Chapter 551: Collection point entrance [for subscription]

"Then what I want to do next is to screen these stops and pick out the worst ones, the least defensive ones, and the ones that are easy to leave Hong Kong!"
After thinking about this, the brilliance in Jia Yanfu's eyes was a bit more sensible.
"Master Jia Yan, are you satisfied with our port?"
"Very well, I'm satisfied. I'll choose you to stop here, but you know, I have some holidays with the Dragon Dragon Star, I hope your port will not be closed so that I can leave the port at any time, okay?"
"Yes, you can rest assured that our company fully supports you with the Tianlong Power Star. Although we can't refute them, this little thing can be done."
Within half a day, Jia Yan found a suitable stop. This company is not too big, but he belongs to a large company in Northern Starfield. Therefore, in terms of scale and strength, although the company here is Nothing but courage to fight against a dragon.
"I would also like to ask Master Jia Yan to make arrangements for you to introduce the adults of the Angel Camp to the company. Thank you very much."
"Good to say, I'll recommend it to you when the gathering is officially over."
After dealing with the other party's few words at random, Jia Yan excused the other party's invitation to dinner on the grounds that he wanted to prepare for the gathering.
Looking at the so-called inter-star company leader suddenly left, Jia Yan apologized and apologized to him.
Because of this incident, he must be troubled. This company may be implicated. At that time, he will see if they really have the energy as the leader said.
Jia Yan returned to the temporary stop of the starry sky and drove his spacecraft into the company's port.
He will select this company's port, which has been selected by several companies. The other companies have relatively complete security forces. There are also two companies, and even the security system is integrated with the city. As far as rock is concerned, it is not easy to escape.
This company's port looks dilapidated and very close to space. As long as Jia Yan destroys some of the isolation belts, he can break into space.
"Very good, but I'm sorry for this company. I can only say I'm sorry." Jia Yan felt a little sorry for the company that was cheerful and thought it was an angel camper.
The docking of the spacecraft was resolved, and Jia Yan got off the spacecraft in this barren port.
It is more correct to say that the port is a small artificial planet. The original idea was to build a temporary site where all forces can settle in, but gradually, it became a business center of the entire barren galaxy. And it's extremely prosperous.
"It is said that the port planet was originally composed of interstellar meteorite drawn from outer space. Later it gradually evolved to become what it is now."
Jia Yan was walking on the street and felt very surprised. If he hadn't known that the existence of this half-planet was an artificial artifact, how could he not believe that the ground under his feet was only small in the sky. Interstellar matter.
Jia Yan is very angry at the wisdom here. After all, this kind of change of the world makes the earth people hear it, it is just like science fiction, but the creatures here can do it.
"Of course, it is said that their collection here is just a simple combination. Every big company wants to obtain a site and build an area by itself. This practice is very ill for the residents of this starry sky, because in other stars In the field, the construction of semi-artificial planets is completely more advanced. And some are dead stars for combat! "
Jia Yan thought about the information he had seen. He was really astonished by this vast starfield. He originally thought that the interstellar civilization on the side of the fairy arm was extremely advanced, but compared with the creatures here, it looks like The two are the differences between heaven and earth.
"This galaxy is even called a barren galaxy. What the advanced galaxies will look like is really beyond imagination." Jia Yan was also extremely surprised by the title here. After all, what he saw here was only advanced and Civilization, but everyone said it was a barren land.
"Sir, come and take a look, it can promote a powerful nutrient solution. This is the only family, there is no semicolon."
"Looking at it, the starry sky has definitely evolved to the next level of potion, which is only sold by us in the sky and underground."
A hawker shouted.
Jia Yan looked at the hawkers in amazement. They intuitively told him that these things were completely fake, but these hawkers even dared to shout out the exaggerated effects, even cheating the star-level strong ones. Are they afraid to lose them? life?
However, seeing the patrol cars running around, Jia Yan was thoughtful.
On this artificial port planet, it seems that the only place where he can see that he is not civilized is the liar everywhere. Jia Yan went all the way and saw many similar fraud stalls. However, they are not expensive, and the buyers are mostly predominantly prefecture-level or sky-level powerhouses. For these powerhouses, similar items really have some effects.
Jia Yan's goal is not to watch the bustling planet of this port, but to observe the situation here and to formulate a future escape route.
And the point of observation is that ‘collection point’!
Jia Yan ’s docking city is actually the periphery of the area where the collection point is located. This is also normal. After all, it ’s impossible to stop here on the other side of this artificial planet, right?
Without going far, the front convenience is a huge building.
The size of this building is simply huge. Its size occupies about half of the entire city. From a distance, you can see how it looks. Even more frightening is that it goes straight to the sky, and you can see that its top penetrates directly into the clouds and enters space.
This is the meaning of the original construction of this artificial planet, and also the most precious thing of this planet so far-the entrance to the chaotic stone collection point!
If you look at it from space, then you can see that the population of this collection point on this planet is like a bridge leading to another place that looks like a planet not far from this planet.
There is faintly the size of the moon, but the entire surface is covered with metal, with countless defensive weapons, and countless fleets patrolling there.
And this planet is where the Chaos Stone is. And not all of the planets have chaotic stones. If there is such a large amount of chaotic stones, then this star field may not be what it is now, but even the surrounding empires will come to grab the chaotic stones.
However, even if the quantity is not large, the chaotic stone minerals here are enough to impress all the starry powerhouses.
For ordinary existence, if you want to enter the chaos stone mineral area, you can only enter the chaos stone minerals through the entrance of the collection point, which is the huge building in front of Jia Yan.
"This is the entrance? ..."
Jia Yan looked at the entrance in front of him, and a few bright eyes appeared in his compound eyes. For this, he knows that it is the place of his future life and death. If he can't fight together here, his mutation plan will be hindered, and even the future progress will be affected!
"But I also depend on the situation. For me, if the defense here is too strong and there is no gap at all, then I will not do it then, because life-saving is the most important ..."
Jia Yan looked at the building far away.
The building at the entrance, because the actual points are important, is directly isolated from the streets by five or six hundred meters. Looking at it from afar, the huge aisle is built like a terrible dragon that hangs in front of everyone, and it feels extremely stressful!
There are a lot of tourists here, because the place where the building leads to is the real reason for the development of this galaxy, and the meaning of this place is different for the residents of this starry sky. Some creatures have lived in barren galaxies for generations, and this collection point has always been an important place like Zhenshan, so you will want to come here for sightseeing.
Although Jia Yan is huge, there is nothing surprising among these tourists, and there are also some strong men who will enter the collection point tomorrow. Here, he cannot be suspected.
The only bad thing is that his image was transmitted too far. Often, some people recognized him, and a lot of creatures got around to ask for signatures.
"Jia Yan, meet again."
But Jin finally got rid of a bunch of creatures, and found a place of partiality. When he wanted to take a good look at the huge collection point in front of him, another sound passed into his ear, which made him a little uncomfortable.
The visitor is a stone giant monster that looks extremely huge.
"Well, it's you?" Jia Yan looked at each other in surprise.
"It's me. Why didn't you just forget me just after defeating me?" The stone giant smiled cheerfully.
Jia Yan remembers the opponent, a relatively powerful opponent he had previously defeated, but seeing him here at this moment, does the opponent lose their hatred and want to face their opponent here?
Jia Yan looked at the left and right without being moved, and did not see any other starry sky. There was nothing to be afraid of. For his strength, he knew that it was not as simple as the performance in the conference field before. If you can deal with him alone, Jia Yan will pay him a price.
"I haven't forgotten your Excellency, I don't know if you are looking for me, is there something wrong?" Jia Yan said lightly.
"No, I just came here to play, I didn't expect to see you, my opponent who was ashamed of me, so come over and say hello." The stone giant hummed.
"Oh, Your Excellency is here. If there is nothing, then I will leave first." Jia Yan wanted to leave with some depression, and finally found a good place, and then left.
"Don't worry, Jia Yan, I have never believed in your strength, so I want to ask you to try whether you are really that strong, or to say that you are only strong in the competition, the actual combat power is not at all So powerful? "
The stone giant flashed forward and came to Jia Yan's body, blocking him directly at the intersection.
This is the gap between the two buildings, and there are not many pedestrians outside. After all, this place is considered a semi-restricted area. There are no residents except those tourists. So even if some fighting happens here, it is not easy to be found.
Of course, star-level battles have too much influence. If Jia Yan fought with each other, it would not be a surprise that this block would be destroyed.
Jia Yan didn't want to do anything, but the other party seemed stupid and would not let him go.
"You two, if you want to fight, go to the battlefield or leave the planet, otherwise don't blame us for arresting you all."
Suddenly, a voice appeared above the heads of both.
The stone giant froze and looked up with Jia Yan.
Above them is a 200-meter-class battleship, and it is not an ordinary battleship. It looks like a customized model, and has an extremely terrifying atmosphere of destruction. There must be a star-level powerhouse.
It's not that Jia Yan cannot defeat this battleship, but as long as he dares to do it, the next battleships will be endless, even if there are more powerful people than Jia Yan's two existence levels. Until they are completely killed.
"Sir, we don't want to do anything, it's just a joke among friends." Jia Yanfu's eyes flashed, and he said so directly.
The existence in the battleship may not be as strong as his energy level, but at this moment he doesn't mind calling the other person an adult, so it is less likely that the other person will take care of him.
"Well, I'm sure you don't dare to mess around here, you know, we have three top ten here for a long time. Get out of here. It's far from here." The battleship issued a series of waves.
After that, he flew away regardless of Jia Yan and Shi Giant. It seems that after knowing such a threat, these two guys are absolutely afraid to continue to have trouble.
Sure enough, Jia Yan and the stone giant didn't do anything more.
"It's your luck. If I didn't meet you here, I'd flatten you elsewhere!" The stone giant hummed and went away.
"Wait, since we can't fight, we can be friends. Come, let's talk together. If we want to fight, it's a big deal. We'll meet again next time."
Jia Yan seemed to come forward to this stone giant without any worries. Laughing loudly.
"Uh. You guy, is that character? I feel more benzene than me." The stone giant was a little surprised.
"Haha, I did benzene, they all laughed at me. Come, let's go." Jia Yan laughed.
Not long after that, the two went a long way together. Although the stone giant is still full of hostility towards Jia Yan, but under the enthusiasm of Jia Yan, he slowly let go of it, to put it bluntly, the two are just some festivals on the ring, and that is just an ordinary ring battle. No grudges at all.
"Oh, you know that the defenses here are very strict?" An hour later, Jia Yan and he reached a more hidden place on the side of the road, looking at the tall buildings in the distance, he asked with a pretense of surprise.
"Of course I know. I already knew that a strong defensive spaceship would come to stop our fight. Haha, I just want to scare you." The stone giant Shuanglang laughed.
"Oh, I don't mind at all, so do you know what precautions will be taken at the collection point? I will enter tomorrow, a little nervous." Jia Yan continued to ask.
"You're asking the right person. I happened to go in the last session. At this collection point, there are usually three powerful men sitting in the town, three of the top ten are taking turns, and this time the three are strong. As far as I know, it is the strongest among the dragons, and the fourth among the top ten, the master Xingwu, and the seventh-ranked Yueqing adult of the water drop clan. And the ninth Pai Lan adults. I don't know the strength of these adults, but I have personally seen the adults of the top ten shot ...
Speaking of which, the giant stone appeared a look of fear.
"It was really shocking at the time, and I was scared to death." He said a little later.
Jia Yan didn't know how terrible the specifics he described, but he was able to call himself a strong man who had fought against him, and he was so frightened. The top ten's strength was definitely at a shocking level.
He couldn't help worrying about tomorrow's actions.
"Not only these three strong men, but also the remaining high-ranking star-level strong men, are all very powerful people. They have been here for several years. At least this little starry night dare not dare to make an idea here. By the way, there are also crises in the collection channel, and the power of some traps can even threaten the existence of the top ten. "
"It's so terrible ..." Jia Yan was a little stunned and had a slight reaction to the stone giant's words.
However, for tomorrow's action, he was well prepared for it, and even participated in the so-called gathering contest. If he retreats here, then the previous women's efforts will be wasted.
Cao Cao chatted with the stone giant a few words, and the two separated.
For them, it is still not easy to fight between strong players at this level. After all, the star-level destructive power is too strong. The stone giant actively speaks to Jia Yan, which is not necessarily to find fault, but For Jia Yan, would you like to resolve your grievances?
"Well, come back to the spaceship tonight and prepare for it. For me, I will take care of everything tomorrow. If nothing can be done, there is nothing to give up."
Jia Yan walked towards the company port where the spacecraft was located.
Thinking so, his communicator in this star field rang.
"Jia Yan, our leader wants to ask you, will you enter with us tomorrow, or will we give you a pass, do you enter by yourself?" There is a scale monster over the communicator. With a touch of anticipation.
"Give me your pass directly. I'll go in myself." Jia Yan said without thinking.
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