Chapter 1928: distribution

After speaking, the Lu Army let the Triceratops rush out first, followed by Abelisaurus, and finally Ankylosaurus. He wanted these dinosaurs to go out to distract the city defense army.
The people on the field nodded after hearing the road army's instructions, preparing for the next breakthrough.
Although Shaqili and a group of researchers were confused about what the Lu Army said, they still chose to trust the Lu Army unconditionally. After all, they had no other way to go.
Seeing that the dinosaurs had all gone out, and everyone around him was ready, the Lu Army no longer hesitated, and rushed outside with the Shoutu 8000, and everyone followed him closely. The target was the Lu Army. Place the portal.
The people of the city guard looked at the smoke that suddenly rose up around the research institute, wondering what was going on inside, but before they could understand, they saw dinosaurs rushing towards them.
"No! They want to run! Fire fast! Be sure to block them!" A captain of the city guard raised the walkie-talkie and shouted, and he could probably guess what the Lu Army and others wanted to do.
The city guards who had just solved the clone of Abelilong heard the order of their captain, and one after another pointed their guns at the thick smoke, blocking almost any position where the road army and others might appear.
Hearing the sound of gunshots in the distance and feeling the oncoming bullets, the Lu Army didn’t panic, and immediately mobilized his brain power to prop up a huge particle shield, protecting him and the people behind him, and then using The cover of smoke continued to rush towards the destination.
While the city guards were attacking, the dinosaurs sent by the road army were not idle. They rushed to the places with the most city defense forces, constantly overturning the vehicles of the city defense forces, fighting the risk of injury and also covering the road. The army and others retreated...
But the 20,000 city guards had just encountered a big trouble when they surrounded the research institute, that is, they found that the research institute was surrounded by landmines.
Although they were large in number and had a handful of guns, the induction mines still made them suffer.
Anyway, the current situation is that no matter which angle they are advancing from, they will encounter landmines, and then they will be blown up.
Although they have paid great attention, the casualties are still high. The enemy in the scientific research institute has not seen it yet. Hundreds of people have been injured by the bombing. Morale is very low...
Fortunately, the city guards brought three tanks. When they found that ordinary vehicles could not pass through the minefield, they immediately let the tanks open the way in an attempt to use tanks to destroy the mines in the minefield.
This method is also very effective. As the tank is advancing, the induction mines are constantly detonated, but the power of their explosion cannot shake the tank's armor, causing the tank to "run" a safe passage from the minefield.
Just when the city guards planned to continue using this method to expand the channel, the three tanks suddenly stopped advancing.
This is because although the armor of tanks can hold induction mines, their tracks do not have such defensive power. After the "baptism" of many land mines, these tracks finally disconnected overwhelmingly.
Seeing this, the people of the City Guard were very troubled. It was too late if they wanted to repair the tracks or re-mobilize the tanks, so their 20,000 people could only walk in through the narrow passage in long lines.
But Akko and the girl in red, who were guarding the entrance to the wall of the scientific research institute, saw that the city guards were coming in, and immediately hid behind the Ankylosaurus without breaking the fire, trying to use this method to delay the advancement of the city guards.
But at the same time they opened fire, they also exposed their positions. The fierce firepower of the city guards was immediately suppressed, and they could not even lift their heads. Ankylosaurus and Triceratops were also in danger of injury.
Seeing this, Akko and the girl in red could only lead the dinosaurs back into the cave of the research institute, ready to rely on the building to hold on, and at the same time they kept praying that the Lu Army could come out quickly, otherwise they would be unable to hold on... …
At this time, the Lu Army had just walked out of the underground facilities of the scientific research institute. He still didn't know the specific situation on Akko's side, but he could probably guess that it was the city guards coming from the gunshots outside.
"Boss Lu, I just went to take a look. The outside has been completely surrounded by the city guards, and Akko and others are resisting with all their strength." As soon as the big bear saw the Lu army coming out, he immediately reported.
Hearing what the big bear said, Lu Jun nodded silently, let Abelilong walk in the forefront, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to follow, ready to support Ak and the girl in red.
The dozen or so researchers at the back looked at the huge Abelisaurus in front, and were almost too scared to walk. They had not seen this creature up close.
But Shaqili found it very strange to see the Lu Army heading in this direction, because there was no exit from the scientific research institute, so he immediately summoned the courage to remind Lu Jundao: "Are we going wrong? I know the scientific research institute's Internal route, should I lead the way?"
Hearing Shaqili's volunteering words, Lu Jun directly shook his head and said: "The other exits of the scientific research institute are blocked by alloy doors, and there is only one damaged wall that allows us to go out."
After speaking, the Lu Jun stopped explaining, and walked forward without looking back. Mu-ti, Shaqili and others were closely behind him.
After two minutes of fast advancing, the road army group finally came to the place where Akko and the girl in red were.
The first thing that catches the eye is the black silhouettes outside the scientific research institute, the fierce firepower of the city guards, and a rocket with tail flames that are about to collapse the surrounding walls.
Although Akko and the girl in red are fighting hard, using their own strength to hold on to the line of defense at the entrance of the cave, after all, there are only two of them.
Under fierce offensives, a group of city guards would rush into the scientific research institute from time to time. Fortunately, there are many dinosaurs left by the road army in the scientific research institute. Otherwise, the defense line at the entrance of the cave would have fallen...
Seeing this, the Lu Army immediately asked Akko and the girl in red to retreat, and then asked Abeliron to use the ability of its clone to get Abeliron's clone to attract the attention of the city guards.
After the firepower of the city guards was attracted by the "fake" dinosaurs, the Lu Army immediately took out a large amount of smoke grenade and threw them outside.
Although Mu Mu and others didn't know what the road army's next plan was, they also helped throw thick smoke grenades until the outside was covered in white smoke.
"Well, you will rush out with me later, I will use my ability to protect you, no matter what happens, don't fall behind, otherwise I can't save you." Lu Jun said to everyone on the field with a serious face.
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