Chapter 2088: solid

So the next moment, the leaders of the blood rock revived and rushed towards Ruan Bing's position, and the blood qi in his body rose wildly.
The warriors of the other blood rock clan also fought with the various creatures that Xiaowan had just recruited.
They are stronger than these messy creatures in terms of cooperation and strength, and they quickly grasp the initiative on the battlefield.
When the time comes, as long as you rendezvous with the Blood Rock Commander, taking advantage of the absence of the Lu Army, the victory must belong to them.
"Xiaowan, Ruan Xue, let the creatures you control retreat!" Ruan Bing suddenly said to the two women behind him.
"it is good!"
Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue each responded, and immediately ordered the tree man and the sloppy creatures to leave the battlefield.
Although they didn't know what Ruan Bing was going to do, there must be something very important, and they just did it.
Seeing that all the creatures on his side had retreated, Ruan Bing summoned a large number of soul bodies on top and began to condense her third ability, and the soul exploded.
This is her current most powerful and last large-scale attack ability, which she intends to use at the last moment.
And now is undoubtedly this moment, she has reached the point where she has to do her best.
The creatures of the Blood Rock clan didn't know that Ruan Bing had a follow-up plan, thinking that the enemy was afraid, they continued to press forward.
As for the surrounding soul bodies, they ignored them, because none of these soul bodies attacked them and did not make them feel threatened at all.
However, the next moment they knew that they were wrong, and the surrounding soul bodies suddenly began to turn red, and then exploded around them.
The explosion was similar to that caused by firelight, shock wave, and blood rock battle bat, and it swept across the entire battlefield in an instant.
Both the Blood Rock Beast and the Blood Rock War Cavalry in the center lost consciousness and turned into a corpse just feeling the pain all over.
Only the creatures of the blood rock clan and the leader of the blood rock that are a little bit outside can avoid this damage.
This accident made the eyes of the leader of the blood rock red, because their casualties were too big to bear.
Now they don't want to support their comrades anymore. At this time, they have only one purpose, which is to kill Ruan Bing and others without leaving one. Only in this way can they avenge their dead comrades.
Under the influence of this kind of thought, the three Blood Rock Commanders went crazy, and the Blood Rock Beast and the Blood Rock War Cavalry behind also rushed over.
Now they don't think about casualties anymore, there is only one word in their minds, that is, kill, never die!
"I'm going into a period of fatigue! I want you to withstand it next!" Ruan Bing said while drinking a bottle of mental reagents.
She has used large-scale abilities several times in a row now, both in terms of brain power and soul body consumption are very large, and it is close to a state of lack.
If he fights with the three blood rock leaders again, he will definitely be unable to withstand it, and can only rely on Xiao Wan and Ruan Xue for support.
"Understood, leave it to us!" Ruan Xue and Xiao Wan responded at the same time, and then sent the tree man and various creatures to the front line of battle.
Seeing these annoying creatures coming up again, the leader of the blood rock screamed, abruptly knocking over the three treants.
Immediately afterwards, a large number of bone spurs exploded from its body, shooting wildly around, and each shot would hit a treant or other creature, leaving a large area next to it.
The other two Blood Rock Commanders saw the situation here and immediately ran over, using their language to question what had happened.
But their questions are destined to be unanswered.
In this situation, the Blood Rock Commanders had the right to act as their companions going crazy, and began to work together to deal with the controlled Blood Rock Commanders in an attempt to restore their companions to normal.
Ruan Bing, who saw this scene, smiled softly, showing a relieved expression.
Because her original intention of using the fourth ability was to attract the attention of the leader of the blood rock.
Now that all the leader of the blood rock is under control invisibly, it is indeed what she wants to see most.
Ruan Bing immediately sent out stronger brain waves, causing the controlled blood rock leader to start a frantic attack.
Anyway, as long as there are creatures of the blood rock clan around it, it rushes up and bites, tearing everything it sees into pieces.
Because the leader of the blood rock can't feel the pain when under control, it causes its attack to be several times more violent than usual, looking desperate.
Under this circumstance, the three conscious Blood Rock Commanders can't control it at all, because they don't want to hurt their companions subconsciously.
Finally, after seeing that the situation could not be improved, the three blood rock leaders were heartbroken and ready to kill.
Because if they don't do this right away, they will be held back here for a lot of time, and there is no way to get out of the past to support them.
And most importantly, the controlled Blood Rock Commander caused too much damage to them, and one of his subordinates was killed from time to time.
If this continues, their losses will become more and more serious. It is estimated that more than half of the casualties will be lost before the battle is over.
So after they looked at each other, they unfolded all their abilities, exploded with strong blood, and rushed towards the controlled companion.
Although the one in front of him was with them a few minutes ago, and occupied a very important position in the blood rock clan.
But now they really have no choice but to use this more extreme method.
With the three Blood Rock Commanders working together, the controlled Blood Rock Commander could not hold it for long and was dismantled in less than two minutes.
This also means that a super-order creature just died like this, and it seems a little unclear.
But in fact, this is a very normal phenomenon, because the biological strength of the blood rock clan is very close, there is no special ability, and one dozen three basically does not exist.
However, before dying, the controlled Blood Rock Commander still had some effect.
I saw it burst out a strong blood red gas, causing a huge amount of damage, and lightly wounding the three blood rock leaders.
This is almost the result Ruan Bing would like to see most, and it also made her breathe a sigh of relief.
Because her fourth ability is that she can only control a certain creature and cannot cause any kind of damage to it.
And her control time just now is about to end, as soon as it is over, the controlled Blood Rock Commander will definitely regain their freedom and pour firepower on them again.
Now the three Blood Rock Commanders helped her kill the Blood Rock Commander, which was undoubtedly the best result, and she didn't need to bother about it.
Looking at the corpse of their companion and their own wounds, the three Blood Rock Commanders roared angrily.
Their blood rock clan has been going smoothly in recent months and has not suffered such a big blow.
And all of this is now caused by these unidentified creatures in front of them, and they must figure out this account clearly.
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