Chapter 229: Koi three and a half years old

As a mother, of course, she never doubts her own children. Ji Lingling has been smarter than other children since childhood. Ji Wanning never thought that this was a problem with Ji Lingling, but just thought her daughter was very smart. Her daughter's clever confession also made Ji Wanning more clearly realize her daughter's cleverness.
But Ji Wanning could n’t guess that Ji Lingling ’s young body was the soul of an adult, just holding her daughter ’s comfort for a while, indicating that she would live a good life no matter what, even in the village, It will be better.
Ji Lingling really regretted it, and felt that she should not add her own ideas (qiang qiang) to her mother, and then she was very clever.
There is one more pigsty in the school, and the pigsty is cleaned every day (dry gan). Some students are responsible for cleaning the pigsty, and everyone will pull some pigs on the mountain behind the school during the rest. Feed the pasture.
This year we do n’t say that pigs are dirty. Many children are still young and have n’t seen animals very much. I am also happy to see these pigs. I am busy feeding them every day.
In addition to these, Xiao Qingrong began to "develop" (meat rou) pig feed according to (meat rou) pig farming. These pig breeding books have written that there is not much culture, but Xiao Qingrong developed it for a week. A pig feed called "pig fat" is fed to six piglets in school every day.
The name of the pig fat was still Ji Lingling. After these pig feeds were made, they also passed the wish of Ji Lingling.
"Are these pig feeds really useful?" Ji Lingling had never raised pigs, so naturally he didn't understand. I only saw that the piglets seemed to grow a little longer than a week, but I don't know if the pig feeds are useful. .
"Of course it is useful. After eating these pig feeds, the growth rate of pigs will accelerate."
Xiao Qingrong made pig feed for these things. The village head brought it out from the outside. The pig feed was developed according to the ratio. Among them, food and medicine were compared. It can improve the food of the pig and make the meat quality more delicious. The growth rate is accelerated.
"... Is this the case?" Ji Lingling was a little skeptical, but still felt that Xiao Zhiqing wanted to do what seemed to be very self-confident, and did not do well, so she looked at the pigs in the pigsty and prayed silently.
Pig, must grow up quickly!
At the same time, the souvenirs and envelopes sent to the family by Xiao Qingrong had arrived in Shangjing City by express delivery. It took more than a week. When the old Xiao family received these things, they immediately opened their mouths with joy. .
"Open it and see what Qing Rong wrote."
Things can't be taken care of, and Mrs. Xiao also hurriedly asked the old man to take out the child's letter to see. They all said that the old man hurt his grandson and son. Although Xiao Qingrong was not a grandson, it was because his parents were abroad The children who were able to stay with them were raised by these two old people from an early age. Now the child suddenly wants to go to the countryside. This is what caused the old man Xiao and the old lady Xiao to be a bit worried.
The children of their own family who have not touched the spring water with their fingers since they were young will not work at all. If they go to a rural place, how can they live ...
More than a month before, the two old people (sleeping Shui) felt that some (sleeping Shui) could not sleep anymore, just worrying that Xiao Qingrong would not be able to live in the countryside and would be bullied.
Now I have received a letter from my grandson. The two old people are naturally very happy. Grandpa Xiao quickly took out the letter.
Xiao Qingrong's letter did not contain much, but he said that he became a teacher after going to the countryside. His life was pretty good. There were also things about the toilet, as well as some toilet and squat toilet drawings he had drawn. The old man Xiao knew the value of these things at a glance.
"Old man, what did Qing Rong say?"
Mrs. Xiao is also educated. Unfortunately, she is old now and dazzled. At this time, she can only stare at the letters. In fact, she can't see the words on it. Instead, Mr. Xiao brought reading glasses and saw clearly.
"Qing Rong said that after he went to the countryside, he was arranged to be a teacher in the village school. The principal took good care of him, letting us rest assured. In addition, we sent us a lot of local souvenirs from the countryside, let us two eat, and he studied Some of the things that came out, let the boss, the second, and the fourth all come to the old house to eat at night. Let me talk about this. "
After reading the letter, Mr. Xiao also lamented that Qingrong had any good things about the child. He thought about his home, and thought that his second daughter-in-law had replaced Qingrong. But Qingrong still thought about the second child. Some are unhappy.
"I will let people know about this trip. Does Qing Rong say anything else?"
Mrs. Xiao nodded, still uneasy, and finally took the reading glasses by herself, and read the grandson ’s letter. After reading it, the two old men sat there, both looking a little bit sad.
After not knowing how long, Mrs. Xiao said.
"Qing Rong is so smart, if he could go abroad ..."
Although no one in the family had mentioned that incident, Qing Rong and his parents didn't know when they would come back in the United States. Qing Rong and their children ... their Xiao family was sorry for the child.
"Okay, don't say it, even if his parents are not there, there is no us? I have also made a lot of good things in these years, and I will leave it to Qing Rong. Before that, I also talked to the boss, the second and fourth. Having said that, if the third son came back while we were alive, he would give him what he had previously saved for Qing Rong. If they did not come back, we would leave both things to Qing Rong. "
Although the Xiao family is divided now, in fact, the grandfather Xiao is still the same thing as the Xiao family. The elder Xiao, the second, the second and the fourth are very obedient, very filial, and have special respect for their father. After the incident of Xiao Qingrong, Xiao Er almost gave his wife a divorce. Later, some family members came to say a good word, and gave Xiao Qingrong some compensation, only to conclude this matter ...
"Well, it's just that the child is thinking about the family. If the family knows that the child is a grateful child."
Mrs. Xiao has never been stupid, otherwise it would be impossible for her husband to cultivate so many filial and capable children. Now the four sons of the Xiao family.
Boss Xiao worked at the national cement plant and is now the director of the plant. It is also very prestigious to speak up.
Xiao Er started from the bottom of the plastic factory, and now he is also the director of the plastic factory. It was only after several improvements to the factory that he came to this position. The monthly salary is now nearly 1,000 yuan.
Xiao Laosi is from a steel factory. Although he is not the director, he is close to nothing. He is the deputy director of the factory. It is estimated that he can be promoted in two years. Although they are all state-owned enterprises, they must have good ability. Going up, this is very different from personal ability.
Of course, these are all because of Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, who can have the current position. If nothing else, say Mrs. Xiao, her mother ’s family is all officials. After the establishment of the new country, relying on the previous ability , Can also be considered a place.
Otherwise, it is said that Master Xiao made so many antiques, I am afraid that it would have been lost in the name of beating the landlord.
To put it bluntly, there are people behind the Xiao family, someone in the old lady ’s family is an official, and Mr. Xiao has relatives overseas. After the new state was established, the overseas Xiao family brought many benefits from the outside. These children.
In the evening, the Xiao family came with their wives, and their parents told them that they would naturally put aside even if they had something in their hands.
At the dinner table, Mr. Xiao always didn't like to talk about business. After eating, he called his son into the study and started talking.
"These were sent by Qingrong to the post office. The things he got out, the second child, this is for you, and Qingrong specially explained it to your son, and this, the boss, to you, let you see for yourself Arrangements. "
Mr. Xiao and Mr. Xiao took the drawing from their father with a confused face, and then looked at it, they found the key. Xiao Lao used the secret recipe and usage of a special material in his second hand. Here is about the production and manual drawings of the two high-end toilets. It can be said that manufacturing according to the above things will definitely make a very dry toilet.
"If this material is true, it will definitely be of great use, not only for water pipes, but also more uses ..." Xiao Lao Er is a plastic factory, naturally knowing that a new material can be used How many things are there, very excited at this time, looked at his father.
"Dad, is this from Qing Rong?"
For that child, Xiao Lao Er Gui was very guilty. Although he said that he had not lived with them in recent years, he often looked more pampered than his own parents. Now holding this thing, Xiao Lao Er has some entanglement in his excitement.
"Yes, this was made by Qing Rong. You will give Anzi the responsibility for the project."
Grandpa Xiao thought of the eldest grandson's grandson, but he was inevitable. When the eldest daughter-in-law did something like that, it was also compensated afterwards. He said that the grandson of the eldest family was the best for Qingrong. Qing Rong even fought with the outside gangsters. This thing was given to him, and Mr. Xiao was willing.
"I listen to you, Dad, I will let Anzi come over here."
Xiao Lao Er was very excited, and she was a little bit dancing.
"Dad, these drawings that Qing Rong painted for me, wonderful! Look at this toilet, this sewer design, and this toilet flush. It is very simple and convenient, and it is very clean, especially for the elderly. It ’s even better. Now that many elderly people are older, it ’s not easy to go to the toilet. If you have this thing, it will be very convenient for them. , Also (dry gan) net ... "
Anyway, he is the director of the cement plant. Just by looking at the drawings, Mr. Xiao knew how profitable this thing is. Everyone's life is getting better and better this year. Shangjing City needs a net In the environment, leaders from various countries came to visit separately, and it was all about face-saving projects. Here in the toilet, Mr. Xiao felt that he had a new idea.
"Okay, this thing was given by Qing Rong. You can figure it out for yourself, but I want to make it clear to you that these two things were invented by Qing Rong, and they should leave 50% to Qing Rong. I do n’t care how you work together (cao), but Qing Rong should have it, not less, understand? "
Old Master Xiao ordered that the children of the Xiao family did n’t dare to resist. Although Xiao Xiaosi did n’t get anything, but looking at the things in Xiao Xiao ’s hands was also greedy, and expressed the hope that his family could install such a thing. In the toilet, Xiao Lao Nature nodded again and again, and felt that such a toilet should be done at home.
The following days were in a hurry. Boss Xiao was busy getting these two high-end toilets, and even according to Xiao Qingrong's meaning, he directly made this thing a domestic product. After all, everyone is advocating domestic products this year! As long as it is produced by the country, it must be a good thing, so Mr. Xiao made a new strategy for squatting toilets and toilets and flush toilets while manufacturing this thing. I believe that soon, about a hygiene toilet Era is coming.
Of course, in addition, in the upward document, it naturally mentioned the entire environmental problem of Shangjing City, and said that Shangjing City should have an independent public toilet that can be used by the public, and the new toilet is very suitable for timely cleaning .
In fact, public toilets have a long history and appeared before the establishment of a new country, but with Xiao Qingrong ’s design, Xiao Bo saw more things, so he proposed this proposal.
So a month later, the above people personally inspected these two toilets, and found that one of the squatting toilets was extremely comfortable, and when the flushing was convenient, they asked the cement factory to join the porcelain factory plastic factory and the steel factory to successfully launch this domestic manufacturing. The first batch of new toilets were installed around the Forbidden City, as well as some particularly important places in Shangjing City.
This reform from civilization and cleanliness began to spread in Shangjing City. Apart from some key places that were first transformed, the people of Shangjing City also saw white (color), clean toilets like porcelain jade for the first time. After knowing the purpose of the gadget, when the price was cheap, everyone bought one after another and said that they would install it at home.
The squat toilet is very convenient to install by yourself, as long as it is fixedly installed with cement, and it is particularly easy to clean, which makes everyone buy one after another.
The Xiao family became one of the first people to use such toilets, especially Mrs. Xiao and Mr. Xiao. When they used to go to the toilet, it was not easy to squat down. This chair, but the toilet after the renovation, is comfortable and flush. It is indeed very high-tech.
The changes that began in the capital of the motherland are destined to begin to spread continuously in various cities in the country. Xiao Qingrong does not know what he has changed, but still teaches students in Anning Village daily and then raises pigs.
These days Xiao Qingrong has completely eaten the pig farming business, and does not care about the rumours of those in the village.
That's right!
Xiao Qingrong has been raising pigs for almost two months. When the piglets were delivered, they were all born less than a month ago, and then less than two months later, Xiao Qingrong asked someone to castrate the pig. Ways to make pigs grow up faster. People in the village see Xiao Qingrong giving pigs such good food, and some people secretly come to see what the pigs look like. Do cultural people raise pigs better than these villagers?
However, these have nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong. He found that it is too difficult to be an agricultural scientist. Even with the previous experimental basis, he can change too few things, it is better to do something grounded.
At the end of October, Xiao Qingrong wrote a letter to his family, asking the family to get a lot of mechanical materials, all good things from the machinery factory, and a black and white TV.
This thing was placed at this time, but it was a rare thing, only in advanced big cities. Even the cities around Anning Village may not be able to buy this thing, so when the TV returned to the village, it caused Few people watched.
This year, the TV set had to be pulled. Xiao Qingrong didn't spend much money on this TV set, but it was much more expensive to pull the cable. It took almost a thousand pieces to pull a long cable.
"Is this a TV? The thing that can see people?"
Everyone in the village came to see the bustle. The conditions in Anning Village were not good. Otherwise, they could not be chosen as the village where the educated youth went to the countryside.
Someone in the TV set can talk and move!
This TV set was supposed to be researched by Xiao Qingrong in the Educated Youth Institute, but now it is blocked by everyone, so Xiao Qingrong had to put this thing in the village meeting room, and outside the meeting room was a big venue , As long as you move out, you can watch TV.
The head of the village of Anning was also excited. He came over to look at this rare thing and did not dare to act rashly.
In the end, Xiao Qingrong turned on the television. The black and white (color) television was playing a movie. It was a martial arts movie in Hong Kong. It was very popular this year.
"Wow! Someone inside!"
"Really someone! Is this TV a monster? How do you get people in?"
"They are fighting!"
The following people are all lowering your voice with your words, but everyone's face is excited and curious, which makes Xiao Qingrong feel a strange helplessness, maybe this thing is nothing to him, but for For the people in the village, it is extremely precious.
The idea of ​​disassembling this TV set was finally dismissed. Xiao Qingrong left the TV set with the village head, and asked the village head to arrange to broadcast something for the villagers to watch. This is more thanks to the villagers. The educated youth sent a lot of food.
Ji Lingling also saw the TV for the first time in such a special era. This black-and-white (color), full of chronology, is something she has never been exposed to before, because in such a scientific advanced Ji Lingling felt a bit boring about this kind of black and white things.
"The classmates in the class now look forward to watching TV every day after school. Everyone is talking about how good and good the TV is like a repeater. Teacher Xiao, why do you want a TV at home? This thing? Is n’t it expensive? "
Some of the melancholy people sat with Xiao Qingrong. After Ji Lingling was taken down by Xiao Qingrong, he no longer hides himself. In front of Xiao Qingrong, it is not the appearance of a child, but it seems a bit old-fashioned.
"I originally wanted to study it. I was very interested in this." Xiao Qingrong replied, but suddenly the three words of the repeater came out of his mind, searching for memory. Sure enough, there is no repeater in this world. I think of these children now. They taught them to read books every day and repeated countless times, Xiao Qingrong suddenly had an idea.
"Study it?" Ji Lingling was a little strange. What's so good about this black and white TV?
As a result, Xiao Qingrong asked suddenly at the next moment.
"What is a repeater?"
This sentence made Ji Lingling stunned for a while, and then suddenly, the person in front of him just saw his old age, and was not a person who predicted the future. This made Ji Lingling interested and quickly introduced. .
"The repeater is the kind of machine that can record your voice, then replay it and repeat it. For example, if you teach us to read every day, you can use the repeater. In this way, you will save a lot of effort ..."
But when was the repeater developed? Ji Lingling can't remember.
She was born after zero and zero. She was not popular with repeaters since she was born. The so-called repeaters are still a stalk when playing games. They say that the essence of human beings is repeaters, and they repeat one thing constantly.
"Then do you think if I were a repeater, would I succeed?"
Xiao Qingrong continued to ask, which made Ji Lingling's face (exposed) surprised, but then nodded excitedly.
"Yes! I believe you will succeed!"
Ji Lingling didn't know if his so-called Koi language was useful, but how good it was to have a recorder! If it is made by the people in front of you, is it a witness to history?
So with Ji Lingling's sincere wishes, Xiao Qingrong began the journey of making a repeater. This thing is really not much technical content. Two weeks later, Ji Lingling saw a repeater as wide as a book. .
"Here is the recording, here is the repeat playback, and here is the reverse playback."
Xiao Qingrong explained to Ji Lingling how to use this thing, but Ji Lingling looked at this repeater in amazement and was shocked because she had never seen it.
This repeater is a recorder modified by Xiao Qingrong on the current radio system. It can record sounds and play them repeatedly, which is very convenient for learning records.
Ji Lingling presses the record button.
"I am Ji Lingling."
Then the play button was pressed again.
"I am Ji Lingling."
The same sound was played from this machine that didn't seem to be high-end, which made Ji Lingling's eyes glow instantly. She really didn't expect that Teacher Xiao had made a repeater machine by herself.
What a fairy inventor! 91g
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