Chapter 234: Koi three and a half years old

The biggest reason why Ji Lingling wanted to take out this thousand dollars was because she complained about her grandfather and grandmother in the past few years. In the past, Ji Lingling watched her mother live alone, knowing that after the mother gave birth to herself Being thrown out of the house naturally means that my grandfather and grandmother are nonsense people. Otherwise, why did her mother, a girl who was not yet a teenager, live alone in the most desolate place in the village?
But as the mother married this year, and after seeing her grandfather and grandmother more often, Ji Lingling realized that without her grandmother and grandmother's maintenance, it is estimated that the mother would already be unable to live. [Latest American Novel Ranking:]
At that time, an underage girl, who left the house and wanted to live alone, was still a pregnant woman. How could she give birth safely and safely? If it were not for the help of Ji's family, it would be impossible for Ji Wanning to have a good child.
What's more, since Ji Wanning started living outside, the family of Ji family was not at ease. The three elder brothers of Ji Wanning's family would send a person to guard Ji Wanning's house almost every day, fearing that some wrongdoing would hurt Ji Wanning.
The main reason why Ji Wanning left the Ji family is that there are too many rumors. Those who ruined the Ji family, when a few sisters-in-law and the girls born by the sister-in-law, they all want to ruin their reputation, Ji Wanning It is the most obedient girl in the family, knowing that the family let her have a baby and sending it off for her good, but she wanted to keep the child, and finally came to live in the most remote place in the village.
Many people in the village felt that the Ji family did not show affection and drove their biological daughter out of the house, but in fact, only Ji Wanning knew that she was leaving the house alone because of the girl ’s reputation.
Ji Lingling even came into contact with the people around him. Only then did she know how difficult it is for a lone woman to survive in a village. It can be said that although Ji Wanning was pregnant at the time (Huai Huai), she was outside, but Ji The family didn't have much help, and the food wasn't brought in.
The father saw that his little granddaughter was so sensible, and said that he took out a thousand yuan of this kind of money, and he was taken aback. He knew that the funds from the daughter ’s family were borrowed by the little granddaughter and teacher Xiao. I am also happy in my heart.
I am glad that my little granddaughter is close to herself and is willing to give the money to them, but Jifu is not willing to take the money.
"My grandfather knows that Lingling is rich, and Lingling is the most obedient little girl, but grandfather can't take Lingling's money. Grandfather has money in his hands. Then he will buy pigs to raise and he will have a lot of money after two years. ... "
Holding Ji Lingling in her arms, this little granddaughter raised so much, Ji Ji actually holds very little, but he will also bring children.
Sitting in Grandpa's arms, Ji Lingling knew that Grandpa was the most intimate. Although he looked a bit fierce on his face, in fact, he always cared for his mother (cao).
"The money is left to my grandfather to buy pigs, and after making money, my grandfather will return it to Lingling."
At first glance, Grandpa refused to ask, Ji Lingling flashed a light, then thought of lending to Grandpa, now the pig industry seems to be getting better and better, as long as the family can buy piglets, more than three months can be raised For a group of pigs, the village chief made a lot of money. Ji Lingling still knows this. With a thousand dollars, he can buy a lot of pigs, and his grandfather will live better ...
How can Jifu take the child's money? Just wanting to refuse, I heard my daughter talking.
"Dad, since Ling Ling said it was going to be given to you, you should take it. If it does n’t work, it should be borrowed from Ling Ling. The two of us and the British Army bought the pigs from us at the same time. The borrowed money is now also returned to Xiao Zhiqing. Now this pig farm can make money. If the principal is large, it can make more money. I support you and your mother in raising pigs, and brothers. The days are booming, and I am happy with Ling Ling. "
Ji Wanning knows that although her daughter is young, she is a big idea. In this family, if the person who really cares about things, Ji Lingling comes first, followed by Ji Wanning, and then Mu Yingjun.
"Yes, Mom and Dad, these pigs are booming now, and I have already discussed with Wanning, and I plan to buy some more pigs to raise, and I will be able to make more money by then. Buy a house, and then bring your parents together ... "
Mu Yingjun also spoke. Although he was stupid, he knew this situation now. He married his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He also helped a lot, and his wife ’s dowry. Several uncles often came over to help. The days are simply beautiful, and with a lot of money, the days are even better ...
"This ..." To tell you the truth, Ji-Fu was emotional. He did not take out his coffin board this time when buying pigs, but now that he has seen such a big benefit, Ji-Fu and Ji-Mu have already discussed, and intend to take their own All the old-age pension money is taken out to buy pigs. In fact, it is not much, only a few hundred yuan, but if you can raise pigs and then sell them, you can also make a lot of money.
"Just hold this money, and this one thousand dollars, parents, you buy more piglets, while the price of the pig (meat rou) has not dropped, let's make a good profit, and Xiao Zhiqing's scientific feeding is only available in our village, which is to make a fortune in our village, and then your parents will discuss with your brothers and see if they will feed the pigs together. brisk……"
Ji Wanning looked at her father's old look, but she was also disappointed in her heart. She was a girl. Even when she was in her natal family, Ji Wanning couldn't have any hard work. Ji Wanning had three older brothers. They used to be cultivated land, or Those who do work for others can make money, but that doesn't do much.
Today, if you raise pigs, even if you have 30 pigs at home, you are cleaning and feeding the pigs every day, which is much more than working outside (dry gan) (Qiang Qiang). Ji Wanning also wants to let her brothers It's good.
"... That line, Dad will listen to you, but the money will be handed over to me tomorrow when you come home, and let your brother and sister-in-law know how the money came. This is how Xiao Zhiqing scientifically raises pigs, It was also because of the British army that I would like to say a few more words to our family. During this time, I asked your mother to make more delicious food. You remember to give it to Xiao Zhiqing. "
In the end, Ji father was still moved. Although he was older, he did not admit that he was old. This time he made so much money. In addition to wanting to subsidize his daughters, there are actually some new ideas. I want to see if I can let it The head of the village helped to handle the bank loan or something. If you can have money to raise pigs, you will definitely make money by then.
"Grandpa, you can rest assured that Teacher Xiao is my teacher, and I will definitely be filial to him!"
I will definitely hold Teacher Xiao's thigh well!
Ji Lingling said coquettishly, since she was following Teacher Xiao, her life is getting better, she can eat whatever she wants, and she can learn all kinds of knowledge. Ji Lingling has been in the process of getting along with Xiao Qingrong. Even she didn't feel it herself.
Then the village was lively for a while. Everyone was most grateful to Xiao Qingrong. Every household gave food to Xiao Qingrong. It was originally said to be for food, but the food can't let go when the weather is hot. The food sent by Xiao Zhiqing was also under pressure, so after discussing it, he gave Xiao Qingrong what he felt was valuable in his family.
What kind of things are these jars that have been stored for a long time, and what are some old things? One of them is especially grateful to Xiao Qingrong, and even sent the wedding dress embroidered by the first ancestor (奶 Nai) (奶 Nai) to Xiao Qingrong. At first, Xiao Qingrong didn't want to collect it, but everyone was very enthusiastic, and expressed that he must thank Xiao Qingrong. In the end, he had no choice but to collect these things and let the village chief send them to Shangjing City.
However, after making pigs to make money, everyone still has the idea that they want to continue to raise pigs to get rich. The village head is because after the first batch of pigs are rich, they plan to get a good job for the schools in the village, and the loan is also paid. Made a lot of money.
The villagers held a mobilization meeting, the general content is that after the wealth arrangement, everyone wants to continue to raise pigs.
The village head originally wanted Xiao Qingrong to say a few words, but Xiao Qingrong didn't want to say it. In the end, the village chief talked about the situation in the village. I think if everyone has this ability, it is best to have a pig at home and have Xiao Zhiqing's science. Feeding and raising pigs will definitely bring a certain income.
As for whether to pass this thing to other villages, everyone dare not, and the village head did not allow it to be spread outside. Xiao Zhiqing was willing to let this scientific method of raising pigs be used by their villages, so they were very grateful, so early I had a meeting, and people in other villages were not allowed to know about it, and people in the village were not stupid. They all knew that if there were too many people in this way of making money, they would not be able to make money.
Xiao Qingrong didn't know about this matter. He didn't pay much attention to raising pigs. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he gave the village pig's formula to the village head and let the village head arrange it later.
As a result, more people in the village wanted to raise pigs. In mid-July, many villagers also borrowed from the bank under the guarantee of the village head. Mu Yingjun and Ji Wanning even relied on the villager ’s guarantee to directly One hundred thousand yuan was loaned.
There are not so many others, and some one or two thousand are enough, and they have signed a guarantee with the village head.
Mu Yingjun and Ji Wanning who had taken the money did not buy pigs, but instead planned to see Mu Yingjun's results. If Mu Yingjun passed the college entrance exam, he went to Shangjing City to continue to develop pig farming. pig.
Jifu and Jimu took three sons and also loaned 20,000 yuan. This year, 20,000 yuan was already a huge sum of money. So they started to build a house and raise pigs. It can be said that they are busy and live. Finally, there is a head.
Xiao Qingrong also has a lot of free money in his hands, but for him, this money is just something outside him, so he doesn't need to think too much about it.
At the end of July, the news came finally from all parts of the world, the notices of major universities also arrived, and Xiao Qingrong was admitted to the most powerful school in Shangjing, which made the village head happy! Other educated youths were also admitted to the school they wanted to go to, but two educated youths were only a few points away and could only take the exam again next year.
Mu Yingjun was shocked when he saw his notice. He also applied for a university in Beijing, but it was just an ordinary technical school. Now that he is admitted, he can go home! This news made Mu Yingjun happy, but also made Ji Lingling happy.
Finally you can go to Beijing! You can go with Teacher Xiao and Mom and Dad! ! !
The family members of Ji were very happy after they heard the news, so they managed to get Mu Yingjun some good things and let Mu Yingjun take them back to Beijing.
The month from August to September is fulfilling. Xiao Qingrong has sent his things down the post office, but he does n’t need any luggage, but Anning Village is still far away from Shangjing City and needs to take the train. Time to buy a train ticket, and finally boarded the train home in September.
The family of Xiao, who is far away in Shangjing City, also knew the news and was very happy. During the past six months, the family received a lot of things from Xiao Qingrong, but they all dared not move them. I do n’t know whether these things are precious. Most of them are kept by Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, and they won't be moved.
While sitting on the train, Xiao Qingrong looked at Mu Yingjun who cared about his wife, but thought about the first time they met. At that time, Mu Yingjun was also so enthusiastic that he took everything away.
It takes a day and a night for the train to arrive. Mu Yingjun takes care of Xiao Qingrong and his wife and daughter happily. He doesn't feel tired at all. As long as he thinks he can go home, he feels full of energy when he thinks of life.
When Ji Lingling first came to the train, she was a little curious about the train, but it turned out that she didn't feel curious anymore. In this special era, such a green-skinned train also represents the evolution of an era.
Some people in the car sold a variety of souvenirs, and Ji Lingling also bought some. Although Mu Yingjun was reluctant, he was extremely willing to treat Ji Lingling, so when the train arrived, there were more Luggage.
Coming out of the train station, Xiao Qingrong was dressed in a black (color) robe with only a small package of his own. As a result, he saw his cousin guarding outside.
"Qingrong !!!"
Xiao Zhuo saw his younger brother and immediately waved excitedly towards Xiao Qingrong. Mu Yingjun also looked over and found a tall man with a black (color) four-wheeled vehicle behind him, which made Mu Yingjun look stupefied.
"Brother." Xiao Qingrong just walked over, and the parcel in his hand was taken away by the tall man. His face was full of smiles, and his skin was dark, but it was somewhat similar to Xiao Qingrong.
"Tired? I'll take the luggage. This brother is the British brother you said? Thank you for taking care of my younger brother these days. Just today I drove the car. I will send you back together ..."
Xiao Zhuo is a man who can speak well, and there is no sense of distance when he smiles, so a few words of kung fu made Mu Yingjun also shouted to his elder brother, Ji Lingling was sitting in the car. The identity is even more mysterious.
In this year, the family can afford a car, can it not be a cow?
In the end, under the enthusiasm of Xiao Zhuo, Mu Yingjun was sent to his home. Ji Lingling was a little reluctant to Xiao Qingrong. After receiving Xiao Qingrong's guarantee, he let his teacher Xiao leave.
It is always a happy thing to return home, and the Mu family is most happy watching the son bring his wife back.
At this time, in the car, Xiao Zhuo also happily told his brother that the family had changed this year.
"Grandpa (Nai Nai) (Nai Nai) knows that you are coming back. That is the happiest, and my dad. My dad said, you are the most productive child in our family. Today my mom made you at home. My favorite elbow with sauce, as well as Erbo and Xiaoshu, they are all there today, waiting for you to go back. "
Xiao Zhuo was so excited that the car could not be driven at home, and it could not be bought. There was no place to buy it!
But his brother Niu! These things that the younger brother got back this year have already allowed the Xiao family to continue to develop.
"My dad is no longer in the iron and steel plant, and he has opened a flush toilet company for export. He specializes in selling the flush toilets produced by our factory to all parts of the world. The toilets we produce are not only of good quality, but also the price There are a lot of profits this year, and this year, it has been linked with some foreign manufacturers. This car was obtained from abroad, and few in China ... "
Sitting there, Xiao Qingrong was very calm. At this moment when the motherland is highly developed, these things beyond the times are indeed very expensive.
"There are Erbo and Anzi. They have also developed well. With the recipe you gave, they have invented a lot of good things. They are also exported to overseas, and they have caught up with some foreign departments. Now we I also often study the foreign gadgets. Did you know the repeater machine you made? Brother, it was awesome. Grandpa sent it to it, and then I realized that the repeater machine had a great effect. Later, the country opened The factory of the repeater is managed by the uncle of the third uncle ... "
There are many heirs of the Xiao family and many relatives. The relationship is complicated, but they are extremely united. Although they have many thoughts, they can stand up when they have something at home.
When Xiao Qingrong's affairs were born, he almost let the old man give up the wife of Xiao Qingrong's second uncle, and Xiao Qingrong's second uncle's performance was good, so that the family can now be so harmonious, so many years, the second aunt also regretted her. No longer entangled with the child who was taken abroad, it was similar to Xiao Qingrong's.
Therefore, the development of the family is good for Xiao Qingrong.
"Grandpa and (milk Nai) (milk Nai) also bought you a new house. If my car was bought by my dad, it is the latest model from abroad! We ca n’t do it in China. Does my dad buy a car? Is it necessary to buy some high-tech gadgets from abroad? As a result, I bought Americans called computers, which are all black and white (color), and the above are all in English, and I ca n’t see it. Understand ... Anyway, Erbo said that you are smart, you can definitely understand ... "
When Xiao Zhuo chattered, the Xiao family arrived, and Xiao Qingrong got out of the car and saw several brothers guarding the door, all of whom were cousins. As soon as he saw Xiao Qingrong, he suddenly couldn't do it, came over and talked eloquently, and then only Xiao Qingrong was sent inside.
In the room, Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao had longed for Xiao Qingrong to come back. At this time, they sat in the hall. The other elders were also on the side. When they saw Xiao Qingrong coming in from outside, the two of them suddenly turned red.
"My honour ... but it's back."
Mrs. Xiao raised her hand with red eyes, Xiao Qingrong walked over, squatted on the ground, and let Mrs. Xiao touch (touch Mo) his face.
"(奶奶 Nai) (奶奶 Nai), I'm back."
Grandpa Xiao on the side was also smiling, looking at his grandson, repeating constantly.
"Thin, thin, today your aunt specially made your favorite dish for you, and eat it later ..."
Others also came to talk and watched Xiao Qingrong still chasing it. Everyone was not happy. Almost all of the food Xiao Xiaorong liked to eat at the dinner table. The enquiries were all about the situation when Xiao Qingrong was in the village.
"I teach in the village, I don't have to do (gan) work, and the life is not very hard."
When Xiao Qingrong talked about things in the village, the female (sexual) at the dinner table all showed a pity expression, but only felt that Xiao Qingrong was placating them. How can it be said that it is not painful to go to the village? Look at this child is thin.
"I studied scientific pig farming in the village, the ones sent to you during the New Year, but I think some things in agriculture are also very interesting ..."
While eating, he was talking about his story in the village, and everyone else listened carefully. In fact, this year, although Xiao Qingrong was not at home, at Xiao's house, he was full of Xiao Qingrong's legend.
What Xiao Qingrong sends back every time is also what everyone looks forward to the most. Whether it is a gift or something else, it makes everyone very happy.
As for the things sent to Xiao Qingrong at home, except for what Xiao Qingrong wants to eat, drink and wear, and then money, I am afraid that Xiao Qingrong wronged himself in the village, after all, money can make ghosts grind.
"A friend of mine has recently returned from the country and may open a pig farm. I have a fertilizer recipe for pig farming. If someone in the family needs it, I can write it out. This kind of feed can last three months. The piglets are raised within three to four months, and the weight can reach more than three hundred pounds and less than five hundred pounds ... "
Grandpa Ji was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that his grandson even studied this. He was also very curious about this thing. He decided to wait for Xiao Qingrong to take it off after the meal and try it out.
Xiao Qingrong's return made Xiao's family happy, but within a few days, he started school at Beijing University. As a new student, Xiao Qingrong also went to school, but he also brought a small tail.
This little tail is Ji Lingling.
When I first arrived in Shangjing City, the people around me didn't know. Ji Wanning and Mu Yingjun had bought a new house and moved out. Ji Lingling's school had not been found well. Because of her cleverness, Ji Lingling became Xiao Qingrong The little tail came to Beijing University to attend classes every day, and I did n’t know if I understood it.
However, one person attracted Ji Lingling's attention. It was a handsome and handsome man. It was also the reason why the educated youth from the countryside went to the Beijing University, and the reason why Ji Lingling was really attracted was because Ji Lingling discovered I am somewhat similar to each other, and inexplicably have some closeness to each other ...
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