Chapter 27: Male (color) era

Fang Xuenan, who was far away in the United States, finally took a break during the filming. Generally speaking, the film crew in the United States is more stringent than domestic ones. Big-name female artists like Fang Xuenan must also be obedient in this crew. We cannot bring things we cannot bring. +++ Mobile reading visit
In the past, when she was in the country, Fang Xuenan was a front-line star, and she was a big star, and she had a lot of assistants. Naturally, she would not miss these news. , In order to be able to take good pictures of this international blockbuster, and then be able to become famous overseas!
Because of this, Fang Xuenan only brought a few henchmen this time. They are more able people in the company, and they are specially used to deal with those abominable foreigners.
Even though technology is so advanced today, in fact, in the industry of film and television, Hollywood in the United States is still bullying domestic people, thinking that there is no good actor and technology in the country. Fang Xuenan this time with investors (Guanguan) successfully joined the group, so I was busy studying the script and shooting hard. Although the whole movie was 130 minutes, only 10 minutes were part of Fang Xuenan's play, but Fang Xuenan still paid more than usual. A few times harder, I'm afraid that it won't shoot well.
After her assistant Wang Shen took her out of the crew, the two got on the RV, and then they spoke nervously. After all, in the crew, no one can bring a mobile phone, such as foreign crews, closed ( Xing) is more confidential (strong Xing). If you do n’t want to, you ca n’t use you.
It's like Fang Xuenan. Before joining the group, she even participated in a four-month training, just to make a movie! Just let an actor go to professional (sex) training for four months. This is too much for a top star like Fang Xuenan!
"Sister Fang, something went wrong! The country is now upset! Let's hurry back !!!"
Fang Xuenan also wore the costume she wore during the acting. She was acting as a hit girl. Generally speaking, the domestic and foreign image is playing very well (qiang qiang). Fang Xuenan did not know much about this before, but for this In the play, she trained for four months, leaving a lot of scars on her body. She frowned when she heard that she was returning home.
"What makes you panic so much?" Fang Xuenan didn't like Wang Shen the most, because Wang Shen was shocked. What happened appeared to be like taking medicine.
Wang Shen's face was full of cold sweat this time, and his face (color) was a bit wrong. If he would certainly apologize in the past, today, Wang Shen is really helpless. Think of the news from China and look at the country. Weibo, oh my! The sky in this studio is about to fall!
"It's Xiao Qingrong! Xiao Qingrong took Liao Chongjun, Wen Hong, Shi Hailan, Fang Huaiyang, Gu Yuan and others to splash our studio black water on Weibo! Now it's hot search! People from the company also want to help withdraw Hot search, but the hot search could not be withdrawn at all. Now the country is in chaos, and the people in the circle are also in chaos ... "
Wang Shen knows a lot about the company. He also knows that his boss, Fang Xuenan, has a rich woman group. Many resources are obtained from those rich women. Sometimes, do n’t doubt women ’s spending power. Men have money. It's also appropriate to replace the word "worse" with a woman. This society is originally a society of material desires.
Except for Fang Xuenan, a top actress in their studio, all the other stars are men, and they are all super small fresh (meat rou) selected according to the value, in order to serve the rich women, you know, they see Well-informed people don't like the corners (colors) in the clubhouse, but they like the little stars that shine on the stage.
Do n’t be too red, they do n’t like it, and they ca n’t help it, just like the little guys who have a bright future and have a bright future! It can be said that it is very thoughtful.
"They? What can they do?" Shaking his fan with a fan, the weather in this country is much hotter than in China. It is almost noon now, so Fang Xuenan was able to come out while filming. It's just meal time.
"Oh my ancestor! Please take a look at your phone! Xiao Qingrong directly exposed on Weibo that you owed him a maintenance contract when he was eighteen, and Liao Chongjun said that our studio was in After he became a little bit red, he asked him to wait for others. The others said the same thing. Now the world is uproar, and many reporters have called us. I let the company down. Yes, but this news is just like having long legs and running all over the world, our studio can't hold it down !!! ''
Wang Shenman said with a grimace, Fang Xuenan only changed his face at this time. He took the phone from Wang Shen's hand and saw the Weibo in the interface. The push above was the latest news. Just one hour ago, Xiao Qingrong and so on People have successively published Weibo complaints against Fang Xuenan's studio, and even directly called Fang Xuenan's old wife! !! !!
It can be said that if Fang Xuenan had logged in on her own Weibo, it would have been crazy to be scolded by fans of these stars already! !! !!
"How did this contract fall into Xiao Qingrong's hands?" Fang Xuenan saw the news and froze all of a sudden. He did not expect Xiao Qingrong to get the contract even two years ago!
You know, other companies sign contracts, but they all follow official procedures. Most people sign contracts with two or three! If you have two copies, you have one each of Party A and Party B. If you have three copies, you have one Party B and one lawyer!
Fang Xuenan never signed a contract with someone. She asked Party B to keep the contract in the company. The same was the case for Xiao Qingrong's contract, which was kept in her hands, just like the other people in the company. It is considered confidential in the industry and cannot be seen by others. Naturally, it is sealed well.
"I don't know! It is estimated that someone was found, otherwise, how could this happen suddenly? And sister Fang, our people have already contacted Weibo, and want to delete this false news, to Xiao Qingrong Waiting for someone ’s account to be blocked (sha), but the people on Weibo did not expect that these Weibos could not only be deleted, but the Weibos of those people would not be able to (fuck cao) at all ... now As long as it's a topic about our studio, none can be deleted !!! "
Being able to do something like this, isn't someone behind? Like Xiao Qingrong, it is impossible for them to do such a thing ...
"We ca n’t delete Weibo, so I sent out the water army and poured dirty water on them! Book me a ticket and I will return home right away. Does the public relations department over the company eat any shit? Do n’t know to make a statement? The comments of several of them have already been It hurts the company ’s interests, does n’t the company know to make a statement?

Fang Xuenan was so angry that he threw the fan aside. You know, this company has always been Fang Xuenan's words. Now that this kind of thing happens, Fang Xuenan is angry, but also more angry why the company's public relations department did not come up with the news. This result can only be more miserable in the end! !!
Wang Shen smiled bitterly, if this could be PR, it would have been PR! Still use this?
"Sister Fang, there is no problem with the navy. It has been arranged for a long time, but there is nothing to do with the public relations department. The public relations department wants the contact person to issue a statement as soon as possible, but the company's Weibo is I posted it several times, and posted it as if it was locked. In addition, I wanted to make an interview statement. But the reporters had already seen Xiao Qingrong like the fish had seen the water. They did not take our company's stubble at all ... I have already booked a ticket for Sister Fang, and you will be able to board the plane in two hours. Let's see what to do next? "
If they are not able to spend the only time this time, it is estimated that their Fang Xuenan studio will be notorious! When thinking of this result, Wang Shen couldn't help crying or laughing, because no one thought that these men who became stars even took the courage of disillusionment to make this matter public, which can be said to have given up their star journey. Behind my head ...
"Okay, you go out, I'll be quiet." Fang Xuenan reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Fang Xuenan really didn't think of the little things he raised and a day of backwash. Besides, they were also very good before. There must be something behind it. Thinking of the various attacks that public opinion will bring, Fang Xuenan only felt that the first two were big.
However, Fang Xuenan calmed down after a while, but for a long time in this circle, Fang Xuenan opened a password box placed m3 aside, took out a mobile phone from the box, opened the phone There are very few things in it, only the one she needs.
The labels are sisters. They are a group of rich women. When they opened, various people in this group were already talking. Obviously, everyone already knew the news, and there were many others.
In a word-things have been exposed that have nothing to do with them, things can't get on them.
Sometimes rich people are so straightforward, they look for you when they eat, drink, and have fun, but they will never find you! Of course, things that can cause individuals to suffer losses will never agree.
The words of these people were enough to block Fang Xuenan's help and let Fang Xuenan grit his teeth.
"Stupid ugly woman! I only know (Shui Shui) Xiao Xian (meat rou), but I was thrown aside when something happened!"
With such a curse on his mouth, he still had to find a way. Fang Xuenan hurriedly found the boss on Weibo. He sent a message in the past, and he responded quickly there, making Fang Xuenan happy. A call. Hit in the past.
"Brother Li, you also know about my company. Can you help my sister?"
Her tenderness is like water, and her beautiful appearance also looks very delicate in the video, but the boss of Weibo also said bitterly.
"Old girl! I beg you! Please find someone who has messed up with you and confess your mistakes. Don't let him fix me up! Now our Weibo machine room is about to explode !!!"
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