Chapter 1222: Offensive plan

The reason was that he couldn't fault him for what Hongyue had done these days, and even some things surprised him.
What made him even more unexpected was that in these days when he was absent, he had actually cultivated two very powerful characters, Hongyue and Lin Xiaobai.
Although the scale of the battle on Hongyue's side was slightly inferior to that on Lin Xiaobai's side, because the number of participants was relatively small.
But the enemy that Hongyue faced was stronger than Lin Xiaobai's, so it seemed that her command ability was comparable to Lin Xiaobai's.
"In order to avoid death, I directly let the members of the resistance army retreat, and let the enemy's supernaturalists pour the attack on the sky."
"My original idea was that they would give up when they found out that they couldn't break the sky. After all, it seemed meaningless for the time being."
"But the brain circuits of the Knights of Apocalypse seem to be different. They saw that we couldn't resist the Tier 4 abilities, and immediately judged that we lacked high-end power."
"As a result, in the next day, they became even more excessive, and they stopped attacking our canopy all the time."
"Almost all of their Tier 3 and 4 abilities have been dispatched for bombardment."
"We are afraid of ambushes and will suffer, so we can only watch from a distance and dare not rush out directly."
"After a day, our sky full of energy is only half left, and it may be broken at any time."
"In this case, in order to deal with the enemy's high-end power, I can only bring Tier 4 Li Feng back from Beizhai."
"Although even if he is transferred back, he is only a Tier 4 ability player, and it can't change the situation of the battle."
"But there is a big difference between the presence and absence of things like Tier 4 abilities. Having one means that we have the ability to resist."
"Sure enough, after Li Feng came back, the abilities of the Knights of the Apocalypse did not dare to be so arrogant and began to retreat from the West Wind Fortress."
Originally, I thought I could finally stop for a few days. After all, the Knights of the Apocalypse came from a long distance, and the battle was at a stalemate. They should have a good rest.
"Unexpectedly, that night, the people of the Knights of Apocalypse attacked like crazy."
"This time they came with 120,000 troops and they attacked the east side of the West Wind Fortress. When they attacked, they prevented our firepower very well and formed a shield formation to block them."
"And some powerful Tier 4 abilities have blessed them with a huge shield, so that they can avoid the damage of drawing artillery."
"From my perspective, I can feel that they want to attack through the canopy close to the West Wind Fortress. There may also be other means."
"In this regard, I can't let the dinosaurs rush out and attack, because once they go out, it's difficult to retreat, and I can only let my own superpowers suppress them."
"But the shield made by the enemy's Tier 4 ability is too strong for us to break, and then it was the fire guard and the plucking artillery that almost emptied the ammunition before we barely succeeded."
"But we have also paid a heavy price for this, that is, the energy of the sky is completely consumed, and the West Wind Fortress is in an unprotected state."
"Seeing that the situation is already very dangerous, I no longer hesitate, and directly let the dinosaurs launch a counter-charge. Seventy to eighty thousand prepared dinosaurs came out of the nest, and nearly fifty thousand orc warriors outflanked the rear."
"These orc warriors were sent out at the beginning of the battle, in order to let them go around. My idea is to swallow all the troops of the Apocalypse Knights."
"Although it is a little bold, it seems impossible to complete, but in fact, as long as the operation is properly done, all this is completely reportable, and we almost succeeded, because the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse obviously did not expect that we still have so many orcs. Soldiers, the back road was cut off, causing their situation to be more critical than ours."
"However, things didn't develop as I thought, because the Knights of the Apocalypse was clearly the main attack this time. In addition to bringing all Tier 4 abilities here, there is actually a Tier 5 ability player."
"In order to contain him and reduce our casualties, Li Feng fought a desperate battle, and was directly severely injured by this Tier 5 ability person. Our resistance army's ability person suffered heavy losses because of this."
"In fact, retreat is the best choice at this time, because our high-end strength has completely collapsed, but behind me is the Westwind Fortress, in a situation where there is no retreat."
"We can only fight to the death. If we can't fight, we will use our lives. Many newly promoted members of the Resistance Army and members of the outer corps have died heroically in this battle..."
"The dinosaurs and orc warriors were also very fierce. The forces that killed the Knights of the Apocalypse were no less than 40,000, and their own casualties were only thousands."
"It's a pity that these won't change the situation of the battle, because as long as the enemy's high-end abilities are still there, the battle will not end."
"What we are looking at now is who can survive to the last moment, who is the winner of this battle."
"If we talk about protracted warfare, we are definitely not afraid. After all, we are backed by the Westerly Fortress, and both resources and strength can be replenished in time."
"The enemy's high-end superpowers seem to have discovered something, not just staying in this battlefield, but starting to enter the West Wind Fortress, trying to destroy our core things."
"Since there is no high-end power to stop them, they can almost do whatever they want. We have no way at all."
"Just as the West Wind Fortress was alive and dead, the Night Demon and Red Moon suddenly returned with the Bone Dragon Army and directly joined the battlefield."
"The night demon is a super-order creature, and the red moon also has a fourth-order. There are also two fourth-orders among the black robe men she brought, and the remaining dozen are all third-order, let alone the tens of thousands of bone dragons. The existence of the air supremacy level."
"This is the high-end power we desperately need, and it is also a means to counteract the Knights of the Apocalypse. They destroy most of the members of the Knights of the Apocalypse the moment they enter the battlefield..."
"Seeing this, I know that our chance to fight back is here, and immediately let Hongyue lead the bone dragons to chase it from behind."
"I also took the dinosaur army and members of the resistance army to attack from the ground, planning to take advantage of this time to pull out all of their several camps, so that they have no foothold."
"The best thing is to expel them from the territory near us and let them pay their due price for their offense."
"Although the losses on our side are also great, we have to persist in ending this battle anyway. This is my idea."
"But while we were chasing, we suddenly encountered enemy ambushes on the road, all black-robed men and fallen soldiers."
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