickly.
The rest of the battleships were unable to fight for a while and a half, and it was not impossible!
However, Jia Yan still did not dare to have the slightest intention. Today, they can achieve such an upright thing, not relying on his powerful Jia Yan, but by a series of strategies of Dai Fu Ni, if any warship appears, The Earth Army has to explain that most of it is here!
Many things are half to ninety, and at this moment, it is the most unrelievable moment!
Below the Earth Army, chariots began to gather to the northwest corner of the Cosmic Harbor, where two extremely large transport ships docked, each about two kilometers in length.
In fact, it is generally impossible for two transport ships to land on the ground, and even they cannot belong to the gray and yellow stars. Instead, they are constantly running and transporting cargo in the starry sky.
Appearing here today, Dai Fu Ni continued to initiate some relationships, so that the owner of the transport ship believed that they believed that there was a large amount of cargo waiting for them to be accepted in the Cosmic Harbor of City 5, so they hurriedly landed.
As a result, I did n’t expect to stop here for a short time. Such a big thing happened in Cosmic Harbor, and after that, the crew was stunned.
A strong man who rushed into the cosmic harbor didn't do anything, but rushed towards the two transport ships. Before they could be guarded, they were coerced into place by the strong man. After that, I saw countless earth-composed chariots colliding towards this place.
"Quick! Only five newer ones are left by the bulky tank, and the others are lost."
After being assigned by Da Fu Ni's order, a commander quickly arranged the organization mission.
The Earth Army of more than 100,000 people has not yet formed an effective organizational system, nor does it have good organizational discipline, so it looks messy at this moment. Fortunately, these temporary soldiers, one by one, have some qualities of fighters, knowing that this is the time to fight against every second. So they are all doing what they can do to the best, so that there is not much confusion!
But small-scale chaos is still unavoidable!
Some of the tanks did not know why the heap was crowded, an explosion occurred, and even some casualties appeared.
At this moment, the soldiers of the Cosmic Port also seem to have discovered the plan of the Earth Army, jumping out one by one, and launching snipers and assaults on the teams that began to show signs of retreat.
The situation on both sides seems to have dropped one by one. The Earth Army has become frightened because of the possibility of survival, while the Spaceport Army on the other side seems to have become all because of being defeated by an unknown indigenous force. The members were so angry and angry that fighting in this mood was much fierce.
Jia Yan was watching the battle below. At this time, the area below the earth was only seven or eight kilometers, and there were wars everywhere. You must know that it was a battle between more than 100,000 people. It is extremely scary!
All kinds of light are constantly blooming in the sky, the sound of explosions is endless, and the casualties and screams never stop.
The two two-kilometer-long transport ships have also become the target of attack by the soldiers of the universe port. Anyway, if these two transport ships are not attacked, they are also snatched by the gangsters in the Earth City. It would be better to destroy them , Then Earth City has nowhere to run!
For a while, the crisis struck again!
Jia Yan didn't take the shot himself, because he didn't feel the current situation and didn't need to deal with it himself!
His combat effectiveness was not for this situation. If the Earth Army could not even control these situations that were about to retreat, then there was no need to continue.
If it is really defeated, Jia Yan will find a way to get De Fu Ni on a small spaceship, and there are many ways to survive in the universe or find the earth.
Besides, his main attention now must be on warships that may appear.
"Hurry up one by one, after entering the transport ship, enter the defensive position according to the orders of the respective squad commanders!"
Chariots were either allowed to enter the ship or were not allowed, and the two ships began to expand at an extremely fast speed.
Most members of the Earth Army were also squeezed into transport ships. And because Daphne got the internal structure of the transport ship long ago, in the previous time, she dispatched most of the team's defense sites urgently!
Although huge transport ships are commercial, they are not without any combat capabilities. After all, such huge transport ships are of great value. Without a certain amount of offensive and defensive capabilities, they are likely to become targets of star theft.
"The five, nineteen, eighty-seven, and ninety-two groups that have not yet boarded the ship! Instead, you will take the small spacecraft marked 189 and 79."
"Sixty-one, eighty-three, and two hundred and twelve, you go to the small spacecraft of 421, 73."
The communicator continuously transmitted the temporarily adjusted communication voice. At this time, the time had exceeded two minutes. However, some of the tanks and individuals still did not enter the transport ship.
At that time, regardless of the danger, under the protection of three heavenly powerhouses, Dai Fu Ni flew into the air to watch the situation, her head was running frantically, watching the situation below, and constantly making changes plans.
She is now maximizing those Earth Army squads whose names have not reached the transport ship, or even in battle, to other places, which are intact commercial spacecraft seized during the Earth Army battle!
Although it can no longer be a huge two-kilometre transport ship, there is still one one-kilometre transport ship, and twelve commercial airships of other rules!
Her red eyes showed a tinge of pain at this time. One person was in control of such a huge situation, and the disorderly control of more than 100,000 creatures was also a huge burden for Dai Fu Ni.
But this step has been reached, everything is still under her control, and so much has been paid. Her efforts are about to bear fruit now, even if she is gritting her teeth, she must continue to work hard!
At this moment, this delicate woman seems to be blooming with extremely strong light, and this is her most dazzling moment!
"Okay, you can reach your goal right away. Hold on, hold on!" She bit her rosy lips and bite her rosy lips, so that she was a little conscious because she used her brain too much. .
After a while, a series of orders were issued again from this well-faced woman!
"Dai Fu Ni has done a good job." Jia Yan suspended in the higher air, watching the entire battlefield, although the order for the big retreat had been given. However, there are still some soldiers of the Earth Army, perhaps because of the drag of the enemy or because of the damage of the chariot, so they are still some distance from the two huge transport ships.
However, even Dafenni noticed that she did her best, and those who were dragged down by the enemy issued an order to assign some other members to rescue them. The chariots were damaged and some teams greeted them in the past.
But the casualties are still increasing!
Finally, in the entire universe port, more than 100,000 troops, one after another, entered one after another, entering two huge transport ships, as well as that commercial spaceship!
A named creature stands in some of the shooting holes of the transport ship and launches an attack on the outer space port soldiers. At the same time, the defense energy of the transport ship is also turned on!
"Duck! Can't let them escape! Artillery firing! What? The artillery system has long been destroyed by the opponent's master ?! Then stand alone artillery and bomb me!"
The soldiers of the universe port are like the tide. Although they have not reached the scale of 100,000, but they are more than 10,000. At this time, they seem to be desperate. They are moving towards two huge transport ships and the same engine is turned on. They are trying to fly. Commercial ship launches an attack!
"Well, you can't break through the stars and enter the spacecraft."
When Jia Yan saw the last spaceship occupied by the Earth Army on the ground, he also closed the hatch and bloomed defensive energy, and said to the five or six top-level peaks on the side.
A former Jin Mo strong who followed Jia Yan's side was adored at this moment, but they never expected that the Earth City had really come to this point, or that the two chief executives of the Earth City were at the beginning. It was this abacus that they thought the two adults were just crazy, but they didn't expect that it was just that their eyes were too short-sighted. Now that the war is over, none of them has died due to the attack on the universe port, which is at most some injuries. At this point you have to admire the tactical arrangements and fighting capabilities of the two adults!
These strong men also evacuated.
The lower battleship that Jia Yan has been paying attention to has finally not appeared.
He feels that he has demonized those battleships. After all, the warships that have not been opened are dead objects that will not move. Just like before, he has just reached the star level, and can destroy more than ten ships. It's just like a live target!
A spaceship that cannot move or has not completed takeoff, or is it a spaceship? !! Not at all, let alone him. If it is a top-level powerhouse, it may break its defense if it faces a 200-meter-class battleship with no defense energy turned on.
Of course, the few battleships that flew up depended on the actual combat effectiveness. Jia Yan himself admires himself, being able to suppress them so that they cannot reach the sky, and destroying them one by one, this is simply not something that most powerful creatures can do!
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !!
There was still an explosion on the ground, and Jia Yanfu's eyes froze slightly. Later, he found that on the ground, a team of more than ten individual soldiers was fighting the Spaceport Army, which far exceeded ten times theirs.
This is a group of soldiers abandoned in the Earth City!
Jia Yan thought about it, and then looked at the spaceships that had begun to take off slowly, and finally made a decision!
boom! !! !! !! !!
In the air, a terrifying shock wave erupted, and the large, unmatched body of the big mosquito slammed down to the ground. At this moment, his body completely changed into a blue color. His previous battles with several warships made him look like this, so that now he is still exuding blue mans!
"What to do ?! Rhodes, the army is all lifted off!"
"Lords, let us surrender! We have been abandoned by the Earth Army!"
In the battle team, a leader-like three-meter-high monster hid behind a damaged chariot and continued to fight. However, several colleagues around him have given up. Although the Earth Army can still pass the transport ship, Shooting holes to assist them, but they know that any spacecraft has begun to take off and they have been abandoned!
Can't wait to die!
"Jack! I'm from the original Olux team. I'm the most reliable old subordinate of Lord Assassin. If you want to surrender, surrender. I will not surrender!" The leader-like monster sent out at this time Roar.
The attack on the opposite side has reached a very terrible level. If not most of the soldiers in the space port were also wary of shooting from the transport ship, they would have attacked them at this moment!
However, as the transport ship slowly lifted into the air, when they reached a height of thirty meters, due to the dead angle of sight, the defense over the sky could not be taken into account.
"Chong! Kill them!" A cosmic harbor soldier issued a trembling mountain call.
As regular soldiers, today they are extremely awkward and beaten by a small force. Now, how can they not vent their anger with a massacre!
The soldiers in front of the charge are obviously not low-level. Some of them have even reached the sky level, and they are hiding behind the car body, even if that Rhodes is only a top-level peak. At this time, he The gray electromagnetic light emitted was easily avoided by that powerful soldier!
The rest of the Earth Army members looked desperate.
But when they think about whether they want to use a little energy and use their weapons to give themselves a happy moment!
boom! !! !!
An immensely huge figure descended from the sky!
Along with his arrival, a violent brainwave power raged in an instant in the battlefield!
The dozens of sky-level powerful men who had originally impacted the front of the damaged chariot saw the powerful creatures coming to the sky at this moment. They were shocked, and then it was too late to escape!
Right now, a long puncture on the front foot of the big mosquito!
Huh! !! !!
Like string dumplings, soldiers of the universe port were sharply and stabbed together with their forefoot full of blue awns!
A forefoot with a length of sixty meters can cover a very wide range. Two forefoots are twice as lethal!
The rest of the soldiers, under the influence of brainwave power, fell short enough to fall to the ground, the strength is also affected for a moment!
Jia Yan's feet swept wildly, as if sweeping garbage, an ordinary spaceport soldier was swept away under the big mosquito that was not at a level of strength with them!
Only two attacks, when converted into time, took about one second. This battlefield that had gathered countless soldiers was immediately cleared up and a large area of ​​land was cleared!
The spaceport soldiers who lost the support of battleships and artillery fire had no way to Jia Yan for a while and a half!
"Stab ... Master Assassin!" The three-meter-tall creature hiding behind the damaged chariot, at this moment saw the arrogant figure of the big mosquito, and became excited with incoherence. He knew, however, that Master Assassin was definitely a relatively cold existence, but this existence, today, shot for their little ordinary soldiers!
"Just hold your own!" Jia Yan made a slightly milder voice, and then used one of his forefoot to grab all ten monsters into his chest!
Whirring whirring! !! !! !!
The big mosquito flew up again.
But the countless spaceport soldiers below, although holding various types of powerful individual weapons, did not dare to fire!
The reason is not it, it is because the big mosquito is too strong! A starry sky, they have nothing to do!
If you mess with it, the other party will return to attack again, and no one can stand it! So their eyes were wide and small, and no one launched an attack.
More than a dozen large and small spaceships have been flying slowly, and the lighter ones have reached the sky of hundreds of meters. The two huge transport ships, which look like two cities, were surveyed to reach a height of about 100 meters.
These commercial airships have slower start speeds, but they are more reliable in flight and their late acceleration capabilities should not be underestimated.
"Thank you, sir!"
(Thank you 'Tianyu, Tianyue' book friends for the reward of the 1W starting point coin again, and step by step decided to continue to thank tomorrow !!! As for the word count, let's start with 8000. Of course, I also thank the book friends who voted for monthly subscriptions and subscribed !!!!!!)
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