Chapter 172: The slandered policeman

The police investigated the driver Fang Weikang at the fastest speed, and then made a phone call. Fang Weikang at the other end was shocked when he received the call.
"Comrade police, I am outside now, and Pearl City! I have been working in Pearl City since last year, and I have never been home ..."
The police found out that although Fang Weikang ’s mobile phone number is local, the person is actually in Pearl City. Big data can prove that Fang Weikang is still in the field now, and most importantly, he is a foreigner, his parents, wives and children are outside the country. Yes, if it is committed, it is impossible. The main thing is that after the investigation of the other party ’s personal information, Fang Weikang found that he has two children, but these two are girls! It simply does not meet the speculation of the murderer!
"Fang Weikang doesn't seem to be the murderer. His family's situation has always been okay. Although he lost money at that time, he didn't pay much. Even the two daughters in the family are fine. The eldest daughter has already gone to college. The sixth grade is simply not in line with the profile of the murderer. "
Shao Yang frowned, feeling that this case was even more strange. It was obviously related to the truck overturning case, but how did he find that he was not the murderer after finding the driver? Fang Weikang's family is healthy, and nothing has happened, and his age is not right. Is this the murderer's release?
"Team Shao! All the information from the school has been investigated! You can see that in May, we had only four students who dropped out of high school in Fengyang County. All the information is here."
The police who came back from the school investigation sent the latest news. Shao Yang got the information of the four children who dropped out. One girl and three boys, one of them can be excluded, and the rest are three boys.
"We have already contacted the principal. The girl was transferred to another country and the school status was transferred. The other two boys dropped out of school directly. This is Zhang Bin, who transferred from Shuiheng High School to another high school, but The teacher said that the child was ill, the parents took leave, and went through the formalities of suspension. "
Xiao Qingrong suddenly stepped forward, took this Bin information, and then looked up.
"During the police's interrogation of Fang Weikang, did you ask the boss who shipped the goods at that time? Is the boss surnamed Zhang?"
Such sensitive information made Ge Yunxing stunned for a moment, then nodded.
"It's Zhang."
Everyone was silent for a moment, and everyone had a result in their hearts at that time. The chickens in that car were robbed. Although the driver was greatly hit, the actual loss was the highest. It should be the owner of the chicken. !
"Team Shao, can I call Fang Weikang?"
Fang Weikang can't come back in a short time now, so any interrogation can only be asked from the phone. Shao Yang nodded. The police on the side soon handed over Fang Weikang's contact information, and Xiao Qingrong called him directly.
It seems that because of the previous police account, Fang Weikang's mobile phone was quickly answered.
"Hello, Mr. Fang Weikang, this is Xiao Qingrong of the Criminal Investigation Team of Fengyang County Public Security Bureau. I have something to ask you about a case."
Fang Weikang naturally said on the phone that he knew what he would say.
"When the truck (fafa) had a car accident three years ago, were you alone in the car?"
This matter is very important. In the past, the reporter only said that the driver rolled over the car, but everyone did not notice whether the bosses of these chickens were also on the scene.
"That's definitely not possible. I was with the boss at the time. In fact, this boss was doing this for the first time. He had a hard time raising chickens, and finally found a new sales channel. We will work together. The chicken luck passed, in fact, the person who drove through Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village was not me, but my boss at the time. The two of us came from other places, and we drove for each other. The result was that according to Tianning Village and The people in Shangzhuang Village are not humans. They secretly put stones on the road before they left the car directly, and let the car turn over directly on the ground, the car fell, the cage was broken, and the chicken fell to the ground, everywhere Run, the people in those villages hurried over to grab these chickens. When my boss and I were out of the car at that time, our heads were still ignorant. We couldn't stop them at all. We could only watch those people the chickens away ... "
Speaking of this matter, Fang Weikang sighed, and it was a bit uncomfortable. After that incident, he stopped driving. Instead, he went to work in Mingzhu City alone, but his life was still over. Row.
"Really? What was the name of your boss at that time? Do you still have contact later? After (fafa) had such a thing, what happened to your boss later?"
The media only reported that the truck was overturned, but there was no follow-up report afterwards. Naturally, all the losses can only be borne by the boss. At this time, Xiao Qingrong drove the hands-free, everyone listened to Fang Weikang, and then gave Fang Weikang to The outgoing news is recorded.
"Of course I remember! It was the last time I drove a big car. The people were so cruel. I had never met those people before. I was okay in the car accident three years ago, but boss Zhang originally borrowed money to breed , Signed the agreement, and later added the compensation, and owed a lot of money directly. Boss Zhang is called Zhang Yichang. He is a really benevolent man. When the car was overturned, the chickens were gone. I really felt guilty and thought that Boss Zhang will let me lose money, but I did n’t expect Boss Zhang to pay me the salary, nor did he say anything about compensation. He said it was his own problem. I still remember what Boss Zhang looked like at the time. He is a good person, just this In society, there is nothing good for good people. If God really has long eyes, he should get the person who took boss Zhang's things to death! Boss Zhang is pitiful ... "
The policeman on the side quickly recorded all this, restored the scene at that time, and analyzed the personal situation of Zhang Yichang, Xiao Qingrong continued to ask.
"Three years ago, a reporter interviewed you. Do you remember? Did something happen later?"
Xiao Qingrong continued to ask, all these revenge must be related, if not, why did the reporter's son become the target of revenge? All this must be investigated clearly.
People always remember some bad things. Even if they dream back at midnight, they still remember clearly. Fang Weikang sighed and continued.
"Can I remember? Poor boss Zhang, at that time all the goods were in the car, did you know how much money that car? There are more than 300,000, the chicken is not an ordinary chicken, it is a good reed Chickens, breeding takes only half a year, and it is completely different from those that can be grown in two months (meat rou). A batch can only be released in half a year. After the car fell, all the chickens were given by the villagers on the roadside. I snatched it. Later, when I was awake with boss Zhang, boss Zhang almost knelt down on the ground and begged them not to take the chicken away, but I did n’t expect that the villagers even took the shovel and hit boss Zhang directly. It broke ... Later, boss Zhang went to the small clinic to deal with it, and I got a reporter. I thought that if the reporter could recover some losses after the interview, but the reporter was interviewed, but just asked me how the car fell, and then Knowing that our chicken was taken away, there was no follow-up ... "
Even if I think about these things now, everything is still vivid. Fang Weikang only felt that his eyes were a little red. He didn't know what happened to boss Zhang after he left, and he dared not contact boss Zhang these years.
"Have that reporter ever seen your boss? Has she offended your boss?"
Xiao Qingrong continued to ask. The police officers from the side of the intelligence department have quickly investigated Zhang Yichang's personal information. I believe that after this call, Zhang Yichang's current address can be found.
"It should not be so. I was interviewed at the time, and our boss was injured. Later, this thing was gone, and I never drove a big car again. I didn't contact my boss. Comrade police, in the end is (fa fa) What happened? "
It is impossible for the police to tell Fang Weikang about the circumstances of the case from the beginning, so Fang Weikang has received so many cross-examinations and has no idea what happened.
"It's okay, just ask, thank you. Please keep the phone open afterwards. Our police will ask you questions."
Fang Weikang naturally said that he would keep the phone open, and finally the phone was hung up.
When the phone was hung up, everyone was contemplating, because everyone didn't think that the original reason was actually this thing. Zhang Yichang went bankrupt because of the looting of villagers in Tianning Village and Shangzhuang Village, and then it seems that his family moved, son After being bullied, and then a series of such things appeared, only then would such terrible things be done ...
"Team Shao, it has been found. Zhang Yichang is now a taxi driver in our Fengyang County. Her wife works in a supermarket and manages (meat rou) seafood, and his son is Zhang who dropped out of school. Bin, according to the teacher, after transferring to another school, Zhang Bin went to school for a few days, and then his parents came to ask the teacher for a long leave from school, saying that his son was sick, probably at the end of May, until now It ’s been almost half a year, in addition ... Zhang Yichang ’s father, Zhang Demiao, is now working as a guard at Fengyang High School and was hired two years ago. "
The police of the Ministry of Intelligence spoke out all the information that has now been investigated. It can be said that when the identity of the murderer emerged, all the clues were finally involved.
No wonder, no one's disappearance can be avoided by surveillance, quietly!
It turned out to be because of a taxi! ! ! After a person gets in a taxi, as long as the driver hides it, it is actually very difficult to find. If a person wants to commit crimes, the taxi is also a very good hidden car.
There is also supermarket work, (meat rou) seafood, which proves that Zhang Yichang's wife will use a knife, and it is easy to get things like ice cubes, then the body will be frozen and the result will be.
In the end ... Xiao Qingrong remembered that when he asked the guard to ask the student to ask for leave, the other party's appearance was unexpected, and the ring was actually on the other party.
Yeah, who knows the structure of a school better than a guard?
"Now Zhang Yichang's husband and wife already have enough (motivated Fan) crime motives! Xing Yuanxin, you lead the team to catch Zhang Yichang's wife Wang Hongye! Xiao Qingrong, you take two people to Fengyang High School to catch Zhang Demiao! ) The suspect Zhang Yichang, I and Captain Ge personally went to arrest! "
This case has gradually become clearer and clearer, and the criminal suspect (Fan) has been almost confirmed. Everyone immediately took action. Everyone has photos of the criminal suspect (Fan) in their mobile phones, and strives to take the fastest time to ( Suspect Fan) arrested!
Xiao Qingrong knew that Zhang Demiao had always been at school, so he took people directly to Fengyang High School.
Xing Yuanxin went straight to the supermarket where Zhang Yichang's wife Wang Hongye was located, and Shao Yang and Ge Yunxing contacted the taxi company, only to realize that Zhang Yichang did not leave the car today, so their destination is Zhang Yichang's home!
Thinking of another hostage in Zhang Yichang's home, the police's actions were even more rapid, hoping to be alive when he arrived at the scene!
In a room with a somewhat scented smell, a child ’s mouth was plugged, and the fear (exposed) in his eyes was about to drive himself crazy. At this time, he was tied to a chair, and there was a pool of water stains below And in front of him, there was a table with a girl ’s head on it. The head seemed to have just been taken out of the place with ice and had melted, leaving blood and red stains everywhere on the table Water, the pair of lifeless eyes were staring at Gao Yanlu, scaring the boy directly, and then wanted to close the eyes, but closing the eyes felt more horrible, and could only be forced to open the eyes, The whole body was shaking.
A man was sitting next to him, eating very calmly, and he seemed not to care about this terrible head, but he was confident to appreciate the boy's terrified eyes ...
Xiao Qingrong rushed to Fengyang High School. At the door, the glass window was opened in the doorman's cubicle. Zhang Demiao also smiled and talked to Xiao Qingrong.
"Police officer, came to the school to investigate again? How is the case investigated?"
He didn't seem to care about this matter, and he was still joking, and Xiao Qingrong nodded.
"There has been some progress, and we are going to school."
The two police officers on the side were already vigilant, and (Mo) touched the gun behind them. This time the case was really cruel, so the police station was equipped with guns, and everyone stayed vigilant.
Zhang Demiao was calm and laughed.
"OK", I will open the door immediately. "
He pressed the switch, and the door of Fengyang High School opened immediately. The three policemen walked in and saw that the door of the guard house was closed. The two policemen looked at each other and then looked at Xiao Qingrong, waiting for Xiao Qingrong to command.
Xiao Qingrong entered the school, then walked to the door of the guard house and knocked on the doorway.
"Zhang Demiao, open the door."
He shouted Zhang Demiao's name directly and reminded the other party that the police had known all the news. This made the two policemen on the side a little stranger and more vigilant about what they wanted to say, but still obeyed the order.
There was silence in the door, and then less than a minute later, the door was really opened, and the warm hot air was blowing out. In the first second of Zhang Demiao's appearance, the two policemen rushed directly to subdue Zhang Demiao.
The old man also wore a comfortable sweater and was handcuffed on his hands.
"Zhang Demiao, our bureau now suspects that you are related to a (killing sha) case. Please follow me back to the bureau to investigate."
Xiao Qingrong's eyes fell on the old man. The old man's eyes had a solution (tuo), a relief, but there was no fear or regret.
He did not speak or resist, and was then taken directly into the police car by Xiao Qingrong.
At the same time, in the Jiajiale supermarket in Fengyang County, Xing Yuanxin took two police officers to the supermarket. All three were wearing plain clothes. They did not want the surrounding people to discover the situation. , Sure enough, she found a slightly fat woman. She was wearing a supermarket apron and was calling her customers (meat rou). She still had a smile on her face. She looked like an ordinary woman. Be gentle and kind.
But who can know that this woman will have such a big relationship with a (killing sha) human body crushing case?
Xing Yuanxin walked over to the handcuffs. When the other party had not responded, a handcuff was already put on her hand. At this time, Wang Hongye looked down, saw the silver (color) handcuffs, and then eyed A flash of light looked up to Xing Yuanxin.
"I am a police officer, and I suspect that you are related to a (killing sha) case. Please come back to the Bureau and investigate!"
He took out his police card, Wang Hongye did not resist, and took the other hand over, Xing Yuanxin locked the handcuffs, then a policeman took out his clothes to cover the handcuffs, four people walked outside the supermarket Go, and also took a leave with the supermarket owner by the way, everything is so normal.
Wang Hongye also said that Xing Yuanxin was a relative in her family. There was something to find her, and there was no panic and fear of being caught.
Such a suspect who did not resist made Xing Yuanxin not know what to say. He thought of the affection he had investigated, sympathizing with the family, and not knowing what to say.
Man, if it was n’t forced to look like that, how could it be a crime?
Two arrested here very well, but added Ge Cloud Star Shaoyang and two people with five or six people came to Zhang Yichang of the house, this place was Zhang Yichang to buy a house, although the area is not small, very remote location, only one layer , is said to have a basement.
Explosion police wearing uniforms waited at their sides, after the eye, one of which went to knock on the door.
Zhang Yichang heard the sound of the door, walked over.
"who is it?"
But the voice belongs to Zhang Yichang from the inside out, everyone is wary police, the neighbor called over this open road.
"Yoshimasa ah, you did not eat ah? My family did braised (meat rou), thinking to send you something."
This neighbor has also been with Zhang Yichang for two years. In fact, he has a good relationship with Zhang Yichang ’s wife, Wang Hongye (Guan Guan). In the past, I thought that Zhang Yichang ’s husband and wife were getting along very well. when do the dishes will be sent over.
Upon hearing this, Zhang Yichang paused, then took out a cell phone.
"Wait a minute, my family some chaos, wait a minute you open the door."
He then called his wife's phone directly, Xu Jiumei was answered, which makes Zhang Yichang reach out and hung up the phone, then went to Gao law here, pick up the dagger on the table, then cut the rope tied Gao law, then direct seize Gao law, will stand in front of their own people, went to the door.
The police is very vigilant on the outside, Zhang Yichang is held out his hand and opened the door.
Crash, bang, the door is open sound, almost immediately, the police will immediately neighbor pulled aside, just about Chuaimen, saw Zhang Yichang pulling Gao law's arm, a sharp knife to put Gao law neck, as if ready to cut off general.
"Do not move! Do not move gave me!"
Zhang Yichang to see these police, completely unexpected, his face still with a bit insolent smile, raised his voice.
Neighbor was taken aback, quickly hid behind the police, Ge cloud Shaoyang two stars and see the hostages alive, depending on the moment, as long as the hostages did not die on the line, at the same time, floating out from the house of a strange taste, more is for all heart startled.
"Zhang Yichang! You have done us the police have been thoroughly investigated! You are the best immediate release, without a fight!"
Ge Yun Zhang Yichang star holding a gun, opening, in fact, knew that such murderous Zhang Yichang (kill sha) prisoners, the end result is a natural death.
But there are hostages in the hands of Zhang Yichang, they are only able to relax Zhang Yichang vigilance.
"Release? You these useless police! Now investigating to me! Really stupid! See this kid yet? As long as my hands gently with a hammer, and he'll be before I (kill sha) of those who like to become a dead man, ha ha ha ha ha ha! "
He seems to have crazy, then gently holds a dagger in the neck Gao law underline a bloodstain, Gao law can be so treated, but only trembling, completely unaware of revolt and distress, a binocular which is full of fear and Chu fear, others have nothing!
"Zhang Yichang! Your father and your wife have been arrested! You do so is a last-ditch ......"
Zhang Yichang continues to attract the attention of the side of the police has been secretly approaching Zhang Yichang, in the eyes of Zhang Yichang star who also falls GE cloud when the next moment a policeman wearing clothes directly explosion rushed up, snatched Zhang Yichang his knife! Another policeman Gao law quickly pulled over! That very sharp knife, cut a small all of a sudden the police arm, out of the bright red blood.
GE Stars and Shaoyang quickly rushed past, a group of people to the ground directly to Zhang Yichang uniforms!
Everything was born in an instant, almost everyone did not even have eye contact, so they completed such a thrilling rescue activity, handcuffed Zhang Yichang, and Ge Yunxing and Shao Yang looked at the house.
The room smelled of disinfectant and rotten smell. The two of them walked in and saw the head of a the table at a glance. Shao Yang recognized this as the head of the dead Ai Yuke.
Then a house was pried open by other policemen, and the picture inside directly caused several policemen to turn their heads and vomit ...
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