Chapter 1619: Three things

In this way, in the next few hours, Lu Jun and Akko began a long-term work of activating the magic tower.
They often stay in one place for less than ten minutes and immediately rush to the next place, until all occupied magic towers have been activated.
Finally, after statistics, there are two middle-level magic towers and six low-level magic towers among the eight magic towers activated by Lu Jun and Akko.
The effects are healing, damage reduction, acceleration, high temperature resistance, long-range resistance, life recovery, control resistance, and low temperature resistance.
Although there are not a lot of additions for each one, when all of them are added together, this is a very expensive addition, and it is better than nothing.
After the activation of all the magic towers, plus the ones obtained before, now the number of magic towers controlled by the road army has reached ten, and the long silent task prompt sounded in the road army's mind in time.
"Ding! The real-time mission is completed, occupy three magic towers within three months, reward dragon title value 20000, dragon coin 10000, strategy point 200, research point 50."
"Ding! The real-time mission is completed, occupy five magic towers within three months, reward dragon title value 1000000, dragon coin 100000, strategy point 600, research point 200."
"Ding! The real-time mission is completed, occupy seven magic towers within three months, reward strategy points 1000, research points 400, random magic tower guards 10, and magic tower stones 20."
"Ding! Real-time mission completed, occupy nine magic towers within three months, reward strategic points2000, research points800, random magic tower guards20, magic tower stones40, and supply boxes for the superb dragon knights3 ."
Seeing that this reward was so generous, and the strategic points alone had increased by several thousand, the Lu Army was shocked.
Not to mention the addition of dozens of magic tower guards and dozens of magic tower stones, these are things that the Lu Army urgently needs.
In this way, the road army can replenish dozens of orc barracks in the West Wind Fortress, and the strategic point is completely sufficient.
At the moment Lu Jun just completed the authorization, another reminder sounded in his mind.
"Westerly Fortress has produced five thousand buildings and buildings to be produced. Upgrades are allowed. Will it take 2000 strategic points and 1,000 research points to complete the upgrade? It will take three days. After the upgrade, new units and buildings will be opened."
The news made Lu Jun stunned again. He didn't know that the Westwind Fortress could be upgraded.
But seeing the opening of new units and buildings, the Lu Army confirmed it without hesitation. Anyway, there are not many strategic points and research points needed, so there is nothing to hesitate.
As for the effect of the upgrade, the Lu Army is not clear now, let's wait quietly until three days later...
When all this is done, the mission of the Route Army outside will be completed, and they will begin to return to the West Wind Fortress on the same route as Akko.
When passing some magic towers on the way, he will also place the guards of the magic towers he just obtained.
I believe that with the assistance of the guards of the magic tower, the pressure on the personnel stationed here will be much less.
After one or two hours of continuous rushing, the two of them finally returned to the Westerly Fortress before two in the afternoon.
The Night Demon seemed to have returned, as could be seen from the flying bone dragon creatures in the air.
Sure enough, the moment the Lu Army stepped on the ground, the Night Demon sprang out from a dark corner and ran in front of the Lu Army.
"Why are you back? What's the situation in Tianhai City?" Lu Jun took the lead in questioning.
"My lord, according to your order, I took the bone dragons to Sky Sea City in the early morning, and found the infected group remaining inside..."
"During the three-hour battle, we have cleaned out the infected body inside. Except for the infected body hidden in the building, the inside is not afraid of threats..." The night demon quickly reported to the road army.
This also means that from now on, as long as they have sufficient supplies, slave labor and orc huts can be produced and built unscrupulously.
Moreover, the Lu Army invested 80% of its research points in the development of the Westerly Fortress.
With the blessing of these research points, both production and construction of the West Wind Fortress will be further accelerated, and the overall speed is 20% faster than the previous one.
In this way, the Westwind Fortress matter is temporarily completed, and the rest can wait for the slave labor and the orc hut to be produced.
The Lu Army did not stay here for too long, and soon walked outside, keeping his eyes on the various buildings in the West Wind Fortress.
Originally, he wanted to see Ruan Bing and Xiaowan. The two had been in a coma for three days, and Lu Jun was worried that something else might happen.
However, he ran into Akko on the road and asked about the magic tower, intending to ask Akko to give him a specific position.
Because the magic tower needs to be activated before it can be used, currently only he knows the steps of activation, and he must pass it personally.
And if Lu Jun remembers correctly, he has an unfinished real-time mission to collect magic towers.
I don't know what the progress of that task will become after he activates all the magic towers this time.
In the beginning, the Lu Army was planning to go by himself, and it was enough for Akko to tell him the position.
But Akko was obviously very free and insisted on going with the Lu Army, saying that he wanted to learn the procedure for activating the magic tower. Next time, he wouldn't have to trouble the Lu Army for himself.
At Akko's insistence, the helpless road army could only summon a wind pterosaur for Akko to ride on, and began the journey to activate the magic tower.
As it happened to be early in the morning, the view was sufficient, and the weather did not cause any problems. As a result, the two of them did not go wrong along the way, and soon found the first magic tower.
Looking at the road army from a distance, you can know that this is a low-level magic tower, with their resistance army defending below it, blocking other creatures from entering.
Seeing the road army coming, the members of the resistance army were very excited. They have not returned to the West Wind Fortress for a while.
Originally, they were worried about whether there would be any problems on the West Wind Fortress, but now all their doubts have been solved.
And the Lu Army didn't have too much ink. After greeted the garrison personnel of the Resistance Army, he took Ake into the magic tower and directly began to activate.
Although it seems troublesome, it actually only takes two steps to activate the magic tower, one is to find the main control room of the magic tower, and the other is to put the magic tower stone into the energy slot, and the magic tower will be activated directly.
Since the Lu Jun had been activated several times, his movements were very fast, and he completed everything in less than five minutes.
Akko has been studying hard by the side, and she will take care of all this work in the future.
Immediately after that, Lu Jun and A Ke hurriedly left the magic tower and hurried to the next location.
Of course, before leaving, the Lu Army left enough food boxes and ammunition in this area to facilitate the use of garrison personnel.
After all, these people's congresses have been very hard to come here, and the material conditions must not be too much.
Seeing that the Lu Army hadn't forgotten them, the members of the Resistance Army were extremely satisfied, and the slightest dissatisfaction in their hearts caused by being stationed for too long also disappeared.
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