Chapter 481: "Earth Made" spacecraft takes off! [For subscription]

The speculation about Auror caused a shadow over De Yan's heart.
However, this does not seem to have a direct impact on his current life. On today's earth, no matter where he is, he has not found any relevant information about the Otto Ostro!
However, Jia Yan didn't relax his vigilance at this time. The possibility that such a terrible scientist may still be alive. At this time, the earth is absolutely a terrible thing for him. At this time Jia Yan, no May be ignored!
In the extremely busy affairs, several powerful earth city strongmen were dispatched in order!
They carried out inspections in some doubtful places on the earth, even in the sea.
However, one by one, Jia Yan felt a little relieved and found that there was no trace of this Ostto anywhere on the earth!
"So is this guy alive? No! He must still be alive, this kind of near evil, cannot be dead!"
After Jia Yan confirmed some news, he had a more daunting idea for this powerful scientist.
It ’s just that today ’s earth, it is impossible to change the policy because this person who does not necessarily exist does not exist, so Jia Yan can only continue to follow the way of his own thoughts and make a huge change in the earth in a more alert situation !!
At the end of four months, there has been an incredible change in the earth!
The ravages of metal monsters in the past ten years have caused the depression on the surface of the earth. Only in four months, there has been a fundamental change. Not only is there an incredible change in the lives of the people of the earth, but also the emergence of those huge building complexes, and the start of construction of large factories.
These changes are unfolded in a geometric form.
Some humans even recorded these four-month changes. The records clearly show that the entire earth can be seen intuitively. From the previous doom-like scene of the undressed body, it has suddenly grown into a basically restored to normal. The era of order actually happened only between four months!
What's more, because the "Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance" has issued normal living regulations, people on the planet have been able to gradually have their previous lives. In the eyes of many people, if the comprehensive restoration of the previous laws and regulations and the way of life ten years ago were not carried out all at once, because the changes are too fast, then human society can't bear such a huge change and may become chaotic. It even crashes!
Of course, there are precedents for these things, but these precedents do not appear here on Earth, but on aliens!
Here on the earth, it seems that there is no fundamental change due to Jia Yan's concerns.
Even on the four-month date ...
Boom boom boom boom ...............
All around the globe, in a personal settlement, under the incredible attention of all the earth people!
One after another, huge metal behemoths with flames started to soar on this day!
These metal monsters, from the ceilings of the factory holes, are launched into the sky by the thrust of the launcher!
This is the result of the efforts of the Earth people for four months!
It is also the result of the efforts of the giant mosquito family and the earth people!
A total of more than 300 ships of all sizes and various types, they are rushing into the vast space!
For the people of the Earth, this is an incredible miracle, and it is a matter of which they are extremely proud, because all the things that the Earth displays today are the fruits of their hard work, and this generation of Earth people has a bigger Looking forward to showing!
Every family re-established television media, and began to explain all these to the small number of families that have television media and various factories and institutions, including tears!
This is an authentic 'Earth-made' spaceship. Every part is made by the hands of countless people!
Everyone is in tears! After all, everyone a few months ago, even some senior officials today, must have experienced the day of hard work.
So they are all extremely excited.
"Look, that's the spaceship of the 420 factory we worked for! The electronic separator above is made in the workshop where I work! I didn't expect that they could really be used, and they could make such a huge spaceship fly into the sky! "
"What's yours! Isn't it a 20-meter-sized spaceship that can effectively carry a five-tonne thing. The spacecraft we took off at the 201 factory is a 50-meter-sized spaceship, with a load of three Ten tons, can you compare ?! "
A celebrity is very excited on the ground for the organization he has worked for before. You know that those are spaceships! The earth was extremely rare before, but now they are all involved, making such a terrible batch of reusable spaceships!
"Very good. The 350 spaceships, from the efforts of more than 1,000 factories around the globe, have successfully launched today!"
In the deep space of the universe, a huge black creature looks quietly below, and the light spots are like monsters breathing fire, rising towards the sky in space.
The scene seems to be soaring. The countless flames may be seen by other aliens, but they are just rudimentary primary vehicles, but they carry them, but the crystallization of the sweat and effort of all intelligent creatures on the planet Such a spirit!
There is no way to count the blood, tears and stories of more than 300 spacecraft.
A Spitfire spacecraft reaching a hundred meters flew and came to the side of the big mosquito.
This is about a thousand kilometers from the surface of the earth.
Among the 350 spaceships of various sizes, there are a total of 20 simple ships with a body of 100 meters, a total of 100 ships of 50 meters in size, and the rest are small people of 20 meters in length.
The craftsmanship they use is extremely simple, and they are placed in the aliens. Do not say that compared with the elite products of the space battleship class, even compared with those most basic cargo ship models, it is too simple!
But even so, they are already the limit that can be achieved on earth today!
The production of these spacecraft used most of the rare metals on the earth, and it was because there were metal monsters and the special metal products made by those metal monsters. Otherwise, it would not be possible to make them!
And the models of these spacecrafts, even if they can't be compared with the active alien spacecrafts, but they are a perfect copy of an ancient alien 'spaceship', so the performance is not so backward!
At least compared to the previous Earthman rocket, that performance is absolutely explosive!
"Sir, the remote control system is activated normally, and the cargo on the spacecraft is also normal. This time the liftoff was perfect."
There was a faint voice from the noodles in the communicator, but now there is still a hint of excitement in the voice.
"Very well, these ships will form a team and start to divide the work."
Jia Yan looked at the 100-meter spacecraft next to his body, and he could recognize that the surface of the spacecraft used mostly the metal shell of a metal monster. After all, compared to these mining machines, he brought the Earth City scientist It is impossible to compare metal monsters with specialization in the purification of metals.
Thanks to the contributions of the metal monsters, the design of these ships can be more bold and the performance has been improved.
Hearing the command of the big mosquito, the noodle man over there responded, and more than 300 spaceships first condensed around the big mosquito, like a huge fleet lined up for inspection by the head of state!
Jia Yan was the first time to see such a huge flying fleet. Although he has seen more advanced space warships before, but now he sees this original spaceship fleet created by his own hands, and finally has a smile in his heart. meaning……
He seized most of the potential on the earth in one breath. Although the next things can still be tapped, that is not something that can be done in a moment.
So now we must make the most of this fleet in our hands and make larger preparations for the next eight months!
Everything is prepared for the resistance of the upcoming Osto ‘Exploration Ship’!
When the big mosquitoes finished reviewing, the noodle man who was already in a spaceship, operated all the spacecraft, and flew towards the moon not far away ...
"The first step will be the mining of some unique metals on the moon. At the same time, train the spaceship pilots on the earth!"
"The second step is the reserved modification of the spacecraft and a series of arrangements towards the 'place' ready to deal with the enemy!"
"There is a third step, a fourth step ... I really want to say that time is too tight, too tight and too tight!"
After thinking about this, the big mosquito still has a sense of oppression in his heart, and is constantly attacking him.
On Earth, the great joy that all factory spaceships are completely lifted off cannot be retreated!
In particular, the big mosquito specially opened the corner of a spaceship as a special photographic equipment and a channel for high-power information transmission, and passed the news to the media just formed in the earth, so that all the information of the spaceship could be completely transmitted Earth aspect. The impact of this spacecraft liftoff is simply a huge improvement!
No one does n’t watch the news, especially when the picture comes to the hulls they paid for. Everyone on earth is in tears. After all, they paid sweat. Now these spaceships are lifted up normally. There is no one. When something goes wrong, this pride is not a person who has experienced it personally and cannot appreciate it!
Without waiting for the Earth people to return from these joys, another news about this batch of ships appeared even more amazing!
The giant mosquito earth alliance has made a public announcement and wants to recruit future spacecraft pilots! ?
This is simply a huge surprise!
The Earth ’s self-proclaimed knowledge and quality are far inferior to those of the giant mosquitoes. They think that so many spacecraft have been built. Even if the giant mosquitoes are understaffed, they must be carried out by those with good intelligence For flight operations. But they never thought that these spaceships were really open to recruits on Earth, and they had to choose pilots!
A celebrity can't believe it, but they instinctively flocked to the registration point. You know, that's the pilot of the spaceship!
It is foreseeable that with the help of the giant mosquitoes, the earth will successfully step into space in the future. This mysterious and full of temptations. Therefore, the Earth people do not say that every one of them is full of longing for the mysterious place, but only that for the sake of the future, they will definitely want to become a driver!
Of course, what they didn't know was that it wasn't that the big mosquito didn't want to use the brain instead of artificial to pilot the spacecraft, but there are too many uncertain factors in the brain.
These are things that the aliens have verified through the past. Jia Yan had also wondered before. The intelligence and wisdom of the aliens is really incredibly powerful, but it is rare to see that the brain controls the warship or even After understanding the commercial spacecraft, I knew that the so-called 'incidents' that had not occurred before did finally make the intellectually operated spacecraft and some unique industries disappear.
Jia Yan naturally won't make this kind of hidden danger appear. Besides, the development of intellectual brain is not something that scientists can play, so he chose to choose the driver among the earth people, and even there will be a battle in the future. The plan of the pilot of the spacecraft, of course, is something that cannot be carried out until the time is ripe.
"I want to sign up! How can Earth people fly to the universe without this witness!"
"Nonsense, it must be me as a driver! To know the previous factory exam, I am the first in the group!"
"Speaking of grades, who can you compare with me? I was a schoolmaster ten years ago, the first in the province." This is a male speaking, but his speech has been unanimously despised by everyone, everyone knows, The knowledge of ten years ago and the knowledge of factories now are incomparable!
In addition to the enthusiasm of the general public to sign up, some unique characters are also thinking at this time.
"Prince, you are the high prince of the Grand E royal family. Can't you be dangerous? You need to know those drivers, and God knows if they will be safe. Besides, the giant mosquito family will fight the so-called" alien " , If you participate, it is absolutely dangerous. "
A middle-aged man in a fairly well-furnished home on the earth today pleads with another young man who appears to be in his twenties.
Although the young man was only in his twenties, it should not have been the age when he was educated in the era when the metal monster was raging, but his appearance, but gentle and elegant, seemed to have received an excellent education.
"You don't need to persuade me. I've decided, even I have learned most of the Chinese language. This is an important breakthrough in the relationship between our royal family and the giant mosquito family. Besides, I'm still so young, do you want me to be A royal member who only has a vanity name and has no effect, but just eats and waits for death? No! Even if it is dead, I will become a spacecraft pilot! This is an important opportunity to bloom our royal family! "
Speaking of which, this royal member drank the red wine in his hand at a stretch!
You know, this is the era when the metal monster has just raged. He can drink red wine, which shows his extraordinary life experience.
In other places, this news about the "spacecraft pilot" also spread like a plague.
At the headquarters of the Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance, a head of state is extremely excited at this time!
They know that the final strategy of each country may be among them!
You must know that the earth ’s resources are definitely a lot less than those of the big mosquitoes. The people of the earth can live so nourishly today, or because of the advanced technology of the giant mosquitoes, they have cultivated many excellent Food etc.
But the future of the earth is definitely in the universe!
Every country, how could you miss this opportunity!
"The giant mosquitoes do not accept the appointments and do not accept any preferential treatment! Quick! Notify the country and bring together all young people with knowledge. Although registration does not limit academic qualifications, having quality is always an advantage. Knowing the specific requirements, if we can do our best to get the most seats in the driver, it will not be impossible for our country to rejuvenate and even explode far more fiercely than before! "
"Hua Xia Kingdom has already made great moves, and we must hurry! We must know that it is the universe, the infinitely wide space, and the infinite resources that are waiting for our arrival. Don't be slow!"
Maybe Jia Yan himself did not expect that the announcement about the recruitment of the spacecraft pilot would actually cause such a big wave.
In fact, it is because he has already stood too high and too high. If he can change his mindset back to the role of the Earthman before, he will know the benefits and future prospects.
However, the better the fight, the better, of course. Jia Yan only worried that there were not enough qualified earth pilots, not that the spacecraft would not be enough!
Because you have to know, he has the resources and platform of an entire galaxy!
This kind of thing is often the hardest to get started at first. He has integrated all the intelligent creatures on the whole earth, and even built a primitive fleet of spaceships at an extremely terrible speed. May not develop in the future? !!
It requires technology and technology, and it requires population and population. The future development is definitely a great leap forward!
Under the leadership of the big mosquito, the earth people finally got out of the starry sky! !! !! !!
However, some of these applicants may be that the big mosquito is not so wanted to see.
Not only those who have had a criminal record, but also two, who are not so popular with him, are also in this registration!
"Oh, senior addict, I have already signed up. The detection device actually responded to my strength. With the red alarm, I have not used half of my strength."
"Oh? It looks like you still have a chance, I will try it tomorrow, I hope they will not restrict the age. But, is there any benefit to us as a driver? Just for this giant mosquito system Li lives for him? Know that he is not so friendly to us, and if found, it is extremely dangerous. "
A dark place, two sneaky characters, connected!
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