Chapter 183: Human Dawn Project

All humans who were selected to enter the Sugon warehouse were the best talents selected at the time.They not only possessed super high command and technology, but also possessed IQs and persistence that are unimaginable to ordinary people. They understand that they are lying in What is the moment of Shuguangcang, because they may wake up in the future and become the real dawn of humanity, or they may die directly in Shuguangcang. Of course, they are more likely to be dug out after ten million years and see new Humans.
And all this was just a conjecture at first, because no one can be sure, they will wake up after thousands of years, and the moment they really lay in the dawning warehouse, although they looked forward to waking up, they understood better that they were May not wake up.
The people who participated in the selection at that time were the best talents in the entire country. They even signed a life and death agreement before entering Shuguangcang. They have already set aside life and death. Their excellence is not only their personal abilities, but also their Longing for the future, and looking forward to the future.
In fact, according to the laws of world evolution at the time, they smart people have long been able to analyze through some data. The weakness of human beings in evolution is smaller and harder than those of animals and plants. The poor one, so after tens of millions of data analysis, the final result is still the destruction of humanity.
It's like the result given by the hope created by Xiao Qingrong.
At that time, I hoped that the result would be that human beings would become extinct within a hundred years.
The entire earth is evolving, just like the evolution of the earth thousands of years ago. The dinosaurs who stepped on the entire earth under their feet were so huge and terrible, but after millions of years, they were also consumed by time. Human beings are the same. Even if they are so big, they stand at the pinnacle of this world, but the end result can only be extinction.
The earth is fair and naturally fair. The survival of the fittest is always an invariable law. When civilization reaches a certain level, it is bound to be extinct.
The awakening 3,000 people at this time looked at Xiao Qingrong with fierce eyes, and Xiao Qingrong arranged to distribute the Star Network registrar he made to everyone, and then opened the screen to explain the situation of the three countries today. .
"Now I only awaken you people, and there are 2,000 others in another place, and I will arrange to wake them up. In addition, those outsiders at that time seemed to have been attacked, and some rescue capsules have been affected. If you open it, there may have been problems with the people inside, but there is still a part that has not been opened. I will also find it back. All we need to do is to re-establish the empire belonging to humanity. This time, I think everyone has already done it. Get ready for a new mission! "
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