Chapter 228: New Dragon Technology

After doing all this, the Lu army and the dinosaurs walked out of the laboratory from the blasted hole to the grain warehouse, then dropped a burning grenade into the hole behind them, and sealed the hole in the laboratory with flames.
As for other things, the Lu Army doesn't need to worry about it, because in a few minutes all the burning grenades inside will explode, and the contents inside will also be reduced to ashes.
Just as the Lu Army was about to get out of the grain warehouse and leave the West Army prison camp, he suddenly heard the uneasy roar of Abelilong outside, as if he had found an enemy coming, and was warning the Lu Army.
The Lu Army immediately filled the Death Tu 8000 with bullets, and then recalled Utah Raptor and Ostracosaurs. Now he was going to ride Abelisaurus to run away, so he didn't need to leave these two dinosaurs outside. He recalled the back of the dinosaurs. The army walked towards the door of the food warehouse.
As soon as they reached the door, the Lu Army heard gunshots not far away. A group of supporting guards were shooting at Abelizon.
Seeing that the Lu Army came out, Abelilong immediately spewed a breath of flame to fight back at the guards. The guards affected by the flame didn't even have time to react and instantly turned into coke.
But it’s not over yet, because more and more guards are joining the battlefield, and more and more bullets are being fired at Abelisaurus. In the distance, there is a four-armored vehicle and two tanks, plus eight military. A mechanized army of off-road vehicles is coming here.
The Lu Jun had thought that there would be many guards to support him. After all, he spent so long here, and there was a lot of noise, which gave these guards enough time to react.
But what he didn't expect was that he was even alarmed by the remaining mechanized troops in the gathering place. It is estimated that these tanks and armored vehicles were urgently mobilized by the alchemists.
Because there is no such mechanized unit in the Western Army's prison camp, it seems that the road army's sneak attack on the working area of ​​the Western Army's prison camp did hit the military's weakness, otherwise they would not be so nervous.
"You have been surrounded by the people in front! You are limited to surrender within five seconds, or we will kill you with heavy firepower!" Before the mechanized troops in the distance arrived, Fang Cheng's roar came from the loudspeaker. It came from the middle, making a final statement to the Lu Army.
Fang Cheng was really angry. After he came back from arresting people, he had just reported the situation to the alchemist. Before his was hot, he received news from his subordinates that the prison area of ​​the Western Army prison camp was on fire.
At the beginning, Fang Cheng thought it was a trivial matter, or a small accident, and let the soldiers put out the fire because of the fact that there had been no incident in the Western Army prison camp, so he did not think that all of this was man-made.
But when his men reported that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the entire prison camp was on fire, and many prisoners ran away, only then did Fang Cheng realize that something was wrong and immediately led his men to the western army prison camp.
But before Fang Cheng entered the western army prison camp, he suddenly saw a red flare lit up in the sky, and it was in the working area of ​​the western army prison camp.
Now the son was in a hurry and immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to the prison camp area and ordered all the guards to support the work area, because in addition to the large number of officers in the work area, there are also laboratories that are highly valued by the alchemist. If the officers and laboratories in the work area If something happens, their losses will be very heavy!
On the way to the work area, Fang Cheng heard reports from his subordinates that one person and several giant dinosaur monsters were attacking the work area.
After hearing the news, Fang Cheng was a little confused. Why did the dinosaurs come out? However, to be on the safe side, Fang Cheng immediately mobilized the mechanized troops in the gathering place to come to support.
Originally, the mechanized unit in the gathering place had several tanks and armored vehicles. After being sent out to participate in the food transport operation, there were only so few left.
But Fang Cheng felt that there was a mechanized unit, and it was definitely enough to deal with a few dinosaur monsters, so after the mechanized unit came, Fang Cheng sat in the mechanized unit's off-road vehicle to support it.
After supporting him, Fang Cheng really saw the dinosaur monster in his mouth, and the Lu Army who had just come out of the food warehouse wearing a guard uniform, and shouted those words with the megaphone in the off-road vehicle...
Lu Jun sneered when he heard Fang Cheng's voice. He was originally curious about why Fang Cheng was not in the work area. It turned out that this person ran to another place, and now he rushed back.
But Fang Cheng wanted him to surrender. It was a bit of a joke. The Lu Army was not stupid. It was impossible to surrender. Only by killing could there be a way out.
Before the encirclement of the front guards was fully formed, and the mechanized troops did not arrive, the road army immediately climbed onto the back of Abelisaurus, lowered its head to prevent being shot by bullets, and then put another Tier A dragon technology chip- Duplicate let Abelilong learn.
The effect of the copy body is to allow Abeli ​​Dragon to copy an energy body exactly like its own for ten minutes. The energy body has 50% of the body's attack power while also possessing the body's talents and dragon skills.
This dragon technique Lu Jun originally wanted other Tier A dinosaurs to learn, but now there is an emergency. It may not be possible to retreat with him and Abelisaurus alone. Lu Jun can only let Abelisaurus learn new dragons. Skills have increased.
After learning the dragon technique-duplicate, Abelilong shook its thick tail, and a huge figure suddenly separated from its body like a cell division.
The separated figure is exactly a copy of Abelisaurus, and the replica is exactly the same as Abelisaurus in terms of size, appearance, and expression.
If the Lu Jun didn’t understand the principle, it would be impossible to tell which is Aberisaurus and which is the replica...
In the distance, Fang Cheng and the guards saw only one breathing time, and there was another monster that was exactly the same on the other side. They were shocked. Their small rifles were ineffective against these monsters. How to fight this battle?
"Fire!" Fang Cheng looked at the two dinosaurs in front of him in a panic. Seeing that the road army had no intention of surrendering, he immediately ordered the heavy weapons on the tanks and armored vehicles to fire, trying to strangle the two dinosaurs and the road army in the encirclement.
"Bang Bang Bang..." "Da Da Da..." "Boom boom boom..."
After Fang Cheng gave the order, the heavy gunners on the tank and the machine gunners on the armored vehicles opened fire one after another. Although they were curious about the monsters in front and were shocked in their hearts, the fighting quality was still very high.
Of course, the Lu Army wouldn't be so obediently attacked by tanks and armored vehicles. He made Abelizon and the replica run at the moment Fang Cheng gave the order.
After a few steps, Abelizon and the replica were out of the attack range of the tanks and armored vehicles, and rushed towards the mechanized troops in front of them with an indomitable momentum...
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