Chapter 515: Wounded starry sky! [For subscription]

Jia Yan, who was flying in the sky, didn't know that the aircraft behind him was caught up so fast, he just flew towards the small fire-energy mountain.
It didn't take long for him to see a city before him that wasn't huge, but still belonged to a big city.
"Little Fire Energy City!"
Jia Yan will not spit the nameless city here, he just thinks that these aliens are a bit rough.
The small fire energy city is not as huge as the fire energy city, but it is also full of tall buildings.
The population here is not comparable to that of Fire Energy City, so it seems that business has not developed.
Jia Yan headed for a low place here and headed for the city.
This time, he did not wait until the city defense speed came to warn him as before, after all, he wanted to do some small actions here, it would be best to not attract others' attention.
Jia Yan fell not far from the fire energy city, and then along the city road, headed there.
"There is obviously a lot less traffic here."
Jia Yan looked around. Although the distance from Fire Energy City was only over 100 kilometers, the liveliness here was much lower.
Even those powerful creatures are scarce.
When Jia Yan walked into the city, he didn't have any small commercial secretary, but he saw that there are obvious areas here. The rich areas are heavily guarded, and there are places that look like slums. The environment is dirty and the quality of the building is much worse.
Jia Yan's huge body is obviously more eye-catching in this city with few strong men than in Fire Energy City. He can feel a lot of eyes turning to himself.
Jia Yan ignored these sights, and conducted an investigation in this city that didn't seem to have special characteristics.
He found that there are not many strong men in this city. When he bought some junk items in several stores, he asked quietly and knew that what he had here was only a resident starry sky, the others Heaven-level peak.
Having a starry sky is already a very good city, after all, the starry sky is already the top combat power on this planet.
Jia Yan asked everything. After that, it seemed to be just a temporary tourist. He walked around the city, and after a few hours passed the road of another city and left the small fire energy city.
He knows all his actions, and absolutely sees through all the monitoring. After all, there are not many strong cities in this city, and the degree of openness is far below that of Fire Energy City. The emergence of such a powerful strong man, it is normal for the city defense forces to be tense.
It became dark again.
A huge tadpole-black body in the sky flew towards the air!
And just after the distance of more than two hundred kilometers!
This huge creature turned around to the rear and quietly fell into the forest while it was night.
Jia Yan knew that the monitoring ability of the small fire energy city could not reach him. In fact, a few days ago, he learned that Tianlong star is not without powerful monitoring and satellite equipment, but because of the forces such as the Dragon Dragon and the Mercenary Mercenaries, there are huge differences and hostility to each other, Turned on the most powerful interference capabilities.
This is similar to the gray and yellow stars, the only difference is that the planet is much larger and more powerful.
Jia Yan knew that his figure was not so simple to be found, so he quietly returned at this time, marching from the ground towards Xiaohuoneng Mountain!
The distance between the small fire energy mountain and the small fire energy city is only three or four kilometers, and some urban buildings are built on the small fire energy mountain.
Jia Yan had already made a judgment on the direction before, and climbed from the most sparsely-populated place in the small Huoneng Mountain.
As a star-level powerhouse, Jia Yan's speed is extremely fast. Even on the ground, it is still impossible for other creatures to compare.
He made as little noise as possible during his actions, but left a series of footprints and headed forward.
It didn't take long for the towering mountains to appear.
Jia Yan looked at the top.
The small fire energy mountain is claimed to be a lot smaller than the large fire energy mountain, but it is not small. If it is replaced on the earth, it can even be regarded as a world famous mountain!
At a height of more than 5,000 meters, it pierced the sky straight.
Jia Yan looked at the scenery above. Around the volcano, there was hot air rising, and some creatures walked back and forth during it, because even if the small fire energy mountain produces less, there can always be more or less to reach something, so There are also a lot of miners here.
Jia Yan crawled slowly upward.
He concealed his brain wave power, trying not to cause fluctuations. Those creatures of average strength, even if Jia Yan passed behind them, could not even detect it!
This is the real strength of a strong man.
Jia Yan crawled up, carefully avoiding waves of creatures.
Night is his best protective color, even if those creatures have detection equipment in their hands, but Jia Yan opens the strongest brain wave power to cover up the way, he can easily avoid their investigation!
Finally, the big mosquito came to the crater of Xiaohuoneng Mountain easily.
Equipment is parked here and there are some simple camps.
Although there is a lot of heat here, but further afield, it is full of snow.
Jia Yan stepped on the white snow, and a icy cold spread down the body along his feet. However, this temperature change is no longer a problem for him today.
He just lay near the camp, doing his best to observe the movement over there.
After all, this is an important place for minerals, and it must not be as simple as looking at it.
However, through his own brain wave power and the thermal detection ability of mosquitoes, Jia Yan only saw some not powerful miners.
After thinking about it, Jia Yan bypassed this camp area far away.
"Think about it, although there is also a dark current surging in Tianlong Star, but on the bright side, there are powerful Tianlong strongmen and cosmic mercenaries sitting on the town. Such attacks on large minerals must not happen very often!
Jia Yan is grateful for the lax preparedness in this camp.
After bypassing the two camps, he finally found a slit and pushed his body to the edge of the crater!
This is a mountain pass that looks like a black hole in the dark. Among them, the black paint, let alone magma, has not been seen even by a fire star!
However, Jia Yan was not disappointed at this time. Instead, he used his brain wave power to gently detect it, and his heart was pleasantly surprised!
The magma pool below is very deep and may be needed for mining here, so the lower part has a small building group built in the crater.
In his brainwave power, those building groups have an extremely large number of fire energy ore!
"Well ... what's this?" Suddenly, Jia Yan's brainwave power was trembling.
He felt that there was a very powerful wave of energy, silently sleeping below.
This energy fluctuates, the momentum is as deep as a dart, and there is a sense of earth-shattering in one volt!
Star level!
Jia Yan was shocked and quickly withdrew his brain wave power.
Fortunately, the other party did not seem to be too sensitive to find his detection. After observing for a while, Jia Yan determined that the existence of this horror did not seem to be in a normal state, so he was relieved!
"What to do !? There is actually a starry sky here. My current combat effectiveness, based on the star strength of this starry sky, is impossible to be a starry sky opponent!"
Jia Yan was a little gloomy. He finally came to this crater, so he wouldn't be reconciled if he stopped at it!
Moreover, he also found that inside the crater, he actually had a ready-made small building complex, which looked like a simple factory, transporting volcanic ore directly.
Such a ready-made good thing, if he can't get it, it will be a shame!
Jia Yan knew that the small Huoneng Mountain was his only chance. On the other side of the Great Huoneng Mountain, the security force was more than doubled, and he could never touch the crater.
"There seems to be something wrong with this starry sky level. Although I look at a starry sky level, it seems like me, there is a trace of energy damage. Could it be ... this is also a loss of a lot of energy, and it is also a fire energy extraction Powerful monster, so he just rests here? "
Thinking of this, Jia Yan quietly released his brain wave power again.
The other party may not have thought that there will be a strong man in this volcanic land. Come and sneak in to investigate him, so the vigilance is not high.
It was only at this moment that he was struggling on a large heat source, slowly absorbing the power of the flame.
And his energy released from the whole body can clearly perceive that although he is a star level, he does lose a lot of energy, which is naturally better than Jia Yan ’s tragic nature, but it is also dangerous that he did not drop the star level!
"Actually, I was right. The other party is an injured starry sky. And now he is fully absorbing the power of fire, so the alertness is the lowest!"
In Jia Yanfu's eyes, there was a little radiance.
"If you just give up, then you don't know how long it will take him to recover his energy and leave. Now it's better to do it while he hasn't recovered much!"
Jia Yan knows that the monsters of non-evolutionary beasts are not so efficient at absorbing energy. Their recovery may be one, two, or even more than ten years!
Jia Yan can't wait for these times, not to mention, what changes will happen to Xiaohuo Nengshan during this period, it's not possible to heat up his head over the city, and suddenly increase the defense level of Huo Nengshan. No chance to come here silently!
"Let's do it! See how immersed he is, as long as I don't make too much movement, I'm sure he won't find it!"
Jia Yan made up his mind.
He looked around and found that during the night, there were not too many creatures walking outside, and the low output of small fire energy mountain ore made the place more depressed.
What Jia Yan wants is this depression!
While covering at night, he gently wrapped himself using brainwave power, then floated towards the sky and landed down!
The huge crater with a diameter of two kilometers is like the mouth of a horrible monster, which quietly devours the black creature Jia Yan, and never sees it again!
Jia Yan descended quickly, and he felt a little nervous now. After all, the big mosquitoes used to fight and act without much consideration. The things he encountered before were mostly strong men and events that can be countered. Now that he is in this starry sky, knowing that his strength is not top-notch, he acts cautiously, which is also the most uncomfortable thing for big mosquitoes!
Flutter ...
Huge feet that fall around small buildings under the crater.
Jia Yan looked at it. In fact, this building complex only occupies a radius of one kilometer. The entire crater is in the shape of a funnel, with a large space above and a small space below. This building complex is built on extinguished volcanic stones, which feels very unreliable, but in fact, they may have existed for a short time.
Aliens naturally have technology to prevent volcanoes from erupting!
Jia Yanfu's eyes refracted the rays of light in the dark. He released his biological instinct and began to detect nearby biological heat sources.
"A total of almost twenty creatures, in addition to the huge starry sky, there are two early days of the sky, and the other are insignificant little characters!"
It didn't take long for him to reach a conclusion.
And the role of this building, he also found out. The volcanic ore, along a digging platform below, quickly transported the volcanic stones, and then transported back and forth on the building's conveyor belt. When it was poured out of a space about five meters in diameter, some of it was Liquid.
Those that have not become liquid are directly divided to one side, and those that become liquid are to the other side. Jia Yan saw that they were barreled and then packed into finished products!
Although the output is not as high as the fire, the output is still not low!
Jia Yan was eager, because those liquids were the mutant liquids he badly needed.
It was dark at night, and Jia Yan continued to observe the scenery in the building complex.
Most monsters are asleep. Even if they are not asleep, they are listless. Presumably the work here is too boring. These monsters are already very tired.
Jia Yan did not focus his attention on these ordinary monsters, but instead focused on the star-level monsters who were huddled on a pile of fire ore waste!
This monster must not be able to directly absorb those fire energy ore with great fire energy, so he lay on a piece of waste residue. At this time, his body was slightly undulating, apparently he was sleeping very deeply.
Jia Yan groaned for a long time, and then he finally thought about the way to draw the fire energy himself!
"My body must have a lot of energy, and their output at one time may not make me repair it once! So I can try it now to steal the liquid energy that has been 'finished'!"
Jia Yan knew that he could not enter the interior of Huoneng Mountain. Not to mention that it was not so easy to enter. Even if he entered the magma, he was sure that there were absolutely no processed liquid magma and fire energy ore. Energy works!
Thinking of this, Jia Yan looked at the sky again.
After a long journey and careful climbing of the small fire-energy mountain, time has passed a lot, and at this time the sky is a little bit shiny.
No action!
Jia Yan started to go there.
Unlike a small mosquito before, his body is a behemoth, so he must be more careful between actions, not to mention that the other party also has a starry sky. If he is not careful, he is likely to be found.
Fortunately, Jia Yan's use of brainwave power can also be regarded as an introduction. At this time, he used his huge brainwave power to cover up and try not to make a sound, so that he could move quietly in the guarded and sparse building group!
Click ...
Gently touched the next pipe, Jia Yan quickly looked forward.
There was a monster at the ground level, listening to music there, shaking his head constantly.
He couldn't find Jia Yan!
Jia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then became more careful.
The thing is so magical, such a huge monster moving silently in the building complex, but unable to make those monsters discover, this can only be attributed to the gap in strength.
Finally, the big mosquito came to the area where the finished product was placed several times without any surprise.
A fully automatic trailer will drag the finished fire energy liquids here, and place them in buckets on a huge cradle. When they are full, the machine will be activated above the crater, These fires can pull up.
Jia Yan looked at the trailer, and he could perceive that the trailer also seemed to have simple detection capabilities.
He didn't dare to be distracted, but just sneaked into his cradle through one of his forefoot ...
Flutter ...
A huge finished barrel with a diameter of more than one meter was hooked by him quietly. Jia Yansheng was afraid that it would move and quickly released a brainwave power to control it in the air!
Because this requires a certain amount of brainwave power, so at this moment, he has released a lot of brainwave power!
Jia Yan quickly released energy and observed the star-level monster behind.
Fortunately, that guy seemed to be dead and didn't move at all.
The first bucket is at hand!
Jia Yanfu's eyes flashed brilliantly!
The body is concealed behind a building with a width of 50 to 60 meters. Jia Yan looked at the left and right, and then gently stabbed the top of the giant barrel with a sharp forefoot!
The energy is overflowing inside!
"Very good! This is the volcanic energy liquid that the Kutai Tanren gave me. Even they gave it, not as many as this bucket!" Jia Yanfu's eyes brightened.
Without much thought, time is precious!
Jia Yan raised his pin!
Penetrating into that hole.
It didn't take long for a subtle sucking sound to sound quietly in this quiet space.
Squeak ...
After a soft sound, it didn't take long before it disappeared again.
The sound of an empty bucket placed on the ground caused a sleeping monster in the night to scold the trailer robot. The monster continued to fall asleep afterwards.
The noise in the dark disappeared for a moment.
But it didn't take long for the dark place to make another squeak sound, and it rang through.
Grunt ...
After a while, there was another sound, ringing on the ground.
But this time it was definitely a lot smaller, as if the person making the sound was careful again.
Squeak ...
Squeak ... grunt.
There are more and more voices here, and they have become one!
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