Chapter 512: Fire Energy City [Subscription]

The sphere of influence of the Dragon Dragon Star Rongrong occupies about one seventh of the Dragon Dragon.
There are thirty-three apex lords in total, which means that the territory is divided into thirty-three.
The area occupied by Jia Yan is not the most prosperous area, and of course it is not barren. Compared with those who are the lords in the desert, he is at least ten times better.
Originally, when he took office with this trust, those lords did not leave their minds. They wanted to exchange fields with Jia Yan, and used their connections and force to make Jia Yan submissive. After knowing this, all these lords were frightened.
They began to investigate the origin of Jia Yan. You must know that there is such a strong person in the sphere of influence of a Tianlong strongman. It is simply impossible. What is the origin of this so-called "Master Jia Yan"!
But the news they got made them even more confused.
This 'Master Jia Yan' is actually a 'starry star' who has lost energy, and his origin is mysterious. It is said that he came here by accident using space transfer technology from other star domains.
Such a suspicious character is really so dare to use Xingrong adults!
At this moment, a famous lord is even more vigilant about Jia Yan's existence.
These lords, even if they were not born with Tianlongxing, they are also strong men from nearby star systems. They have roots and bottoms, and Lord Jia Yan seems to not even know where he came from. Such a strong man, right For the lords of this area, it is a very different alternative!
"Master Listen, do you say that Jia Yan is a spy sent by another star power to us?"
"Don't bullshit. If he is really, such an obvious feature, it has long been directly seen by Master Xingrong. Where do we get the doubt?"
"That too……"
In an empty desert land, there are more than ten powerful monsters with different appearances and racial makeups. They are meeting here.
Among the strong attendees, there was a familiar form, that is, a powerful strange bird that had had some friction with Jia Yan before, and it was also the big bird that claimed to be ‘Utan’.
She was a little embarrassed at this time. Some of the injuries that had been hit by Jia Yan before were still not recovered, so the colorful color on her body appeared a little different.
The monsters present did not laugh at her. After all, her strength is already extremely strong among them. If they fight, none of the monsters here can defeat her.
"In short, we have to look at the behavior of this guy later. If there is anything wrong, we must report to Master Xingrong. This strong man is absolutely suspicious!"
"Yes, of course, more importantly, the interests of those of us who are strong cannot be taken away by him ..."
More than a dozen monsters have concluded that Jia Yan exists here.
However, at the time of their discussion, Jia Yan, who had just become the so-called lord, gave up early handling of the mess left by Katz's death, and instead threw all these transfers to Harola, who was grateful. , Go towards a good area!
The wind is bright and the sky is covered with blossoming white clouds.
A huge monster flies by in the air!
"It turns out that the Tianlong Power is not completely iron, they are not even in the area under control. But this is not a good thing for me, because the volcanic land I want to go to is another Dragon Power. Area ... "
Jia Yan flew in the air, digesting the news he had learned before.
The dragons in the sky are like a heaven and earth in this planet, but they don't have what Jia Yan thinks. They are a complete group. Some of these strong ones are hostile to each other.
And the energy volcano that Jia Yan wants to go to, has to be a Tianlong strong who is not in harmony with Master Xingrong.
The so-called Heavenly Dragons are that they come from one race, that is to say, other Heavenly Dragons are similar to the appearance of Lord Xingrong.
The Tianlong family is also famous in the nearby starry sky. They are like the 'combat race' on the earth. Many powerful beings have emerged, and some of them are entangled in the Tianlong star.
They are attacking and defending the alliance here, but there will be a gap between each other, so some disharmony appears.
Jia Yan continued to swim.
In fact, he was a little confused. When Xingrong investigated him, he did not ask about his past, nor did he have any doubts about his identity. This made some of Jia Yan ’s carefully crafted experiences. 'No time to speak.
If the other person is really like his appearance, it looks like a lazy existence. Then Jia Yan cannot believe it, because it is impossible to be a very powerful strong person, and even to control one side. The strong in the region will have a performance!
The only point is that the other party may have determined in some way that Jia Yan is indeed not a so-called spy!
But now that he has successfully become a lord, Jia Yan naturally continues to move towards his next goal!
"Next, if the energy of that volcanic area can be drawn, then the probability of my energy repairing is still very great. At that time, I will not be afraid even of ordinary starry level!"
Jia Yanfu's eyes have a confident glow. He is still full of anxiety about this starry sky, but as long as he can restore most of his combat power, then rely on the strong defense of the Azure and the special recovery ability of the evolutionary beast. He has the confidence to escape most of the danger!
Unless those unpredictable ‘Tianlong Strong ’s take the shot themselves, apart from them, Jia Yan will not be afraid of any other starry sky class!
So he went towards that area.
Fly over forests, over mountains.
Jia Yan was flying at a height of about five kilometers, and the cold wind peculiar to the sky kept blowing on him.
In this cold wind, Jia Yan's mind seemed more sober. For this next step in this starry sky, there are clear steps.
"In the realm of other Dragons, it is obviously impossible to know my identity so quickly, so I will use this time difference to go to the volcano and see if I can get some volcanic energy!"
Huo Neng Shan, this is a very appropriate name.
It is more than 10,000 kilometers away from Jia Yan's 57th Forest Territory. This area has long been occupied by another Tianlong strong.
Fortunately, on the way, Jia Yan tried to fly in some remote areas on the map, but was questioned twice.
He suppressed the wave power of his brain waves as much as possible to the early days of the heavens.
Such a strong existence, although in every Tianlong field, although it is also a strong one, it is not so prominent, and each place has more than tens of thousands.
In this way, he had no other surprises except how he had never been seen by those questioners.
I came to Huoneng Mountain along the way, and Jia Yan finally saw it. This will be the place where he can recover most of his energy, which is to restore most of his combat power!
Here is a volcanic area that reaches 50 kilometers in a row, which has two craters, a larger one is an active volcano with a diameter of about 500 meters.
The other is an extinct volcano that doesn't have a lot of momentum. No magma can be seen in the crater.
On the other side of the active volcano, there are numerous engineering vehicles around which are constantly collecting.
Under the big volcano, there is also a huge city. Although it cannot be compared with the Tianlong field, it is still possible compared with the huge international cities on the earth, such as Shanghai and Shanghai.
Jia Yan flew high. A speeding car will be coming soon!
"For the strong one, Fire Energy City cannot fly, and it is not allowed to fly to the Fire Energy Mountain area. Please follow the rules of Fire Energy City."
The broadcast of the electronic voice announcement sounded in Jia Yan's ear, which is similar to the way of brainwave power transmission.
Jia Yan hesitated, and then found that not far away, there were several powerful creatures flying from around the sky. After hearing the broadcast, he consciously fell downwards. After thinking a little, he also dropped. .
It seems that the rules here are very special, but it is not surprising that such a good mining area has sound security regulations.
Besides, he originally wanted to come here to fight this volcanic idea!
After Jia Yan landed, he found that most of the strong men in this city were the faces of a businessman. The existence of armor like this made him look very abrupt.
One by one's attention, he shot at Jia Yan.
He couldn't help but feel awkward.
This is like on the earth, in a business center, everyone is wearing formal suits and business clothes, but this sudden presence, but wearing a battle armor, it seems a bit dazzling!
He didn't want to wear the armor all the time, but after the previous Star Wars, the armor seemed to merge with a part of his body. It's hard to take off now!
Fortunately, this planet was originally the place where the strongest came first. Obviously, there was no such existence as Jia Yan before, so other creatures just paid more attention to Jia Yan and did not feel vigilant about his arrival.
Jia Yan was able to walk slowly around the city.
This city is not divided into many areas like Tianlong Realm, at least there is no area that strictly restricts the weak and the poor to walk.
Jia Yan saw huge monsters on the street, and their energy fluctuations reached the level of about ten, but they talked about business with some ordinary creatures, and they were also kind.
"Hello, my lord, I'm the temporary business secretary of this fire energy city. I don't know if I need help?" A little creature with a female voice came towards Jia Yan, with a crisp voice in his mouth. the sound of.
Jia Yan's eyes moved. Looked at the comer.
This is a monster that looks like a little seal, but she has arms, and although she has no feet under her belly, she is lying on a small aircraft. According to her will, the aircraft is very flexible.
"What is the temporary secretary?" Jia Yan asked strangely.
The little seal was stunned, and then responded: "Sir, you should come from far away. We, as a commercial city relying on minerals, have recently gained greater commercial status in Tianlong Star. On the periphery of the city, there are many people like me who provide business explanations and help to outsiders. This is our temporary secretary! "
"It turned out so convenient. So do you need me to help me?" Jia Yan asked.
"No, all of this is free. We charge the adult after you trade with this city, as well as a fixed salary. If you come to this city for the first time, you will treat me as a guide. Yes, all of this is free! "The little seal made a charming voice, and Jia Yan seemed to be able to analyze it through her words. If she is in her own race, she must be a lovely beauty.
Unfortunately Jia Yan cannot appreciate this beauty.
"Well, please explain for me. For the first time, if you haven't sold anything, please don't despise me, haha!"
Jia Yan sneered pretentiously.
"Good lord, I am honored to be able to serve you." The little seal started the aircraft under him, flew in front of Jia Yan, and explained everything to this fire energy city while walking.
Jia Yan listened and looked around, only to discover that many of the strong men who came here had a so-called little secretary.
Those who have not reached the level of strength are not so good. They are all walking alone, without a little secretary to take care of them.
"My lord, our fire energy city is the only city at the foot of the fire energy mountain. The biggest trading items here are those energy ore from the fire energy mountain. However, our city has recently developed a comprehensive business approach. The largest raw material market on the planet also has a huge small commodity trading market. There are also some high-tech products. I wonder what kind of products do you have in your heart? "
"I want to know the price of fire energy ore." Jia Yan said in a deep voice.
The fire energy ore he said is exactly the terrestrial version of volcanic magma. What he has used before is a product with secondary extraction.
This is his ultimate goal. If the price of fire energy ore is not high and he can solve the problem with money, he naturally still tends to solve it with money. After all, here he is not an enemyless thing. He has n’t recovered energy or even carried out the next time. There are too many things to worry about before mutation!
"Sir, fire energy ore is our main product here. A Kurira only needs 75 Roots." The little seal made a sound, as if the price was very low.
However, Jia Yan sighed in his heart.
Before he came back, he had already converted the materials and money that Katz had searched for many years. At this time, the money and goods he could use had 300,000 Roots Empire.
And a kurila, in this star field, is a unit of weight, which is not much different from the gram on the earth, even lighter! If so count. The possessions he owns will also buy some fire energy ore.
After secondary extraction, the technical joints required for this extraction technology are not high, but the finished product will be degraded again. By then, he will be able to use even less!
And the magma energy contributed by the people of Kudi Tan at that time, Jia Yan now knows how much effort they have expended.
Jia Yan meditated and did not answer.
The little seal was not in a hurry, but continued to introduce the surroundings to Jia Yan.
Fire Energy City is a standard city that never sleeps. Even if the sky is finally dark, the lights here are still bright, almost the same as during the day. You must know that the lighting technology of aliens is much more advanced than that of the Earth.
But the little seal obviously couldn't hold it that long, she handed Jia Yan an electronic business card.
"My lord, it's time to get off work. If you have any needs, you can buy it through me. I try to help you get through the link and get the minimum discount."
After saying that she waved farewell to Jia Yan and left.
Jia Yan used the power of brain waves to play in his eyes a very small electronic business card, looking at the tall buildings around four or five kilometers high, and thinking while walking.
This city is definitely a city far beyond the imagination of the earth, but Jia Yan has seen many at this time, and there is nothing to be surprised about.
In a building that is more than four or five kilometers in length, there are all kinds of industries. This fire energy city must first be famous for the fire energy mountain, but now it has really developed into a very prosperous comprehensive city.
And living near Huo Neng Mountain, these aliens have nothing to fear, let alone volcanoes have long been controlled by those alien technologies to erupt. Even if not, most of them here are strong. The little attack power of the volcanic eruption does not pose a threat to them. Even ordinary creatures have many kinds of technological equipment and are not afraid of small natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions. .
"Come and come, here are the most beautiful female creatures of Tianlongxing, male creatures like it! This adult, can't come, there is a beautiful mysterious show tonight."
A weird tortoise that looks like a "skinny punk", with a hard tortoise shell on the back, came to Jia Yan mysteriously, trying to pull him into a huge building.
"No interest!" Jia Yan shook his head coldly, leaving him behind.
This really has everything. Jia Yan can't believe it. So many different kinds of creatures would have a unified aesthetic standard. Would they like a so-called 'female princess'?
It's almost nonsense, Jia Yan felt that it would be nice to see him not to spit it out.
This is only an episode. Jia Yan came outside a so-called 'free market' according to the city map.
Even at night, the market is still brightly lit and bustling with people.
However, Jia Yan obviously didn't see any powerful existence here, so he crowded into it, and his huge body suddenly looked like a mountain on the street, covering the sky of surrounding creatures!
"It's called a free market, but in places like this, there is often darkness ..."
Jia Yan looked at everything in front of him and had a kind of exploration.
Anyway, there is no income in the city, so it is not a waste of time to stroll around this place.
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