Chapter 606: Magic Valley [Second more]

Sure enough, Jia Yan guessed nothing wrong. When the chaos fruit brought Jia Yan here, I saw that the gray ore controlled by his brain wave power actually radiated a more intense light, it seemed to follow the front The look of his companions echoed.
The whole valley is full of breath that attracts Jia Yan!
And the chaos effect is not strange to the scene that the whole valley is shining, he looked at Jia Yan at the back and called again, and then led Jia Yan forward without much emotional change.
When Jia Yan also made a similar step forward, a small team of chaotic fruits hidden outside the valley turned down the fear of the mosquito's horror and rushed out.
As for the strength of Jia Yan, these chaotic fruits are fully understood. As a resident of this planet, he absolutely understands the strength of the strong. Although Jia Yan has never seen it before, his strength is definitely stronger than the average planet. Demon monsters, they also fear in their hearts, but at this moment they are ordered to guard this holy land of chaos, but they have no retreat!
"Quack!" There were a dozen chaos fruit monsters rushing out. Their horns were so anxious, pointing at the chaos fruit that led Jia Yan, yelling constantly, seeming to blame him. Bring Jia Yan to their territory.
And the chaos fruit that led Jia Yan also yelled, pointing at the chaos fruit under Jia Yan's control to constantly distinguish what it looks like.
However, his explanation is unpopular. Even if Jia Yan does not understand the language between these chaotic fruits, he also understands that this approach is wrong. He leads an outside strong person into the territory of his ethnic group. This chaos fruit will definitely be blamed for the obvious 'leading party'!
But embarrassingly, what Jia Yan himself is doing is the bad guy role that drives the other side to lead the way. It is estimated that it is indispensable to be treated as a demon by this group.
Of course he doesn't care, as long as he can achieve his goal, Jia Yan can do whatever he can!
"Quack!" Seeing that he couldn't communicate with the partner who led the way, a chaos fruit attacked directly.
The chaos that led Jia Yan, although the strength is also heaven, but he lost the gray piece of head before, his strength has greatly regressed, plus he is not like a chaos in combat, even more so now May resist yourself, dozens of similar combatants!
The chaos was ready to die, and a single horn of the same kind had already rushed in front of him. If he didn't avoid it, he would be struck to death directly!
But before that, an extremely fast black shadow blocked him in time!
The attacking chaos only felt that his attack was blocked by an unshakable terror. His body felt an extremely powerful reaction force. Suddenly, his body was backed by the shock. Five or six steps!
It turned out that the black object that flew by was actually a forefoot of Jia Yan.
To be honest, Jia Yan doesn't need to protect the chaotic fruit, but he is not that kind of existence. Even if it is for his own benefit, he can kill wildly, but if the other party does not threaten himself, he will also show a talking Strong side.
"Hou roar!" The fighting chaos in the rear, one by one, like terrifying creatures from the outside world, issued terrible sounds and slammed together towards Jia Yan.
The chaotic fruit protected by Jia Yan was asking for forgiveness toward Jia Yan, and kept quaking. Presumably he's begging for his kind.
Jia Yanfu's eyes flickered slightly.
Later, after listening only to a series of ‘中’ sounds in the dark, one chaotic fruit without any possible blocking was slammed aside by Jia Yan ’s forefoot.
Jia Yan has left his hand, these chaos fruits can not afford to fall to the ground, but not much injury.
"Quack." The chaos that led the way looked at the chaos squad that had not been killed or injured, and gave a grateful cry to Jia Yan.
He then led Jia Yan to move forward.
The chaos in the rear was unable to move, and he could only watch the big mosquito take indifferent steps and slowly move forward into the valley.
This is a valley about 50 kilometers in size, with chaos in the valley patrolling.
Leading Jia Yan's Chaos Fruit carefully bypassed similar teams. He was not worried about his own safety, but he was worried about the safety of the Chaos Fruit team. To know the monster behind him, he had seen it firsthand and could compete in a short time. There is a three-headed monster of the honorable class outside. Even more than once escaped from that horrible existence.
It can be seen that the strength of this monster is irresistible to their Chaoguo clan.
Of course, the official name of the Chaos Fruit family cannot be Chaos Fruit, but at this moment, they cannot communicate. Naturally, they call them by this name.
Besides, Jia Yan didn't want to communicate or anything. After all, he just came to collect the gray luminous stones.
The chaos that led the way was probably familiar with the valley, and led Jia Yan, who was huge in size, all the way forward softly, but he was not noticed by the chaos.
Jia Yan saw that he did not want to be noticed by other chaos, and of course cooperated with caution and did not make a sound. If he wanted to use his brainpower, even if he passed under the chaos of the chaos, he might not be able to detect it.
But Jia Yan also knows that no matter how good the retreat is now, it is necessary to face the counterattack of this chaotic fruit family later, after all, his action is not a small gesture.
"This valley ... it seems weird to me!"
While Jia Yan followed, he looked around. His compound eyes were a little surprised.
Because in his compound eyes, the shape of this valley is reflected, although the size reaches 50 kilometers, but the overall appearance of this valley, in Jia Yan's view, does not look like a naturally formed shape!
It's like ... this whole so-called valley looks like a monster!
"It's impossible. How could there be a huge monster under the sky, 50 kilometers in size? It's almost the same as an asteroid, can a star monster be so huge, right? Besides, I don't feel the slightest anger, I guess It just happened to resemble a creature's shape! "Jia Yan was ridiculous of his cranky thoughts. He has never seen a star-rated monster. Will he encounter one here casually? Not to mention this is simply a valley that won't move.
This huge valley covering an area of ​​50 kilometers does have some similar creatures.
But at this moment, this is like a valley on which a monster lies, and the forefoot part is completely hollowed out. It must be a masterpiece of the Chaos Fruit race that has not been known for many years!
Both figures avoided several waves of chaos and came to a small mine.
"Quack!" The chaotic fruit yelled at Jia Yan, then drilled into the interior along the entrance of the mine.
Jia Yan comprehended what he meant, and led the injured chaos into it.
When Jia Yan entered the inside of the mine, Compound Eye was suddenly illuminated by the bright light in front of him!
In the entire area of ​​the cave, there are actually pieces of gray light stones that emit light. This kind of stone has not been excavated, and it is embedded in the cave walls one by one.
"It's so much!" Jia Yanfu's eyes were covered with gray light stones. The stones seemed to him to be very attractive substances, and each one might help his future mutations. Great benefit!
"Quack!" The chaotic fruit that led Jia Yan came over. At this moment, some sorrows looked at Jia Yan, and his eyes flew from time to time on the unconscious partner, showing an anxious expression.
"You want me to give him to you?" Jia Yan immediately understood the other party's thoughts.
After thinking about it, he surrendered the fainting chaos fruit. He didn't think that the other party could escape under his eyelids.
And when the chaos fruit that had lost half of its body came to the partner, the chaos fruit that led the way was very giggle.
He used his forefoot to gently push his unconscious companion.
"Huh?" Jia Yan was about to collect the inlaid gray light stones, and then his eyes moved slightly.
I saw the unconscious chaos over there, pushed by a companion onto an exposed gray light stone.
Then a wonderful scene happened!
Puff puff!
The light stone below the coma and chaos gradually faded from color, and the brightness of his surface gradually lost.
And that chaos actually flew so fast in a short time, almost as fast as rebirth, and actually repaired the body quickly!
"It turns out that the self-healing ability of Chaos Fruit is so much more abnormal than me! But it seems that they can only be repaired with this kind of gray light stone." Jia Yan became more and more surprised.
There are many kinds of creatures in the universe. He has known for a long time that there are associated species next to some powerful substances. Some of these species are ordinary creatures. They have survived countless generations beside special minerals, and gradually become more like minerals Symbiotic relationships, some of which are like evolutionary beasts, rely on minerals to survive. There are often many truths.
It seems this chaotic fruit is one of them!
And the chaotic fruit that led Jia Yan down to this space, seeing his partner gradually recovered, there was a sigh of relief, and then his duck's mouth moved around and came to a glowing gray light stone, which actually opened Big mouth, swallowed it whole!
His physical strength suddenly increased rapidly in an instant, and almost immediately restored to the state before Jia Yan saw him, and did not spit out the gray light stone.
"It's amazing!" Jia Yan stared at this scene with a stunned expression, sighing about the size of the universe. There are really strange things.
However, he did not forget his vision, at this moment the eight feet moved, digging towards the surrounding gray ore!
"It's really hard!" After a while, Jia Yan was a little surprised.
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