Chapter 662: Division [Second More]

In space, more than a thousand battleships shined with attacking light.
The two hundred or so warships on the other side seemed to be inadequately prepared, and their operations and personnel were obviously extremely chaotic. With the gap between the number and command being too large, there was almost no resistance.
"Sir, the other side has posted a surrender newsletter!"
"Okay! We accept surrender, while accounting for our losses."
The giant mosquito fleet that received the dragon exiled soldiers of Tai Ya Kingdom has a great increase in combat power. This battle did not use Kama's superior tactics at all, but it won simply, even Jia Yan could not help in the camp-level spaceship. I took out the battle screen video and looked at it in astonishment.
In this battle, the entire fleet actually had more reasonable tactics and layout than before. It can be seen that the emergence of Nafinil has helped Kama a lot.
In the course of dealing with more than two hundred warships, the fleet did not show much damage. Finally, according to the statistics of Jia Yan, only five warships suffered damage to varying degrees, and there was no danger of unusability.
It was a great victory for us to win this battle without any damage.
The response from the Asian countries was not unexpected. They released the inhumane of the giant mosquito fleet in the media. They attacked their fleet within minutes of the declaration of war, and they still attacked the warships that have not yet entered the organization. , Extremely shameful.
However, their attitude did not affect the celebrations of the Giant Mosquito Fleet. You must know that this is the first battle against the Tai Asian country. Although there are suspected attacks and dangers, many soldiers who were exiled in Tai Asia said that This is how our tribe laid down the nation of Tai Asia, and now they do so, but they only govern their own way.
Presumably there are huge festivals on both sides.
Jia Yan did not attend the celebration party, because he also felt that this battle was not worth celebrating, after all, it was not a real battle.
Fortunately, the results of the battle were still very generous. Of the two hundred new warships, more than 70 fell into the hands of the giant mosquito fleet, and among the remaining damaged warships, there were more than 50 slightly repaired. It can be reused. Of course, performance cannot be guaranteed.
"Master Jia Yan, my suggestion is to seize some strategic points before the response from Tai Asia.
Jia Yan thought that the Second Kama Girl Association would have a celebratory banquet for a period of time. However, they did not expect that the two of them had just won within two hours and came to Jia Yan together.
"Strategic location?" Jia Yan looked at the second daughter with surprise.
"Yes, I discussed with Kama. Our disadvantages are logistics and maintenance problems. This problem could not have been resolved momentarily. But there is an easy solution to this problem. It is to quickly occupy one or two. An important enemy stronghold, there must be a lot of resources there, and the people of the Asian nations have already tended to Kama. As long as they occupy some of the former Asian kingdoms, our problems will be solved. "
Fendili took out her own brain and pointed to the territory of the country of Taiya.
Jia Yan thought about it, this is indeed a good idea. After all, it is not easy for the giant mosquito fleet to supply from the outside, and its international reputation seems to be a little bad. They want to get some resources, and the price they need to pay is very large!
If we can get some important resources in the region, we can alleviate this situation to a great extent.
"But isn't Tai Asia a small country with only one planet? ..." Jia Yan asked strangely.
"Er ... it seems that the understanding of Taiya is really lacking." Kama and Fendili looked at each other, and it seemed that they realized how much Jia Yan paid little attention to their motherland. This kind of basic information is not seen.
Under her explanation, Jia Yan was somewhat shocked to learn that Jia Yan's understanding of this so-called small country is really a bit too low.
It turns out that the so-called planetary territories of the State of Tai Asia are only marked on the northern star field internationally. In fact, there are three planets in this country, except for the Taiya star, and the other two are just around the standard line of the 'Planet' set by the northern star domain, and the Northern Star Alliance will then They are listed as second-class planets, but in fact, their role is not much different from that of the planet, because their existence has greatly enlarged the area of ​​the star domain occupied by the entire country of Tai Asia. Almost half a light year.
In these half light years, there are more large interstellar materials one by one, plus medium-sized and small interstellar materials just enough to inhabit, it is even more numerous.
"There are so many large interstellar materials that we can attack first, of course, there are also some medium-sized interstellar materials that can also attack, but the effect is not great."
Fendili pointed to the light spots on the light screen and listed them one by one.
It turned out that there were more than 80 habitable resource points of large interstellar material in the territory that surrounded the whole country of Tai Asia. Among them, there are more than ten super large-scale ones. If Jia Yan is seen, almost all the stars are about the size of the moon, which is simply a planet!
"It turned out that the entire country of Tai Asia is such a large country. This is still a small country. In this northern star domain, the definition of a big country is still beyond my imagination."
Jia Yan looked at the light spots in the light screen, one by one, with some emotion in his heart.
"Huh? Is there a research star city here?"
When Jia Yan's gaze fell on a large star located on the edge of the country, his gaze stunned. It turned out that a sample of an institute was marked on this large star.
"Here? Yes, on this planet, there is one of the top ten scientific research institutes in Taiya, but here on the border, you are also engaged in the study of cosmology. Are adults interested here? Not bad, it is the ninth largest planet in Tai Asia, and the resources are also abundant. "Fendili was obviously better at geography than Kama, and she directly said the information of this star.
"Cosmology? Well, the first goal is here!" Jia Yan ordered directly.
"Okay! Then we will use this place as the first target!"
The northern star field, as a star field with frequent wars, there are few wars in the entire star field, which can attract wide attention in the star field.
But this time, a force called the Giant Mosquito Fleet actually attracted a lot of attention. This is not only this force, it is actually trying to capture a country, but also because this force is involved in the past of that country. All these, coupled with the fact that he is still a force from outside, make this giant mosquito fleet topical.
Of course, many forces are extremely resistant to the giant mosquito fleet's involvement in the internal affairs of the northern star domain. Even if the princess of Taiya Country appears several times, it means that the giant mosquito fleet was only hired by her and became a part of her reunification The army is gone, but there are still many forces, and there is great hostility to the giant mosquito fleet.
The giant mosquito fleet seems to do its own thing, but almost all the forces around it have inconsistent ideas, that is, when the giant mosquito fleet is sealed off in logistics resources, this fleet without logistics at all is actually moving towards the Within the borders of Asia, go straight and go!
"Yes, our fleet ’s actions in the country of Tai Asia are easy to be grasped by the other party. After all, our number is too small, but if we follow the way of star theft, then they have no way to take us. . Plus some of my relationship and popularity with Kama in Taiya, even if we split up, we will be greatly helped! "
As the fleet marched, Fendili found Jia Yan and discussed with the fleet how to proceed in the future.
"You're right, but I also want to ask, this fleet is already scarce. If you divide your troops again, then you will be sure of victory if you meet the other fleet? Or, do you have any special method?"
Jia Yan didn't have much trust in the Fendili in front of her. Just as Kama took a lot of time to get Jia Yan's trust at the moment, he didn't believe the Bella woman at the moment.
If it weren't for Jia Yan's control of the giant mosquito fleet itself, it would be impossible for this woman to easily gain command of the fleet at this moment, and even to a certain extent, it is more powerful than Kama's power. .
"Sir, you are right, but for me and Kama, this idea of ​​division is only good and not harmful. The reputation of me and Kama is still a bit in the country of Tai Asia. It can take more effective control of the powers of Taiya's domestic trust. Then we can only attack the Taiya country faster! "Fendili said patiently to Jia Yan.
"I hope you don't have some other ideas." Jia Yan looked at her with some savvy eyes. "You have been in contact with me for some time. You should know that I don't think much about power, but it doesn't mean I like someone Betray me, if you do this, you know my strength, even if I kill the capital of Tai Asia, I will not let you live. "
"I see ..." Fendili seemed to be slightly shaken by the momentum revealed by Jia Yan, and then she took a deep breath, even if she was a powerful star powerman, but she could approach the Lord infinitely in Jia Yan. Level, but also has the power to kill the enemy in front of the strong, still have some incompetence.
"I'm not going to do something that you are unhappy about, Lord. You have to understand, I just want to return the motherland to the hands of the Bella people."
On this day, the giant mosquito fleet with scarce battleships actually had two troops. One was led by Jia Yan and Kama, and went to the star where the research institute that Jia Yan wanted to occupy. Fendili led the warship of less than three hundred ships, called the Giant Mosquito Fleet, and went in the other direction.
"Kama, please forgive me for what I did. Jia Yan's strength is too strong, I must need some means to deal with him."
When the fleet was separated, Fendili looked at the fleet of the Giant Mosquito fleet away. She had some perseverance in her eyes, but she was still resolute!
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