Chapter 471: A conversation that changes the fate of the planet! [For subscription]

This monster has two heads, and one pair of eyes has four pairs of eyes. At this time, looking down, the eyes are cold and extremely penetrating!
Everyone in the village was completely horrified.
After all, this is not a giant mosquito monster, and no one knows whether he is malicious.
However, the two-headed monster just looked at the village lightly, and then, without any movement, landed on the ground near the village!
"He may be what the big mosquito said, to protect our men? ..."
After discovering the extraordinary behavior of this monster, the man with glasses was shocked for a moment, and could not help it.
Sure enough, others noticed the abnormality of this two-headed monster.
They did not expect that the men under the mosquito would be such a monster.
That's right! This monster is Jia Yan who was ordered to protect the village. Although it is only in the early days of the day, but on the earth today, except for Jia Yan's manpower, it is invincible!
With his protection, Jia Yan was assured of the safety of his family. After all, he has already reached the earth. He doesn't want to have any accidents under his eyes at the last minute!
Whirring whirring! !! !! ...
The surrounding air is so smelly, a familiar and enthusiastic taste, which makes Jia Yan extremely enjoyable.
Everything on the earth seemed to make him full of vitality. Jia Yan didn't know if it was an illusion or anything, but on the land of his hometown, he was always a hundred times more comfortable than the gray and yellow stars!
He was extremely fast, flying at a speed of sound more than thirty times.
At this speed, Shanghai can be described as an instant!
"The Shanghai Stock Exchange is well protected, at least most of the area is still intact!" Jia Yan looked at the city below, with a sense of embarrassment, because there are actually many places in the city below. Jia Yan faintly saw many familiar buildings!
The landmark building in Shanghai, the Oriental Tower, stands proudly. There is also Jia Yan's former university. Although it seems to have become a residential area, most of the buildings still exist.
Even the little houses they used to live in exist.
Jia Yan's eyes trembled slightly, and he set his sight on the home of the girl who had made her dreams ...
However, that large area seemed to have experienced fierce fighting and turned into a pile of ruins at this time.
Even the former enemy Yujia, because it was in a suburban area, was completely flattened at this time, leaving only a large area of ​​green forest-like ruins.
"Well ..." Jia Yan sighed softly at the bottom of his heart.
He knew that time had passed away. If he hadn't returned to this place full of memories, he might have forgotten the girl who had thought about it day and night.
"Ding Limeng ... nothing!"
Jia Yan turned his head and no longer looked over there!
Regardless of the woman hiding in her heart, it is now life or death, and now it is time to completely wipe it from the bottom of her heart.
There are also Yu Yuan and Yu Jia. Even if they still exist today, Jia Yan's future will have nothing to do with them anymore.
Today's Shanghai Stock Exchange is still a major military and political place in China!
However, the rules of the game between forces have changed, so in this small area of ​​Shanghai Stock Exchange, there are only three legions that exist in various names!
They are horns and support each other, but they are afraid of each other!
Human beings are like this, and even when it comes to life or death, there will be constant mischief and affliction.
Fortunately, because of the huge threat of metal monsters, at least on the surface, the three major forces have not yet started a fighting battle.
However, in terms of relationship and equipment, they have always been competing with each other.
The Shanghai Central Army is just such a group army organization.
They emerged from the former regular army. Even now, they have been ordered by the Huaxia government to treat the other two legions as enemies of treason.
Their equipment is also the best, but because the other two legions are huge, if the Central Army wants to start, they will unite, so even if the Central Army wins, it will definitely pay a heavy price. So now, the Central Army Still barely with the other two major legions, there was a superficial peace.
The Central Army ’s high-tech equipment is extremely strong. Not only are they the forces that have previously obtained the ‘giant mosquito family’ advanced machinery, the advanced radar system alone is even more than several times more than the other two group army!
And today is the time for these radars to make a difference!
"Report ... Report! There is something strange on the radar!"
A staff member at the monitoring station panicked through the communication equipment and sent his report to the central party!
You know, the radar station didn't have much effect after the start of the metal war, so when there were some situations, the staff of these legions seemed to be more alarmed.
However, the panic experienced by these staff members today is obviously more surprised than when they encountered several dangerous situations in the past.
However, when senior military officials heard the other party's report, they were equally calm!
"Giant ... Giant mosquito! Giant mosquito is coming!" The reporting staff roared!
"What ?! Where is he!" The senior military personnel are obviously stronger than the staff's psychological quality, and at this time can still ask the key points!
"Here, he is too fast. The speed is more than 30,000 kilometers per hour! That is more than thirty times the speed of sound! It has arrived in Shanghai!" While the staff member screamed, his face looked like a hell!
You know, that's thirty times the speed of sound! Thirty times the speed of sound is an incredible speed for all aircraft in the earth. Even this radar station can find objects of this speed because of the large size of the opponent's body. If it is smaller, it cannot be captured!
It is obvious that Jia Yan did not use his brain wave power to shield the electromagnetic waves around him this time.
Even he deliberately made noises, otherwise, only the "invisible" exoskeleton automatically evolved by his body, most of the detection equipment on the earth cannot detect his movements!
This is the greatest kindness that Jia Yan can release!
That is, the staff of the radar station, at the moment when they issued a warning, the leaders of the Central Army already heard the noise from the outside!
They couldn't help looking at the outside world!
Take a sip of air conditioner one by one!
I saw a black body that seemed to be very different from those giant giant mosquitoes in the past. It looked like a super huge mosquito that had been enlarged several times in the sky and hovered in the sky!
This horrible monster just stopped on the barracks of this legion. It was a terrible huge body. It seemed that the black curtain that covered the sky covered the whole sky!
The earth fell into darkness!
"This this this this !!!"
The soldier under training, as well as the sergeants, were stunned. To know the news of the emergence of the big mosquito, it is only a few hours. Some soldiers have not yet known the news of "the giant mosquito is coming!"
But this does not prevent these soldiers from recognizing the monsters appearing above their heads, which are the so-called 'giant mosquitoes'! You know, the giant mosquito used to hand over some alien technology machinery to their barracks. After that, countless scientists worked together to develop the weapons that reversed the whole war in the previous decade!
This army, which uses giant mosquitoes as its patron saint, hangs pictures of previous large mosquitoes everywhere. Every recruit doesn't know who the head is, but the giant mosquito looks every day.
"A giant mosquito! How is it possible!"
A soldier looked at the monster above his head and was screaming in surprise at this time. Although he had been looking forward to the emergence of giant mosquitoes, it was ten years. The Earthlings more often regard the big mosquito as a spiritual pillar, but they never thought that this monster, which was only seen on posters, appeared so suddenly at this time!
"Hello! Please also lead you to see me!"
Jia Yan hovered in the sky. Although he also saw that one weapon system was erected on the ground, there may be some powerful and advanced weapons aimed at himself, but he was not afraid!
You know, he has fought against the orthodox alien army of the gray and yellow stars. The earth ’s weapons or missiles are not much different from toys for him.
The "speaking voice" of the big mosquito sounded almost shocking and shook the entire ground, and even some timid group army soldiers had a soft leg and sat on the ground.
The power of giant mosquito monsters has not only become a past tense in the past ten years, but even because of the emergence of some so-called 'giant mosquito religions', it has become more exaggerated, and even some inexplicable myths!
Now seeing giant mosquitoes really looks like a god, just ‘speaking’ and shaking the ground. How could these soldiers not be shocked!
It didn't take long for a large group of high-ranking officers to emerge from their respective office buildings!
Jia Yanfu stared at the group of big figures who appeared faintly. According to his stronger and stronger memory after rebirth, he could even tell that some of these officers were familiar, and apparently he would see him when he sent it to alien machinery ten years ago. been!
"Dear Mr. Giant Mosquito, hello."
The group of officers pushed and shoved, this time did not call a lower soldier to come to talk. It's a person who doesn't seem to have a low rank to stand out for dialogue!
Jia Yan keenly discovered that after ten years had passed, the emblem of the Huaxia National Army was still so eye-catching. Obviously, these soldiers did a good job of protecting the Shanghai Stock Exchange until now.
Regarding the military camps in other aspects, Jia Yan did not fail to see them, but he thought they were all from the Huaxia Army, so at this time he had not doubted these things.
Of course, for today's big mosquitoes, the influence of the Earth people and intrigue are not a thing! In the face of absolute power, the big mosquitoes think that they are not worth a stroke!
Even the former enemy of life and death, the so-called 'metal monster', is nothing but a joke for today's big mosquitoes.
He returned to Earth, and his only opponent was the two civilizational exploration ships that were coming!
"Hello, dear sir, we have met before." Jia Yan faintly responded to the detained officer.
"Must you really be the one before ..." The officer heard the words of the big mosquito, and suddenly he was shocked, and suddenly hesitated.
Originally, this was a taboo. After all, for other races, God knows that some things are not to be asked, but at this time the officer still asked, obviously it was so abnormal when he was really in a state of mind!
"Oh, yes, it's me." Jia Yan laughed softly.
For the big mosquito, things on the earth should be rectified as quickly as possible, so he doesn't mind letting people know that the giant mosquito individual who gave alien technology to the earth people was also his thing, so that he could Get closer faster.
However, before the "giant mosquito", he was not prepared to recognize it. After all, what is too scary is better to hold it in his heart. It's not good to say it, but it's out of season.
"It's you!" Hearing the big mosquito admits, all the officers and soldiers below seem to relax a little bit of vigilance.
"Well, not much gossip! I'm here to release an emergency message to you Earth people." Jia Yan looked right and said so much to all the Central Army barracks below!
At the same time, a camera kept in the military barracks, as well as the remaining high-tech video equipment, aimed the lens at a large mosquito. It may have been predicted that this giant mosquito monster, which is only 30 meters, will be said. The words may be statements that will change the fate of the earth!
Do not! Big mosquitoes have changed Earth people before!
The giant mosquitoes that appear this time will definitely change Earth people again!
The officer who spoke to Jia Yan also realized this at this time.
He was flushed, and no fewer than 20 or 30 video equipments were aimed at him. At this moment, the officer knew that he might become a participant in a historical moment, and he was not calm!
The man flushed out of his face with a flushed face, coughed lightly, and tried to lift his face.
A camera at the rear, at this very good angle, recorded the Shanghai Central Army, with its head soaring and a dialogue with the giant mosquito!
What the videographer does not know is that this scenery will become an eternal theme picture, which will soon affect generations of Earth people!
"Please say it!" The officer who spoke to Jia Yan said solemnly.
Jia Yan also discovered the abnormalities of the earth people below. After thinking about it, he also knew that his next words could really change the fate of countless earth people, and even change the fate of the entire earth! So he was a little more serious.
After thinking about it, Jia Yan still decided to tinker with an unnecessarily 'giant mosquito family', so that the negotiations between the two sides were smoother.
So after his eyes flickered slightly in his compound eyes, an idea overflowed from his mind. After that, the idea became discourse under its fast-moving brain speed ...
Jia Yan spoke!
"The fate of the Earth people is difficult. My family of giant mosquitoes follows the rules of good-neighborliness and friendship of the universe and will wish you to solve the metal monster crisis."
The officer below had a wide pupil and an incredible expression!
Not only him, but even a large number of soldiers around him have almost the same expression.
What does the giant mosquito say? Actually want to help Earth people, solve the crisis of metal monsters? !!
Such a thing, they have never thought about it before, to know that even if they trust the giant mosquito family, but when it comes to solving the danger of the metal monster, which threatens the life of the earth for ten years, no one on earth can believe it!
This is not a matter of trust or distrust, but it has been threatened for too long, and a strong man suddenly appeared. Lightly talking about helping to solve the big problems, in the eyes of any race, is a matter of paradox!
"This ... Mr. Giant Mosquito, is the help you said true ?!" The officer suddenly didn't care if there was a video in the rear. Quickly ask this sentence!
"Of course." Jia Yan said faintly. After all, the metal monster is no longer mysterious and powerful for him now.
However, he didn't wait for everyone to have any surprise or doubt expression, and then the next word was also spoken!
"Metal monsters are just a mustard disease. I have one more piece of information for you here! It is also the information I really want to give you."
"That is not more than a year later, there will be alien civilizations behind these metal monsters coming to Earth. Their strength is not comparable to these so-called metal monsters."
"So I propose here that my family of giant mosquitoes will form a coalition with your earth people to resist these alien civilizations!"
"Ah ?! This!"
The officer, at this time, seemed to have a bad brain. Even the giant mosquito would help solve the phrase that the metal monster was not digested, and then he heard about the "alien civilization behind the metal monster". His head seemed to be cramping. He tried hard to keep his expression intact, but this effort didn't work very well and was still captured by the camera.
"Well, I ’m here just to suggest that you Earthmen can negotiate quickly. I will help you solve the enemy of the metal monster first. At that time, there will be detailed agreement content and terms provided. Hope you Earthmen Think carefully! "
Jia Yan also didn't expect that just contacting this army would make it possible for him to completely resolve what he said. However, he knew how difficult it was for Earth people, after all, this is just an army.
There is also Huaxia State above, and outside of Huaxia, there are one or two hundred independent countries like Huaxia State. If you want so many countries to have a unified caliber, Jia Yan feels that it is not a matter of a short while.
"Mr. Giant Moss, please slow down!" At the end of the transmission of Jia Yan's words, when he wanted to get up and fly, the officer at the back finally came back a little. She screamed quickly.
"Huh?" Jia Yan turned back in surprise. The chief hadn't said anything before, but now he suddenly shouted at him, which made him strange.
I thought the other party was concerned about those ‘alien civilizations’ that might appear in the future, but I did n’t expect that this officer was concerned about another issue!
"So Mr. Giant Mosquito, how long do you expect to destroy metal monsters?"
!! !! !!
Cavinka's Desire
Desire, Depressed, but still see if it can erupt once in a few days, thanks to the book friends who subscribed and rewarded, thank you! !! !!
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