Chapter 465: Earth, I am back! !! [For subscription]

Jia Yan looked at the environment.
Around this space, there are a number of viewing windows that were previously used as commercial spacecraft. Of course, they are not real, but they are mapped from the outside through the perspective of the outside camera.
Jia Yanzhang on the ground, the cold metal ground, made him miss the earth's warm and fragrant ground more.
"Tomorrow will return to the earth ..." The big mosquito looked out at the cosmic scenery outside the window. Even now, the experience of the Schultz galaxy is like a dream, which makes him feel incredible!
But everything is true. He has gained a lot and experienced a lot in this galaxy. By now, he can already define a trip for himself.
In general, it is a good journey. It is not only a bit powerful, but also understands the true starry civilization, and has an intuitive understanding and interpretation of the so-called 'aliens'.
These things are very necessary for Jia Yan's current strength. If he is still on the earth now, then whether he can make the mutation this time is not certain. After all, such a thing as mutation, Jia Yan found that it is not only related to the body, it seems to have a great relationship with the environment and resources. Staying on Earth, he may not be able to reach star level for life!
"Fortunately, everything is coming to an end. Even these spaceships are slowly leaving the main area of ​​Scholz. It may not be long before the speed continues to increase to a certain level, and they may all fly in the direction of the earth! ? "
Jia Yan looked at the scenery outside the window. At this time, the main sequence star of the Scholz star at the rear, that is, the gray-yellow star, had slowly gone away at this time, and turned into a bright but not striking star in the sky!
At least the powerful and civilized warships in the gray and yellow stars are unlikely to continue to pursue.
The destination of these spaceships in Earth City will become the solar system in a straight distance.
It is said that during the flight, a stray planet and some interstellar material zones will be encountered. The Earth City fleet will work there to search for available metals and other materials to supplement the materials. It is not extremely difficult to stick to the earth!
However, in general, the fleet is still full of dangers and uncertainties, not only the supplies, the stability of the fleet spacecraft, and the stability of the internal personnel, all are a huge test.
But one of the biggest advantages is that do n’t look at long distances. These speeds cannot be considered as top cargo ships. It may take more than ten or twenty years to sail in the future before they can reach the earth. However, in these times, the members of the ship You don't really need your own experience!
Because the theory of relativity has proposed that time is equal to the space theory. Because of their extremely fast speed, these creatures will experience less terrible time in the spacecraft, but they will not reach the solar system for a long time. The navigation experts of Earth City have speculated that the time to reach the solar system may not be more than a year in the senses of all members!
In fact, Earth City is actually advancing through a unique space theory.
The speed of light that could not be reached, they can almost do it in a short cut. This is the so-called curvature navigation technology. This technology has also been falsely proposed by some scientists on Earth, but it has been applied to aliens. In a nutshell, the spacecraft travels through a kind of spatial distortion, and this distortion can be artificial or it can be a spatial distortion that already exists in the universe. By using space in this way, the spacecraft can reach or exceed the speed of light that was previously impossible!
"It seems that Dai Fu Ni will do a lot in the future, and I can understand what she can't go back with me. But if she can't go back, then things on earth, I must need one that can solve my worries. Existence helps! After all, the metal monsters there, as well as the exploration ships of the two major civilizations, need a person who can understand their existence and give me suggestions! "
After Jia Yan thought a lot, he concluded a few things that must be solved!
It didn't take long for him to sum up all aspects, but he was upset and couldn't continue. She just lay down on the ground.
In the metal ground, there are sounds transmitted by the machine's vibrations, all of which are not so powerful, indicating that the spacecraft is in high-speed operation. Listening to the sound of these machines, Jia Yan felt that they were so powerful, and that those alien civilizations were actually extremely powerful!
It is actually possible to make these powerful spacecraft sailing in the interstellar space. If you hadn't seen it yourself, Jia Yan could not believe that there would be intelligent civilization in the universe, and it is even harder to believe that these civilizations are so close to the earth!
Maybe there are some things that are just blindfolds. The earth people used to search for aliens in the past, but they didn't know that the wisdom of appearance was not so difficult to find, let alone that the alien civilization did not care about the earth as much as it thought!
If it wasn't for the earth's astral condensate, which is what Jia Yan used to think of, "the azure substance", then they may have no interest in the planet, which has intelligent creatures, but is not capable of reaching their level!
But all this changed after the emergence of azure matter. The earth may still be filled with so-called 'metal monsters', and it is still a scene of hell. Jia Yan didn't even dare to imagine that the earth may have passed for many years now, what kind of apocalypse!
Of course, things may not reach such an exaggerated level. Maybe human beings have already defeated metal monsters by their own power. Maybe they just think of those metal monster buildings and red light cannons. Jia Yan feels that this kind of The probability will be small, small ...
Everything will be revealed tomorrow!
After a brief break, the science and technology workers there continued to be busy. They are testing various data for tomorrow's gravitational wave equipment to ensure the safety of the equipment.
The technicians and scientific researchers responsible for building metal equipment are also conducting the same inspection on equipment. Even now, when they look at some ingenious ideas designed by Jia Yan, they will still exclaim.
Sleepless all night.
Finally, Jia Yan saw the time on his mind, and it was early in the morning. Of course, it is impossible to have sunlight in the universe, so at this time you can only rely on the clock to judge the time.
He stood up from the ground!
"Diverny, are you ready !?"
The big mosquito made a clear sound.
"My lord, I have already prepared all the data of the gravitational wave equipment without any problems, and your equipment is also available. I have prepared ten people here, and you can come out and screen it." The beautiful sound came from.
Jia Yan stepped out of that compartment, his huge body made the whole space narrow all of a sudden.
There are already some people and things neatly arranged in front of me. After a busy night, not only the gravitational wave equipment seems to be refined overnight, but his set is also equipped with some small and small parts.
Daphne stands proudly in front of all creatures, and behind her is an incomparable creature.
These monsters are all selected by Da Fu Ni, among them are powerful men, some are scientific men, and some are people who can make suggestions. A total of ten are selected by Ren Jiayan.
For the next tasks, these members of the Earth City did not know, because Jia Yan was about to be away, Dai Fu Ni was not prepared to say, even if the construction of gravitational wave equipment, the tone may pass from the technician, but as long as the official Without acknowledging, it is impossible to have too much in the room!
Jia Yan looked at the people over there, and then put his eyes on the refreshed gravitational wave equipment. He kept saying that in one night time, it became refined and made people believe a little bit more.
"How? Is the machine ready for use?" He asked.
"It's okay. After a test last night, the approximate band is pointing to the earth, but if you can't withstand the invasion of gravitational waves, you might die in it!" Da Fu Ni nodded.
"Okay, what else do you need to pay attention to? If you don't need it, start preparing right away?" Jia Yan heard her say it, she felt relieved at the bottom of her heart, and then she could not wait to say something.
Di Fu Ni sighed helplessly, and then said: "First of all, the equipment is a problem. We have tested this equipment. The material can resist the gravitational wave for about ten minutes, but the time velocity inside the gravitational wave is likely to be different from the outside world. Yes, so you'd better put the equipment behind you after entering, and it's better to put it on the earth. "
Jia Yan nodded indifferently.
There is a problem here with the equipment. Jia Yan can understand this. After all, gravitational waves are not able to resist strong metals. Even Jia Yan doubts that, for example, the strength of Odowu can resist gravity. The invasion of waves, because the main cause of the damage caused by gravitational waves, is a decomposing force. Perhaps Jia Yan can resist this force because of the unique structure of the evolutionary beast in his body. Without the existence of this structure, it is impossible to resist the energy of gravitational waves ...
"The other is what I said just now. There are ten selected people here. They are all excellent people in several aspects. If you have the ability, I suggest you bring them all, but if you ca n’t do it in gravity, If Bonnet guards, then one or two members can be reduced. "
Da Fu Ni introduced Jia Yan to the members' names and what they were good at.
"Ten people ..." Jia Yan bowed his head and groaned.
In fact, De Fu Ni's idea is very good. The ten creatures are good at all aspects, and some even have several specialties. It is a good thing to remove any one. After all, the earth that Jia Yan is going to go back to may be a very complicated situation, and even in the future, he may have to fight head-on with two civilizational exploration ships!
"There cannot be fewer combatants, some scientists cannot be less, and there are tactical analysts, oh, that noodle man can't be less." Jia Yan calculated it with some headaches.
"Let ’s bring them all together, I will try to protect their safety!" Jia Yan suddenly made up his mind!
"Okay, then these people are all brought, and some of them are not so tall and can completely hide in your equipment. This is another safety guarantee. When I followed you, I lost my consciousness. They can survive under any circumstances, and they should be able to survive. "Da Fu Ni nodded, there is no doubt about the decision of the big mosquito.
That's it, continue to explore for a while ...
"Well, it's time for me to go, Daphne, it's up to you, I hope we can meet again in ten or twenty years!"
Jia Yan looked at a beautiful female who was as high as a cuticle on his forefoot, and made a voice.
For Da Fu Ni, he has now changed, thinking she is a trusted partner. Of course, this is if she has not tampered with the gravitational wave device!
"Oh, lord, you forgot that the time velocity of flow in gravitational waves is also different. This time, the gravitational wave equipment is hurriedly built, which may make you fall into it longer than the last time, so you will probably be in It was stuck for more than two years. So we may not need to see it for two decades. Well, I hope you can successfully catch the exploration ship and go back to Earth. "
Dai Funi smiled slightly, and then stepped back a few steps. The members behind her who wanted to follow Jia Yan were puzzled one by one and ordered to walk in front of Jia Yan.
They still do n’t know what kind of task they are going to do. The only noodle person who has been with Dai Fu Ni as a staff member at this time is through dialogue between Jia Yan and Dai Fu Ni. action. There was a hint of guessing!
But even him, he didn't dare to think that he had to go directly into an incredible
space jump
through a weird device, because that's what so many civilizations can't do!
Jia Yan brought his own equipment and the members behind him to march toward the gravitational wave equipment.
This device is constantly too big for Jia Yan. The two top-level strong men in the rear are also about 20 meters in height, and three behemoths are stuffed into it, which almost makes people unable to move!
Fortunately, the remaining members are not so huge, which makes the space a little slack.
"Master, and everyone, please be prepared, we will turn on the instrument!"
The voice of a scientific researcher came from outside.
Click! !!
Jia Yan only felt a flash of gloom in front of him!
After that, his body seemed to be severely torn, a weird invisible power, thinking of him coming!
Gravitational waves! !!
Jia Yan is extremely familiar with this kind of energy. He used to stay in the gravitational waves for a certain period of time. At that time, he even protected the woman, Dai Fu Ni!
At this point, he experienced this energy again, and the ripples in his heart finally glowed with excitement.
Earth, I will be back soon!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
The strong rays of gravitational waves are constantly spreading through a metal in front of them. Originally it seemed to be a simple metal wall. At this moment, a deep channel appeared. Inside it were all bright rays of light, which were all tide patterns of gravitational waves!
All these energies spread and hit the body of the big mosquito outside!
"Wow!" A huge monster behind was gently touched by a gravitational wave, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth. The terrible force caused him to be seriously injured directly!
"Don't leave my back, hide!"
Jia Yan yelled at a living body in the back! In fact, it was mainly said to the two top-level peaks. The other existence is much smaller than them. It can be very safe to hide behind Jia Yan.
This gravitational wave device does not know what it is made of. When the gravitational wave tidal energy reaches the closed equipment door, a trace of energy will be mapped out to offset the gravitational wave energy!
However, this state can not be maintained for a long time. Several shock waves have caused a burst of energy. It is not the existence of Jia Yan. It seems that there is nothing in the world that gravitational waves cannot defeat.
Seeing the scenery behind him, Jia Yan suddenly wrapped up the power of the brainwave, hiding all the living creatures and the whole set of equipment behind him, rushing towards the gravitational wave!
Huh! !! !! !!
As soon as I stepped into the gravitational waves, the rear door seemed to close suddenly, and Dai Funi shouted, "The Lord Takes Care" the voice disappeared instantly!
at last……
Entering here, it means that you have left an extremely distant distance with the Schultz galaxy!
Even if you regret it now, it's impossible.
Jia Yan felt that his body was constantly being attacked in the tide of gravitational wave energy, and the energy in all directions was constantly flapping!
But in general, the energy in the direction of his back is not much, the powerful energy in the front impacts, but creates a vacuum of energy in the rear!
But gravitational waves are terrible. That horrible energy roar caused a few weak beings, such as scientists, to be stunned by these energy noises!
Several other strong men quickly took part in their minds and protected those who were weak.
At the same time, all of them were stunned, looking at the sky as if they were falling apart. They didn't even look like the scene in the universe, they were speechless!
"Where the is this? What on earth are we going to do?" The two powerful sky-high peaks, one of them had a sharp nail that accidentally leaned on an area that Jia Yan's back could not take care of. The nail was almost instantaneous. It turned to ashes, scaring him to quickly withdraw his claws, terrified!
However, these existing terrors did not affect Jia Yan's mood. In particular, he found that his body is now safer against these gravitational waves, and he felt relieved immediately!
"Earth ... I am coming back !!!"
(End of this volume !!!)
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